isEmpty(TEMPLATE):TEMPLATE=app CONFIG += qt warn_on console depend_includepath qtAddLibrary(QtTest) symbian:{ TARGET.EPOCHEAPSIZE = 0x100000 0x2000000 # DEFINES += QTEST_NO_SPECIALIZATIONS TARGET.CAPABILITY="ALL -TCB" RSS_RULES ="group_name=\"QtTests\";" } # prefix test binary with tst_ !contains(TARGET, ^tst_.*):TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,"tst_") check.files = check.path = . !isEmpty(DESTDIR): check.commands = cd ./$(DESTDIR) && macx: check.commands += ./$(QMAKE_TARGET).app/Contents/MacOS/$(QMAKE_TARGET) else:unix: check.commands += ./$(QMAKE_TARGET) else:win32: { CONFIG(debug, debug|release):check.commands += $(DESTDIR_TARGET) else:check.commands += $(DESTDIR_TARGET) } embedded: check.commands += -qws QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += check !debug_and_release|build_pass { check.depends = $(DESTDIR_TARGET) } else { check.CONFIG = recursive # In debug and release mode, only run the test once. # Run debug if available, release otherwise. debug_and_release { = dummy_check check.recurse_target = check debug { real_check.depends = debug-check = check QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += real_check } else { real_check.depends = release-check = check QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += real_check } } } target.path += $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]/tests/qt4 INSTALLS += target