/* This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 or 3 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "effect.h" #include <phonon/effectparameter.h> #include <medparam.h> #include <dmo.h> #include <dmodshow.h> QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE #ifndef QT_NO_PHONON_EFFECT namespace Phonon { namespace DS9 { Effect::Effect(CLSID effectClass, QObject *parent) : BackendNode(parent) { //creation of the filter for(int i = 0; i < FILTER_COUNT; ++i) { Filter &filter = m_filters[i]; filter = Filter(CLSID_DMOWrapperFilter, IID_IBaseFilter); Q_ASSERT(filter); ComPointer<IDMOWrapperFilter> wrapper(filter, IID_IDMOWrapperFilter); Q_ASSERT(wrapper); wrapper->Init(effectClass, DMOCATEGORY_AUDIO_EFFECT); } } Effect::Effect(QObject *parent) : BackendNode(parent) { //at this point the QVector of Filter should be filled } Effect::~Effect() { } QList<Phonon::EffectParameter> Effect::parameters() const { QList<Phonon::EffectParameter> ret; ComPointer<IMediaParamInfo> paramInfo(m_filters[0], IID_IMediaParamInfo); if (!paramInfo) { return ret; } DWORD paramCount = 0; paramInfo->GetParamCount( ¶mCount); for(quint32 i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { MP_PARAMINFO info; HRESULT hr = paramInfo->GetParamInfo(i, &info); Q_ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); WCHAR *name = 0; hr = paramInfo->GetParamText(i, &name); Q_ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); QVariant def, min, max; QVariantList values; switch(info.mpType) { case MPT_ENUM: { WCHAR *current = name; current += wcslen(current) + 1; //skip the name current += wcslen(current) + 1; //skip the unit for(; *current; current += wcslen(current) + 1) { values.append( QString::fromUtf16((unsigned short*)current) ); } } //FALLTHROUGH case MPT_INT: def = int(info.mpdNeutralValue); min = int(info.mpdMinValue); max = int(info.mpdMaxValue); break; case MPT_FLOAT: def = info.mpdNeutralValue; min = info.mpdMinValue; max = info.mpdMaxValue; break; case MPT_BOOL: def = bool(info.mpdNeutralValue); break; case MPT_MAX: //Reserved ms-help://MS.PSDKSVR2003R2.1033/directshow/htm/mp_typeenumeration.htm break; } Phonon::EffectParameter::Hints hint = info.mopCaps == MP_CAPS_CURVE_INVSQUARE ? Phonon::EffectParameter::LogarithmicHint : Phonon::EffectParameter::Hints(0); const QString n = QString::fromUtf16((unsigned short*)name); ret.append(Phonon::EffectParameter(i, n, hint, def, min, max, values)); ::CoTaskMemFree(name); //let's free the memory } return ret; } QVariant Effect::parameterValue(const Phonon::EffectParameter &p) const { QVariant ret; ComPointer<IMediaParams> params(m_filters[0], IID_IMediaParams); Q_ASSERT(params); MP_DATA data; HRESULT hr = params->GetParam(p.id(), &data); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) return data; else return QVariant(); } void Effect::setParameterValue(const Phonon::EffectParameter &p, const QVariant &v) { if (v.isNull()) { return; } for(int i=0; i < FILTER_COUNT ; ++i) { const Filter &filter = m_filters[i]; ComPointer<IMediaParams> params(filter, IID_IMediaParams); Q_ASSERT(params); MP_DATA data = float(v.toDouble()); params->SetParam(p.id(), data); } } } } #endif //QT_NO_PHONON_EFFECT QT_END_NAMESPACE #include "moc_effect.cpp"