import Qt 4.7 /* This is exactly the same as states.qml, except that we have appended a set of transitions to apply animations when the item changes between each state. */ Rectangle { id: page width: 640; height: 480 color: "#343434" Image { id: userIcon x: topLeftRect.x; y: topLeftRect.y source: "user.png" } Rectangle { id: topLeftRect anchors { left: parent.left; top:; leftMargin: 10; topMargin: 20 } width: 64; height: 64 color: "Transparent"; border.color: "Gray"; radius: 6 // Clicking in here sets the state to the default state, returning the image to // its initial position MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: page.state = '' } } Rectangle { id: middleRightRect anchors { right: parent.right; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter; rightMargin: 20 } width: 64; height: 64 color: "Transparent"; border.color: "Gray"; radius: 6 // Clicking in here sets the state to 'middleRight' MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: page.state = 'middleRight' } } Rectangle { id: bottomLeftRect anchors { left: parent.left; bottom: parent.bottom; leftMargin: 10; bottomMargin: 20 } width: 64; height: 64 color: "Transparent"; border.color: "Gray"; radius: 6 // Clicking in here sets the state to 'bottomLeft' MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: page.state = 'bottomLeft' } } states: [ // In state 'middleRight', move the image to middleRightRect State { name: "middleRight" PropertyChanges { target: userIcon; x: middleRightRect.x; y: middleRightRect.y } }, // In state 'bottomLeft', move the image to bottomLeftRect State { name: "bottomLeft" PropertyChanges { target: userIcon; x: bottomLeftRect.x; y: bottomLeftRect.y } } ] // Transitions define how the properties change when the item moves between each state transitions: [ // When transitioning to 'middleRight' move x,y over a duration of 1 second, // with OutBounce easing function. Transition { from: "*"; to: "middleRight" NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; easing.type: Easing.OutBounce; duration: 1000 } }, // When transitioning to 'bottomLeft' move x,y over a duration of 2 seconds, // with InOutQuad easing function. Transition { from: "*"; to: "bottomLeft" NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 2000 } }, // For any other state changes move x,y linearly over duration of 200ms. Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; duration: 200 } } ] }