/* This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 or 3 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include #include "mediaobject.h" #include "backendheader.h" #include "videowidget.h" #include "videoframe.h" #include "audiooutput.h" #include "quicktimevideoplayer.h" #include "quicktimemetadata.h" #include "audiograph.h" #include "mediaobjectaudionode.h" #include "quicktimeaudioplayer.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace Phonon { namespace QT7 { MediaObject::MediaObject(QObject *parent) : MediaNode(AudioSource | VideoSource, parent) { m_owningMediaObject = this; m_state = Phonon::LoadingState; m_videoPlayer = new QuickTimeVideoPlayer(); m_audioPlayer = new QuickTimeAudioPlayer(); m_nextVideoPlayer = new QuickTimeVideoPlayer(); m_nextAudioPlayer = new QuickTimeAudioPlayer(); m_mediaObjectAudioNode = new MediaObjectAudioNode(m_audioPlayer, m_nextAudioPlayer); setAudioNode(m_mediaObjectAudioNode); m_metaData = new QuickTimeMetaData(); m_audioGraph = new AudioGraph(this); m_tickInterval = 0; m_prefinishMark = 0; m_currentTime = 0; m_transitionTime = 0; m_percentageLoaded = 0; m_waitNextSwap = false; m_audioEffectCount = 0; m_audioOutputCount = 0; m_videoEffectCount = 0; m_videoOutputCount = 0; m_audioSystem = AS_Unset; m_errorType = Phonon::NoError; m_tickTimer = 0; m_videoTimer = 0; m_audioTimer = 0; m_rapidTimer = 0; #if QT_ALLOW_QUICKTIME m_displayLink = 0; m_pendingDisplayLinkEvent = false; #endif checkForError(); } MediaObject::~MediaObject() { // m_mediaObjectAudioNode is owned by super class. #if QT_ALLOW_QUICKTIME stopDisplayLink(); #endif m_audioPlayer->unsetVideoPlayer(); m_nextAudioPlayer->unsetVideoPlayer(); delete m_videoPlayer; delete m_nextVideoPlayer; delete m_metaData; checkForError(); } bool MediaObject::setState(Phonon::State state) { Phonon::State prevState = m_state; m_state = state; if (prevState != m_state){ emit stateChanged(m_state, prevState); if (m_state != state){ // End-application did something // upon receiving the signal. return false; } } return true; } void MediaObject::inspectAudioGraphRecursive(AudioConnection *connection, int &effectCount, int &outputCount) { if ((connection->m_sink->m_description & (AudioSource | AudioSink)) == (AudioSource | AudioSink)) ++effectCount; else if (connection->m_sink->m_description & AudioSink) ++outputCount; for (int i=0; im_sink->m_audioSinkList.size(); ++i) inspectAudioGraphRecursive(connection->m_sink->m_audioSinkList[i], effectCount, outputCount); } void MediaObject::inspectVideoGraphRecursive(MediaNode *node, int &effectCount, int &outputCount) { if ((node->m_description & (VideoSource | VideoSink)) == (VideoSource | VideoSink)) ++effectCount; else if (node->m_description & VideoSink) ++outputCount; for (int i=0; im_videoSinkList.size(); ++i) inspectVideoGraphRecursive(node->m_videoSinkList[i], effectCount, outputCount); } void MediaObject::inspectGraph() { // Inspect the graph to check wether there are any // effects or outputs connected. This will have // influence on the audio system and video system that ends up beeing used: int prevVideoOutputCount = m_videoOutputCount; m_audioEffectCount = 0; m_audioOutputCount = 0; m_videoEffectCount = 0; m_videoOutputCount = 0; AudioConnection rootConnection(this); inspectAudioGraphRecursive(&rootConnection, m_audioEffectCount, m_audioOutputCount); inspectVideoGraphRecursive(this, m_videoEffectCount, m_videoOutputCount); if (m_videoOutputCount != prevVideoOutputCount){ MediaNodeEvent e1(MediaNodeEvent::VideoOutputCountChanged, &m_videoOutputCount); notify(&e1); } } void MediaObject::setupAudioSystem() { // Select which audio system to use: AudioSystem newAudioSystem = AS_Unset; if (!m_audioOutputCount || !m_videoPlayer->canPlayMedia()){ newAudioSystem = AS_Silent; } else if (m_audioEffectCount == 0){ newAudioSystem = AS_Video; } else if (QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion < QSysInfo::MV_10_4){ newAudioSystem = AS_Video; SET_ERROR("Audio effects are not supported for Mac OS 10.3 and below", NORMAL_ERROR); } else if (m_videoPlayer->isDrmProtected()){ newAudioSystem = AS_Video; SET_ERROR("Audio effects are not supported for DRM protected media", NORMAL_ERROR); } else if (m_audioGraph->graphCannotPlay()){ newAudioSystem = AS_Video; SET_ERROR("Audio effects are not supported for the current codec", NORMAL_ERROR); #ifdef QUICKTIME_C_API_AVAILABLE } else { newAudioSystem = AS_Graph; } #else } else { newAudioSystem = AS_Video; SET_ERROR("Audio effects are not supported for the 64-bit version of the Phonon QT7 backend", NORMAL_ERROR); } #endif if (newAudioSystem == m_audioSystem) return; // Enable selected audio system: m_audioSystem = newAudioSystem; switch (newAudioSystem){ case AS_Silent: m_audioGraph->stop(); m_videoPlayer->enableAudio(false); m_nextVideoPlayer->enableAudio(false); m_audioPlayer->enableAudio(false); m_nextAudioPlayer->enableAudio(false); break; case AS_Graph: if (m_state == Phonon::PausedState) m_audioGraph->prepare(); else m_audioGraph->start(); // Starting the graph can lead to a recursive call // telling us that we must direct audio through // video. If that has happened, we must not proceed: if (m_audioSystem != AS_Graph) return; m_videoPlayer->enableAudio(false); m_nextVideoPlayer->enableAudio(false); m_audioPlayer->enableAudio(true); m_audioPlayer->seek(m_videoPlayer->currentTime()); m_nextAudioPlayer->enableAudio(true); m_audioPlayer->seek(m_videoPlayer->currentTime()); m_nextAudioPlayer->seek(m_nextVideoPlayer->currentTime()); break; case AS_Video: case AS_Unset: m_audioGraph->stop(); m_videoPlayer->enableAudio(true); m_nextVideoPlayer->enableAudio(true); m_audioPlayer->enableAudio(false); m_nextAudioPlayer->enableAudio(false); m_videoPlayer->seek(m_audioPlayer->currentTime()); m_nextVideoPlayer->seek(m_nextAudioPlayer->currentTime()); break; } } void MediaObject::setSource(const MediaSource &source) { IMPLEMENTED; PhononAutoReleasePool pool; setState(Phonon::LoadingState); // Save current state for event/signal handling below: bool prevHasVideo = m_videoPlayer->hasVideo(); qint64 prevTotalTime = totalTime(); m_waitNextSwap = false; // Cancel cross-fade if any: m_nextVideoPlayer->pause(); m_nextAudioPlayer->pause(); m_mediaObjectAudioNode->cancelCrossFade(); // Set new source: m_audioPlayer->unsetVideoPlayer(); m_videoPlayer->setMediaSource(source); m_audioPlayer->setVideoPlayer(m_videoPlayer); m_metaData->setVideo(m_videoPlayer); m_audioGraph->updateStreamSpecifications(); m_nextAudioPlayer->unsetVideoPlayer(); m_nextVideoPlayer->unsetVideo(); m_currentTime = 0; // Emit/notify information about the new source: QRect videoRect = m_videoPlayer->videoRect(); MediaNodeEvent e1(MediaNodeEvent::VideoFrameSizeChanged, &videoRect); notify(&e1); // Clear video widgets: VideoFrame emptyFrame; updateVideo(emptyFrame); emit currentSourceChanged(source); emit metaDataChanged(m_metaData->metaData()); if (prevHasVideo != m_videoPlayer->hasVideo()) emit hasVideoChanged(m_videoPlayer->hasVideo()); if (prevTotalTime != totalTime()) emit totalTimeChanged(totalTime()); if (checkForError()) return; if (!m_videoPlayer->isDrmAuthorized()) SET_ERROR("This computer is not authorized to play current media (DRM protected).", FATAL_ERROR) if (checkForError()) return; if (!m_videoPlayer->canPlayMedia()) SET_ERROR("Cannot play media.", FATAL_ERROR) // The state might have changed from LoadingState // as a response to an error state change. So we // need to check it before stopping: if (m_state == Phonon::LoadingState) stop(); setupAudioSystem(); checkForError(); } void MediaObject::setNextSource(const MediaSource &source) { IMPLEMENTED; m_nextAudioPlayer->unsetVideoPlayer(); m_nextVideoPlayer->setMediaSource(source); m_nextAudioPlayer->setVideoPlayer(m_nextVideoPlayer); checkForError(); } void MediaObject::swapCurrentWithNext(qint32 transitionTime) { PhononAutoReleasePool pool; setState(Phonon::LoadingState); // Save current state for event/signal handling below: bool prevHasVideo = m_videoPlayer->hasVideo(); qint64 prevTotalTime = totalTime(); qSwap(m_audioPlayer, m_nextAudioPlayer); qSwap(m_videoPlayer, m_nextVideoPlayer); m_mediaObjectAudioNode->startCrossFade(transitionTime); m_audioGraph->updateStreamSpecifications(); m_metaData->setVideo(m_videoPlayer); m_waitNextSwap = false; m_currentTime = 0; // Emit/notify information about the new source: QRect videoRect = m_videoPlayer->videoRect(); MediaNodeEvent e1(MediaNodeEvent::VideoFrameSizeChanged, &videoRect); notify(&e1); emit currentSourceChanged(m_videoPlayer->mediaSource()); emit metaDataChanged(m_metaData->metaData()); if (prevHasVideo != m_videoPlayer->hasVideo()) emit hasVideoChanged(m_videoPlayer->hasVideo()); if (prevTotalTime != totalTime()) emit totalTimeChanged(totalTime()); if (checkForError()) return; if (!m_videoPlayer->isDrmAuthorized()) SET_ERROR("This computer is not authorized to play current media (DRM protected).", FATAL_ERROR) if (checkForError()) return; if (!m_videoPlayer->canPlayMedia()) SET_ERROR("Cannot play next media.", FATAL_ERROR) setupAudioSystem(); checkForError(); if (m_state == Phonon::LoadingState){ if (setState(Phonon::PlayingState)) play_internal(); checkForError(); } } #if QT_ALLOW_QUICKTIME static CVReturn displayLinkCallback(CVDisplayLinkRef /*displayLink*/, const CVTimeStamp */*inNow*/, const CVTimeStamp */*inOutputTime*/, CVOptionFlags /*flagsIn*/, CVOptionFlags */*flagsOut*/, void *userData) { MediaObject *mediaObject = static_cast(userData); mediaObject->displayLinkEvent(); return kCVReturnSuccess; } void MediaObject::displayLinkEvent() { // This function is called from a // thread != gui thread. So we post the event. // But we need to make sure that we don't post faster // than the event loop can eat: m_displayLinkMutex.lock(); bool pending = m_pendingDisplayLinkEvent; m_pendingDisplayLinkEvent = true; m_displayLinkMutex.unlock(); if (!pending) qApp->postEvent(this, new QEvent(QEvent::User), Qt::HighEventPriority); } void MediaObject::startDisplayLink() { if (m_displayLink) return; OSStatus err = CVDisplayLinkCreateWithCGDisplay(kCGDirectMainDisplay, &m_displayLink); if (err != noErr) goto fail; err = CVDisplayLinkSetCurrentCGDisplay(m_displayLink, kCGDirectMainDisplay); if (err != noErr) goto fail; err = CVDisplayLinkSetOutputCallback(m_displayLink, displayLinkCallback, this); if (err != noErr) goto fail; err = CVDisplayLinkStart(m_displayLink); if (err != noErr) goto fail; return; fail: stopDisplayLink(); } void MediaObject::stopDisplayLink() { if (!m_displayLink) return; CVDisplayLinkStop(m_displayLink); CFRelease(m_displayLink); m_displayLink = 0; } #endif void MediaObject::restartAudioVideoTimers() { if (m_videoTimer) killTimer(m_videoTimer); if (m_audioTimer) killTimer(m_audioTimer); #if QT_ALLOW_QUICKTIME // We prefer to use a display link as timer if available, since // it is more steady, and results in better and smoother frame drawing: startDisplayLink(); if (!m_displayLink){ float fps = m_videoPlayer->staticFps(); long videoUpdateFrequency = fps ? long(1000.0f / fps) : 0.001; m_videoTimer = startTimer(videoUpdateFrequency); } #else float fps = m_videoPlayer->staticFps(); long videoUpdateFrequency = fps ? long(1000.0f / fps) : 0.001; m_videoTimer = startTimer(videoUpdateFrequency); #endif long audioUpdateFrequency = m_audioPlayer->regularTaskFrequency(); m_audioTimer = startTimer(audioUpdateFrequency); updateVideoFrames(); updateAudioBuffers(); } void MediaObject::play_internal() { // Play main audio/video: m_videoPlayer->play(); m_audioPlayer->play(); updateLipSynch(0); // Play old audio/video to finish cross-fade: if (m_nextVideoPlayer->currentTime() > 0){ m_nextVideoPlayer->play(); m_nextAudioPlayer->play(); } restartAudioVideoTimers(); if (!m_rapidTimer) m_rapidTimer = startTimer(100); } void MediaObject::pause_internal() { m_audioGraph->stop(); m_audioPlayer->pause(); m_nextAudioPlayer->pause(); m_videoPlayer->pause(); m_nextVideoPlayer->pause(); killTimer(m_rapidTimer); killTimer(m_videoTimer); killTimer(m_audioTimer); m_rapidTimer = 0; m_videoTimer = 0; m_audioTimer = 0; #if QT_ALLOW_QUICKTIME stopDisplayLink(); #endif if (m_waitNextSwap) m_swapTimeLeft = m_swapTime.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()); } void MediaObject::play() { IMPLEMENTED; if (m_state == Phonon::PlayingState) return; if (m_waitNextSwap){ // update swap time after pause: m_swapTime = QTime::currentTime(); m_swapTime.addMSecs(m_swapTimeLeft); setState(Phonon::PlayingState); return; } if (m_currentTime == m_videoPlayer->duration()) return; if (!m_videoPlayer->canPlayMedia()) return; if (!setState(Phonon::PlayingState)) return; if (m_audioSystem == AS_Graph){ m_audioGraph->start(); m_mediaObjectAudioNode->setMute(true); } // Inform the graph that we are about to play: bool playing = true; MediaNodeEvent e1(MediaNodeEvent::MediaPlaying, &playing); notify(&e1); // Start to play: play_internal(); m_mediaObjectAudioNode->setMute(false); checkForError(); } void MediaObject::pause() { IMPLEMENTED; if (m_state == Phonon::PausedState) return; if (!setState(Phonon::PausedState)) return; pause_internal(); // Inform the graph that we are no longer playing: bool playing = false; MediaNodeEvent e1(MediaNodeEvent::MediaPlaying, &playing); notify(&e1); // But be prepared: if (m_audioSystem == AS_Graph) m_audioGraph->prepare(); checkForError(); } void MediaObject::stop() { IMPLEMENTED; if (m_state == Phonon::StoppedState) return; if (!setState(Phonon::StoppedState)) return; m_waitNextSwap = false; m_nextVideoPlayer->unsetVideo(); m_nextAudioPlayer->unsetVideoPlayer(); pause_internal(); seek(0); checkForError(); } void MediaObject::seek(qint64 milliseconds) { IMPLEMENTED; if (m_state == Phonon::ErrorState) return; // Stop cross-fade if any: m_nextVideoPlayer->unsetVideo(); m_nextAudioPlayer->unsetVideoPlayer(); m_mediaObjectAudioNode->cancelCrossFade(); // Seek to new position: m_mediaObjectAudioNode->setMute(true); m_videoPlayer->seek(milliseconds); m_audioPlayer->seek(m_videoPlayer->currentTime()); m_mediaObjectAudioNode->setMute(false); // Update time and cancel pending swap: if (m_currentTime < m_videoPlayer->duration()) m_waitNextSwap = false; updateCurrentTime(); if (m_state != Phonon::PlayingState) updateVideoFrames(); checkForError(); } QStringList MediaObject::availableAudioStreams() const { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return QStringList(); } QStringList MediaObject::availableVideoStreams() const { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return QStringList(); } QStringList MediaObject::availableSubtitleStreams() const { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return QStringList(); } QString MediaObject::currentAudioStream(const QObject */*audioPath*/) const { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return QString(); } QString MediaObject::currentVideoStream(const QObject */*videoPath*/) const { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return QString(); } QString MediaObject::currentSubtitleStream(const QObject */*videoPath*/) const { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return QString(); } void MediaObject::setCurrentAudioStream(const QString &/*streamName*/,const QObject */*audioPath*/) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } void MediaObject::setCurrentVideoStream(const QString &/*streamName*/,const QObject */*videoPath*/) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } void MediaObject::setCurrentSubtitleStream(const QString &/*streamName*/,const QObject */*videoPath*/) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } int MediaObject::videoOutputCount() { return m_videoOutputCount; } void MediaObject::synchAudioVideo() { if (m_state != Phonon::PlayingState) return; if (m_videoSinkList.isEmpty() || m_audioSinkList.isEmpty()) return; seek(m_currentTime); checkForError(); } qint32 MediaObject::tickInterval() const { IMPLEMENTED; return m_tickInterval; } void MediaObject::setTickInterval(qint32 interval) { IMPLEMENTED; m_tickInterval = interval; if (m_tickInterval > 0) m_tickTimer = startTimer(m_tickInterval); else{ killTimer(m_tickTimer); m_tickTimer = 0; } } bool MediaObject::hasVideo() const { IMPLEMENTED; return m_videoPlayer ? m_videoPlayer->hasVideo() : false; } bool MediaObject::isSeekable() const { IMPLEMENTED; return m_videoPlayer ? m_videoPlayer->isSeekable() : false; } qint64 MediaObject::currentTime() const { IMPLEMENTED_SILENT; const_cast(this)->updateCurrentTime(); return m_currentTime; } void MediaObject::updateCurrentTime() { quint64 lastUpdateTime = m_currentTime; m_currentTime = (m_audioSystem == AS_Graph) ? m_audioPlayer->currentTime() : m_videoPlayer->currentTime(); quint64 total = m_videoPlayer->duration(); // Check if it's time to emit aboutToFinish: quint32 mark = qMax(quint64(0), qMin(total, total + m_transitionTime - 2000)); if (lastUpdateTime < mark && mark <= m_currentTime) emit aboutToFinish(); // Check if it's time to emit prefinishMarkReached: mark = qMax(quint64(0), total - m_prefinishMark); if (lastUpdateTime < mark && mark <= m_currentTime) emit prefinishMarkReached(total - m_currentTime); if (m_nextVideoPlayer->state() == QuickTimeVideoPlayer::NoMedia){ // There is no next source in que. // Check if it's time to emit finished: if (lastUpdateTime < m_currentTime && m_currentTime == total){ emit finished(); m_currentTime = (m_audioSystem == AS_Graph) ? m_audioPlayer->currentTime() : m_videoPlayer->currentTime(); if (m_state == Phonon::PlayingState && m_currentTime == total) pause(); } } else { // We have a next source. // Check if it's time to swap to next source: mark = qMax(quint64(0), total + m_transitionTime); if (m_waitNextSwap && m_state == Phonon::PlayingState && m_transitionTime < m_swapTime.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime())){ swapCurrentWithNext(0); } else if (mark >= total){ if (lastUpdateTime < total && total == m_currentTime){ m_swapTime = QTime::currentTime(); m_swapTime.addMSecs(mark - total); m_waitNextSwap = true; } } else if (lastUpdateTime < mark && mark <= m_currentTime){ swapCurrentWithNext(total - m_currentTime); } } } qint64 MediaObject::totalTime() const { IMPLEMENTED_SILENT; return m_videoPlayer->duration(); } Phonon::State MediaObject::state() const { IMPLEMENTED; return m_state; } QString MediaObject::errorString() const { IMPLEMENTED; return m_errorString; } Phonon::ErrorType MediaObject::errorType() const { IMPLEMENTED; return m_errorType; } bool MediaObject::checkForError() { int type = gGetErrorType(); if (type == NO_ERROR) return false; m_errorType = (type == NORMAL_ERROR) ? Phonon::NormalError : Phonon::FatalError; m_errorString = gGetErrorString(); pause_internal(); gClearError(); setState(Phonon::ErrorState); return true; } QuickTimeVideoPlayer* MediaObject::videoPlayer() const { return m_videoPlayer; } MediaSource MediaObject::source() const { IMPLEMENTED; return m_videoPlayer->mediaSource(); } qint32 MediaObject::prefinishMark() const { IMPLEMENTED; return m_prefinishMark; } void MediaObject::setPrefinishMark(qint32 mark) { IMPLEMENTED; m_prefinishMark = mark; } qint32 MediaObject::transitionTime() const { IMPLEMENTED; return m_transitionTime; } void MediaObject::setTransitionTime(qint32 transitionTime) { IMPLEMENTED; m_transitionTime = transitionTime; } void MediaObject::setVolumeOnMovie(float volume) { m_videoPlayer->setMasterVolume(volume); m_nextVideoPlayer->setMasterVolume(volume); } bool MediaObject::setAudioDeviceOnMovie(int id) { m_nextVideoPlayer->setAudioDevice(id); return m_videoPlayer->setAudioDevice(id); } void MediaObject::updateCrossFade() { m_mediaObjectAudioNode->updateCrossFade(m_currentTime); // Clean-up previous movie if done fading: if (m_mediaObjectAudioNode->m_fadeDuration == 0){ if (m_nextVideoPlayer->isPlaying() || m_nextAudioPlayer->isPlaying()){ m_nextVideoPlayer->unsetVideo(); m_nextAudioPlayer->unsetVideoPlayer(); } } } void MediaObject::updateBufferStatus() { float percent = m_videoPlayer->percentageLoaded(); if (percent != m_percentageLoaded){ m_percentageLoaded = percent; emit bufferStatus(m_percentageLoaded * 100); } } void MediaObject::updateAudioBuffers() { // Schedule audio slices: m_audioPlayer->scheduleAudioToGraph(); m_nextAudioPlayer->scheduleAudioToGraph(); } bool MediaObject::isCrossFading() { return m_mediaObjectAudioNode->isCrossFading(); } void MediaObject::updateVideoFrames() { // Draw next frame if awailable: if (m_videoPlayer->videoFrameChanged()){ updateLipSynch(50); VideoFrame frame(m_videoPlayer); if (m_nextVideoPlayer->isPlaying() && m_nextVideoPlayer->hasVideo() && isCrossFading()){ VideoFrame bgFrame(m_nextVideoPlayer); frame.setBackgroundFrame(bgFrame); frame.setBaseOpacity(m_mediaObjectAudioNode->m_volume1); } // Send the frame through the graph: updateVideo(frame); checkForError(); } } void MediaObject::updateLipSynch(int allowedOffset) { if (m_audioSystem != AS_Graph || !m_audioGraph->isRunning()) return; if (m_videoSinkList.isEmpty() || m_audioSinkList.isEmpty()) return; if (m_videoPlayer->hasVideo()){ qint64 diff = m_audioPlayer->currentTime() - m_videoPlayer->currentTime(); if (-allowedOffset > diff || diff > allowedOffset) m_audioPlayer->seek(m_videoPlayer->currentTime()); } if (isCrossFading() && m_nextVideoPlayer->hasVideo()){ qint64 diff = m_nextAudioPlayer->currentTime() - m_nextVideoPlayer->currentTime(); if (-(allowedOffset*2) > diff || diff > (allowedOffset*2)) m_nextAudioPlayer->seek(m_nextVideoPlayer->currentTime()); } } void MediaObject::updateRapidly() { updateCurrentTime(); updateCrossFade(); updateBufferStatus(); } void MediaObject::setMute(bool mute) { m_mediaObjectAudioNode->setMute(mute); m_videoPlayer->setMute(mute); m_nextVideoPlayer->setMute(mute); } void MediaObject::mediaNodeEvent(const MediaNodeEvent *event) { switch (event->type()){ case MediaNodeEvent::EndConnectionChange: m_mediaObjectAudioNode->setMute(true); inspectGraph(); setupAudioSystem(); synchAudioVideo(); checkForError(); m_mediaObjectAudioNode->setMute(false); if (m_state == Phonon::PlayingState) restartAudioVideoTimers(); break; case MediaNodeEvent::AudioGraphCannotPlay: case MediaNodeEvent::AudioGraphInitialized: if (m_state != Phonon::LoadingState){ m_mediaObjectAudioNode->setMute(true); setupAudioSystem(); updateLipSynch(0); checkForError(); m_mediaObjectAudioNode->setMute(false); } break; default: break; } } bool MediaObject::event(QEvent *event) { switch (event->type()){ #if QT_ALLOW_QUICKTIME case QEvent::User:{ m_displayLinkMutex.lock(); m_pendingDisplayLinkEvent = false; m_displayLinkMutex.unlock(); updateVideoFrames(); break; } #endif case QEvent::Timer:{ int timerId = static_cast(event)->timerId(); if (timerId == m_rapidTimer) updateRapidly(); else if (timerId == m_tickTimer) emit tick(currentTime()); else if (timerId == m_videoTimer) updateVideoFrames(); else if (timerId == m_audioTimer) updateAudioBuffers(); break; } default: break; } return QObject::event(event); } bool MediaObject::hasInterface(Interface /*interface*/) const { return false; } QVariant MediaObject::interfaceCall(Interface /*interface*/, int /*command*/, const QList &/*arguments*/) { return QVariant(); } }} // namespace Phonon::QT7 QT_END_NAMESPACE #include "moc_mediaobject.cpp"