# JavaScriptCore - Qt4 build info VPATH += $$PWD # Output in JavaScriptCore/ CONFIG(debug, debug|release): JAVASCRIPTCORE_DESTDIR = debug CONFIG(release, debug|release): JAVASCRIPTCORE_DESTDIR = release # Use different targets to prevent parallel builds file clashes on Mac CONFIG(debug, debug|release): JAVASCRIPTCORE_TARGET = jscored CONFIG(release, debug|release): JAVASCRIPTCORE_TARGET = jscore CONFIG(standalone_package) { isEmpty(JSC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR):JSC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR = $$PWD/generated } else { isEmpty(JSC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR):JSC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR = generated } CONFIG(standalone_package): DEFINES *= NDEBUG symbian: { # Need to guarantee this comes before system includes of /epoc32/include MMP_RULES += "USERINCLUDE ../JavaScriptCore/profiler" LIBS += -lhal } INCLUDEPATH = \ $$PWD \ $$PWD/.. \ $$PWD/assembler \ $$PWD/bytecode \ $$PWD/bytecompiler \ $$PWD/debugger \ $$PWD/interpreter \ $$PWD/jit \ $$PWD/parser \ $$PWD/pcre \ $$PWD/profiler \ $$PWD/runtime \ $$PWD/wtf \ $$PWD/wtf/symbian \ $$PWD/wtf/unicode \ $$PWD/yarr \ $$PWD/API \ $$PWD/ForwardingHeaders \ $$JSC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR \ $$INCLUDEPATH win32-*: DEFINES += _HAS_TR1=0 DEFINES += BUILDING_QT__ BUILDING_JavaScriptCore BUILDING_WTF contains(JAVASCRIPTCORE_JIT,yes) { DEFINES+=ENABLE_JIT=1 DEFINES+=ENABLE_YARR_JIT=1 DEFINES+=ENABLE_YARR=1 } contains(JAVASCRIPTCORE_JIT,no) { DEFINES+=ENABLE_JIT=0 DEFINES+=ENABLE_YARR_JIT=0 DEFINES+=ENABLE_YARR=0 } wince* { INCLUDEPATH += $$QT_SOURCE_TREE/src/3rdparty/ce-compat DEFINES += WINCEBASIC INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../JavaScriptCore/os-wince INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../JavaScriptCore/os-win32 } defineTest(addJavaScriptCoreLib) { # Argument is the relative path to JavaScriptCore.pro's qmake output pathToJavaScriptCoreOutput = $$ARGS/$$JAVASCRIPTCORE_DESTDIR win32-msvc* { LIBS += -L$$pathToJavaScriptCoreOutput LIBS += -l$$JAVASCRIPTCORE_TARGET } else:symbian { LIBS += -l$${JAVASCRIPTCORE_TARGET}.lib } else { # Make sure jscore will be early in the list of libraries to workaround a bug in MinGW # that can't resolve symbols from QtCore if libjscore comes after. QMAKE_LIBDIR = $$pathToJavaScriptCoreOutput $$QMAKE_LIBDIR LIBS += -l$$JAVASCRIPTCORE_TARGET } win32-* { LIBS += -lwinmm } # The following line is to prevent qmake from adding jscore to libQtWebKit's prl dependencies. # The compromise we have to accept by disabling explicitlib is to drop support to link QtWebKit and QtScript # statically in applications (which isn't used often because, among other things, of licensing obstacles). CONFIG -= explicitlib export(QMAKE_LIBDIR) export(LIBS) export(CONFIG) return(true) }