/* * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org) * (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov (ap@webkit.org) * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (http://www.torchmobile.com/) * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "Document.h" #include "AXObjectCache.h" #include "AnimationController.h" #include "Attr.h" #include "CDATASection.h" #include "CSSHelper.h" #include "CSSStyleSelector.h" #include "CSSStyleSheet.h" #include "CSSValueKeywords.h" #include "CString.h" #include "CachedCSSStyleSheet.h" #include "Comment.h" #include "Console.h" #include "CookieJar.h" #include "DOMImplementation.h" #include "DOMWindow.h" #include "DocLoader.h" #include "DocumentFragment.h" #include "DocumentLoader.h" #include "DocumentType.h" #include "EditingText.h" #include "Editor.h" #include "EntityReference.h" #include "Event.h" #include "EventHandler.h" #include "EventListener.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "ExceptionCode.h" #include "FocusController.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameTree.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "HTMLAnchorElement.h" #include "HTMLBodyElement.h" #include "HTMLCanvasElement.h" #include "HTMLCollection.h" #include "HTMLDocument.h" #include "HTMLElementFactory.h" #include "HTMLFrameOwnerElement.h" #include "HTMLHeadElement.h" #include "HTMLInputElement.h" #include "HTMLLinkElement.h" #include "HTMLMapElement.h" #include "HTMLNameCollection.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLParser.h" #include "HTMLStyleElement.h" #include "HTMLTitleElement.h" #include "HTTPParsers.h" #include "HistoryItem.h" #include "HitTestRequest.h" #include "HitTestResult.h" #include "ImageLoader.h" #include "InspectorController.h" #include "InspectorTimelineAgent.h" #include "KeyboardEvent.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "MappedAttribute.h" #include "MessageEvent.h" #include "MouseEvent.h" #include "MouseEventWithHitTestResults.h" #include "MutationEvent.h" #include "NameNodeList.h" #include "NodeFilter.h" #include "NodeIterator.h" #include "NodeWithIndex.h" #include "OverflowEvent.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PageGroup.h" #include "PageTransitionEvent.h" #include "PlatformKeyboardEvent.h" #include "ProcessingInstruction.h" #include "ProgressEvent.h" #include "RegisteredEventListener.h" #include "RenderArena.h" #include "RenderTextControl.h" #include "RenderView.h" #include "RenderWidget.h" #include "ScriptController.h" #include "ScriptElement.h" #include "ScriptEventListener.h" #include "SecurityOrigin.h" #include "SegmentedString.h" #include "SelectionController.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "StyleSheetList.h" #include "TextEvent.h" #include "TextIterator.h" #include "TextResourceDecoder.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "TransformSource.h" #include "TreeWalker.h" #include "UIEvent.h" #include "UserContentURLPattern.h" #include "WebKitAnimationEvent.h" #include "WebKitTransitionEvent.h" #include "WheelEvent.h" #include "XMLHttpRequest.h" #include "XMLNames.h" #include "XMLTokenizer.h" #include "htmlediting.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if ENABLE(DATABASE) #include "Database.h" #include "DatabaseThread.h" #endif #if ENABLE(SHARED_WORKERS) #include "SharedWorkerRepository.h" #endif #if ENABLE(DOM_STORAGE) #include "StorageEvent.h" #endif #if ENABLE(XPATH) #include "XPathEvaluator.h" #include "XPathExpression.h" #include "XPathNSResolver.h" #include "XPathResult.h" #endif #if ENABLE(XSLT) #include "XSLTProcessor.h" #endif #if ENABLE(XBL) #include "XBLBindingManager.h" #endif #if ENABLE(SVG) #include "SVGDocumentExtensions.h" #include "SVGElementFactory.h" #include "SVGNames.h" #include "SVGZoomEvent.h" #include "SVGStyleElement.h" #endif #if ENABLE(WML) #include "WMLDocument.h" #include "WMLElement.h" #include "WMLElementFactory.h" #include "WMLNames.h" #endif #if ENABLE(MATHML) #include "MathMLElement.h" #include "MathMLElementFactory.h" #include "MathMLNames.h" #endif #if ENABLE(XHTMLMP) #include "HTMLNoScriptElement.h" #endif using namespace std; using namespace WTF; using namespace Unicode; namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; // #define INSTRUMENT_LAYOUT_SCHEDULING 1 // This amount of time must have elapsed before we will even consider scheduling a layout without a delay. // FIXME: For faster machines this value can really be lowered to 200. 250 is adequate, but a little high // for dual G5s. :) static const int cLayoutScheduleThreshold = 250; // Use 1 to represent the document's default form. static HTMLFormElement* const defaultForm = reinterpret_cast(1); // DOM Level 2 says (letters added): // // a) Name start characters must have one of the categories Ll, Lu, Lo, Lt, Nl. // b) Name characters other than Name-start characters must have one of the categories Mc, Me, Mn, Lm, or Nd. // c) Characters in the compatibility area (i.e. with character code greater than #xF900 and less than #xFFFE) are not allowed in XML names. // d) Characters which have a font or compatibility decomposition (i.e. those with a "compatibility formatting tag" in field 5 of the database -- marked by field 5 beginning with a "<") are not allowed. // e) The following characters are treated as name-start characters rather than name characters, because the property file classifies them as Alphabetic: [#x02BB-#x02C1], #x0559, #x06E5, #x06E6. // f) Characters #x20DD-#x20E0 are excluded (in accordance with Unicode, section 5.14). // g) Character #x00B7 is classified as an extender, because the property list so identifies it. // h) Character #x0387 is added as a name character, because #x00B7 is its canonical equivalent. // i) Characters ':' and '_' are allowed as name-start characters. // j) Characters '-' and '.' are allowed as name characters. // // It also contains complete tables. If we decide it's better, we could include those instead of the following code. static inline bool isValidNameStart(UChar32 c) { // rule (e) above if ((c >= 0x02BB && c <= 0x02C1) || c == 0x559 || c == 0x6E5 || c == 0x6E6) return true; // rule (i) above if (c == ':' || c == '_') return true; // rules (a) and (f) above const uint32_t nameStartMask = Letter_Lowercase | Letter_Uppercase | Letter_Other | Letter_Titlecase | Number_Letter; if (!(Unicode::category(c) & nameStartMask)) return false; // rule (c) above if (c >= 0xF900 && c < 0xFFFE) return false; // rule (d) above DecompositionType decompType = decompositionType(c); if (decompType == DecompositionFont || decompType == DecompositionCompat) return false; return true; } static inline bool isValidNamePart(UChar32 c) { // rules (a), (e), and (i) above if (isValidNameStart(c)) return true; // rules (g) and (h) above if (c == 0x00B7 || c == 0x0387) return true; // rule (j) above if (c == '-' || c == '.') return true; // rules (b) and (f) above const uint32_t otherNamePartMask = Mark_NonSpacing | Mark_Enclosing | Mark_SpacingCombining | Letter_Modifier | Number_DecimalDigit; if (!(Unicode::category(c) & otherNamePartMask)) return false; // rule (c) above if (c >= 0xF900 && c < 0xFFFE) return false; // rule (d) above DecompositionType decompType = decompositionType(c); if (decompType == DecompositionFont || decompType == DecompositionCompat) return false; return true; } static Widget* widgetForNode(Node* focusedNode) { if (!focusedNode) return 0; RenderObject* renderer = focusedNode->renderer(); if (!renderer || !renderer->isWidget()) return 0; return toRenderWidget(renderer)->widget(); } static bool acceptsEditingFocus(Node *node) { ASSERT(node); ASSERT(node->isContentEditable()); Node *root = node->rootEditableElement(); Frame* frame = node->document()->frame(); if (!frame || !root) return false; return frame->editor()->shouldBeginEditing(rangeOfContents(root).get()); } static bool disableRangeMutation(Page* page) { #if PLATFORM(MAC) // Disable Range mutation on document modifications in Tiger and Leopard Mail // See return page && (page->settings()->needsLeopardMailQuirks() || page->settings()->needsTigerMailQuirks()); #else return false; #endif } static HashSet* documentsThatNeedStyleRecalc = 0; Document::Document(Frame* frame, bool isXHTML) : ContainerNode(0) , m_domtree_version(0) , m_styleSheets(StyleSheetList::create(this)) , m_styleRecalcTimer(this, &Document::styleRecalcTimerFired) , m_frameElementsShouldIgnoreScrolling(false) , m_title("") , m_titleSetExplicitly(false) , m_updateFocusAppearanceTimer(this, &Document::updateFocusAppearanceTimerFired) , m_executeScriptSoonTimer(this, &Document::executeScriptSoonTimerFired) , m_xmlVersion("1.0") , m_xmlStandalone(false) #if ENABLE(XBL) , m_bindingManager(new XBLBindingManager(this)) #endif , m_savedRenderer(0) , m_secureForms(0) , m_designMode(inherit) , m_selfOnlyRefCount(0) #if ENABLE(SVG) , m_svgExtensions(0) #endif #if ENABLE(DASHBOARD_SUPPORT) , m_hasDashboardRegions(false) , m_dashboardRegionsDirty(false) #endif , m_accessKeyMapValid(false) , m_createRenderers(true) , m_inPageCache(false) , m_useSecureKeyboardEntryWhenActive(false) , m_isXHTML(isXHTML) , m_numNodeListCaches(0) #if ENABLE(DATABASE) , m_hasOpenDatabases(false) #endif , m_usingGeolocation(false) #if ENABLE(WML) , m_containsWMLContent(false) #endif { m_document = this; m_pageGroupUserSheetCacheValid = false; m_printing = false; m_ignoreAutofocus = false; m_frame = frame; m_renderArena = 0; m_axObjectCache = 0; m_docLoader = new DocLoader(this); visuallyOrdered = false; m_bParsing = false; m_tokenizer = 0; m_wellFormed = false; setParseMode(Strict); m_textColor = Color::black; m_listenerTypes = 0; m_inDocument = true; m_inStyleRecalc = false; m_closeAfterStyleRecalc = false; m_usesDescendantRules = false; m_usesSiblingRules = false; m_usesFirstLineRules = false; m_usesFirstLetterRules = false; m_usesBeforeAfterRules = false; m_usesRemUnits = false; m_gotoAnchorNeededAfterStylesheetsLoad = false; m_styleSelector = 0; m_didCalculateStyleSelector = false; m_pendingStylesheets = 0; m_ignorePendingStylesheets = false; m_hasNodesWithPlaceholderStyle = false; m_pendingSheetLayout = NoLayoutWithPendingSheets; m_cssTarget = 0; resetLinkColor(); resetVisitedLinkColor(); resetActiveLinkColor(); m_processingLoadEvent = false; m_startTime = currentTime(); m_overMinimumLayoutThreshold = false; initSecurityContext(); initDNSPrefetch(); static int docID = 0; m_docID = docID++; #if ENABLE(XHTMLMP) m_shouldProcessNoScriptElement = settings() && !settings()->isJavaScriptEnabled(); #endif } void Document::removedLastRef() { ASSERT(!m_deletionHasBegun); if (m_selfOnlyRefCount) { // If removing a child removes the last self-only ref, we don't // want the document to be destructed until after // removeAllChildren returns, so we guard ourselves with an // extra self-only ref. selfOnlyRef(); // We must make sure not to be retaining any of our children through // these extra pointers or we will create a reference cycle. m_docType = 0; m_focusedNode = 0; m_hoverNode = 0; m_activeNode = 0; m_titleElement = 0; m_documentElement = 0; removeAllChildren(); deleteAllValues(m_markers); m_markers.clear(); delete m_tokenizer; m_tokenizer = 0; m_cssCanvasElements.clear(); #ifndef NDEBUG m_inRemovedLastRefFunction = false; #endif selfOnlyDeref(); } else { #ifndef NDEBUG m_deletionHasBegun = true; #endif delete this; } } Document::~Document() { ASSERT(!renderer()); ASSERT(!m_inPageCache); ASSERT(!m_savedRenderer); ASSERT(m_ranges.isEmpty()); ASSERT(!m_styleRecalcTimer.isActive()); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_scriptsToExecuteSoon.size(); ++i) m_scriptsToExecuteSoon[i].first->element()->deref(); // Balances ref() in executeScriptSoon(). removeAllEventListeners(); #if USE(JSC) forgetAllDOMNodesForDocument(this); #endif delete m_tokenizer; m_document = 0; delete m_styleSelector; delete m_docLoader; if (m_renderArena) { delete m_renderArena; m_renderArena = 0; } #if ENABLE(XBL) delete m_bindingManager; #endif deleteAllValues(m_markers); clearAXObjectCache(); m_decoder = 0; unsigned count = sizeof(m_nameCollectionInfo) / sizeof(m_nameCollectionInfo[0]); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) deleteAllValues(m_nameCollectionInfo[i]); #if ENABLE(DATABASE) if (m_databaseThread) { ASSERT(m_databaseThread->terminationRequested()); m_databaseThread = 0; } #endif if (m_styleSheets) m_styleSheets->documentDestroyed(); } void Document::resetLinkColor() { m_linkColor = Color(0, 0, 238); } void Document::resetVisitedLinkColor() { m_visitedLinkColor = Color(85, 26, 139); } void Document::resetActiveLinkColor() { m_activeLinkColor.setNamedColor("red"); } void Document::setDocType(PassRefPtr docType) { // This should never be called more than once. // Note: This is not a public DOM method and can only be called by the parser. ASSERT(!m_docType || !docType); if (m_docType && docType) return; m_docType = docType; if (m_docType) m_docType->setDocument(this); determineParseMode(); } DOMImplementation* Document::implementation() const { if (!m_implementation) m_implementation = DOMImplementation::create(); return m_implementation.get(); } void Document::childrenChanged(bool changedByParser, Node* beforeChange, Node* afterChange, int childCountDelta) { ContainerNode::childrenChanged(changedByParser, beforeChange, afterChange, childCountDelta); // Invalidate the document element we have cached in case it was replaced. m_documentElement = 0; } void Document::cacheDocumentElement() const { ASSERT(!m_documentElement); Node* n = firstChild(); while (n && !n->isElementNode()) n = n->nextSibling(); m_documentElement = static_cast(n); } PassRefPtr Document::createElement(const AtomicString& name, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!isValidName(name)) { ec = INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR; return 0; } if (m_isXHTML) return HTMLElementFactory::createHTMLElement(QualifiedName(nullAtom, name, xhtmlNamespaceURI), this, 0, false); return createElement(QualifiedName(nullAtom, name, nullAtom), false); } PassRefPtr Document::createDocumentFragment() { return DocumentFragment::create(document()); } PassRefPtr Document::createTextNode(const String& data) { return Text::create(this, data); } PassRefPtr Document::createComment(const String& data) { return Comment::create(this, data); } PassRefPtr Document::createCDATASection(const String& data, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (isHTMLDocument()) { ec = NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; return 0; } return CDATASection::create(this, data); } PassRefPtr Document::createProcessingInstruction(const String& target, const String& data, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!isValidName(target)) { ec = INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR; return 0; } if (isHTMLDocument()) { ec = NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; return 0; } return ProcessingInstruction::create(this, target, data); } PassRefPtr Document::createEntityReference(const String& name, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!isValidName(name)) { ec = INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR; return 0; } if (isHTMLDocument()) { ec = NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; return 0; } return EntityReference::create(this, name); } PassRefPtr Document::createEditingTextNode(const String& text) { return EditingText::create(this, text); } PassRefPtr Document::createCSSStyleDeclaration() { return CSSMutableStyleDeclaration::create(); } PassRefPtr Document::importNode(Node* importedNode, bool deep, ExceptionCode& ec) { ec = 0; if (!importedNode #if ENABLE(SVG) && ENABLE(DASHBOARD_SUPPORT) || (importedNode->isSVGElement() && page() && page()->settings()->usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode()) #endif ) { ec = NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; return 0; } switch (importedNode->nodeType()) { case TEXT_NODE: return createTextNode(importedNode->nodeValue()); case CDATA_SECTION_NODE: return createCDATASection(importedNode->nodeValue(), ec); case ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: return createEntityReference(importedNode->nodeName(), ec); case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: return createProcessingInstruction(importedNode->nodeName(), importedNode->nodeValue(), ec); case COMMENT_NODE: return createComment(importedNode->nodeValue()); case ELEMENT_NODE: { Element* oldElement = static_cast(importedNode); RefPtr newElement = createElementNS(oldElement->namespaceURI(), oldElement->tagQName().toString(), ec); if (ec) return 0; NamedNodeMap* attrs = oldElement->attributes(true); if (attrs) { unsigned length = attrs->length(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) { Attribute* attr = attrs->attributeItem(i); newElement->setAttribute(attr->name(), attr->value().impl(), ec); if (ec) return 0; } } newElement->copyNonAttributeProperties(oldElement); if (deep) { for (Node* oldChild = oldElement->firstChild(); oldChild; oldChild = oldChild->nextSibling()) { RefPtr newChild = importNode(oldChild, true, ec); if (ec) return 0; newElement->appendChild(newChild.release(), ec); if (ec) return 0; } } return newElement.release(); } case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: return Attr::create(0, this, static_cast(importedNode)->attr()->clone()); case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: { DocumentFragment* oldFragment = static_cast(importedNode); RefPtr newFragment = createDocumentFragment(); if (deep) { for (Node* oldChild = oldFragment->firstChild(); oldChild; oldChild = oldChild->nextSibling()) { RefPtr newChild = importNode(oldChild, true, ec); if (ec) return 0; newFragment->appendChild(newChild.release(), ec); if (ec) return 0; } } return newFragment.release(); } case ENTITY_NODE: case NOTATION_NODE: // FIXME: It should be possible to import these node types, however in DOM3 the DocumentType is readonly, so there isn't much sense in doing that. // Ability to add these imported nodes to a DocumentType will be considered for addition to a future release of the DOM. case DOCUMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: case XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE: break; } ec = NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; return 0; } PassRefPtr Document::adoptNode(PassRefPtr source, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!source) { ec = NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; return 0; } if (source->isReadOnlyNode()) { ec = NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; return 0; } switch (source->nodeType()) { case ENTITY_NODE: case NOTATION_NODE: case DOCUMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: case XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE: ec = NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; return 0; case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: { Attr* attr = static_cast(source.get()); if (attr->ownerElement()) attr->ownerElement()->removeAttributeNode(attr, ec); attr->setSpecified(true); break; } default: if (source->parentNode()) source->parentNode()->removeChild(source.get(), ec); } for (Node* node = source.get(); node; node = node->traverseNextNode(source.get())) node->setDocument(this); return source; } bool Document::hasPrefixNamespaceMismatch(const QualifiedName& qName) { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, xmlnsNamespaceURI, ("http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")); DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, xmlns, ("xmlns")); DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, xml, ("xml")); // These checks are from DOM Core Level 2, createElementNS // http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/core.html#ID-DocCrElNS if (!qName.prefix().isEmpty() && qName.namespaceURI().isNull()) // createElementNS(null, "html:div") return true; if (qName.prefix() == xml && qName.namespaceURI() != XMLNames::xmlNamespaceURI) // createElementNS("http://www.example.com", "xml:lang") return true; // Required by DOM Level 3 Core and unspecified by DOM Level 2 Core: // http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407/core.html#ID-DocCrElNS // createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", "foo:bar"), createElementNS(null, "xmlns:bar") if ((qName.prefix() == xmlns && qName.namespaceURI() != xmlnsNamespaceURI) || (qName.prefix() != xmlns && qName.namespaceURI() == xmlnsNamespaceURI)) return true; return false; } // FIXME: This should really be in a possible ElementFactory class PassRefPtr Document::createElement(const QualifiedName& qName, bool createdByParser) { RefPtr e; // FIXME: Use registered namespaces and look up in a hash to find the right factory. if (qName.namespaceURI() == xhtmlNamespaceURI) e = HTMLElementFactory::createHTMLElement(qName, this, 0, createdByParser); #if ENABLE(SVG) else if (qName.namespaceURI() == SVGNames::svgNamespaceURI) e = SVGElementFactory::createSVGElement(qName, this, createdByParser); #endif #if ENABLE(WML) else if (qName.namespaceURI() == WMLNames::wmlNamespaceURI) e = WMLElementFactory::createWMLElement(qName, this, createdByParser); else if (isWMLDocument()) e = WMLElementFactory::createWMLElement(QualifiedName(nullAtom, qName.localName(), WMLNames::wmlNamespaceURI), this, createdByParser); #endif #if ENABLE(MATHML) else if (qName.namespaceURI() == MathMLNames::mathmlNamespaceURI) e = MathMLElementFactory::createMathMLElement(qName, this, createdByParser); #endif if (!e) e = Element::create(qName, document()); // uses imgTag so we need a special rule. #if ENABLE(WML) if (!isWMLDocument()) #endif ASSERT((qName.matches(imageTag) && e->tagQName().matches(imgTag) && e->tagQName().prefix() == qName.prefix()) || qName == e->tagQName()); return e.release(); } PassRefPtr Document::createElementNS(const String& namespaceURI, const String& qualifiedName, ExceptionCode& ec) { String prefix, localName; if (!parseQualifiedName(qualifiedName, prefix, localName, ec)) return 0; QualifiedName qName(prefix, localName, namespaceURI); if (hasPrefixNamespaceMismatch(qName)) { ec = NAMESPACE_ERR; return 0; } return createElement(qName, false); } Element* Document::getElementById(const AtomicString& elementId) const { if (elementId.isEmpty()) return 0; Element* element = m_elementsById.get(elementId.impl()); if (element) return element; if (m_duplicateIds.contains(elementId.impl())) { // We know there's at least one node with this id, but we don't know what the first one is. for (Node *n = traverseNextNode(); n != 0; n = n->traverseNextNode()) { if (n->isElementNode()) { element = static_cast(n); if (element->hasID() && element->getAttribute(idAttr) == elementId) { m_duplicateIds.remove(elementId.impl()); m_elementsById.set(elementId.impl(), element); return element; } } } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } return 0; } String Document::readyState() const { if (Frame* f = frame()) { if (f->loader()->isComplete()) return "complete"; if (parsing()) return "loading"; return "loaded"; // FIXME: What does "interactive" mean? // FIXME: Missing support for "uninitialized". } return String(); } String Document::encoding() const { if (TextResourceDecoder* d = decoder()) return d->encoding().domName(); return String(); } String Document::defaultCharset() const { if (Settings* settings = this->settings()) return settings->defaultTextEncodingName(); return String(); } void Document::setCharset(const String& charset) { if (!decoder()) return; decoder()->setEncoding(charset, TextResourceDecoder::UserChosenEncoding); } void Document::setXMLVersion(const String& version, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!implementation()->hasFeature("XML", String())) { ec = NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; return; } // FIXME: Also raise NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if the version is set to a value that is not supported by this Document. m_xmlVersion = version; } void Document::setXMLStandalone(bool standalone, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!implementation()->hasFeature("XML", String())) { ec = NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; return; } m_xmlStandalone = standalone; } void Document::setDocumentURI(const String& uri) { m_documentURI = uri; updateBaseURL(); } KURL Document::baseURI() const { return m_baseURL; } Element* Document::elementFromPoint(int x, int y) const { // FIXME: Share code between this and caretRangeFromPoint. if (!renderer()) return 0; Frame* frame = this->frame(); if (!frame) return 0; FrameView* frameView = frame->view(); if (!frameView) return 0; float zoomFactor = frame->pageZoomFactor(); IntPoint point = roundedIntPoint(FloatPoint(x * zoomFactor, y * zoomFactor)) + view()->scrollOffset(); if (!frameView->visibleContentRect().contains(point)) return 0; HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active); HitTestResult result(point); renderView()->layer()->hitTest(request, result); Node* n = result.innerNode(); while (n && !n->isElementNode()) n = n->parentNode(); if (n) n = n->shadowAncestorNode(); return static_cast(n); } PassRefPtr Document::caretRangeFromPoint(int x, int y) { // FIXME: Share code between this and elementFromPoint. if (!renderer()) return 0; Frame* frame = this->frame(); if (!frame) return 0; FrameView* frameView = frame->view(); if (!frameView) return 0; float zoomFactor = frame->pageZoomFactor(); IntPoint point = roundedIntPoint(FloatPoint(x * zoomFactor, y * zoomFactor)) + view()->scrollOffset(); if (!frameView->visibleContentRect().contains(point)) return 0; HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active); HitTestResult result(point); renderView()->layer()->hitTest(request, result); Node* node = result.innerNode(); if (!node) return 0; Node* shadowAncestorNode = node->shadowAncestorNode(); if (shadowAncestorNode != node) { unsigned offset = shadowAncestorNode->nodeIndex(); Node* container = shadowAncestorNode->parentNode(); return Range::create(this, container, offset, container, offset); } RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer(); if (!renderer) return 0; VisiblePosition visiblePosition = renderer->positionForPoint(result.localPoint()); if (visiblePosition.isNull()) return 0; Position rangeCompliantPosition = rangeCompliantEquivalent(visiblePosition); return Range::create(this, rangeCompliantPosition, rangeCompliantPosition); } void Document::addElementById(const AtomicString& elementId, Element* element) { typedef HashMap::iterator iterator; if (!m_duplicateIds.contains(elementId.impl())) { // Fast path. The ID is not already in m_duplicateIds, so we assume that it's // also not already in m_elementsById and do an add. If that add succeeds, we're done. pair addResult = m_elementsById.add(elementId.impl(), element); if (addResult.second) return; // The add failed, so this ID was already cached in m_elementsById. // There are multiple elements with this ID. Remove the m_elementsById // cache for this ID so getElementById searches for it next time it is called. m_elementsById.remove(addResult.first); m_duplicateIds.add(elementId.impl()); } else { // There are multiple elements with this ID. If it exists, remove the m_elementsById // cache for this ID so getElementById searches for it next time it is called. iterator cachedItem = m_elementsById.find(elementId.impl()); if (cachedItem != m_elementsById.end()) { m_elementsById.remove(cachedItem); m_duplicateIds.add(elementId.impl()); } } m_duplicateIds.add(elementId.impl()); } void Document::removeElementById(const AtomicString& elementId, Element* element) { if (m_elementsById.get(elementId.impl()) == element) m_elementsById.remove(elementId.impl()); else m_duplicateIds.remove(elementId.impl()); } Element* Document::getElementByAccessKey(const String& key) const { if (key.isEmpty()) return 0; if (!m_accessKeyMapValid) { for (Node* n = firstChild(); n; n = n->traverseNextNode()) { if (!n->isElementNode()) continue; Element* element = static_cast(n); const AtomicString& accessKey = element->getAttribute(accesskeyAttr); if (!accessKey.isEmpty()) m_elementsByAccessKey.set(accessKey.impl(), element); } m_accessKeyMapValid = true; } return m_elementsByAccessKey.get(key.impl()); } void Document::updateTitle() { if (Frame* f = frame()) f->loader()->setTitle(m_title); } void Document::setTitle(const String& title, Element* titleElement) { if (!titleElement) { // Title set by JavaScript -- overrides any title elements. m_titleSetExplicitly = true; if (!isHTMLDocument()) m_titleElement = 0; else if (!m_titleElement) { if (HTMLElement* headElement = head()) { m_titleElement = createElement(titleTag, false); ExceptionCode ec = 0; headElement->appendChild(m_titleElement, ec); ASSERT(!ec); } } } else if (titleElement != m_titleElement) { if (m_titleElement || m_titleSetExplicitly) // Only allow the first title element to change the title -- others have no effect. return; m_titleElement = titleElement; } if (m_title == title) return; m_title = title; updateTitle(); if (m_titleSetExplicitly && m_titleElement && m_titleElement->hasTagName(titleTag)) static_cast(m_titleElement.get())->setText(m_title); } void Document::removeTitle(Element* titleElement) { if (m_titleElement != titleElement) return; m_titleElement = 0; m_titleSetExplicitly = false; // Update title based on first title element in the head, if one exists. if (HTMLElement* headElement = head()) { for (Node* e = headElement->firstChild(); e; e = e->nextSibling()) if (e->hasTagName(titleTag)) { HTMLTitleElement* titleElement = static_cast(e); setTitle(titleElement->text(), titleElement); break; } } if (!m_titleElement && !m_title.isEmpty()) { m_title = ""; updateTitle(); } } String Document::nodeName() const { return "#document"; } Node::NodeType Document::nodeType() const { return DOCUMENT_NODE; } FrameView* Document::view() const { return m_frame ? m_frame->view() : 0; } Page* Document::page() const { return m_frame ? m_frame->page() : 0; } Settings* Document::settings() const { return m_frame ? m_frame->settings() : 0; } PassRefPtr Document::createRange() { return Range::create(this); } PassRefPtr Document::createNodeIterator(Node* root, unsigned whatToShow, PassRefPtr filter, bool expandEntityReferences, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!root) { ec = NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; return 0; } return NodeIterator::create(root, whatToShow, filter, expandEntityReferences); } PassRefPtr Document::createTreeWalker(Node *root, unsigned whatToShow, PassRefPtr filter, bool expandEntityReferences, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!root) { ec = NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; return 0; } return TreeWalker::create(root, whatToShow, filter, expandEntityReferences); } void Document::scheduleStyleRecalc() { if (m_styleRecalcTimer.isActive() || inPageCache()) return; ASSERT(childNeedsStyleRecalc()); if (!documentsThatNeedStyleRecalc) documentsThatNeedStyleRecalc = new HashSet; documentsThatNeedStyleRecalc->add(this); // FIXME: Why on earth is this here? This is clearly misplaced. if (m_accessKeyMapValid) { m_accessKeyMapValid = false; m_elementsByAccessKey.clear(); } m_styleRecalcTimer.startOneShot(0); } void Document::unscheduleStyleRecalc() { ASSERT(!childNeedsStyleRecalc()); if (documentsThatNeedStyleRecalc) documentsThatNeedStyleRecalc->remove(this); m_styleRecalcTimer.stop(); } void Document::styleRecalcTimerFired(Timer*) { updateStyleIfNeeded(); } bool Document::childNeedsAndNotInStyleRecalc() { return childNeedsStyleRecalc() && !m_inStyleRecalc; } void Document::recalcStyle(StyleChange change) { // we should not enter style recalc while painting if (view() && view()->isPainting()) { ASSERT(!view()->isPainting()); return; } if (m_inStyleRecalc) return; // Guard against re-entrancy. -dwh #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) InspectorTimelineAgent* timelineAgent = inspectorTimelineAgent(); if (timelineAgent) timelineAgent->willRecalculateStyle(); #endif m_inStyleRecalc = true; suspendPostAttachCallbacks(); if (view()) view()->pauseScheduledEvents(); ASSERT(!renderer() || renderArena()); if (!renderer() || !renderArena()) goto bail_out; if (change == Force) { // style selector may set this again during recalc m_hasNodesWithPlaceholderStyle = false; RefPtr documentStyle = RenderStyle::create(); documentStyle->setDisplay(BLOCK); documentStyle->setVisuallyOrdered(visuallyOrdered); documentStyle->setZoom(frame()->pageZoomFactor()); m_styleSelector->setStyle(documentStyle); FontDescription fontDescription; fontDescription.setUsePrinterFont(printing()); if (Settings* settings = this->settings()) { fontDescription.setRenderingMode(settings->fontRenderingMode()); if (printing() && !settings->shouldPrintBackgrounds()) documentStyle->setForceBackgroundsToWhite(true); const AtomicString& stdfont = settings->standardFontFamily(); if (!stdfont.isEmpty()) { fontDescription.firstFamily().setFamily(stdfont); fontDescription.firstFamily().appendFamily(0); } fontDescription.setKeywordSize(CSSValueMedium - CSSValueXxSmall + 1); m_styleSelector->setFontSize(fontDescription, m_styleSelector->fontSizeForKeyword(CSSValueMedium, inCompatMode(), false)); } documentStyle->setFontDescription(fontDescription); documentStyle->font().update(m_styleSelector->fontSelector()); if (inCompatMode()) documentStyle->setHtmlHacks(true); // enable html specific rendering tricks StyleChange ch = diff(documentStyle.get(), renderer()->style()); if (renderer() && ch != NoChange) renderer()->setStyle(documentStyle.release()); } for (Node* n = firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) if (change >= Inherit || n->childNeedsStyleRecalc() || n->needsStyleRecalc()) n->recalcStyle(change); #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) if (view()) { bool layoutPending = view()->layoutPending() || renderer()->needsLayout(); // If we didn't update compositing layers because of layout(), we need to do so here. if (!layoutPending) view()->updateCompositingLayers(); } #endif bail_out: setNeedsStyleRecalc(NoStyleChange); setChildNeedsStyleRecalc(false); unscheduleStyleRecalc(); if (view()) view()->resumeScheduledEvents(); resumePostAttachCallbacks(); m_inStyleRecalc = false; // If we wanted to call implicitClose() during recalcStyle, do so now that we're finished. if (m_closeAfterStyleRecalc) { m_closeAfterStyleRecalc = false; implicitClose(); } #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) if (timelineAgent) timelineAgent->didRecalculateStyle(); #endif } void Document::updateStyleIfNeeded() { if (!childNeedsStyleRecalc() || inPageCache()) return; if (m_frame) m_frame->animation()->beginAnimationUpdate(); recalcStyle(NoChange); // Tell the animation controller that updateStyleIfNeeded is finished and it can do any post-processing if (m_frame) m_frame->animation()->endAnimationUpdate(); } void Document::updateStyleForAllDocuments() { if (!documentsThatNeedStyleRecalc) return; while (documentsThatNeedStyleRecalc->size()) { HashSet::iterator it = documentsThatNeedStyleRecalc->begin(); Document* doc = *it; documentsThatNeedStyleRecalc->remove(doc); ASSERT(doc->childNeedsStyleRecalc() && !doc->inPageCache()); doc->updateStyleIfNeeded(); } } void Document::updateLayout() { if (Element* oe = ownerElement()) oe->document()->updateLayout(); updateStyleIfNeeded(); // Only do a layout if changes have occurred that make it necessary. FrameView* v = view(); if (v && renderer() && (v->layoutPending() || renderer()->needsLayout())) v->layout(); } // FIXME: This is a bad idea and needs to be removed eventually. // Other browsers load stylesheets before they continue parsing the web page. // Since we don't, we can run JavaScript code that needs answers before the // stylesheets are loaded. Doing a layout ignoring the pending stylesheets // lets us get reasonable answers. The long term solution to this problem is // to instead suspend JavaScript execution. void Document::updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets() { bool oldIgnore = m_ignorePendingStylesheets; if (!haveStylesheetsLoaded()) { m_ignorePendingStylesheets = true; // FIXME: We are willing to attempt to suppress painting with outdated style info only once. Our assumption is that it would be // dangerous to try to stop it a second time, after page content has already been loaded and displayed // with accurate style information. (Our suppression involves blanking the whole page at the // moment. If it were more refined, we might be able to do something better.) // It's worth noting though that this entire method is a hack, since what we really want to do is // suspend JS instead of doing a layout with inaccurate information. if (body() && !body()->renderer() && m_pendingSheetLayout == NoLayoutWithPendingSheets) { m_pendingSheetLayout = DidLayoutWithPendingSheets; updateStyleSelector(); } else if (m_hasNodesWithPlaceholderStyle) // If new nodes have been added or style recalc has been done with style sheets still pending, some nodes // may not have had their real style calculated yet. Normally this gets cleaned when style sheets arrive // but here we need up-to-date style immediatly. recalcStyle(Force); } updateLayout(); m_ignorePendingStylesheets = oldIgnore; } void Document::attach() { ASSERT(!attached()); ASSERT(!m_inPageCache); ASSERT(!m_axObjectCache); if (!m_renderArena) m_renderArena = new RenderArena(); // Create the rendering tree setRenderer(new (m_renderArena) RenderView(this, view())); #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) renderView()->didMoveOnscreen(); #endif if (!m_styleSelector) { bool matchAuthorAndUserStyles = true; if (Settings* docSettings = settings()) matchAuthorAndUserStyles = docSettings->authorAndUserStylesEnabled(); m_styleSelector = new CSSStyleSelector(this, m_styleSheets.get(), m_mappedElementSheet.get(), pageUserSheet(), pageGroupUserSheets(), !inCompatMode(), matchAuthorAndUserStyles); } recalcStyle(Force); RenderObject* render = renderer(); setRenderer(0); ContainerNode::attach(); setRenderer(render); } void Document::detach() { ASSERT(attached()); ASSERT(!m_inPageCache); clearAXObjectCache(); stopActiveDOMObjects(); RenderObject* render = renderer(); // Send out documentWillBecomeInactive() notifications to registered elements, // in order to stop media elements documentWillBecomeInactive(); #if ENABLE(SHARED_WORKERS) SharedWorkerRepository::documentDetached(this); #endif if (m_frame) { FrameView* view = m_frame->view(); if (view) view->detachCustomScrollbars(); } // indicate destruction mode, i.e. attached() but renderer == 0 setRenderer(0); m_hoverNode = 0; m_focusedNode = 0; m_activeNode = 0; ContainerNode::detach(); unscheduleStyleRecalc(); if (render) render->destroy(); // This is required, as our Frame might delete itself as soon as it detaches // us. However, this violates Node::detach() symantics, as it's never // possible to re-attach. Eventually Document::detach() should be renamed, // or this setting of the frame to 0 could be made explicit in each of the // callers of Document::detach(). m_frame = 0; if (m_renderArena) { delete m_renderArena; m_renderArena = 0; } } void Document::removeAllEventListeners() { EventTarget::removeAllEventListeners(); if (DOMWindow* domWindow = this->domWindow()) domWindow->removeAllEventListeners(); for (Node* node = firstChild(); node; node = node->traverseNextNode()) node->removeAllEventListeners(); } RenderView* Document::renderView() const { return toRenderView(renderer()); } void Document::clearAXObjectCache() { // clear cache in top document if (m_axObjectCache) { delete m_axObjectCache; m_axObjectCache = 0; return; } // ask the top-level document to clear its cache Document* doc = topDocument(); if (doc != this) doc->clearAXObjectCache(); } AXObjectCache* Document::axObjectCache() const { // The only document that actually has a AXObjectCache is the top-level // document. This is because we need to be able to get from any WebCoreAXObject // to any other WebCoreAXObject on the same page. Using a single cache allows // lookups across nested webareas (i.e. multiple documents). if (m_axObjectCache) { // return already known top-level cache if (!ownerElement()) return m_axObjectCache; // In some pages with frames, the cache is created before the sub-webarea is // inserted into the tree. Here, we catch that case and just toss the old // cache and start over. // NOTE: This recovery may no longer be needed. I have been unable to trigger // it again. See rdar://5794454 // FIXME: Can this be fixed when inserting the subframe instead of now? // FIXME: If this function was called to get the cache in order to remove // an AXObject, we are now deleting the cache as a whole and returning a // new empty cache that does not contain the AXObject! That should actually // be OK. I am concerned about other cases like this where accessing the // cache blows away the AXObject being operated on. delete m_axObjectCache; m_axObjectCache = 0; } // ask the top-level document for its cache Document* doc = topDocument(); if (doc != this) return doc->axObjectCache(); // this is the top-level document, so install a new cache m_axObjectCache = new AXObjectCache; return m_axObjectCache; } void Document::setVisuallyOrdered() { visuallyOrdered = true; if (renderer()) renderer()->style()->setVisuallyOrdered(true); } Tokenizer* Document::createTokenizer() { // FIXME: this should probably pass the frame instead return new XMLTokenizer(this, view()); } void Document::open(Document* ownerDocument) { if (ownerDocument) { setURL(ownerDocument->url()); m_cookieURL = ownerDocument->cookieURL(); ScriptExecutionContext::setSecurityOrigin(ownerDocument->securityOrigin()); } if (m_frame) { if (m_frame->loader()->isLoadingMainResource() || (tokenizer() && tokenizer()->executingScript())) return; if (m_frame->loader()->state() == FrameStateProvisional) m_frame->loader()->stopAllLoaders(); } implicitOpen(); if (m_frame) m_frame->loader()->didExplicitOpen(); } void Document::cancelParsing() { if (m_tokenizer) { // We have to clear the tokenizer to avoid possibly triggering // the onload handler when closing as a side effect of a cancel-style // change, such as opening a new document or closing the window while // still parsing delete m_tokenizer; m_tokenizer = 0; close(); } } void Document::implicitOpen() { cancelParsing(); clear(); m_tokenizer = createTokenizer(); setParsing(true); if (m_frame) m_tokenizer->setXSSAuditor(m_frame->script()->xssAuditor()); // If we reload, the animation controller sticks around and has // a stale animation time. We need to update it here. if (m_frame && m_frame->animation()) m_frame->animation()->beginAnimationUpdate(); } HTMLElement* Document::body() const { Node* de = documentElement(); if (!de) return 0; // try to prefer a FRAMESET element over BODY Node* body = 0; for (Node* i = de->firstChild(); i; i = i->nextSibling()) { if (i->hasTagName(framesetTag)) return static_cast(i); if (i->hasTagName(bodyTag) && !body) body = i; } return static_cast(body); } void Document::setBody(PassRefPtr newBody, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!newBody || !documentElement()) { ec = HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR; return; } HTMLElement* b = body(); if (!b) documentElement()->appendChild(newBody, ec); else documentElement()->replaceChild(newBody, b, ec); } HTMLHeadElement* Document::head() { Node* de = documentElement(); if (!de) return 0; for (Node* e = de->firstChild(); e; e = e->nextSibling()) if (e->hasTagName(headTag)) return static_cast(e); return 0; } void Document::close() { Frame* frame = this->frame(); if (frame) { // This code calls implicitClose() if all loading has completed. FrameLoader* frameLoader = frame->loader(); frameLoader->endIfNotLoadingMainResource(); frameLoader->checkCompleted(); } else { // Because we have no frame, we don't know if all loading has completed, // so we just call implicitClose() immediately. FIXME: This might fire // the load event prematurely . implicitClose(); } } void Document::implicitClose() { // If we're in the middle of recalcStyle, we need to defer the close until the style information is accurate and all elements are re-attached. if (m_inStyleRecalc) { m_closeAfterStyleRecalc = true; return; } bool wasLocationChangePending = frame() && frame()->loader()->isScheduledLocationChangePending(); bool doload = !parsing() && m_tokenizer && !m_processingLoadEvent && !wasLocationChangePending; if (!doload) return; m_processingLoadEvent = true; m_wellFormed = m_tokenizer && m_tokenizer->wellFormed(); // We have to clear the tokenizer, in case someone document.write()s from the // onLoad event handler, as in Radar 3206524. delete m_tokenizer; m_tokenizer = 0; // Parser should have picked up all preloads by now m_docLoader->clearPreloads(); // Create a head and a body if we don't have those yet (e.g. for about:blank). if (!this->body() && isHTMLDocument()) { if (Node* documentElement = this->documentElement()) { ExceptionCode ec = 0; // The implicit isn't expected in older versions of Mail - if (!head() && shouldCreateImplicitHead(this)) { documentElement->appendChild(new HTMLHeadElement(headTag, this), ec); ASSERT(!ec); } documentElement->appendChild(new HTMLBodyElement(bodyTag, this), ec); ASSERT(!ec); } } // FIXME: We kick off the icon loader when the Document is done parsing. // There are earlier opportunities we could start it: // -When the finishes parsing // -When any new HTMLLinkElement is inserted into the document // But those add a dynamic component to the favicon that has UI // ramifications, and we need to decide what is the Right Thing To Do(tm) Frame* f = frame(); if (f) f->loader()->startIconLoader(); // Resume the animations (or start them) if (f) f->animation()->resumeAnimations(this); ImageLoader::dispatchPendingLoadEvents(); dispatchWindowLoadEvent(); dispatchWindowEvent(PageTransitionEvent::create(eventNames().pageshowEvent, false), this); if (f) f->loader()->handledOnloadEvents(); #ifdef INSTRUMENT_LAYOUT_SCHEDULING if (!ownerElement()) printf("onload fired at %d\n", elapsedTime()); #endif m_processingLoadEvent = false; // An event handler may have removed the frame if (!frame()) return; // Make sure both the initial layout and reflow happen after the onload // fires. This will improve onload scores, and other browsers do it. // If they wanna cheat, we can too. -dwh if (frame()->loader()->isScheduledLocationChangePending() && elapsedTime() < cLayoutScheduleThreshold) { // Just bail out. Before or during the onload we were shifted to another page. // The old i-Bench suite does this. When this happens don't bother painting or laying out. view()->unscheduleRelayout(); return; } frame()->loader()->checkCallImplicitClose(); RenderObject* renderObject = renderer(); // We used to force a synchronous display and flush here. This really isn't // necessary and can in fact be actively harmful if pages are loading at a rate of > 60fps // (if your platform is syncing flushes and limiting them to 60fps). m_overMinimumLayoutThreshold = true; if (!ownerElement() || (ownerElement()->renderer() && !ownerElement()->renderer()->needsLayout())) { updateStyleIfNeeded(); // Always do a layout after loading if needed. if (view() && renderObject && (!renderObject->firstChild() || renderObject->needsLayout())) view()->layout(); } #if PLATFORM(MAC) if (f && renderObject && this == topDocument() && AXObjectCache::accessibilityEnabled()) { // The AX cache may have been cleared at this point, but we need to make sure it contains an // AX object to send the notification to. getOrCreate will make sure that an valid AX object // exists in the cache (we ignore the return value because we don't need it here). This is // only safe to call when a layout is not in progress, so it can not be used in postNotification. axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(renderObject); axObjectCache()->postNotification(renderObject, AXObjectCache::AXLoadComplete, true); } #endif #if ENABLE(SVG) // FIXME: Officially, time 0 is when the outermost receives its // SVGLoad event, but we don't implement those yet. This is close enough // for now. In some cases we should have fired earlier. if (svgExtensions()) accessSVGExtensions()->startAnimations(); #endif } void Document::setParsing(bool b) { m_bParsing = b; if (!m_bParsing && view()) view()->scheduleRelayout(); #ifdef INSTRUMENT_LAYOUT_SCHEDULING if (!ownerElement() && !m_bParsing) printf("Parsing finished at %d\n", elapsedTime()); #endif } bool Document::shouldScheduleLayout() { // This function will only be called when FrameView thinks a layout is needed. // This enforces a couple extra rules. // // (a) Only schedule a layout once the stylesheets are loaded. // (b) Only schedule layout once we have a body element. return (haveStylesheetsLoaded() && body()) || (documentElement() && !documentElement()->hasTagName(htmlTag)); } int Document::minimumLayoutDelay() { if (m_overMinimumLayoutThreshold) return 0; int elapsed = elapsedTime(); m_overMinimumLayoutThreshold = elapsed > cLayoutScheduleThreshold; // We'll want to schedule the timer to fire at the minimum layout threshold. return max(0, cLayoutScheduleThreshold - elapsed); } int Document::elapsedTime() const { return static_cast((currentTime() - m_startTime) * 1000); } void Document::write(const SegmentedString& text, Document* ownerDocument) { #ifdef INSTRUMENT_LAYOUT_SCHEDULING if (!ownerElement()) printf("Beginning a document.write at %d\n", elapsedTime()); #endif if (!m_tokenizer) open(ownerDocument); ASSERT(m_tokenizer); m_tokenizer->write(text, false); #ifdef INSTRUMENT_LAYOUT_SCHEDULING if (!ownerElement()) printf("Ending a document.write at %d\n", elapsedTime()); #endif } void Document::write(const String& text, Document* ownerDocument) { write(SegmentedString(text), ownerDocument); } void Document::writeln(const String& text, Document* ownerDocument) { write(text, ownerDocument); write("\n", ownerDocument); } void Document::finishParsing() { #ifdef INSTRUMENT_LAYOUT_SCHEDULING if (!ownerElement()) printf("Received all data at %d\n", elapsedTime()); #endif // Let the tokenizer go through as much data as it can. There will be three possible outcomes after // finish() is called: // (1) All remaining data is parsed, document isn't loaded yet // (2) All remaining data is parsed, document is loaded, tokenizer gets deleted // (3) Data is still remaining to be parsed. if (m_tokenizer) m_tokenizer->finish(); } void Document::clear() { delete m_tokenizer; m_tokenizer = 0; removeChildren(); if (DOMWindow* domWindow = this->domWindow()) domWindow->removeAllEventListeners(); } const KURL& Document::virtualURL() const { return m_url; } KURL Document::virtualCompleteURL(const String& url) const { return completeURL(url); } void Document::setURL(const KURL& url) { const KURL& newURL = url.isEmpty() ? blankURL() : url; if (newURL == m_url) return; m_url = newURL; m_documentURI = m_url.string(); updateBaseURL(); } void Document::setBaseElementURL(const KURL& baseElementURL) { m_baseElementURL = baseElementURL; updateBaseURL(); } void Document::updateBaseURL() { // DOM 3 Core: When the Document supports the feature "HTML" [DOM Level 2 HTML], the base URI is computed using // first the value of the href attribute of the HTML BASE element if any, and the value of the documentURI attribute // from the Document interface otherwise. if (m_baseElementURL.isEmpty()) { // The documentURI attribute is an arbitrary string. DOM 3 Core does not specify how it should be resolved, // so we use a null base URL. m_baseURL = KURL(KURL(), documentURI()); } else m_baseURL = m_baseElementURL; if (!m_baseURL.isValid()) m_baseURL = KURL(); if (m_elemSheet) m_elemSheet->setHref(m_baseURL.string()); if (m_mappedElementSheet) m_mappedElementSheet->setHref(m_baseURL.string()); } String Document::userAgent(const KURL& url) const { return frame() ? frame()->loader()->userAgent(url) : String(); } CSSStyleSheet* Document::pageUserSheet() { if (m_pageUserSheet) return m_pageUserSheet.get(); Page* owningPage = page(); if (!owningPage) return 0; String userSheetText = owningPage->userStyleSheet(); if (userSheetText.isEmpty()) return 0; // Parse the sheet and cache it. m_pageUserSheet = CSSStyleSheet::create(this, settings()->userStyleSheetLocation()); m_pageUserSheet->setIsUserStyleSheet(true); m_pageUserSheet->parseString(userSheetText, !inCompatMode()); return m_pageUserSheet.get(); } void Document::clearPageUserSheet() { m_pageUserSheet = 0; updateStyleSelector(); } const Vector >* Document::pageGroupUserSheets() const { if (m_pageGroupUserSheetCacheValid) return m_pageGroupUserSheets.get(); m_pageGroupUserSheetCacheValid = true; Page* owningPage = page(); if (!owningPage) return 0; const PageGroup& pageGroup = owningPage->group(); const UserStyleSheetMap* sheetsMap = pageGroup.userStyleSheets(); if (!sheetsMap) return 0; UserStyleSheetMap::const_iterator end = sheetsMap->end(); for (UserStyleSheetMap::const_iterator it = sheetsMap->begin(); it != end; ++it) { const UserStyleSheetVector* sheets = it->second; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sheets->size(); ++i) { const UserStyleSheet* sheet = sheets->at(i).get(); if (!UserContentURLPattern::matchesPatterns(url(), sheet->patterns())) continue; RefPtr parsedSheet = CSSStyleSheet::create(const_cast(this), sheet->url()); parsedSheet->setIsUserStyleSheet(true); parsedSheet->parseString(sheet->source(), !inCompatMode()); if (!m_pageGroupUserSheets) m_pageGroupUserSheets.set(new Vector >); m_pageGroupUserSheets->append(parsedSheet.release()); } } return m_pageGroupUserSheets.get(); } void Document::clearPageGroupUserSheets() { m_pageGroupUserSheets.clear(); m_pageGroupUserSheetCacheValid = false; updateStyleSelector(); } CSSStyleSheet* Document::elementSheet() { if (!m_elemSheet) m_elemSheet = CSSStyleSheet::create(this, m_baseURL.string()); return m_elemSheet.get(); } CSSStyleSheet* Document::mappedElementSheet() { if (!m_mappedElementSheet) m_mappedElementSheet = CSSStyleSheet::create(this, m_baseURL.string()); return m_mappedElementSheet.get(); } static Node* nextNodeWithExactTabIndex(Node* start, int tabIndex, KeyboardEvent* event) { // Search is inclusive of start for (Node* n = start; n; n = n->traverseNextNode()) if (n->isKeyboardFocusable(event) && n->tabIndex() == tabIndex) return n; return 0; } static Node* previousNodeWithExactTabIndex(Node* start, int tabIndex, KeyboardEvent* event) { // Search is inclusive of start for (Node* n = start; n; n = n->traversePreviousNode()) if (n->isKeyboardFocusable(event) && n->tabIndex() == tabIndex) return n; return 0; } static Node* nextNodeWithGreaterTabIndex(Node* start, int tabIndex, KeyboardEvent* event) { // Search is inclusive of start int winningTabIndex = SHRT_MAX + 1; Node* winner = 0; for (Node* n = start; n; n = n->traverseNextNode()) if (n->isKeyboardFocusable(event) && n->tabIndex() > tabIndex && n->tabIndex() < winningTabIndex) { winner = n; winningTabIndex = n->tabIndex(); } return winner; } static Node* previousNodeWithLowerTabIndex(Node* start, int tabIndex, KeyboardEvent* event) { // Search is inclusive of start int winningTabIndex = 0; Node* winner = 0; for (Node* n = start; n; n = n->traversePreviousNode()) if (n->isKeyboardFocusable(event) && n->tabIndex() < tabIndex && n->tabIndex() > winningTabIndex) { winner = n; winningTabIndex = n->tabIndex(); } return winner; } Node* Document::nextFocusableNode(Node* start, KeyboardEvent* event) { if (start) { // If a node is excluded from the normal tabbing cycle, the next focusable node is determined by tree order if (start->tabIndex() < 0) { for (Node* n = start->traverseNextNode(); n; n = n->traverseNextNode()) if (n->isKeyboardFocusable(event) && n->tabIndex() >= 0) return n; } // First try to find a node with the same tabindex as start that comes after start in the document. if (Node* winner = nextNodeWithExactTabIndex(start->traverseNextNode(), start->tabIndex(), event)) return winner; if (start->tabIndex() == 0) // We've reached the last node in the document with a tabindex of 0. This is the end of the tabbing order. return 0; } // Look for the first node in the document that: // 1) has the lowest tabindex that is higher than start's tabindex (or 0, if start is null), and // 2) comes first in the document, if there's a tie. if (Node* winner = nextNodeWithGreaterTabIndex(this, start ? start->tabIndex() : 0, event)) return winner; // There are no nodes with a tabindex greater than start's tabindex, // so find the first node with a tabindex of 0. return nextNodeWithExactTabIndex(this, 0, event); } Node* Document::previousFocusableNode(Node* start, KeyboardEvent* event) { Node* last; for (last = this; last->lastChild(); last = last->lastChild()) ; // Empty loop. // First try to find the last node in the document that comes before start and has the same tabindex as start. // If start is null, find the last node in the document with a tabindex of 0. Node* startingNode; int startingTabIndex; if (start) { startingNode = start->traversePreviousNode(); startingTabIndex = start->tabIndex(); } else { startingNode = last; startingTabIndex = 0; } // However, if a node is excluded from the normal tabbing cycle, the previous focusable node is determined by tree order if (startingTabIndex < 0) { for (Node* n = startingNode; n; n = n->traversePreviousNode()) if (n->isKeyboardFocusable(event) && n->tabIndex() >= 0) return n; } if (Node* winner = previousNodeWithExactTabIndex(startingNode, startingTabIndex, event)) return winner; // There are no nodes before start with the same tabindex as start, so look for a node that: // 1) has the highest non-zero tabindex (that is less than start's tabindex), and // 2) comes last in the document, if there's a tie. startingTabIndex = (start && start->tabIndex()) ? start->tabIndex() : SHRT_MAX; return previousNodeWithLowerTabIndex(last, startingTabIndex, event); } int Document::nodeAbsIndex(Node *node) { ASSERT(node->document() == this); int absIndex = 0; for (Node *n = node; n && n != this; n = n->traversePreviousNode()) absIndex++; return absIndex; } Node *Document::nodeWithAbsIndex(int absIndex) { Node *n = this; for (int i = 0; n && (i < absIndex); i++) { n = n->traverseNextNode(); } return n; } void Document::processHttpEquiv(const String& equiv, const String& content) { ASSERT(!equiv.isNull() && !content.isNull()); Frame* frame = this->frame(); if (equalIgnoringCase(equiv, "default-style")) { // The preferred style set has been overridden as per section // 14.3.2 of the HTML4.0 specification. We need to update the // sheet used variable and then update our style selector. // For more info, see the test at: // http://www.hixie.ch/tests/evil/css/import/main/preferred.html // -dwh m_selectedStylesheetSet = content; m_preferredStylesheetSet = content; updateStyleSelector(); } else if (equalIgnoringCase(equiv, "refresh")) { double delay; String url; if (frame && parseHTTPRefresh(content, true, delay, url)) { if (url.isEmpty()) url = frame->loader()->url().string(); else url = completeURL(url).string(); frame->loader()->scheduleHTTPRedirection(delay, url); } } else if (equalIgnoringCase(equiv, "set-cookie")) { // FIXME: make setCookie work on XML documents too; e.g. in case of if (isHTMLDocument()) static_cast(this)->setCookie(content); } else if (equalIgnoringCase(equiv, "content-language")) setContentLanguage(content); else if (equalIgnoringCase(equiv, "x-dns-prefetch-control")) parseDNSPrefetchControlHeader(content); else if (equalIgnoringCase(equiv, "x-frame-options")) { FrameLoader* frameLoader = frame->loader(); if (frameLoader->shouldInterruptLoadForXFrameOptions(content, url())) { frameLoader->stopAllLoaders(); frameLoader->scheduleLocationChange(blankURL(), String()); } } } MouseEventWithHitTestResults Document::prepareMouseEvent(const HitTestRequest& request, const IntPoint& documentPoint, const PlatformMouseEvent& event) { ASSERT(!renderer() || renderer()->isRenderView()); if (!renderer()) return MouseEventWithHitTestResults(event, HitTestResult(IntPoint())); HitTestResult result(documentPoint); renderView()->layer()->hitTest(request, result); if (!request.readOnly()) updateStyleIfNeeded(); return MouseEventWithHitTestResults(event, result); } // DOM Section 1.1.1 bool Document::childTypeAllowed(NodeType type) { switch (type) { case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: case CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_NODE: case ENTITY_NODE: case ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: case NOTATION_NODE: case TEXT_NODE: case XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE: return false; case COMMENT_NODE: case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: return true; case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: case ELEMENT_NODE: // Documents may contain no more than one of each of these. // (One Element and one DocumentType.) for (Node* c = firstChild(); c; c = c->nextSibling()) if (c->nodeType() == type) return false; return true; } return false; } bool Document::canReplaceChild(Node* newChild, Node* oldChild) { if (!oldChild) // ContainerNode::replaceChild will raise a NOT_FOUND_ERR. return true; if (oldChild->nodeType() == newChild->nodeType()) return true; int numDoctypes = 0; int numElements = 0; // First, check how many doctypes and elements we have, not counting // the child we're about to remove. for (Node* c = firstChild(); c; c = c->nextSibling()) { if (c == oldChild) continue; switch (c->nodeType()) { case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: numDoctypes++; break; case ELEMENT_NODE: numElements++; break; default: break; } } // Then, see how many doctypes and elements might be added by the new child. if (newChild->nodeType() == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { for (Node* c = firstChild(); c; c = c->nextSibling()) { switch (c->nodeType()) { case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: case CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_NODE: case ENTITY_NODE: case ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: case NOTATION_NODE: case TEXT_NODE: case XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE: return false; case COMMENT_NODE: case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: break; case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: numDoctypes++; break; case ELEMENT_NODE: numElements++; break; } } } else { switch (newChild->nodeType()) { case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: case CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_NODE: case ENTITY_NODE: case ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: case NOTATION_NODE: case TEXT_NODE: case XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE: return false; case COMMENT_NODE: case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: return true; case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: numDoctypes++; break; case ELEMENT_NODE: numElements++; break; } } if (numElements > 1 || numDoctypes > 1) return false; return true; } PassRefPtr Document::cloneNode(bool /*deep*/) { // Spec says cloning Document nodes is "implementation dependent" // so we do not support it... return 0; } StyleSheetList* Document::styleSheets() { return m_styleSheets.get(); } String Document::preferredStylesheetSet() const { return m_preferredStylesheetSet; } String Document::selectedStylesheetSet() const { return m_selectedStylesheetSet; } void Document::setSelectedStylesheetSet(const String& aString) { m_selectedStylesheetSet = aString; updateStyleSelector(); if (renderer()) renderer()->repaint(); } // This method is called whenever a top-level stylesheet has finished loading. void Document::removePendingSheet() { // Make sure we knew this sheet was pending, and that our count isn't out of sync. ASSERT(m_pendingStylesheets > 0); m_pendingStylesheets--; #ifdef INSTRUMENT_LAYOUT_SCHEDULING if (!ownerElement()) printf("Stylesheet loaded at time %d. %d stylesheets still remain.\n", elapsedTime(), m_pendingStylesheets); #endif updateStyleSelector(); if (!m_pendingStylesheets && m_tokenizer) m_tokenizer->executeScriptsWaitingForStylesheets(); if (!m_pendingStylesheets && m_gotoAnchorNeededAfterStylesheetsLoad && m_frame) m_frame->loader()->gotoAnchor(); } void Document::updateStyleSelector() { // Don't bother updating, since we haven't loaded all our style info yet // and haven't calculated the style selector for the first time. if (!m_didCalculateStyleSelector && !haveStylesheetsLoaded()) return; if (didLayoutWithPendingStylesheets() && m_pendingStylesheets <= 0) { m_pendingSheetLayout = IgnoreLayoutWithPendingSheets; if (renderer()) renderer()->repaint(); } #ifdef INSTRUMENT_LAYOUT_SCHEDULING if (!ownerElement()) printf("Beginning update of style selector at time %d.\n", elapsedTime()); #endif recalcStyleSelector(); recalcStyle(Force); #ifdef INSTRUMENT_LAYOUT_SCHEDULING if (!ownerElement()) printf("Finished update of style selector at time %d\n", elapsedTime()); #endif if (renderer()) { renderer()->setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(); if (view()) view()->scheduleRelayout(); } } void Document::addStyleSheetCandidateNode(Node* node, bool createdByParser) { // Until the exists, we have no choice but to compare document positions, // since styles outside of the body and head continue to be shunted into the head // (and thus can shift to end up before dynamically added DOM content that is also // outside the body). if ((createdByParser && body()) || m_styleSheetCandidateNodes.isEmpty()) { m_styleSheetCandidateNodes.add(node); return; } // Determine an appropriate insertion point. ListHashSet::iterator begin = m_styleSheetCandidateNodes.begin(); ListHashSet::iterator end = m_styleSheetCandidateNodes.end(); ListHashSet::iterator it = end; Node* followingNode = 0; do { --it; Node* n = *it; unsigned short position = n->compareDocumentPosition(node); if (position == DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING) { m_styleSheetCandidateNodes.insertBefore(followingNode, node); return; } followingNode = n; } while (it != begin); m_styleSheetCandidateNodes.insertBefore(followingNode, node); } void Document::removeStyleSheetCandidateNode(Node* node) { m_styleSheetCandidateNodes.remove(node); } void Document::recalcStyleSelector() { if (!renderer() || !attached()) return; StyleSheetVector sheets; bool matchAuthorAndUserStyles = true; if (Settings* settings = this->settings()) matchAuthorAndUserStyles = settings->authorAndUserStylesEnabled(); ListHashSet::iterator begin = m_styleSheetCandidateNodes.begin(); ListHashSet::iterator end = m_styleSheetCandidateNodes.end(); if (!matchAuthorAndUserStyles) end = begin; for (ListHashSet::iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) { Node* n = *it; StyleSheet* sheet = 0; if (n->nodeType() == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) { // Processing instruction (XML documents only) ProcessingInstruction* pi = static_cast(n); sheet = pi->sheet(); #if ENABLE(XSLT) // Don't apply XSL transforms to already transformed documents -- if (pi->isXSL() && !transformSourceDocument()) { // Don't apply XSL transforms until loading is finished. if (!parsing()) applyXSLTransform(pi); return; } #endif if (!sheet && !pi->localHref().isEmpty()) { // Processing instruction with reference to an element in this document - e.g. // , with the element // heading { color: red; } at some location in // the document Element* elem = getElementById(pi->localHref().impl()); if (elem) { String sheetText(""); for (Node* c = elem->firstChild(); c; c = c->nextSibling()) { if (c->nodeType() == TEXT_NODE || c->nodeType() == CDATA_SECTION_NODE) sheetText += c->nodeValue(); } RefPtr cssSheet = CSSStyleSheet::create(this); cssSheet->parseString(sheetText); pi->setCSSStyleSheet(cssSheet); sheet = cssSheet.get(); } } } else if (n->isHTMLElement() && (n->hasTagName(linkTag) || n->hasTagName(styleTag)) #if ENABLE(SVG) || (n->isSVGElement() && n->hasTagName(SVGNames::styleTag)) #endif ) { Element* e = static_cast(n); AtomicString title = e->getAttribute(titleAttr); bool enabledViaScript = false; if (e->hasLocalName(linkTag)) { // element HTMLLinkElement* l = static_cast(n); if (l->isDisabled()) continue; enabledViaScript = l->isEnabledViaScript(); if (l->isLoading()) { // it is loading but we should still decide which style sheet set to use if (!enabledViaScript && !title.isEmpty() && m_preferredStylesheetSet.isEmpty()) { const AtomicString& rel = e->getAttribute(relAttr); if (!rel.contains("alternate")) { m_preferredStylesheetSet = title; m_selectedStylesheetSet = title; } } continue; } if (!l->sheet()) title = nullAtom; } // Get the current preferred styleset. This is the // set of sheets that will be enabled. #if ENABLE(SVG) if (n->isSVGElement() && n->hasTagName(SVGNames::styleTag)) sheet = static_cast(n)->sheet(); else #endif if (e->hasLocalName(linkTag)) sheet = static_cast(n)->sheet(); else //