/* This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 or 3 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . */ #ifndef PHONON_MEDIAOBJECT_H #define PHONON_MEDIAOBJECT_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "backendnode.h" #include "mediagraph.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace Phonon { class MediaSource; namespace DS9 { class VideoWidget; class AudioOutput; class QWinWaitCondition { public: QWinWaitCondition() : m_handle(::CreateEvent(0,0,0,0)) { } ~QWinWaitCondition() { ::CloseHandle(m_handle); } void reset() { //will block ::ResetEvent(m_handle); } void set() { //will unblock ::SetEvent(m_handle); } operator HANDLE() { return m_handle; } operator HEVENT() { return reinterpret_cast(m_handle); } private: HANDLE m_handle; }; class WorkerThread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: WorkerThread(); ~WorkerThread(); virtual void run(); //wants to know as soon as the state is set void addStateChangeRequest(Graph graph, OAFilterState, QList = QList()); quint16 addSeekRequest(Graph graph, qint64 time); quint16 addUrlToRender(const QString &url); quint16 addFilterToRender(const Filter &filter); void replaceGraphForEventManagement(Graph newGraph, Graph oldGraph); void abortCurrentRender(qint16 renderId); //tells the thread to stop processing void signalStop(); Q_SIGNALS: void asyncRenderFinished(quint16, HRESULT, Graph); void asyncSeekingFinished(quint16, qint64); void stateReady(Graph, Phonon::State); void eventReady(Graph, long eventCode, long param1); private: enum Task { Render, Seek, ChangeState, ReplaceGraph //just updates recalls WaitForMultipleObject }; struct Work { Task task; quint16 id; Graph graph; Graph oldGraph; Filter filter; QString url; union { qint64 time; OAFilterState state; }; QList decoders; //for the state change requests }; void handleTask(); Graph m_currentRender; qint16 m_currentRenderId; QQueue m_queue; bool m_finished; quint16 m_currentWorkId; QWinWaitCondition m_waitCondition; QMutex m_mutex; // mutex for the m_queue, m_finished and m_currentWorkId QMutex m_currentMutex; //mutex for current renderer and id //this is for WaitForMultipleObjects struct { Graph graph; HANDLE handle; } m_graphHandle[FILTER_COUNT]; }; class MediaObject : public BackendNode, public Phonon::MediaObjectInterface #ifndef QT_NO_PHONON_ABSTRACTMEDIASTREAM , public Phonon::AddonInterface #endif //QT_NO_PHONON_ABSTRACTMEDIASTREAM { friend class Stream; Q_OBJECT Q_INTERFACES(Phonon::MediaObjectInterface #ifndef QT_NO_PHONON_ABSTRACTMEDIASTREAM Phonon::AddonInterface #endif //QT_NO_PHONON_ABSTRACTMEDIASTREAM ) public: MediaObject(QObject *parent); ~MediaObject(); Phonon::State state() const; bool hasVideo() const; bool isSeekable() const; qint64 currentTime() const; qint32 tickInterval() const; void setTickInterval(qint32 newTickInterval); void play(); void pause(); void stop(); void ensureStopped(); void seek(qint64 time); QString errorString() const; Phonon::ErrorType errorType() const; #ifndef QT_NO_PHONON_ABSTRACTMEDIASTREAM bool hasInterface(Interface) const; QVariant interfaceCall(Interface iface, int command, const QList ¶ms); #endif //QT_NO_PHONON_ABSTRACTMEDIASTREAM qint64 totalTime() const; qint32 prefinishMark() const; void setPrefinishMark(qint32 newPrefinishMark); qint32 transitionTime() const; void setTransitionTime(qint32); qint64 remainingTime() const; MediaSource source() const; void setSource(const MediaSource &source); void setNextSource(const MediaSource &source); //COM error management bool catchComError(HRESULT hr); void grabNode(BackendNode *node); bool connectNodes(BackendNode *source, BackendNode *sink); bool disconnectNodes(BackendNode *source, BackendNode *sink); void switchFilters(int index, Filter oldFilter, Filter newFilter); WorkerThread *workerThread(); void loadingFinished(MediaGraph *mg); void seekingFinished(MediaGraph *mg); MediaGraph *currentGraph() const; //this is used by the backend only Phonon::State transactionState; private Q_SLOTS: void switchToNextSource(); void slotStateReady(Graph, Phonon::State); void handleEvents(Graph, long eventCode, long param1); void finishLoading(quint16 workId, HRESULT hr, Graph); void finishSeeking(quint16 workId, qint64 time); Q_SIGNALS: void stateChanged(Phonon::State newstate, Phonon::State oldstate); void tick(qint64 time); void metaDataChanged(QMultiMap); void seekableChanged(bool); void hasVideoChanged(bool); void bufferStatus(int); // AddonInterface: void titleChanged(int); void availableTitlesChanged(int); void chapterChanged(int); void availableChaptersChanged(int); void angleChanged(int); void availableAnglesChanged(int); void finished(); void prefinishMarkReached(qint32); void aboutToFinish(); void totalTimeChanged(qint64 length) const; void currentSourceChanged(const MediaSource &); protected: void setState(Phonon::State); void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e); private: #ifndef QT_NO_PHONON_VIDEO void updateVideoGeometry(); #endif // QT_NO_PHONON_VIDEO void handleComplete(IGraphBuilder *graph); MediaGraph *nextGraph() const; void updateTargetTick(); void updateStopPosition(); mutable QString m_errorString; mutable Phonon::ErrorType m_errorType; Phonon::State m_state; Phonon::State m_nextState; qint32 m_transitionTime; qint32 m_prefinishMark; QBasicTimer m_tickTimer; qint32 m_tickInterval; //the graph(s) MediaGraph* m_graphs[FILTER_COUNT]; //...the videowidgets in the graph QList m_videoWidgets; QList m_audioOutputs; bool m_buffering:1; bool m_oldHasVideo:1; bool m_prefinishMarkSent:1; bool m_aboutToFinishSent:1; bool m_nextSourceReadyToStart:1; //for TitleInterface (and commands) #ifndef QT_NO_PHONON_MEDIACONTROLLER bool m_autoplayTitles:1; QList m_titles; int m_currentTitle; int _iface_availableTitles() const; int _iface_currentTitle() const; void _iface_setCurrentTitle(int title, bool bseek = true); void setTitles(const QList &titles); qint64 titleAbsolutePosition(int title) const; #endif //QT_NO_PHONON_MEDIACONTROLLER qint64 m_targetTick; WorkerThread m_thread; }; } } QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // PHONON_MEDIAOBJECT_H