/* This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 or 3 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . */ #ifndef Phonon_QT7_QUICKTIMEVIDEOPLAYER_H #define Phonon_QT7_QUICKTIMEVIDEOPLAYER_H #include "backendheader.h" #include #import #import #include #include #include #include #include "videoframe.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QGLContext; namespace Phonon { namespace QT7 { class QuickTimeStreamReader; class VideoRenderWidgetQTMovieView; class QuickTimeVideoPlayer : QObject { public: enum StateEnum { Playing = 0x1, Paused = 0x2, NoMedia = 0x4, }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(State, StateEnum); QuickTimeVideoPlayer(); virtual ~QuickTimeVideoPlayer(); void setMediaSource(const MediaSource &source); MediaSource mediaSource() const; void unsetVideo(); void play(); void pause(); void seek(quint64 milliseconds); bool videoFrameChanged(); CVOpenGLTextureRef currentFrameAsCVTexture(); GLuint currentFrameAsGLTexture(); void *currentFrameAsCIImage(); QImage currentFrameAsQImage(); void releaseImageCache(); QRect videoRect() const; quint64 duration() const; quint64 currentTime() const; long timeScale() const; float staticFps(); QString currentTimeString(); void setColors(qreal brightness = 0, qreal contrast = 1, qreal hue = 0, qreal saturation = 1); void setMasterVolume(float volume); void setRelativeVolume(float volume); void setVolume(float masterVolume, float relativeVolume); void setMute(bool mute); void enableAudio(bool enable); bool audioEnabled(); bool setAudioDevice(int id); void setPlaybackRate(float rate); QTMovie *qtMovie() const; float playbackRate() const; float prefferedPlaybackRate() const; QuickTimeVideoPlayer::State state() const; bool hasAudio() const; bool hasVideo() const; bool hasMovie() const; bool canPlayMedia() const; bool isPlaying() const; bool isSeekable() const; bool isDrmProtected() const; bool isDrmAuthorized() const; bool preRollMovie(qint64 startTime = 0); float percentageLoaded(); quint64 timeLoaded(); static QString timeToString(quint64 ms); // Help functions when drawing to more that one widget in cocoa 64: void *m_primaryRenderingTarget; void setPrimaryRenderingTarget(NSObject *target); void *primaryRenderingCIImage(); void setPrimaryRenderingCIImage(void *ciImage); private: QTMovie *m_QTMovie; State m_state; QGLPixelBuffer *m_QImagePixelBuffer; CVOpenGLTextureRef m_cachedCVTextureRef; QImage m_cachedQImage; bool m_playbackRateSat; bool m_isDrmProtected; bool m_isDrmAuthorized; bool m_mute; bool m_audioEnabled; bool m_hasVideo; float m_masterVolume; float m_relativeVolume; float m_playbackRate; float m_staticFps; quint64 m_currentTime; MediaSource m_mediaSource; void *m_primaryRenderingCIImage; qreal m_brightness; qreal m_contrast; qreal m_hue; qreal m_saturation; #ifdef QUICKTIME_C_API_AVAILABLE QTVisualContextRef m_visualContext; #endif VideoFrame m_currentFrame; QuickTimeStreamReader *m_streamReader; void createVisualContext(); void openMovieFromCurrentMediaSource(); void openMovieFromDataRef(QTDataReference *dataRef); void openMovieFromFile(); void openMovieFromUrl(); void openMovieFromStream(); void openMovieFromData(QByteArray *data, char *fileType); void openMovieFromDataGuessType(QByteArray *data); QString mediaSourcePath(); bool codecExistsAccordingToSuffix(const QString &fileName); void setError(NSError *error); bool errorOccured(); void readProtection(); void calculateStaticFps(); void checkIfVideoAwailable(); bool movieNotLoaded(); void waitStatePlayable(); }; Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(QuickTimeVideoPlayer::State); }} // namespace Phonon::QT7 QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // Phonon_QT7_QUICKTIMEVIDEOPLAYER_H