contains(DEFINES, QT_MAKEDLL)|contains(DEFINES, QT_DLL) { CONFIG *= epocallowdlldata } CONFIG += qtmain load(qt) # Allow .pro files to specify include path(s) to be prepended to the list. # # This allows the project to override the default ordering, whereby paths # relative to $$QMAKE_INCDIR_QT always come first. This ordering can cause # problems when both the epoc32/include tree and a Qt include directory # contain a header of the same name - in this case, the Qt header is always # included by virtue of its path appearing first in the SYSTEMINCLUDE # directives in the generated MMP file. # # To work around this situation, the following line can be added to the .pro # file: # PREPEND_INCLUDEPATH = /epoc32/include # INCLUDEPATH = $$PREPEND_INCLUDEPATH $$INCLUDEPATH # Add dependency to Qt package to all other projects besides Qt libs. # Note: Qt libs package with full capabilities has UID3 of 0x2001E61C, # while self-signed version typically has temporary UID3 of 0xE001E61C. contains(CONFIG, qt):!contains(TARGET.UID3, 0x2001E61C):!contains(TARGET.UID3, 0xE001E61C):isEmpty(QT_LIBINFIX) { pkg_depends_qt += \ "; Default dependency to Qt libraries" \ "(0x2001E61C), $${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}, $${QT_MINOR_VERSION}, $${QT_PATCH_VERSION}, {\"Qt\"}" # Projects linking to webkit need dependency to webkit contains(QT, webkit): { pkg_depends_webkit += \ "; Dependency to Qt Webkit" \ "(0x200267C2), $${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}, $${QT_MINOR_VERSION}, $${QT_PATCH_VERSION}, {\"QtWebKit\"}" } else { default_deployment.pkg_prerules -= pkg_depends_webkit } } else { default_deployment.pkg_prerules -= pkg_depends_webkit pkg_depends_qt } isEmpty(TARGET.EPOCSTACKSIZE):TARGET.EPOCSTACKSIZE = 0x14000 isEmpty(TARGET.EPOCHEAPSIZE):TARGET.EPOCHEAPSIZE = 0x020000 0x800000 # Workaround for the fact that Gnupoc and Symbian chose different approaches to # the letter casing of headers. contains(CONFIG, is_using_gnupoc) { INCLUDEPATH += $${PWD}/../../common/symbian/header-wrappers }