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[property types] property int number property real volume: 100.45 property date today: "2011-01-01" property color background: "yellow" //! [property types] //! [grouped properties] Text { //dot notation font.pixelSize: 12 font.bold: true } Text { //group notation font {pixelSize: 12; bold: true} } //! [grouped properties] //! [property binding] Rectangle { width: parent.width } //! [property binding] //! [property assignment] Rectangle { Component.onCompleted: { width = 150 } } //! [property assignment] Rectangle { //placeholder slider id: slider property real value } Rectangle { //placeholder system id: system property real brightness } //! [binding element] Binding { target: system property: "brightness" value: slider.value } //! [binding element] Rectangle { //placeholder warning id: warning color: "red" } //! [PropertyChanges element] Rectangle { id: rectangle states: State { name: "WARNING" PropertyChanges { target: rectangle color: warning.color } } } //! [PropertyChanges element] //! [list property] Item { id: multistate states: [ State {name: "FETCH"}, State {name: "DECODE"}, State {name: "EXECUTE"} ] } //! [list property] //! [single property] Item { id: monostate states: State {name: "RUNNING"} } //! [single property] Item { id: printstate //! [print list property] Component.onCompleted: console.log (multistate.states[0].name) //! [print list property] } //! [JavaScript sample] function calculateArea(width, height) { return (width * height) * 0.5 } Rectangle { width: 150; height: 75 property real area: calculateArea(width, height) property real parentArea: calculateArea(parent.width,parent.height) color: { if (area > parentArea) "blue"; else "red" } } //! [JavaScript sample] //! [id property] Rectangle { id: container width: 100; height: 100 Rectangle { width: parent.width; height: parent.height } } Rectangle { width: container.width; height: container.height } //! [id property] //! [default property] Item { Text {} Rectangle {} Timer {} } Item { //without default property children: [ Text {}, Rectangle {} ] resources: [ Timer {} ] } //! [default property] //! [state default] State { changes: [ PropertyChanges {}, PropertyChanges {} ] } State { PropertyChanges {} PropertyChanges {} } //! [state default] //! [object binding] Rectangle { id: parentrectangle gradient: Gradient { //not a child of parentrectangle //generates a TypeError //Component.onCompleted: console.log(parent.width) } //child of parentrectangle Rectangle {property string name: "childrectangle"} //prints "childrectangle" Component.onCompleted: console.log(children[0].name) } //! [object binding] //! [list attached property] Component { id: listdelegate Text { text: "Hello" color: ListView.isCurrentItem ? "red" : "blue" } } ListView { delegate: listdelegate } //! [list attached property] //! [attached signal handler] Item { Keys.onPressed: console.log("Key Press Detected") Component.onCompleted: console.log("Completed initialization") } //! [attached signal handler] //! [alias usage] Button { id: textbutton buttonLabel: "Click Me!" } //! [alias usage] //! [image alias] Button { id: imagebutton buttonImage.source: "http://qt.nokia.com/logo.png" buttonLabel: buttonImage.source } //! [image alias] Item { id: widget //! [alias complete] property alias widgetLabel: label //will generate an error //widgetLabel.text: "Initial text" //will generate an error //property alias widgetLabelText: widgetLabel.text Component.onCompleted: widgetLabel.text = "Alias completed Initialization" //! [alias complete] Text {id: label} } //![alias overwrite] Rectangle { id: coloredrectangle property alias color: bluerectangle.color color: "red" Rectangle { id: bluerectangle color: "#1234ff" } Component.onCompleted: { console.log (coloredrectangle.color) //prints "#1234ff" setInternalColor() console.log (coloredrectangle.color) //prints "#111111" coloredrectangle.color = "#884646" console.log (coloredrectangle.color) //prints #884646 } //internal function that has access to internal properties function setInternalColor() { color = "#111111" } } //![alias overwrite] //! [parent end] } //! [parent end] //! [document]