/* * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "JSValue.h" #include "JSObject.h" #include "types.h" #include "interpreter.h" #include "npruntime_internal.h" #include "runtime.h" #include "runtime_object.h" #define LOG(formatAndArgs...) { \ fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); \ fprintf(stderr, formatAndArgs); \ } // ------------------ NP Interface definition -------------------- typedef struct { NPObject object; double doubleValue; int intValue; NPVariant stringValue; bool boolValue; } MyObject; static bool identifiersInitialized = false; #define ID_DOUBLE_VALUE 0 #define ID_INT_VALUE 1 #define ID_STRING_VALUE 2 #define ID_BOOLEAN_VALUE 3 #define ID_NULL_VALUE 4 #define ID_UNDEFINED_VALUE 5 #define NUM_PROPERTY_IDENTIFIERS 6 static NPIdentifier myPropertyIdentifiers[NUM_PROPERTY_IDENTIFIERS]; static const NPUTF8 *myPropertyIdentifierNames[NUM_PROPERTY_IDENTIFIERS] = { "doubleValue", "intValue", "stringValue", "booleanValue", "nullValue", "undefinedValue" }; #define ID_LOG_MESSAGE 0 #define ID_SET_DOUBLE_VALUE 1 #define ID_SET_INT_VALUE 2 #define ID_SET_STRING_VALUE 3 #define ID_SET_BOOLEAN_VALUE 4 #define ID_GET_DOUBLE_VALUE 5 #define ID_GET_INT_VALUE 6 #define ID_GET_STRING_VALUE 7 #define ID_GET_BOOLEAN_VALUE 8 #define NUM_METHOD_IDENTIFIERS 9 static NPIdentifier myMethodIdentifiers[NUM_METHOD_IDENTIFIERS]; static const NPUTF8 *myMethodIdentifierNames[NUM_METHOD_IDENTIFIERS] = { "logMessage", "setDoubleValue", "setIntValue", "setStringValue", "setBooleanValue", "getDoubleValue", "getIntValue", "getStringValue", "getBooleanValue" }; static void initializeIdentifiers() { NPN_GetStringIdentifiers (myPropertyIdentifierNames, NUM_PROPERTY_IDENTIFIERS, myPropertyIdentifiers); NPN_GetStringIdentifiers (myMethodIdentifierNames, NUM_METHOD_IDENTIFIERS, myMethodIdentifiers); }; bool myHasProperty (NPClass *theClass, NPIdentifier name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_PROPERTY_IDENTIFIERS; i++) { if (name == myPropertyIdentifiers[i]){ return true; } } return false; } bool myHasMethod (NPClass *theClass, NPIdentifier name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_METHOD_IDENTIFIERS; i++) { if (name == myMethodIdentifiers[i]){ return true; } } return false; } void logMessage (const NPVariant *message) { if (message->type == NPVariantStringType) { char msgBuf[1024]; strncpy (msgBuf, message->value.stringValue.UTF8Characters, message->value.stringValue.UTF8Length); msgBuf[message->value.stringValue.UTF8Length] = 0; printf ("%s\n", msgBuf); } else if (message->type == NPVariantDoubleType) printf ("%f\n", (float)message->value.doubleValue); else if (message->type == NPVariantInt32Type) printf ("%d\n", message->value.intValue); else if (message->type == NPVariantObjectType) printf ("%p\n", message->value.objectValue); } void setDoubleValue (MyObject *obj, const NPVariant *variant) { if (!NPN_VariantToDouble (variant, &obj->doubleValue)) { NPUTF8 *msg = "Attempt to set double value with invalid type."; NPString aString; aString.UTF8Characters = msg; aString.UTF8Length = strlen (msg); NPN_SetException ((NPObject *)obj, &aString); } } void setIntValue (MyObject *obj, const NPVariant *variant) { if (!NPN_VariantToInt32 (variant, &obj->intValue)) { NPUTF8 *msg = "Attempt to set int value with invalid type."; NPString aString; aString.UTF8Characters = msg; aString.UTF8Length = strlen (msg); NPN_SetException ((NPObject *)obj, &aString); } } void setStringValue (MyObject *obj, const NPVariant *variant) { NPN_ReleaseVariantValue (&obj->stringValue); NPN_InitializeVariantWithVariant (&obj->stringValue, variant); } void setBooleanValue (MyObject *obj, const NPVariant *variant) { if (!NPN_VariantToBool (variant, (NPBool *)&obj->boolValue)) { NPUTF8 *msg = "Attempt to set bool value with invalid type."; NPString aString; aString.UTF8Characters = msg; aString.UTF8Length = strlen (msg); NPN_SetException ((NPObject *)obj, &aString); } } void getDoubleValue (MyObject *obj, NPVariant *variant) { NPN_InitializeVariantWithDouble (variant, obj->doubleValue); } void getIntValue (MyObject *obj, NPVariant *variant) { NPN_InitializeVariantWithInt32 (variant, obj->intValue); } void getStringValue (MyObject *obj, NPVariant *variant) { NPN_InitializeVariantWithVariant (variant, &obj->stringValue); } void getBooleanValue (MyObject *obj, NPVariant *variant) { NPN_InitializeVariantWithBool (variant, obj->boolValue); } void myGetProperty (MyObject *obj, NPIdentifier name, NPVariant *variant) { if (name == myPropertyIdentifiers[ID_DOUBLE_VALUE]){ getDoubleValue (obj, variant); } else if (name == myPropertyIdentifiers[ID_INT_VALUE]){ getIntValue (obj, variant); } else if (name == myPropertyIdentifiers[ID_STRING_VALUE]){ getStringValue (obj, variant); } else if (name == myPropertyIdentifiers[ID_BOOLEAN_VALUE]){ getBooleanValue (obj, variant); } else if (name == myPropertyIdentifiers[ID_NULL_VALUE]){ return NPN_InitializeVariantAsNull (variant); } else if (name == myPropertyIdentifiers[ID_UNDEFINED_VALUE]){ return NPN_InitializeVariantAsUndefined (variant); } else NPN_InitializeVariantAsUndefined(variant); } void mySetProperty (MyObject *obj, NPIdentifier name, const NPVariant *variant) { if (name == myPropertyIdentifiers[ID_DOUBLE_VALUE]) { setDoubleValue (obj, variant); } else if (name == myPropertyIdentifiers[ID_INT_VALUE]) { setIntValue (obj, variant); } else if (name == myPropertyIdentifiers[ID_STRING_VALUE]) { setStringValue (obj, variant); } else if (name == myPropertyIdentifiers[ID_BOOLEAN_VALUE]) { setBooleanValue (obj, variant); } else if (name == myPropertyIdentifiers[ID_NULL_VALUE]) { // Do nothing! } else if (name == myPropertyIdentifiers[ID_UNDEFINED_VALUE]) { // Do nothing! } } void myInvoke (MyObject *obj, NPIdentifier name, NPVariant *args, unsigned argCount, NPVariant *result) { if (name == myMethodIdentifiers[ID_LOG_MESSAGE]) { if (argCount == 1 && NPN_VariantIsString(&args[0])) logMessage (&args[0]); NPN_InitializeVariantAsVoid (result); } else if (name == myMethodIdentifiers[ID_SET_DOUBLE_VALUE]) { if (argCount == 1 && NPN_VariantIsDouble (&args[0])) setDoubleValue (obj, &args[0]); NPN_InitializeVariantAsVoid (result); } else if (name == myMethodIdentifiers[ID_SET_INT_VALUE]) { if (argCount == 1 && (NPN_VariantIsDouble (&args[0]) || NPN_VariantIsInt32 (&args[0]))) setIntValue (obj, &args[0]); NPN_InitializeVariantAsVoid (result); } else if (name == myMethodIdentifiers[ID_SET_STRING_VALUE]) { if (argCount == 1 && NPN_VariantIsString (&args[0])) setStringValue (obj, &args[0]); NPN_InitializeVariantAsVoid (result); } else if (name == myMethodIdentifiers[ID_SET_BOOLEAN_VALUE]) { if (argCount == 1 && NPN_VariantIsBool (&args[0])) setBooleanValue (obj, &args[0]); NPN_InitializeVariantAsVoid (result); } else if (name == myMethodIdentifiers[ID_GET_DOUBLE_VALUE]) { getDoubleValue (obj, result); } else if (name == myMethodIdentifiers[ID_GET_INT_VALUE]) { getIntValue (obj, result); } else if (name == myMethodIdentifiers[ID_GET_STRING_VALUE]) { getStringValue (obj, result); } else if (name == myMethodIdentifiers[ID_GET_BOOLEAN_VALUE]) { getBooleanValue (obj, result); } else NPN_InitializeVariantAsUndefined (result); } NPObject *myAllocate () { MyObject *newInstance = (MyObject *)malloc (sizeof(MyObject)); if (!identifiersInitialized) { identifiersInitialized = true; initializeIdentifiers(); } newInstance->doubleValue = 666.666; newInstance->intValue = 1234; newInstance->boolValue = true; newInstance->stringValue.type = NPVariantType_String; newInstance->stringValue.value.stringValue.UTF8Length = strlen ("Hello world"); newInstance->stringValue.value.stringValue.UTF8Characters = strdup ("Hello world"); return (NPObject *)newInstance; } void myInvalidate () { // Make sure we've released any remaining references to JavaScript objects. } void myDeallocate (MyObject *obj) { free ((void *)obj); } static NPClass _myFunctionPtrs = { kNPClassStructVersionCurrent, (NPAllocateFunctionPtr) myAllocate, (NPDeallocateFunctionPtr) myDeallocate, (NPInvalidateFunctionPtr) myInvalidate, (NPHasMethodFunctionPtr) myHasMethod, (NPInvokeFunctionPtr) myInvoke, (NPHasPropertyFunctionPtr) myHasProperty, (NPGetPropertyFunctionPtr) myGetProperty, (NPSetPropertyFunctionPtr) mySetProperty, }; static NPClass *myFunctionPtrs = &_myFunctionPtrs; // -------------------------------------------------------- using namespace JSC; using namespace JSC::Bindings; class GlobalImp : public ObjectImp { public: virtual UString className() const { return "global"; } }; #define BufferSize 200000 static char code[BufferSize]; const char *readJavaScriptFromFile (const char *file) { FILE *f = fopen(file, "r"); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s.\n", file); return 0; } int num = fread(code, 1, BufferSize, f); code[num] = '\0'; if(num >= BufferSize) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: File may have been too long.\n"); fclose(f); return code; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // expecting a filename if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "You have to specify at least one filename\n"); return -1; } bool ret = true; { JSLock lock; // create interpreter w/ global object Object global(new GlobalImp()); Interpreter interp; interp.setGlobalObject(global); ExecState *exec = interp.globalExec(); MyObject *myObject = (MyObject *)NPN_CreateObject (myFunctionPtrs); global.put(exec, Identifier("myInterface"), Instance::createRuntimeObject(Instance::CLanguage, (void *)myObject)); for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { const char *code = readJavaScriptFromFile(argv[i]); if (code) { // run Completion comp(interp.evaluate(code)); if (comp.complType() == Throw) { Value exVal = comp.value(); char *msg = exVal.toString(exec).ascii(); int lineno = -1; if (exVal.type() == ObjectType) { Value lineVal = Object::dynamicCast(exVal).get(exec,Identifier("line")); if (lineVal.type() == NumberType) lineno = int(lineVal.toNumber(exec)); } if (lineno != -1) fprintf(stderr,"Exception, line %d: %s\n",lineno,msg); else fprintf(stderr,"Exception: %s\n",msg); ret = false; } else if (comp.complType() == ReturnValue) { char *msg = comp.value().toString(interp.globalExec()).ascii(); fprintf(stderr,"Return value: %s\n",msg); } } } NPN_ReleaseObject ((NPObject *)myObject); } // end block, so that Interpreter and global get deleted return ret ? 0 : 3; }