/* This function generates menus and search box in narrow/slim fit mode */ var narrowInit = function() { /* 1: Create search form */ var narrowSearch = $('
'); var searchform = $("#qtdocsearch"); narrowSearch.append(searchform); $("#qtdocheader .content .qtref").after(narrowSearch); /* 2: Create dropdowns */ var narrowmenu = $(' '); /* Lookup */ var lookuptext = $("#lookup h2").attr("title"); $("#lookup ul").removeAttr("id"); $("#lookup ul li").removeAttr("class"); $("#lookup ul li").removeAttr("style"); var lookupul = $("#lookup ul"); var lookuplist = $(''); var lookuplink = $(''); lookuplink.append(lookuptext); lookuplist.append(lookuplink); lookuplist.append(lookupul); narrowmenu.append(lookuplist); /* Topics */ var topicstext = $("#topics h2").attr("title"); $("#topics ul").removeAttr("id"); $("#topics ul li").removeAttr("class"); $("#topics ul li").removeAttr("style"); var topicsul = $("#topics ul"); var topicslist = $(''); var topicslink = $(''); topicslink.append(topicstext); topicslist.append(topicslink); topicslist.append(topicsul); narrowmenu.append(topicslist); /* Examples */ var examplestext = $("#examples h2").attr("title"); $("#examples ul").removeAttr("id"); $("#examples ul li").removeAttr("class"); $("#examples ul li").removeAttr("style"); var examplesul = $("#examples ul"); var exampleslist = $(''); var exampleslink = $(''); exampleslink.append(examplestext); exampleslist.append(exampleslink); exampleslist.append(examplesul); narrowmenu.append(exampleslist); $("#shortCut").after(narrowmenu); $('ul#narrowmenu').superfish({ delay: 100, autoArrows: false, disableHI: true }); } /* Executes on doc ready */ $(document).ready(function(){ /* check if body has the narrow class */ if ($('body').hasClass('narrow')) { /* run narrowInit */ narrowInit(); } /* messure window width and add class if it is smaller than 600 px */ if($(window).width()<600) { $('body').addClass('narrow'); /* if the search box contains */ if ($("#narrowsearch").length == 0) { /* run narrowInit */ narrowInit(); } } else { /* if the window is wider than 600 px, narrow is removed */ $('body').removeClass('narrow'); if ($("#narrowsearch").length == 0) { } } }); /* binding resize event to this funciton */ $(window).bind('resize', function () { /* if the window is wider than 600 px, narrow class is added */ if($(window).width()<600) { $('body').addClass('narrow'); if ($("#narrowsearch").length == 0) { narrowInit(); } } else { /* else we remove the narrow class */ $('body').removeClass('narrow'); } }); $('#narrowsearch').keyup(function () { /* extract the search box content */ var searchString = $('#narrowsearch').val(); /* if the string is less than three characters */ if ((searchString == null) || (searchString.length < 3)) { /* remove classes and elements*/ $('#narrowsearch').removeClass('loading'); $('.searching').remove(); /* run CheckEmptyAndLoadList */ CheckEmptyAndLoadList(); $('.report').remove(); return; } /* if timer checks out */ if (this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = setTimeout(function () { /* add loading image by adding loading class */ $('#narrowsearch').addClass('loading'); $('.searching').remove(); /* run the actual search */ $.ajax({ contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", url: 'http://' + location.host + '/nokiasearch/GetDataServlet', data: 'searchString='+searchString, dataType:'xml', type: 'post', success: function (response, textStatus) { /* on success remove loading img */ $('.searching').remove(); $('#narrowsearch').removeClass('loading'); processNokiaData(response); } }); }, 500); /* timer set to 500 ms */ });