Known Issues: Qt 4.0.0 Technology Preview 1

This is the list of known and reported issues for the Qt 4.0.0 Technology Preview 1. This list is updated daily.

Build Issues
Windows specific
X11 specific
Mac specific

Build Issues

Static libraries on Mac OS X

Building a static build on mac will fail the first time.

Run qmake a second time.


Some applications(e.g. uic3) need QTDIR set and QTDIR/bin in the path to work.

Set QTDIR and PATH as described in INSTALL.

ODBC driver on Windows

Problems compiling the ODBC driver.

Change the include from qapplication.h to qcoreapplication.h

QtGui does not link because of accessibility errors

undefined reference to QAccessible::setRootObject(QObject*)

Rerun configure and rebuild, if that does not help, add the contents of $QTDIR/.qt.config to $QTDIR/.qmake.cache


No connection to Oracle

I cannot connect to my Oracle server

Use the Oracle >= 9 client libraries, currently there is no workaround for OCI 8


Only the first 16 rows from a database result are displayed

You are using a database driver which does not report back the size of a result set and incremental fetching is not yet implemented in the itemviews. You can either use another database like MySQL or increase the QSQL_PREFETCH in qsqlmodel.cpp



Windows specific

Qt Assistant

Problems with zooming and laying out text. Sometimes the text overlaps.

GDI handle leak

Setting fonts through QPainter::setFont() leaks GDI handles on windows. This is for instance visible in the OpenGL part of the Arthur demo. The issue will be fixed before the next preview.

X11 specific


Mac specific


Does not have the native Mac look and feel yet. It is rendered in a Windows-like style.

Clicking on widgets

Jaguar 10.2 only: Clicking on widgets that has a focusrect may fail.

Use 10.3 for now.