/* This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 or 3 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include // for QApplication::activeWindow #include #include #include #include // for CCoeEnv #include #include "mmf_videoplayer.h" #include "utils.h" #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG #include "objectdump.h" #endif QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Phonon; using namespace Phonon::MMF; /*! \class MMF::VideoPlayer \internal */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor / destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMF::VideoPlayer::VideoPlayer() : m_wsSession(CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession()) , m_screenDevice(*CCoeEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()) , m_window(0) , m_totalTime(0) , m_pendingChanges(false) { construct(); } MMF::VideoPlayer::VideoPlayer(const AbstractPlayer& player) : AbstractMediaPlayer(player) , m_wsSession(CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession()) , m_screenDevice(*CCoeEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()) , m_window(0) , m_totalTime(0) , m_pendingChanges(false) { construct(); } void MMF::VideoPlayer::construct() { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::VideoPlayer, EVideoApi); TRACE_ENTRY_0(); getVideoWindow(); const TInt priority = 0; const TMdaPriorityPreference preference = EMdaPriorityPreferenceNone; TRAPD(err, m_player.reset(CVideoPlayerUtility::NewL ( *this, priority, preference, m_wsSession, m_screenDevice, *m_window, m_videoRect, m_videoRect )) ); if (KErrNone != err) changeState(ErrorState); TRACE_EXIT_0(); } MMF::VideoPlayer::~VideoPlayer() { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::~VideoPlayer, EVideoApi); TRACE_ENTRY_0(); // QObject destructor removes all signal-slot connections involving this // object, so we do not need to disconnect from m_videoOutput here. TRACE_EXIT_0(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public API //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MMF::VideoPlayer::doPlay() { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::doPlay, EVideoApi); applyPendingChanges(); m_player->Play(); } void MMF::VideoPlayer::doPause() { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::doPause, EVideoApi); TRAPD(err, m_player->PauseL()); if (KErrNone != err) { TRACE("PauseL error %d", err); setError(NormalError); } } void MMF::VideoPlayer::doStop() { m_player->Stop(); } void MMF::VideoPlayer::doSeek(qint64 ms) { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::doSeek, EVideoApi); bool wasPlaying = false; if (state() == PlayingState) { // The call to SetPositionL does not have any effect if playback is // ongoing, so we pause before seeking. doPause(); wasPlaying = true; } TRAPD(err, m_player->SetPositionL(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(ms * 1000))); if (KErrNone == err) { if (wasPlaying) doPlay(); } else { TRACE("SetPositionL error %d", err); setError(NormalError); } } int MMF::VideoPlayer::setDeviceVolume(int mmfVolume) { TRAPD(err, m_player->SetVolumeL(mmfVolume)); return err; } int MMF::VideoPlayer::openFile(RFile& file) { TRAPD(err, m_player->OpenFileL(file)); return err; } void MMF::VideoPlayer::close() { m_player->Close(); } bool MMF::VideoPlayer::hasVideo() const { return true; } qint64 MMF::VideoPlayer::currentTime() const { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::currentTime, EVideoApi); TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds us; TRAPD(err, us = m_player->PositionL()) qint64 result = 0; if (KErrNone == err) { result = toMilliSeconds(us); } else { TRACE("PositionL error %d", err); // If we don't cast away constness here, we simply have to ignore // the error. const_cast(this)->setError(NormalError); } return result; } qint64 MMF::VideoPlayer::totalTime() const { return m_totalTime; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver callbacks //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MMF::VideoPlayer::MvpuoOpenComplete(TInt aError) { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::MvpuoOpenComplete, EVideoApi); TRACE_ENTRY("state %d error %d", state(), aError); __ASSERT_ALWAYS(LoadingState == state(), Utils::panic(InvalidStatePanic)); if (KErrNone == aError) m_player->Prepare(); else setError(NormalError); TRACE_EXIT_0(); } void MMF::VideoPlayer::MvpuoPrepareComplete(TInt aError) { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::MvpuoPrepareComplete, EVideoApi); TRACE_ENTRY("state %d error %d", state(), aError); __ASSERT_ALWAYS(LoadingState == state(), Utils::panic(InvalidStatePanic)); TRAPD(err, doPrepareCompleteL(aError)); if (KErrNone == err) { maxVolumeChanged(m_player->MaxVolume()); if (m_videoOutput) m_videoOutput->setVideoSize(m_videoFrameSize); updateVideoRect(); applyPendingChanges(); emit totalTimeChanged(totalTime()); changeState(StoppedState); } else { setError(NormalError); } TRACE_EXIT_0(); } void MMF::VideoPlayer::doPrepareCompleteL(TInt aError) { User::LeaveIfError(aError); // Get frame size TSize size; m_player->VideoFrameSizeL(size); m_videoFrameSize = QSize(size.iWidth, size.iHeight); // Get duration m_totalTime = toMilliSeconds(m_player->DurationL()); } void MMF::VideoPlayer::MvpuoFrameReady(CFbsBitmap &aFrame, TInt aError) { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::MvpuoFrameReady, EVideoApi); TRACE_ENTRY("state %d error %d", state(), aError); // TODO Q_UNUSED(aFrame); Q_UNUSED(aError); // suppress warnings in release builds TRACE_EXIT_0(); } void MMF::VideoPlayer::MvpuoPlayComplete(TInt aError) { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::MvpuoPlayComplete, EVideoApi) TRACE_ENTRY("state %d error %d", state(), aError); Q_UNUSED(aError); // suppress warnings in release builds changeState(StoppedState); TRACE_EXIT_0(); } void MMF::VideoPlayer::MvpuoEvent(const TMMFEvent &aEvent) { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::MvpuoEvent, EVideoApi); TRACE_ENTRY("state %d", state()); // TODO Q_UNUSED(aEvent); TRACE_EXIT_0(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Video window updates //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MMF::VideoPlayer::getVideoWindow() { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::getVideoWindow, EVideoInternal); TRACE_ENTRY_0(); if(m_videoOutput) { // Dump information to log, only in debug builds m_videoOutput->dump(); initVideoOutput(); m_window = m_videoOutput->videoWindow(); updateVideoRect(); } else // Top-level window m_window = QApplication::activeWindow()->effectiveWinId()->DrawableWindow(); TRACE_EXIT_0(); } void MMF::VideoPlayer::videoOutputChanged() { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::videoOutputChanged, EVideoInternal); TRACE_ENTRY_0(); if (m_videoOutput) { initVideoOutput(); videoWindowChanged(); } TRACE_EXIT_0(); } void MMF::VideoPlayer::initVideoOutput() { m_videoOutput->winId(); m_videoOutput->setVideoSize(m_videoFrameSize); bool connected = connect( m_videoOutput, SIGNAL(videoWindowChanged()), this, SLOT(videoWindowChanged()) ); Q_ASSERT(connected); connected = connect( m_videoOutput, SIGNAL(aspectRatioChanged()), this, SLOT(aspectRatioChanged()) ); Q_ASSERT(connected); connected = connect( m_videoOutput, SIGNAL(scaleModeChanged()), this, SLOT(scaleModeChanged()) ); Q_ASSERT(connected); // Suppress warnings in release builds Q_UNUSED(connected); } void MMF::VideoPlayer::videoWindowChanged() { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::videoOutputRegionChanged, EVideoInternal); TRACE_ENTRY("state %d", state()); m_window = m_videoOutput->videoWindow(); updateVideoRect(); TRACE_EXIT_0(); } // Helper function for aspect ratio / scale mode handling QSize scaleToAspect(const QSize& srcRect, int aspectWidth, int aspectHeight) { const qreal aspectRatio = qreal(aspectWidth) / aspectHeight; int width = srcRect.width(); int height = srcRect.width() / aspectRatio; if (height > srcRect.height()){ height = srcRect.height(); width = srcRect.height() * aspectRatio; } return QSize(width, height); } void MMF::VideoPlayer::updateVideoRect() { QRect videoRect; const QRect windowRect = m_videoOutput->videoWindowRect(); const QSize windowSize = windowRect.size(); // Calculate size of smallest rect which contains video frame size // and conforms to aspect ratio switch (m_videoOutput->aspectRatio()) { case Phonon::VideoWidget::AspectRatioAuto: videoRect.setSize(m_videoFrameSize); break; case Phonon::VideoWidget::AspectRatioWidget: videoRect.setSize(windowSize); break; case Phonon::VideoWidget::AspectRatio4_3: videoRect.setSize(scaleToAspect(m_videoFrameSize, 4, 3)); break; case Phonon::VideoWidget::AspectRatio16_9: videoRect.setSize(scaleToAspect(m_videoFrameSize, 16, 9)); break; } // Scale to fill the window width const int windowWidth = windowSize.width(); const int windowHeight = windowSize.height(); const qreal windowScaleFactor = qreal(windowWidth) / videoRect.width(); int videoWidth = windowWidth; int videoHeight = videoRect.height() * windowScaleFactor; const qreal windowToVideoHeightRatio = qreal(windowHeight) / videoHeight; switch(m_videoOutput->scaleMode()) { case Phonon::VideoWidget::ScaleAndCrop: if(videoHeight < windowHeight) { videoWidth *= windowToVideoHeightRatio; videoHeight = windowHeight; } break; case Phonon::VideoWidget::FitInView: default: if(videoHeight > windowHeight) { videoWidth *= windowToVideoHeightRatio; videoHeight = windowHeight; } break; } // Calculate scale factors m_scaleWidth = 100.0f * videoWidth / m_videoFrameSize.width(); m_scaleHeight = 100.0f * videoHeight / m_videoFrameSize.height(); m_videoRect = qt_QRect2TRect(windowRect); if (state() == LoadingState) m_pendingChanges = true; else { applyVideoWindowChange(); m_pendingChanges = false; } } void MMF::VideoPlayer::aspectRatioChanged() { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::aspectRatioChanged, EVideoInternal); TRACE_ENTRY("state %d aspectRatio %d", state()); updateVideoRect(); TRACE_EXIT_0(); } void MMF::VideoPlayer::scaleModeChanged() { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::scaleModeChanged, EVideoInternal); TRACE_ENTRY("state %d", state()); updateVideoRect(); TRACE_EXIT_0(); } #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG // The following code is for debugging problems related to video visibility. It allows // the VideoPlayer instance to query the window server in order to determine the // DSA drawing region for the video window. class CDummyAO : public CActive { public: CDummyAO() : CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard) { CActiveScheduler::Add(this); } void RunL() { } void DoCancel() { } TRequestStatus& Status() { return iStatus; } void SetActive() { CActive::SetActive(); } }; void getDsaRegion(RWsSession &session, const RWindowBase &window) { RDirectScreenAccess dsa(session); TInt err = dsa.Construct(); CDummyAO ao; RRegion* region; err = dsa.Request(region, ao.Status(), window); ao.SetActive(); dsa.Close(); ao.Cancel(); if (region) { qDebug() << "Phonon::MMF::getDsaRegion count" << region->Count(); for (int i=0; iCount(); ++i) { const TRect& rect = region->RectangleList()[i]; qDebug() << "Phonon::MMF::getDsaRegion rect" << rect.iTl.iX << rect.iTl.iY << rect.iBr.iX << rect.iBr.iY; } region->Close(); } } #endif // _DEBUG void MMF::VideoPlayer::applyPendingChanges() { if(m_pendingChanges) applyVideoWindowChange(); m_pendingChanges = false; } void MMF::VideoPlayer::applyVideoWindowChange() { TRACE_CONTEXT(VideoPlayer::applyVideoWindowChange, EVideoInternal); TRACE_ENTRY_0(); #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG getDsaRegion(m_wsSession, *m_window); #endif static const TBool antialias = ETrue; TRAPD(err, m_player->SetScaleFactorL(m_scaleWidth, m_scaleHeight, antialias)); if(KErrNone != err) { TRACE("SetScaleFactorL (1) err %d", err); setError(NormalError); } if(KErrNone == err) { TRAP(err, m_player->SetDisplayWindowL ( m_wsSession, m_screenDevice, *m_window, m_videoRect, m_videoRect ) ); if (KErrNone != err) { TRACE("SetDisplayWindowL err %d", err); setError(NormalError); } else { TRAP(err, m_player->SetScaleFactorL(m_scaleWidth, m_scaleHeight, antialias)); if(KErrNone != err) { TRACE("SetScaleFactorL (2) err %d", err); setError(NormalError); } } } TRACE_EXIT_0(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Metadata //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int MMF::VideoPlayer::numberOfMetaDataEntries() const { int numberOfEntries = 0; TRAP_IGNORE(numberOfEntries = m_player->NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL()); return numberOfEntries; } QPair MMF::VideoPlayer::metaDataEntry(int index) const { CMMFMetaDataEntry *entry = 0; QT_TRAP_THROWING(entry = m_player->MetaDataEntryL(index)); return QPair(qt_TDesC2QString(entry->Name()), qt_TDesC2QString(entry->Value())); } QT_END_NAMESPACE