load(default_post) contains(TEMPLATE, ".*app") { contains(CONFIG, stdbinary) { QMAKE_LIBS += } else:contains(CONFIG,qt) { QMAKE_LIBS += $$QMAKE_LIBS_QT_ENTRY } else { QMAKE_LIBS += $$QMAKE_LIBS_NO_QT_ENTRY } contains(DESTDIR, "/.*") { default_bin_deployment.sources += $$DESTDIR/$$symbianRemoveSpecialCharacters($$basename(TARGET)).exe } else:isEmpty(DESTDIR) { default_bin_deployment.sources += $$OUT_PWD/$$symbianRemoveSpecialCharacters($$basename(TARGET)).exe } else { default_bin_deployment.sources += $$OUT_PWD/$$DESTDIR/$$symbianRemoveSpecialCharacters($$basename(TARGET)).exe } default_bin_deployment.path += /sys/bin load(application_icon.prf) } contains(TEMPLATE, lib): { contains(CONFIG, staticlib)|contains(CONFIG, static): { # Static libs should not have LIBRARY statements in S60 QMAKE_LIBS = # Static libs do not need def files MMP_RULES -= EXPORTUNFROZEN } contains(CONFIG, plugin):!contains(CONFIG, stdbinary): { # Plugins based on normal libraries have predefined def file MMP_RULES -= EXPORTUNFROZEN } } else { # Applications don't need this MMP_RULES -= EXPORTUNFROZEN } isEmpty(TARGET.UID3):TARGET.UID3 = $$generate_uid("$${OUT_PWD}/$${TARGET}") isEmpty(TARGET.UID2) { contains(CONFIG, stdbinary) { TARGET.UID2 = 0x20004C45 } else { contains(TEMPLATE, app) { contains(QT, gui) { TARGET.UID2 = 0x100039CE } else { TARGET.UID2 = 0 } } else:contains(TEMPLATE, lib):!contains(CONFIG, static):!contains(CONFIG, staticlib) { TARGET.UID2 = 0x1000008d } } } # Supports Symbian^3 and Symbian^4 by default and also S60 3.1, 3.2, and 5.0 if built against any of those. platform_product_id = S60ProductID platform_product_id = $$addLanguageDependentPkgItem(platform_product_id) pkg_platform_dependencies = \ "; Default HW/platform dependencies" \ "[0x20022E6D],0,0,0,{$$platform_product_id}" \ "[0x20032DE7],0,0,0,{$$platform_product_id}" contains(S60_VERSION, 3.1)|contains(S60_VERSION, 3.2)|contains(S60_VERSION, 5.0) { pkg_platform_dependencies += \ "[0x102032BE],0,0,0,{$$platform_product_id}" \ "[0x102752AE],0,0,0,{$$platform_product_id}" \ "[0x1028315F],0,0,0,{$$platform_product_id}" }