/* * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) * Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (http://www.torchmobile.com/) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "Node.h" #include "Attr.h" #include "CSSParser.h" #include "CSSRule.h" #include "CSSRuleList.h" #include "CSSSelector.h" #include "CSSSelectorList.h" #include "CSSStyleRule.h" #include "CSSStyleSelector.h" #include "CSSStyleSheet.h" #include "CString.h" #include "ChildNodeList.h" #include "ClassNodeList.h" #include "DOMImplementation.h" #include "Document.h" #include "DynamicNodeList.h" #include "Element.h" #include "Event.h" #include "EventException.h" #include "EventHandler.h" #include "EventListener.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "ExceptionCode.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "KeyboardEvent.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "MouseEvent.h" #include "MutationEvent.h" #include "NameNodeList.h" #include "NamedNodeMap.h" #include "NodeRareData.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PlatformMouseEvent.h" #include "PlatformWheelEvent.h" #include "ProcessingInstruction.h" #include "ProgressEvent.h" #include "RegisteredEventListener.h" #include "RenderObject.h" #include "ScriptController.h" #include "SelectorNodeList.h" #include "StringBuilder.h" #include "TagNodeList.h" #include "Text.h" #include "TextEvent.h" #include "UIEvent.h" #include "UIEventWithKeyState.h" #include "WebKitAnimationEvent.h" #include "WebKitTransitionEvent.h" #include "WheelEvent.h" #include "XMLNames.h" #include "htmlediting.h" #include #include #include #include #if ENABLE(DOM_STORAGE) #include "StorageEvent.h" #endif #if ENABLE(SVG) #include "SVGElementInstance.h" #include "SVGUseElement.h" #endif #if ENABLE(XHTMLMP) #include "HTMLNoScriptElement.h" #endif #define DUMP_NODE_STATISTICS 0 using namespace std; namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; static HashSet* gNodesDispatchingSimulatedClicks = 0; bool Node::isSupported(const String& feature, const String& version) { return DOMImplementation::hasFeature(feature, version); } #if DUMP_NODE_STATISTICS static HashSet liveNodeSet; #endif void Node::dumpStatistics() { #if DUMP_NODE_STATISTICS size_t nodesWithRareData = 0; size_t elementNodes = 0; size_t attrNodes = 0; size_t textNodes = 0; size_t cdataNodes = 0; size_t commentNodes = 0; size_t entityReferenceNodes = 0; size_t entityNodes = 0; size_t piNodes = 0; size_t documentNodes = 0; size_t docTypeNodes = 0; size_t fragmentNodes = 0; size_t notationNodes = 0; size_t xpathNSNodes = 0; HashMap perTagCount; size_t attributes = 0; size_t mappedAttributes = 0; size_t mappedAttributesWithStyleDecl = 0; size_t attributesWithAttr = 0; size_t attrMaps = 0; size_t mappedAttrMaps = 0; for (HashSet::const_iterator it = liveNodeSet.begin(); it != liveNodeSet.end(); ++it) { Node* node = *it; if (node->hasRareData()) ++nodesWithRareData; switch (node->nodeType()) { case ELEMENT_NODE: { ++elementNodes; // Tag stats Element* element = static_cast(node); pair::iterator, bool> result = perTagCount.add(element->tagName(), 1); if (!result.second) result.first->second++; // AttributeMap stats if (NamedNodeMap* attrMap = element->attributes(true)) { attributes += attrMap->length(); ++attrMaps; if (attrMap->isMappedAttributeMap()) ++mappedAttrMaps; for (unsigned i = 0; i < attrMap->length(); ++i) { Attribute* attr = attrMap->attributeItem(i); if (attr->attr()) ++attributesWithAttr; if (attr->isMappedAttribute()) { ++mappedAttributes; if (attr->style()) ++mappedAttributesWithStyleDecl; } } } break; } case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: { ++attrNodes; break; } case TEXT_NODE: { ++textNodes; break; } case CDATA_SECTION_NODE: { ++cdataNodes; break; } case COMMENT_NODE: { ++commentNodes; break; } case ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: { ++entityReferenceNodes; break; } case ENTITY_NODE: { ++entityNodes; break; } case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: { ++piNodes; break; } case DOCUMENT_NODE: { ++documentNodes; break; } case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: { ++docTypeNodes; break; } case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: { ++fragmentNodes; break; } case NOTATION_NODE: { ++notationNodes; break; } case XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE: { ++xpathNSNodes; break; } } } printf("Number of Nodes: %d\n\n", liveNodeSet.size()); printf("Number of Nodes with RareData: %zu\n\n", nodesWithRareData); printf("NodeType distrubution:\n"); printf(" Number of Element nodes: %zu\n", elementNodes); printf(" Number of Attribute nodes: %zu\n", attrNodes); printf(" Number of Text nodes: %zu\n", textNodes); printf(" Number of CDATASection nodes: %zu\n", cdataNodes); printf(" Number of Comment nodes: %zu\n", commentNodes); printf(" Number of EntityReference nodes: %zu\n", entityReferenceNodes); printf(" Number of Entity nodes: %zu\n", entityNodes); printf(" Number of ProcessingInstruction nodes: %zu\n", piNodes); printf(" Number of Document nodes: %zu\n", documentNodes); printf(" Number of DocumentType nodes: %zu\n", docTypeNodes); printf(" Number of DocumentFragment nodes: %zu\n", fragmentNodes); printf(" Number of Notation nodes: %zu\n", notationNodes); printf(" Number of XPathNS nodes: %zu\n", xpathNSNodes); printf("Element tag name distibution:\n"); for (HashMap::const_iterator it = perTagCount.begin(); it != perTagCount.end(); ++it) printf(" Number of <%s> tags: %zu\n", it->first.utf8().data(), it->second); printf("Attribute Maps:\n"); printf(" Number of Attributes (non-Node and Node): %zu [%zu]\n", attributes, sizeof(Attribute)); printf(" Number of MappedAttributes: %zu [%zu]\n", mappedAttributes, sizeof(MappedAttribute)); printf(" Number of MappedAttributes with a StyleDeclaration: %zu\n", mappedAttributesWithStyleDecl); printf(" Number of Attributes with an Attr: %zu\n", attributesWithAttr); printf(" Number of NamedNodeMaps: %zu\n", attrMaps); printf(" Number of NamedMappedAttrMap: %zu\n", mappedAttrMaps); #endif } #ifndef NDEBUG static WTF::RefCountedLeakCounter nodeCounter("WebCoreNode"); static bool shouldIgnoreLeaks = false; static HashSet ignoreSet; #endif void Node::startIgnoringLeaks() { #ifndef NDEBUG shouldIgnoreLeaks = true; #endif } void Node::stopIgnoringLeaks() { #ifndef NDEBUG shouldIgnoreLeaks = false; #endif } Node::StyleChange Node::diff(const RenderStyle* s1, const RenderStyle* s2) { // FIXME: The behavior of this function is just totally wrong. It doesn't handle // explicit inheritance of non-inherited properties and so you end up not re-resolving // style in cases where you need to. StyleChange ch = NoInherit; EDisplay display1 = s1 ? s1->display() : NONE; bool fl1 = s1 && s1->hasPseudoStyle(FIRST_LETTER); EDisplay display2 = s2 ? s2->display() : NONE; bool fl2 = s2 && s2->hasPseudoStyle(FIRST_LETTER); if (display1 != display2 || fl1 != fl2 || (s1 && s2 && !s1->contentDataEquivalent(s2))) ch = Detach; else if (!s1 || !s2) ch = Inherit; else if (*s1 == *s2) ch = NoChange; else if (s1->inheritedNotEqual(s2)) ch = Inherit; // For nth-child and other positional rules, treat styles as different if they have // changed positionally in the DOM. This way subsequent sibling resolutions won't be confused // by the wrong child index and evaluate to incorrect results. if (ch == NoChange && s1->childIndex() != s2->childIndex()) ch = NoInherit; // If the pseudoStyles have changed, we want any StyleChange that is not NoChange // because setStyle will do the right thing with anything else. if (ch == NoChange && s1->hasPseudoStyle(BEFORE)) { RenderStyle* ps2 = s2->getCachedPseudoStyle(BEFORE); if (!ps2) ch = NoInherit; else { RenderStyle* ps1 = s1->getCachedPseudoStyle(BEFORE); ch = ps1 && *ps1 == *ps2 ? NoChange : NoInherit; } } if (ch == NoChange && s1->hasPseudoStyle(AFTER)) { RenderStyle* ps2 = s2->getCachedPseudoStyle(AFTER); if (!ps2) ch = NoInherit; else { RenderStyle* ps1 = s1->getCachedPseudoStyle(AFTER); ch = ps2 && *ps1 == *ps2 ? NoChange : NoInherit; } } return ch; } Node::Node(Document* doc, bool isElement, bool isContainer, bool isText) : m_document(doc) , m_previous(0) , m_next(0) , m_renderer(0) , m_styleChange(NoStyleChange) , m_hasId(false) , m_hasClass(false) , m_attached(false) , m_childNeedsStyleRecalc(false) , m_inDocument(false) , m_isLink(false) , m_active(false) , m_hovered(false) , m_inActiveChain(false) , m_inDetach(false) , m_inSubtreeMark(false) , m_hasRareData(false) , m_isElement(isElement) , m_isContainer(isContainer) , m_isText(isText) , m_parsingChildrenFinished(true) #if ENABLE(SVG) , m_areSVGAttributesValid(true) #endif , m_isStyleAttributeValid(true) , m_synchronizingStyleAttribute(false) #if ENABLE(SVG) , m_synchronizingSVGAttributes(false) #endif { #ifndef NDEBUG if (shouldIgnoreLeaks) ignoreSet.add(this); else nodeCounter.increment(); #endif #if DUMP_NODE_STATISTICS liveNodeSet.add(this); #endif } Node::~Node() { #ifndef NDEBUG HashSet::iterator it = ignoreSet.find(this); if (it != ignoreSet.end()) ignoreSet.remove(it); else nodeCounter.decrement(); #endif #if DUMP_NODE_STATISTICS liveNodeSet.remove(this); #endif if (!eventListeners().isEmpty() && !inDocument()) document()->unregisterDisconnectedNodeWithEventListeners(this); if (!hasRareData()) ASSERT(!NodeRareData::rareDataMap().contains(this)); else { if (m_document && rareData()->nodeLists()) m_document->removeNodeListCache(); NodeRareData::NodeRareDataMap& dataMap = NodeRareData::rareDataMap(); NodeRareData::NodeRareDataMap::iterator it = dataMap.find(this); ASSERT(it != dataMap.end()); delete it->second; dataMap.remove(it); } if (renderer()) detach(); if (m_previous) m_previous->setNextSibling(0); if (m_next) m_next->setPreviousSibling(0); } #ifdef NDEBUG static inline void setWillMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled(bool) { } static inline void setDidMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled(bool) { } #else static bool willMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled; static bool didMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled; static void setWillMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled(bool wasCalled) { willMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled = wasCalled; } static void setDidMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled(bool wasCalled) { didMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled = wasCalled; } #endif void Node::setDocument(Document* document) { if (inDocument() || m_document == document) return; setWillMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled(false); willMoveToNewOwnerDocument(); ASSERT(willMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled); #if USE(JSC) updateDOMNodeDocument(this, m_document.get(), document); #endif m_document = document; setDidMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled(false); didMoveToNewOwnerDocument(); ASSERT(didMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled); } NodeRareData* Node::rareData() const { ASSERT(hasRareData()); return NodeRareData::rareDataFromMap(this); } NodeRareData* Node::ensureRareData() { if (hasRareData()) return rareData(); ASSERT(!NodeRareData::rareDataMap().contains(this)); NodeRareData* data = createRareData(); NodeRareData::rareDataMap().set(this, data); m_hasRareData = true; return data; } NodeRareData* Node::createRareData() { return new NodeRareData; } short Node::tabIndex() const { return hasRareData() ? rareData()->tabIndex() : 0; } void Node::setTabIndexExplicitly(short i) { ensureRareData()->setTabIndexExplicitly(i); } String Node::nodeValue() const { return String(); } void Node::setNodeValue(const String& /*nodeValue*/, ExceptionCode& ec) { // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised when the node is readonly if (isReadOnlyNode()) { ec = NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; return; } // By default, setting nodeValue has no effect. } PassRefPtr Node::childNodes() { NodeRareData* data = ensureRareData(); if (!data->nodeLists()) { data->setNodeLists(NodeListsNodeData::create()); document()->addNodeListCache(); } return ChildNodeList::create(this, &data->nodeLists()->m_childNodeListCaches); } Node *Node::lastDescendant() const { Node *n = const_cast(this); while (n && n->lastChild()) n = n->lastChild(); return n; } Node* Node::firstDescendant() const { Node *n = const_cast(this); while (n && n->firstChild()) n = n->firstChild(); return n; } bool Node::insertBefore(PassRefPtr, Node*, ExceptionCode& ec, bool) { ec = HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR; return false; } bool Node::replaceChild(PassRefPtr, Node*, ExceptionCode& ec, bool) { ec = HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR; return false; } bool Node::removeChild(Node*, ExceptionCode& ec) { ec = NOT_FOUND_ERR; return false; } bool Node::appendChild(PassRefPtr, ExceptionCode& ec, bool) { ec = HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR; return false; } void Node::remove(ExceptionCode& ec) { ref(); if (Node *p = parentNode()) p->removeChild(this, ec); else ec = HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR; deref(); } void Node::normalize() { // Go through the subtree beneath us, normalizing all nodes. This means that // any two adjacent text nodes are merged and any empty text nodes are removed. RefPtr node = this; while (Node* firstChild = node->firstChild()) node = firstChild; while (node) { NodeType type = node->nodeType(); if (type == ELEMENT_NODE) static_cast(node.get())->normalizeAttributes(); if (node == this) break; if (type != TEXT_NODE) { node = node->traverseNextNodePostOrder(); continue; } Text* text = static_cast(node.get()); // Remove empty text nodes. if (!text->length()) { // Care must be taken to get the next node before removing the current node. node = node->traverseNextNodePostOrder(); ExceptionCode ec; text->remove(ec); continue; } // Merge text nodes. while (Node* nextSibling = node->nextSibling()) { if (!nextSibling->isTextNode()) break; RefPtr nextText = static_cast(nextSibling); // Remove empty text nodes. if (!nextText->length()) { ExceptionCode ec; nextText->remove(ec); continue; } // Both non-empty text nodes. Merge them. unsigned offset = text->length(); ExceptionCode ec; text->appendData(nextText->data(), ec); document()->textNodesMerged(nextText.get(), offset); nextText->remove(ec); } node = node->traverseNextNodePostOrder(); } } const AtomicString& Node::virtualPrefix() const { // For nodes other than elements and attributes, the prefix is always null return nullAtom; } void Node::setPrefix(const AtomicString& /*prefix*/, ExceptionCode& ec) { // The spec says that for nodes other than elements and attributes, prefix is always null. // It does not say what to do when the user tries to set the prefix on another type of // node, however Mozilla throws a NAMESPACE_ERR exception. ec = NAMESPACE_ERR; } const AtomicString& Node::virtualLocalName() const { return nullAtom; } const AtomicString& Node::virtualNamespaceURI() const { return nullAtom; } ContainerNode* Node::addChild(PassRefPtr) { return 0; } bool Node::isContentEditable() const { return parent() && parent()->isContentEditable(); } bool Node::isContentRichlyEditable() const { return parent() && parent()->isContentRichlyEditable(); } bool Node::shouldUseInputMethod() const { return isContentEditable(); } RenderBox* Node::renderBox() const { return m_renderer && m_renderer->isBox() ? toRenderBox(m_renderer) : 0; } RenderBoxModelObject* Node::renderBoxModelObject() const { return m_renderer && m_renderer->isBoxModelObject() ? toRenderBoxModelObject(m_renderer) : 0; } IntRect Node::getRect() const { // FIXME: broken with transforms if (renderer()) return renderer()->absoluteBoundingBoxRect(); return IntRect(); } void Node::setNeedsStyleRecalc(StyleChangeType changeType) { if ((changeType != NoStyleChange) && !attached()) // changed compared to what? return; if (!(changeType == InlineStyleChange && (m_styleChange == FullStyleChange || m_styleChange == AnimationStyleChange))) m_styleChange = changeType; if (m_styleChange != NoStyleChange) { for (Node* p = parentNode(); p && !p->childNeedsStyleRecalc(); p = p->parentNode()) p->setChildNeedsStyleRecalc(true); if (document()->childNeedsStyleRecalc()) document()->scheduleStyleRecalc(); } } static Node* outermostLazyAttachedAncestor(Node* start) { Node* p = start; for (Node* next = p->parentNode(); !next->renderer(); p = next, next = next->parentNode()) {} return p; } void Node::lazyAttach() { bool mustDoFullAttach = false; for (Node* n = this; n; n = n->traverseNextNode(this)) { if (!n->canLazyAttach()) { mustDoFullAttach = true; break; } if (n->firstChild()) n->setChildNeedsStyleRecalc(true); n->m_styleChange = FullStyleChange; n->m_attached = true; } if (mustDoFullAttach) { Node* lazyAttachedAncestor = outermostLazyAttachedAncestor(this); if (lazyAttachedAncestor->attached()) lazyAttachedAncestor->detach(); lazyAttachedAncestor->attach(); } else { for (Node* p = parentNode(); p && !p->childNeedsStyleRecalc(); p = p->parentNode()) p->setChildNeedsStyleRecalc(true); if (document()->childNeedsStyleRecalc()) document()->scheduleStyleRecalc(); } } bool Node::canLazyAttach() { return shadowAncestorNode() == this; } void Node::setFocus(bool b) { if (b || hasRareData()) ensureRareData()->setFocused(b); } bool Node::rareDataFocused() const { ASSERT(hasRareData()); return rareData()->isFocused(); } bool Node::isFocusable() const { return hasRareData() && rareData()->tabIndexSetExplicitly(); } bool Node::isKeyboardFocusable(KeyboardEvent*) const { return isFocusable() && tabIndex() >= 0; } bool Node::isMouseFocusable() const { return isFocusable(); } unsigned Node::nodeIndex() const { Node *_tempNode = previousSibling(); unsigned count=0; for( count=0; _tempNode; count++ ) _tempNode = _tempNode->previousSibling(); return count; } void Node::registerDynamicNodeList(DynamicNodeList* list) { NodeRareData* data = ensureRareData(); if (!data->nodeLists()) { data->setNodeLists(NodeListsNodeData::create()); document()->addNodeListCache(); } else if (!m_document->hasNodeListCaches()) { // We haven't been receiving notifications while there were no registered lists, so the cache is invalid now. data->nodeLists()->invalidateCaches(); } if (list->hasOwnCaches()) data->nodeLists()->m_listsWithCaches.add(list); } void Node::unregisterDynamicNodeList(DynamicNodeList* list) { ASSERT(rareData()); ASSERT(rareData()->nodeLists()); if (list->hasOwnCaches()) { NodeRareData* data = rareData(); data->nodeLists()->m_listsWithCaches.remove(list); if (data->nodeLists()->isEmpty()) { data->clearNodeLists(); document()->removeNodeListCache(); } } } void Node::notifyLocalNodeListsAttributeChanged() { if (!hasRareData()) return; NodeRareData* data = rareData(); if (!data->nodeLists()) return; data->nodeLists()->invalidateCachesThatDependOnAttributes(); if (data->nodeLists()->isEmpty()) { data->clearNodeLists(); document()->removeNodeListCache(); } } void Node::notifyNodeListsAttributeChanged() { for (Node *n = this; n; n = n->parentNode()) n->notifyLocalNodeListsAttributeChanged(); } void Node::notifyLocalNodeListsChildrenChanged() { if (!hasRareData()) return; NodeRareData* data = rareData(); if (!data->nodeLists()) return; data->nodeLists()->invalidateCaches(); NodeListsNodeData::NodeListSet::iterator end = data->nodeLists()->m_listsWithCaches.end(); for (NodeListsNodeData::NodeListSet::iterator i = data->nodeLists()->m_listsWithCaches.begin(); i != end; ++i) (*i)->invalidateCache(); if (data->nodeLists()->isEmpty()) { data->clearNodeLists(); document()->removeNodeListCache(); } } void Node::notifyNodeListsChildrenChanged() { for (Node* n = this; n; n = n->parentNode()) n->notifyLocalNodeListsChildrenChanged(); } Node *Node::traverseNextNode(const Node *stayWithin) const { if (firstChild()) return firstChild(); if (this == stayWithin) return 0; if (nextSibling()) return nextSibling(); const Node *n = this; while (n && !n->nextSibling() && (!stayWithin || n->parentNode() != stayWithin)) n = n->parentNode(); if (n) return n->nextSibling(); return 0; } Node *Node::traverseNextSibling(const Node *stayWithin) const { if (this == stayWithin) return 0; if (nextSibling()) return nextSibling(); const Node *n = this; while (n && !n->nextSibling() && (!stayWithin || n->parentNode() != stayWithin)) n = n->parentNode(); if (n) return n->nextSibling(); return 0; } Node* Node::traverseNextNodePostOrder() const { Node* next = nextSibling(); if (!next) return parentNode(); while (Node* firstChild = next->firstChild()) next = firstChild; return next; } Node *Node::traversePreviousNode(const Node *stayWithin) const { if (this == stayWithin) return 0; if (previousSibling()) { Node *n = previousSibling(); while (n->lastChild()) n = n->lastChild(); return n; } return parentNode(); } Node *Node::traversePreviousNodePostOrder(const Node *stayWithin) const { if (lastChild()) return lastChild(); if (this == stayWithin) return 0; if (previousSibling()) return previousSibling(); const Node *n = this; while (n && !n->previousSibling() && (!stayWithin || n->parentNode() != stayWithin)) n = n->parentNode(); if (n) return n->previousSibling(); return 0; } Node* Node::traversePreviousSiblingPostOrder(const Node* stayWithin) const { if (this == stayWithin) return 0; if (previousSibling()) return previousSibling(); const Node *n = this; while (n && !n->previousSibling() && (!stayWithin || n->parentNode() != stayWithin)) n = n->parentNode(); if (n) return n->previousSibling(); return 0; } void Node::checkSetPrefix(const AtomicString&, ExceptionCode& ec) { // Perform error checking as required by spec for setting Node.prefix. Used by // Element::setPrefix() and Attr::setPrefix() // FIXME: Implement support for INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the specified prefix contains an illegal character. // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly. if (isReadOnlyNode()) { ec = NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; return; } // FIXME: Implement NAMESPACE_ERR: - Raised if the specified prefix is malformed // We have to comment this out, since it's used for attributes and tag names, and we've only // switched one over. /* // - if the namespaceURI of this node is null, // - if the specified prefix is "xml" and the namespaceURI of this node is different from // "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", // - if this node is an attribute and the specified prefix is "xmlns" and // the namespaceURI of this node is different from "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", // - or if this node is an attribute and the qualifiedName of this node is "xmlns" [Namespaces]. if ((namespacePart(id()) == noNamespace && id() > ID_LAST_TAG) || (_prefix == "xml" && String(document()->namespaceURI(id())) != "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")) { ec = NAMESPACE_ERR; return; }*/ } bool Node::canReplaceChild(Node* newChild, Node*) { if (newChild->nodeType() != DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { if (!childTypeAllowed(newChild->nodeType())) return false; } else { for (Node *n = newChild->firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) { if (!childTypeAllowed(n->nodeType())) return false; } } return true; } void Node::checkReplaceChild(Node* newChild, Node* oldChild, ExceptionCode& ec) { // Perform error checking as required by spec for adding a new child. Used by // appendChild(), replaceChild() and insertBefore() // Not mentioned in spec: throw NOT_FOUND_ERR if newChild is null if (!newChild) { ec = NOT_FOUND_ERR; return; } // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly if (isReadOnlyNode()) { ec = NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; return; } bool shouldAdoptChild = false; // WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if newChild was created from a different document than the one that // created this node. // We assume that if newChild is a DocumentFragment, all children are created from the same document // as the fragment itself (otherwise they could not have been added as children) if (newChild->document() != document()) { // but if the child is not in a document yet then loosen the // restriction, so that e.g. creating an element with the Option() // constructor and then adding it to a different document works, // as it does in Mozilla and Mac IE. if (!newChild->inDocument()) { shouldAdoptChild = true; } else { ec = WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR; return; } } // HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if this node is of a type that does not allow children of the type of the // newChild node, or if the node to append is one of this node's ancestors. // check for ancestor/same node if (newChild == this || isDescendantOf(newChild)) { ec = HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR; return; } if (!canReplaceChild(newChild, oldChild)) { ec = HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR; return; } // change the document pointer of newChild and all of its children to be the new document if (shouldAdoptChild) for (Node* node = newChild; node; node = node->traverseNextNode(newChild)) node->setDocument(document()); } void Node::checkAddChild(Node *newChild, ExceptionCode& ec) { // Perform error checking as required by spec for adding a new child. Used by // appendChild(), replaceChild() and insertBefore() // Not mentioned in spec: throw NOT_FOUND_ERR if newChild is null if (!newChild) { ec = NOT_FOUND_ERR; return; } // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly if (isReadOnlyNode()) { ec = NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; return; } bool shouldAdoptChild = false; // WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if newChild was created from a different document than the one that // created this node. // We assume that if newChild is a DocumentFragment, all children are created from the same document // as the fragment itself (otherwise they could not have been added as children) if (newChild->document() != document()) { // but if the child is not in a document yet then loosen the // restriction, so that e.g. creating an element with the Option() // constructor and then adding it to a different document works, // as it does in Mozilla and Mac IE. if (!newChild->inDocument()) { shouldAdoptChild = true; } else { ec = WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR; return; } } // HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if this node is of a type that does not allow children of the type of the // newChild node, or if the node to append is one of this node's ancestors. // check for ancestor/same node if (newChild == this || isDescendantOf(newChild)) { ec = HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR; return; } if (newChild->nodeType() != DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { if (!childTypeAllowed(newChild->nodeType())) { ec = HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR; return; } } else { for (Node *n = newChild->firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) { if (!childTypeAllowed(n->nodeType())) { ec = HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR; return; } } } // change the document pointer of newChild and all of its children to be the new document if (shouldAdoptChild) for (Node* node = newChild; node; node = node->traverseNextNode(newChild)) node->setDocument(document()); } bool Node::isDescendantOf(const Node *other) const { // Return true if other is an ancestor of this, otherwise false if (!other) return false; for (const Node *n = parentNode(); n; n = n->parentNode()) { if (n == other) return true; } return false; } bool Node::contains(const Node* node) const { if (!node) return false; return this == node || node->isDescendantOf(this); } bool Node::childAllowed(Node* newChild) { return childTypeAllowed(newChild->nodeType()); } void Node::attach() { ASSERT(!attached()); ASSERT(!renderer() || (renderer()->style() && renderer()->parent())); // If this node got a renderer it may be the previousRenderer() of sibling text nodes and thus affect the // result of Text::rendererIsNeeded() for those nodes. if (renderer()) { for (Node* next = nextSibling(); next; next = next->nextSibling()) { if (next->renderer()) break; if (!next->attached()) break; // Assume this means none of the following siblings are attached. if (next->isTextNode()) next->createRendererIfNeeded(); } } m_attached = true; } void Node::willRemove() { } void Node::detach() { m_inDetach = true; if (renderer()) renderer()->destroy(); setRenderer(0); Document* doc = document(); if (m_hovered) doc->hoveredNodeDetached(this); if (m_inActiveChain) doc->activeChainNodeDetached(this); m_active = false; m_hovered = false; m_inActiveChain = false; m_attached = false; m_inDetach = false; } Node *Node::previousEditable() const { Node *node = previousLeafNode(); while (node) { if (node->isContentEditable()) return node; node = node->previousLeafNode(); } return 0; } Node *Node::nextEditable() const { Node *node = nextLeafNode(); while (node) { if (node->isContentEditable()) return node; node = node->nextLeafNode(); } return 0; } RenderObject * Node::previousRenderer() { for (Node *n = previousSibling(); n; n = n->previousSibling()) { if (n->renderer()) return n->renderer(); } return 0; } RenderObject * Node::nextRenderer() { // Avoid an O(n^2) problem with this function by not checking for nextRenderer() when the parent element hasn't even // been attached yet. if (parent() && !parent()->attached()) return 0; for (Node *n = nextSibling(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) { if (n->renderer()) return n->renderer(); } return 0; } // FIXME: This code is used by editing. Seems like it could move over there and not pollute Node. Node *Node::previousNodeConsideringAtomicNodes() const { if (previousSibling()) { Node *n = previousSibling(); while (!isAtomicNode(n) && n->lastChild()) n = n->lastChild(); return n; } else if (parentNode()) { return parentNode(); } else { return 0; } } Node *Node::nextNodeConsideringAtomicNodes() const { if (!isAtomicNode(this) && firstChild()) return firstChild(); if (nextSibling()) return nextSibling(); const Node *n = this; while (n && !n->nextSibling()) n = n->parentNode(); if (n) return n->nextSibling(); return 0; } Node *Node::previousLeafNode() const { Node *node = previousNodeConsideringAtomicNodes(); while (node) { if (isAtomicNode(node)) return node; node = node->previousNodeConsideringAtomicNodes(); } return 0; } Node *Node::nextLeafNode() const { Node *node = nextNodeConsideringAtomicNodes(); while (node) { if (isAtomicNode(node)) return node; node = node->nextNodeConsideringAtomicNodes(); } return 0; } void Node::createRendererIfNeeded() { if (!document()->shouldCreateRenderers()) return; ASSERT(!renderer()); Node* parent = parentNode(); ASSERT(parent); RenderObject* parentRenderer = parent->renderer(); if (parentRenderer && parentRenderer->canHaveChildren() #if ENABLE(SVG) || ENABLE(XHTMLMP) && parent->childShouldCreateRenderer(this) #endif ) { RefPtr style = styleForRenderer(); if (rendererIsNeeded(style.get())) { if (RenderObject* r = createRenderer(document()->renderArena(), style.get())) { if (!parentRenderer->isChildAllowed(r, style.get())) r->destroy(); else { setRenderer(r); renderer()->setAnimatableStyle(style.release()); parentRenderer->addChild(renderer(), nextRenderer()); } } } } } PassRefPtr Node::styleForRenderer() { if (isElementNode()) { bool allowSharing = true; #if ENABLE(XHTMLMP) // noscript needs the display property protected - it's a special case allowSharing = localName() != HTMLNames::noscriptTag.localName(); #endif return document()->styleSelector()->styleForElement(static_cast(this), 0, allowSharing); } return parentNode() && parentNode()->renderer() ? parentNode()->renderer()->style() : 0; } bool Node::rendererIsNeeded(RenderStyle *style) { return (document()->documentElement() == this) || (style->display() != NONE); } RenderObject* Node::createRenderer(RenderArena*, RenderStyle*) { ASSERT(false); return 0; } RenderStyle* Node::nonRendererRenderStyle() const { return 0; } void Node::setRenderStyle(PassRefPtr s) { if (m_renderer) m_renderer->setAnimatableStyle(s); } RenderStyle* Node::computedStyle() { return parent() ? parent()->computedStyle() : 0; } int Node::maxCharacterOffset() const { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; } // FIXME: Shouldn't these functions be in the editing code? Code that asks questions about HTML in the core DOM class // is obviously misplaced. bool Node::canStartSelection() const { if (isContentEditable()) return true; if (renderer()) { RenderStyle* style = renderer()->style(); // We allow selections to begin within an element that has -webkit-user-select: none set, // but if the element is draggable then dragging should take priority over selection. if (style->userDrag() == DRAG_ELEMENT && style->userSelect() == SELECT_NONE) return false; } return parent() ? parent()->canStartSelection() : true; } Node* Node::shadowAncestorNode() { #if ENABLE(SVG) // SVG elements living in a shadow tree only occour when created them. // For these cases we do NOT want to return the shadowParentNode() here // but the actual shadow tree element - as main difference to the HTML forms // shadow tree concept. (This function _could_ be made virtual - opinions?) if (isSVGElement()) return this; #endif Node* root = shadowTreeRootNode(); if (root) return root->shadowParentNode(); return this; } Node* Node::shadowTreeRootNode() { Node* root = this; while (root) { if (root->isShadowNode()) return root; root = root->parentNode(); } return 0; } bool Node::isInShadowTree() { for (Node* n = this; n; n = n->parentNode()) if (n->isShadowNode()) return true; return false; } bool Node::isBlockFlow() const { return renderer() && renderer()->isBlockFlow(); } bool Node::isBlockFlowOrBlockTable() const { return renderer() && (renderer()->isBlockFlow() || (renderer()->isTable() && !renderer()->isInline())); } bool Node::isEditableBlock() const { return isContentEditable() && isBlockFlow(); } Element *Node::enclosingBlockFlowElement() const { Node *n = const_cast(this); if (isBlockFlow()) return static_cast(n); while (1) { n = n->parentNode(); if (!n) break; if (n->isBlockFlow() || n->hasTagName(bodyTag)) return static_cast(n); } return 0; } Element *Node::enclosingInlineElement() const { Node *n = const_cast(this); Node *p; while (1) { p = n->parentNode(); if (!p || p->isBlockFlow() || p->hasTagName(bodyTag)) return static_cast(n); // Also stop if any previous sibling is a block for (Node *sibling = n->previousSibling(); sibling; sibling = sibling->previousSibling()) { if (sibling->isBlockFlow()) return static_cast(n); } n = p; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; } Element* Node::rootEditableElement() const { Element* result = 0; for (Node* n = const_cast(this); n && n->isContentEditable(); n = n->parentNode()) { if (n->isElementNode()) result = static_cast(n); if (n->hasTagName(bodyTag)) break; } return result; } bool Node::inSameContainingBlockFlowElement(Node *n) { return n ? enclosingBlockFlowElement() == n->enclosingBlockFlowElement() : false; } // FIXME: End of obviously misplaced HTML editing functions. Try to move these out of Node. PassRefPtr Node::getElementsByTagName(const String& name) { return getElementsByTagNameNS(starAtom, name); } PassRefPtr Node::getElementsByTagNameNS(const AtomicString& namespaceURI, const String& localName) { if (localName.isNull()) return 0; NodeRareData* data = ensureRareData(); if (!data->nodeLists()) { data->setNodeLists(NodeListsNodeData::create()); document()->addNodeListCache(); } String name = localName; if (document()->isHTMLDocument()) name = localName.lower(); AtomicString localNameAtom = name; pair result = data->nodeLists()->m_tagNodeListCaches.add(QualifiedName(nullAtom, localNameAtom, namespaceURI), 0); if (result.second) result.first->second = new DynamicNodeList::Caches; return TagNodeList::create(this, namespaceURI.isEmpty() ? nullAtom : namespaceURI, localNameAtom, result.first->second); } PassRefPtr Node::getElementsByName(const String& elementName) { NodeRareData* data = ensureRareData(); if (!data->nodeLists()) { data->setNodeLists(NodeListsNodeData::create()); document()->addNodeListCache(); } pair result = data->nodeLists()->m_nameNodeListCaches.add(elementName, 0); if (result.second) result.first->second = new DynamicNodeList::Caches; return NameNodeList::create(this, elementName, result.first->second); } PassRefPtr Node::getElementsByClassName(const String& classNames) { NodeRareData* data = ensureRareData(); if (!data->nodeLists()) { data->setNodeLists(NodeListsNodeData::create()); document()->addNodeListCache(); } pair result = data->nodeLists()->m_classNodeListCaches.add(classNames, 0); if (result.second) result.first->second = new DynamicNodeList::Caches; return ClassNodeList::create(this, classNames, result.first->second); } template static bool forEachTagSelector(Functor& functor, CSSSelector* selector) { ASSERT(selector); do { if (functor(selector)) return true; if (CSSSelector* simpleSelector = selector->simpleSelector()) { if (forEachTagSelector(functor, simpleSelector)) return true; } } while ((selector = selector->tagHistory())); return false; } template static bool forEachSelector(Functor& functor, const CSSSelectorList& selectorList) { for (CSSSelector* selector = selectorList.first(); selector; selector = CSSSelectorList::next(selector)) { if (forEachTagSelector(functor, selector)) return true; } return false; } class SelectorNeedsNamespaceResolutionFunctor { public: bool operator()(CSSSelector* selector) { if (selector->hasTag() && selector->m_tag.prefix() != nullAtom && selector->m_tag.prefix() != starAtom) return true; if (selector->hasAttribute() && selector->attribute().prefix() != nullAtom && selector->attribute().prefix() != starAtom) return true; return false; } }; static bool selectorNeedsNamespaceResolution(const CSSSelectorList& selectorList) { SelectorNeedsNamespaceResolutionFunctor functor; return forEachSelector(functor, selectorList); } PassRefPtr Node::querySelector(const String& selectors, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (selectors.isEmpty()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return 0; } bool strictParsing = !document()->inCompatMode(); CSSParser p(strictParsing); CSSSelectorList querySelectorList; p.parseSelector(selectors, document(), querySelectorList); if (!querySelectorList.first()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return 0; } // throw a NAMESPACE_ERR if the selector includes any namespace prefixes. if (selectorNeedsNamespaceResolution(querySelectorList)) { ec = NAMESPACE_ERR; return 0; } CSSStyleSelector::SelectorChecker selectorChecker(document(), strictParsing); // FIXME: we could also optimize for the the [id="foo"] case if (strictParsing && inDocument() && querySelectorList.hasOneSelector() && querySelectorList.first()->m_match == CSSSelector::Id) { ASSERT(querySelectorList.first()->attribute() == idAttr); Element* element = document()->getElementById(querySelectorList.first()->m_value); if (element && (isDocumentNode() || element->isDescendantOf(this)) && selectorChecker.checkSelector(querySelectorList.first(), element)) return element; return 0; } // FIXME: We can speed this up by implementing caching similar to the one use by getElementById for (Node* n = firstChild(); n; n = n->traverseNextNode(this)) { if (n->isElementNode()) { Element* element = static_cast(n); for (CSSSelector* selector = querySelectorList.first(); selector; selector = CSSSelectorList::next(selector)) { if (selectorChecker.checkSelector(selector, element)) return element; } } } return 0; } PassRefPtr Node::querySelectorAll(const String& selectors, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (selectors.isEmpty()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return 0; } bool strictParsing = !document()->inCompatMode(); CSSParser p(strictParsing); CSSSelectorList querySelectorList; p.parseSelector(selectors, document(), querySelectorList); if (!querySelectorList.first()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return 0; } // Throw a NAMESPACE_ERR if the selector includes any namespace prefixes. if (selectorNeedsNamespaceResolution(querySelectorList)) { ec = NAMESPACE_ERR; return 0; } return createSelectorNodeList(this, querySelectorList); } Document *Node::ownerDocument() const { Document *doc = document(); return doc == this ? 0 : doc; } KURL Node::baseURI() const { return parentNode() ? parentNode()->baseURI() : KURL(); } bool Node::isEqualNode(Node *other) const { if (!other) return false; if (nodeType() != other->nodeType()) return false; if (nodeName() != other->nodeName()) return false; if (localName() != other->localName()) return false; if (namespaceURI() != other->namespaceURI()) return false; if (prefix() != other->prefix()) return false; if (nodeValue() != other->nodeValue()) return false; NamedNodeMap *attrs = attributes(); NamedNodeMap *otherAttrs = other->attributes(); if (!attrs && otherAttrs) return false; if (attrs && !attrs->mapsEquivalent(otherAttrs)) return false; Node *child = firstChild(); Node *otherChild = other->firstChild(); while (child) { if (!child->isEqualNode(otherChild)) return false; child = child->nextSibling(); otherChild = otherChild->nextSibling(); } if (otherChild) return false; // FIXME: For DocumentType nodes we should check equality on // the entities and notations NamedNodeMaps as well. return true; } bool Node::isDefaultNamespace(const AtomicString &namespaceURI) const { // Implemented according to // http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407/namespaces-algorithms.html#isDefaultNamespaceAlgo switch (nodeType()) { case ELEMENT_NODE: { const Element *elem = static_cast(this); if (elem->prefix().isNull()) return elem->namespaceURI() == namespaceURI; if (elem->hasAttributes()) { NamedNodeMap *attrs = elem->attributes(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < attrs->length(); i++) { Attribute *attr = attrs->attributeItem(i); if (attr->localName() == "xmlns") return attr->value() == namespaceURI; } } if (Element* ancestor = ancestorElement()) return ancestor->isDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI); return false; } case DOCUMENT_NODE: if (Element* de = static_cast(this)->documentElement()) return de->isDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI); return false; case ENTITY_NODE: case NOTATION_NODE: case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: return false; case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: { const Attr *attr = static_cast(this); if (attr->ownerElement()) return attr->ownerElement()->isDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI); return false; } default: if (Element* ancestor = ancestorElement()) return ancestor->isDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI); return false; } } String Node::lookupPrefix(const AtomicString &namespaceURI) const { // Implemented according to // http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407/namespaces-algorithms.html#lookupNamespacePrefixAlgo if (namespaceURI.isEmpty()) return String(); switch (nodeType()) { case ELEMENT_NODE: return lookupNamespacePrefix(namespaceURI, static_cast(this)); case DOCUMENT_NODE: if (Element* de = static_cast(this)->documentElement()) return de->lookupPrefix(namespaceURI); return String(); case ENTITY_NODE: case NOTATION_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: return String(); case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: { const Attr *attr = static_cast(this); if (attr->ownerElement()) return attr->ownerElement()->lookupPrefix(namespaceURI); return String(); } default: if (Element* ancestor = ancestorElement()) return ancestor->lookupPrefix(namespaceURI); return String(); } } String Node::lookupNamespaceURI(const String &prefix) const { // Implemented according to // http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407/namespaces-algorithms.html#lookupNamespaceURIAlgo if (!prefix.isNull() && prefix.isEmpty()) return String(); switch (nodeType()) { case ELEMENT_NODE: { const Element *elem = static_cast(this); if (!elem->namespaceURI().isNull() && elem->prefix() == prefix) return elem->namespaceURI(); if (elem->hasAttributes()) { NamedNodeMap *attrs = elem->attributes(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < attrs->length(); i++) { Attribute *attr = attrs->attributeItem(i); if (attr->prefix() == "xmlns" && attr->localName() == prefix) { if (!attr->value().isEmpty()) return attr->value(); return String(); } else if (attr->localName() == "xmlns" && prefix.isNull()) { if (!attr->value().isEmpty()) return attr->value(); return String(); } } } if (Element* ancestor = ancestorElement()) return ancestor->lookupNamespaceURI(prefix); return String(); } case DOCUMENT_NODE: if (Element* de = static_cast(this)->documentElement()) return de->lookupNamespaceURI(prefix); return String(); case ENTITY_NODE: case NOTATION_NODE: case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: return String(); case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: { const Attr *attr = static_cast(this); if (attr->ownerElement()) return attr->ownerElement()->lookupNamespaceURI(prefix); else return String(); } default: if (Element* ancestor = ancestorElement()) return ancestor->lookupNamespaceURI(prefix); return String(); } } String Node::lookupNamespacePrefix(const AtomicString &_namespaceURI, const Element *originalElement) const { if (_namespaceURI.isNull()) return String(); if (originalElement->lookupNamespaceURI(prefix()) == _namespaceURI) return prefix(); if (hasAttributes()) { NamedNodeMap *attrs = attributes(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < attrs->length(); i++) { Attribute *attr = attrs->attributeItem(i); if (attr->prefix() == "xmlns" && attr->value() == _namespaceURI && originalElement->lookupNamespaceURI(attr->localName()) == _namespaceURI) return attr->localName(); } } if (Element* ancestor = ancestorElement()) return ancestor->lookupNamespacePrefix(_namespaceURI, originalElement); return String(); } void Node::appendTextContent(bool convertBRsToNewlines, StringBuilder& content) const { switch (nodeType()) { case TEXT_NODE: case CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case COMMENT_NODE: content.append(static_cast(this)->CharacterData::nodeValue()); break; case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: content.append(static_cast(this)->ProcessingInstruction::nodeValue()); break; case ELEMENT_NODE: if (hasTagName(brTag) && convertBRsToNewlines) { content.append('\n'); break; } // Fall through. case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: case ENTITY_NODE: case ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: content.setNonNull(); for (Node *child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) { if (child->nodeType() == COMMENT_NODE || child->nodeType() == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) continue; child->appendTextContent(convertBRsToNewlines, content); } break; case DOCUMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: case NOTATION_NODE: case XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE: break; } } String Node::textContent(bool convertBRsToNewlines) const { StringBuilder content; appendTextContent(convertBRsToNewlines, content); return content.toString(); } void Node::setTextContent(const String &text, ExceptionCode& ec) { switch (nodeType()) { case TEXT_NODE: case CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case COMMENT_NODE: case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: setNodeValue(text, ec); break; case ELEMENT_NODE: case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: case ENTITY_NODE: case ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: { ContainerNode *container = static_cast(this); container->removeChildren(); if (!text.isEmpty()) appendChild(document()->createTextNode(text), ec); break; } case DOCUMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: case NOTATION_NODE: default: // Do nothing break; } } Element* Node::ancestorElement() const { // In theory, there can be EntityReference nodes between elements, but this is currently not supported. for (Node* n = parentNode(); n; n = n->parentNode()) { if (n->isElementNode()) return static_cast(n); } return 0; } bool Node::offsetInCharacters() const { return false; } unsigned short Node::compareDocumentPosition(Node* otherNode) { // It is not clear what should be done if |otherNode| is 0. if (!otherNode) return DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED; if (otherNode == this) return DOCUMENT_POSITION_EQUIVALENT; Attr* attr1 = nodeType() == ATTRIBUTE_NODE ? static_cast(this) : 0; Attr* attr2 = otherNode->nodeType() == ATTRIBUTE_NODE ? static_cast(otherNode) : 0; Node* start1 = attr1 ? attr1->ownerElement() : this; Node* start2 = attr2 ? attr2->ownerElement() : otherNode; // If either of start1 or start2 is null, then we are disconnected, since one of the nodes is // an orphaned attribute node. if (!start1 || !start2) return DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED | DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC; Vector chain1; Vector chain2; if (attr1) chain1.append(attr1); if (attr2) chain2.append(attr2); if (attr1 && attr2 && start1 == start2 && start1) { // We are comparing two attributes on the same node. Crawl our attribute map // and see which one we hit first. NamedNodeMap* map = attr1->ownerElement()->attributes(true); unsigned length = map->length(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { // If neither of the two determining nodes is a child node and nodeType is the same for both determining nodes, then an // implementation-dependent order between the determining nodes is returned. This order is stable as long as no nodes of // the same nodeType are inserted into or removed from the direct container. This would be the case, for example, // when comparing two attributes of the same element, and inserting or removing additional attributes might change // the order between existing attributes. Attribute* attr = map->attributeItem(i); if (attr1->attr() == attr) return DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC | DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; if (attr2->attr() == attr) return DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC | DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED; } // If one node is in the document and the other is not, we must be disconnected. // If the nodes have different owning documents, they must be disconnected. Note that we avoid // comparing Attr nodes here, since they return false from inDocument() all the time (which seems like a bug). if (start1->inDocument() != start2->inDocument() || start1->document() != start2->document()) return DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED | DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC; // We need to find a common ancestor container, and then compare the indices of the two immediate children. Node* current; for (current = start1; current; current = current->parentNode()) chain1.append(current); for (current = start2; current; current = current->parentNode()) chain2.append(current); // Walk the two chains backwards and look for the first difference. unsigned index1 = chain1.size(); unsigned index2 = chain2.size(); for (unsigned i = min(index1, index2); i; --i) { Node* child1 = chain1[--index1]; Node* child2 = chain2[--index2]; if (child1 != child2) { // If one of the children is an attribute, it wins. if (child1->nodeType() == ATTRIBUTE_NODE) return DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; if (child2->nodeType() == ATTRIBUTE_NODE) return DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; if (!child2->nextSibling()) return DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; if (!child1->nextSibling()) return DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; // Otherwise we need to see which node occurs first. Crawl backwards from child2 looking for child1. for (Node* child = child2->previousSibling(); child; child = child->previousSibling()) { if (child == child1) return DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; } return DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; } } // There was no difference between the two parent chains, i.e., one was a subset of the other. The shorter // chain is the ancestor. return index1 < index2 ? DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING | DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY : DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING | DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS; } FloatPoint Node::convertToPage(const FloatPoint& p) const { // If there is a renderer, just ask it to do the conversion if (renderer()) return renderer()->localToAbsolute(p, false, true); // Otherwise go up the tree looking for a renderer Element *parent = ancestorElement(); if (parent) return parent->convertToPage(p); // No parent - no conversion needed return p; } FloatPoint Node::convertFromPage(const FloatPoint& p) const { // If there is a renderer, just ask it to do the conversion if (renderer()) return renderer()->absoluteToLocal(p, false, true); // Otherwise go up the tree looking for a renderer Element *parent = ancestorElement(); if (parent) return parent->convertFromPage(p); // No parent - no conversion needed return p; } #ifndef NDEBUG static void appendAttributeDesc(const Node* node, String& string, const QualifiedName& name, const char* attrDesc) { if (node->isElementNode()) { String attr = static_cast(node)->getAttribute(name); if (!attr.isEmpty()) { string += attrDesc; string += attr; } } } void Node::showNode(const char* prefix) const { if (!prefix) prefix = ""; if (isTextNode()) { String value = nodeValue(); value.replace('\\', "\\\\"); value.replace('\n', "\\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%s%s\t%p \"%s\"\n", prefix, nodeName().utf8().data(), this, value.utf8().data()); } else { String attrs = ""; appendAttributeDesc(this, attrs, classAttr, " CLASS="); appendAttributeDesc(this, attrs, styleAttr, " STYLE="); fprintf(stderr, "%s%s\t%p%s\n", prefix, nodeName().utf8().data(), this, attrs.utf8().data()); } } void Node::showTreeForThis() const { showTreeAndMark(this, "*"); } void Node::showTreeAndMark(const Node* markedNode1, const char* markedLabel1, const Node* markedNode2, const char * markedLabel2) const { const Node* rootNode; const Node* node = this; while (node->parentNode() && !node->hasTagName(bodyTag)) node = node->parentNode(); rootNode = node; for (node = rootNode; node; node = node->traverseNextNode()) { if (node == markedNode1) fprintf(stderr, "%s", markedLabel1); if (node == markedNode2) fprintf(stderr, "%s", markedLabel2); for (const Node* tmpNode = node; tmpNode && tmpNode != rootNode; tmpNode = tmpNode->parentNode()) fprintf(stderr, "\t"); node->showNode(); } } void Node::formatForDebugger(char* buffer, unsigned length) const { String result; String s; s = nodeName(); if (s.length() == 0) result += ""; else result += s; strncpy(buffer, result.utf8().data(), length - 1); } #endif // -------- void NodeListsNodeData::invalidateCaches() { m_childNodeListCaches.reset(); TagCacheMap::const_iterator tagCachesEnd = m_tagNodeListCaches.end(); for (TagCacheMap::const_iterator it = m_tagNodeListCaches.begin(); it != tagCachesEnd; ++it) it->second->reset(); invalidateCachesThatDependOnAttributes(); } void NodeListsNodeData::invalidateCachesThatDependOnAttributes() { CacheMap::iterator classCachesEnd = m_classNodeListCaches.end(); for (CacheMap::iterator it = m_classNodeListCaches.begin(); it != classCachesEnd; ++it) it->second->reset(); CacheMap::iterator nameCachesEnd = m_nameNodeListCaches.end(); for (CacheMap::iterator it = m_nameNodeListCaches.begin(); it != nameCachesEnd; ++it) it->second->reset(); } bool NodeListsNodeData::isEmpty() const { if (!m_listsWithCaches.isEmpty()) return false; if (m_childNodeListCaches.refCount) return false; TagCacheMap::const_iterator tagCachesEnd = m_tagNodeListCaches.end(); for (TagCacheMap::const_iterator it = m_tagNodeListCaches.begin(); it != tagCachesEnd; ++it) { if (it->second->refCount) return false; } CacheMap::const_iterator classCachesEnd = m_classNodeListCaches.end(); for (CacheMap::const_iterator it = m_classNodeListCaches.begin(); it != classCachesEnd; ++it) { if (it->second->refCount) return false; } CacheMap::const_iterator nameCachesEnd = m_nameNodeListCaches.end(); for (CacheMap::const_iterator it = m_nameNodeListCaches.begin(); it != nameCachesEnd; ++it) { if (it->second->refCount) return false; } return true; } void Node::getSubresourceURLs(ListHashSet& urls) const { addSubresourceAttributeURLs(urls); } ContainerNode* Node::eventParentNode() { Node* parent = parentNode(); ASSERT(!parent || parent->isContainerNode()); return static_cast(parent); } // -------- ScriptExecutionContext* Node::scriptExecutionContext() const { return document(); } const RegisteredEventListenerVector& Node::eventListeners() const { if (hasRareData()) { if (RegisteredEventListenerVector* listeners = rareData()->listeners()) return *listeners; } static const RegisteredEventListenerVector* emptyListenersVector = new RegisteredEventListenerVector; return *emptyListenersVector; } void Node::insertedIntoDocument() { if (!eventListeners().isEmpty()) document()->unregisterDisconnectedNodeWithEventListeners(this); setInDocument(true); } void Node::removedFromDocument() { if (!eventListeners().isEmpty()) document()->registerDisconnectedNodeWithEventListeners(this); setInDocument(false); } void Node::willMoveToNewOwnerDocument() { if (!eventListeners().isEmpty()) document()->unregisterDisconnectedNodeWithEventListeners(this); ASSERT(!willMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled); setWillMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled(true); } void Node::didMoveToNewOwnerDocument() { if (!eventListeners().isEmpty()) document()->registerDisconnectedNodeWithEventListeners(this); ASSERT(!didMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled); setDidMoveToNewOwnerDocumentWasCalled(true); } static inline void updateSVGElementInstancesAfterEventListenerChange(Node* referenceNode) { #if !ENABLE(SVG) UNUSED_PARAM(referenceNode); #else ASSERT(referenceNode); if (!referenceNode->isSVGElement()) return; // Elements living inside a shadow tree, never cause any updates! if (referenceNode->shadowTreeRootNode()) return; // We're possibly (a child of) an element that is referenced by a client // If an event listeners changes on a referenced element, update all instances. for (Node* node = referenceNode; node; node = node->parentNode()) { if (!node->hasID() || !node->isSVGElement()) continue; SVGElementInstance::invalidateAllInstancesOfElement(static_cast(node)); break; } #endif } void Node::addEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, PassRefPtr listener, bool useCapture) { Document* document = this->document(); if (!document->attached()) return; document->addListenerTypeIfNeeded(eventType); RegisteredEventListenerVector& listeners = ensureRareData()->ensureListeners(); // Remove existing identical listener set with identical arguments. // The DOM2 spec says that "duplicate instances are discarded" in this case. removeEventListener(eventType, listener.get(), useCapture); // adding the first one if (listeners.isEmpty() && !inDocument()) document->registerDisconnectedNodeWithEventListeners(this); listeners.append(RegisteredEventListener::create(eventType, listener, useCapture)); updateSVGElementInstancesAfterEventListenerChange(this); } void Node::removeEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, EventListener* listener, bool useCapture) { if (!hasRareData()) return; RegisteredEventListenerVector* listeners = rareData()->listeners(); if (!listeners) return; size_t size = listeners->size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { RegisteredEventListener& r = *listeners->at(i); if (r.eventType() == eventType && r.listener() == listener && r.useCapture() == useCapture) { r.setRemoved(true); listeners->remove(i); // removed last if (listeners->isEmpty() && !inDocument()) document()->unregisterDisconnectedNodeWithEventListeners(this); updateSVGElementInstancesAfterEventListenerChange(this); return; } } } void Node::removeAllEventListenersSlowCase() { ASSERT(hasRareData()); RegisteredEventListenerVector* listeners = rareData()->listeners(); if (!listeners) return; size_t size = listeners->size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) listeners->at(i)->setRemoved(true); listeners->clear(); } void Node::handleLocalEvents(Event* event, bool useCapture) { if (disabled() && event->isMouseEvent()) return; RegisteredEventListenerVector listenersCopy = eventListeners(); size_t size = listenersCopy.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { const RegisteredEventListener& r = *listenersCopy[i]; if (r.eventType() == event->type() && r.useCapture() == useCapture && !r.removed()) r.listener()->handleEvent(event, false); } } #if ENABLE(SVG) static inline SVGElementInstance* eventTargetAsSVGElementInstance(Node* referenceNode) { ASSERT(referenceNode); if (!referenceNode->isSVGElement()) return 0; // Spec: The event handling for the non-exposed tree works as if the referenced element had been textually included // as a deeply cloned child of the 'use' element, except that events are dispatched to the SVGElementInstance objects for (Node* n = referenceNode; n; n = n->parentNode()) { if (!n->isShadowNode() || !n->isSVGElement()) continue; Node* shadowTreeParentElement = n->shadowParentNode(); ASSERT(shadowTreeParentElement->hasTagName(SVGNames::useTag)); if (SVGElementInstance* instance = static_cast(shadowTreeParentElement)->instanceForShadowTreeElement(referenceNode)) return instance; } return 0; } #endif static inline EventTarget* eventTargetRespectingSVGTargetRules(Node* referenceNode) { ASSERT(referenceNode); #if ENABLE(SVG) if (SVGElementInstance* instance = eventTargetAsSVGElementInstance(referenceNode)) { ASSERT(instance->shadowTreeElement() == referenceNode); return instance; } #endif return referenceNode; } bool Node::dispatchEvent(PassRefPtr e, ExceptionCode& ec) { RefPtr evt(e); ASSERT(!eventDispatchForbidden()); if (!evt || evt->type().isEmpty()) { ec = EventException::UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR; return false; } evt->setTarget(eventTargetRespectingSVGTargetRules(this)); RefPtr view = document()->view(); return dispatchGenericEvent(evt.release()); } bool Node::dispatchGenericEvent(PassRefPtr prpEvent) { RefPtr event(prpEvent); ASSERT(!eventDispatchForbidden()); ASSERT(event->target()); ASSERT(!event->type().isNull()); // JavaScript code can create an event with an empty name, but not null. // Make a vector of ancestors to send the event to. // If the node is not in a document just send the event to it. // Be sure to ref all of nodes since event handlers could result in the last reference going away. RefPtr thisNode(this); Vector > ancestors; if (inDocument()) { for (ContainerNode* ancestor = eventParentNode(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->eventParentNode()) { #if ENABLE(SVG) // Skip shadow tree elements. if (ancestor->isSVGElement() && ancestor->isShadowNode()) continue; #endif ancestors.append(ancestor); } } // Set up a pointer to indicate whether / where to dispatch window events. // We don't dispatch load events to the window. That quirk was originally // added because Mozilla doesn't propagate load events to the window object. DOMWindow* targetForWindowEvents = 0; if (event->type() != eventNames().loadEvent) { Node* topLevelContainer = ancestors.isEmpty() ? this : ancestors.last().get(); if (topLevelContainer->isDocumentNode()) targetForWindowEvents = static_cast(topLevelContainer)->domWindow(); } // Give the target node a chance to do some work before DOM event handlers get a crack. void* data = preDispatchEventHandler(event.get()); if (event->propagationStopped()) goto doneDispatching; // Trigger capturing event handlers, starting at the top and working our way down. event->setEventPhase(Event::CAPTURING_PHASE); if (targetForWindowEvents) { event->setCurrentTarget(targetForWindowEvents); targetForWindowEvents->handleEvent(event.get(), true); if (event->propagationStopped()) goto doneDispatching; } for (size_t i = ancestors.size(); i; --i) { ContainerNode* ancestor = ancestors[i - 1].get(); event->setCurrentTarget(eventTargetRespectingSVGTargetRules(ancestor)); ancestor->handleLocalEvents(event.get(), true); if (event->propagationStopped()) goto doneDispatching; } event->setEventPhase(Event::AT_TARGET); // We do want capturing event listeners to be invoked here, even though // that violates some versions of the DOM specification; Mozilla does it. event->setCurrentTarget(eventTargetRespectingSVGTargetRules(this)); handleLocalEvents(event.get(), true); if (event->propagationStopped()) goto doneDispatching; handleLocalEvents(event.get(), false); if (event->propagationStopped()) goto doneDispatching; if (event->bubbles() && !event->cancelBubble()) { // Trigger bubbling event handlers, starting at the bottom and working our way up. event->setEventPhase(Event::BUBBLING_PHASE); size_t size = ancestors.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { ContainerNode* ancestor = ancestors[i].get(); event->setCurrentTarget(eventTargetRespectingSVGTargetRules(ancestor)); ancestor->handleLocalEvents(event.get(), false); if (event->propagationStopped() || event->cancelBubble()) goto doneDispatching; } if (targetForWindowEvents) { event->setCurrentTarget(targetForWindowEvents); targetForWindowEvents->handleEvent(event.get(), false); if (event->propagationStopped() || event->cancelBubble()) goto doneDispatching; } } doneDispatching: event->setCurrentTarget(0); event->setEventPhase(0); // Pass the data from the preDispatchEventHandler to the postDispatchEventHandler. postDispatchEventHandler(event.get(), data); // Call default event handlers. While the DOM does have a concept of preventing // default handling, the detail of which handlers are called is an internal // implementation detail and not part of the DOM. if (!event->defaultPrevented() && !event->defaultHandled()) { // Non-bubbling events call only one default event handler, the one for the target. defaultEventHandler(event.get()); ASSERT(!event->defaultPrevented()); if (event->defaultHandled()) goto doneWithDefault; // For bubbling events, call default event handlers on the same targets in the // same order as the bubbling phase. if (event->bubbles()) { size_t size = ancestors.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { ContainerNode* ancestor = ancestors[i].get(); ancestor->defaultEventHandler(event.get()); ASSERT(!event->defaultPrevented()); if (event->defaultHandled()) goto doneWithDefault; } } } doneWithDefault: Document::updateStyleForAllDocuments(); return !event->defaultPrevented(); } void Node::dispatchSubtreeModifiedEvent() { ASSERT(!eventDispatchForbidden()); document()->incDOMTreeVersion(); notifyNodeListsAttributeChanged(); // FIXME: Can do better some day. Really only care about the name attribute changing. if (!document()->hasListenerType(Document::DOMSUBTREEMODIFIED_LISTENER)) return; ExceptionCode ec = 0; dispatchMutationEvent(eventNames().DOMSubtreeModifiedEvent, true, 0, String(), String(), ec); } void Node::dispatchUIEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, int detail, PassRefPtr underlyingEvent) { ASSERT(!eventDispatchForbidden()); ASSERT(eventType == eventNames().DOMFocusInEvent || eventType == eventNames().DOMFocusOutEvent || eventType == eventNames().DOMActivateEvent); bool cancelable = eventType == eventNames().DOMActivateEvent; ExceptionCode ec = 0; RefPtr evt = UIEvent::create(eventType, true, cancelable, document()->defaultView(), detail); evt->setUnderlyingEvent(underlyingEvent); dispatchEvent(evt.release(), ec); } bool Node::dispatchKeyEvent(const PlatformKeyboardEvent& key) { ASSERT(!eventDispatchForbidden()); ExceptionCode ec = 0; RefPtr keyboardEvent = KeyboardEvent::create(key, document()->defaultView()); bool r = dispatchEvent(keyboardEvent, ec); // we want to return false if default is prevented (already taken care of) // or if the element is default-handled by the DOM. Otherwise we let it just // let it get handled by AppKit if (keyboardEvent->defaultHandled()) r = false; return r; } bool Node::dispatchMouseEvent(const PlatformMouseEvent& event, const AtomicString& eventType, int detail, Node* relatedTarget) { ASSERT(!eventDispatchForbidden()); IntPoint contentsPos; if (FrameView* view = document()->view()) contentsPos = view->windowToContents(event.pos()); short button = event.button(); ASSERT(event.eventType() == MouseEventMoved || button != NoButton); return dispatchMouseEvent(eventType, button, detail, contentsPos.x(), contentsPos.y(), event.globalX(), event.globalY(), event.ctrlKey(), event.altKey(), event.shiftKey(), event.metaKey(), false, relatedTarget, 0); } void Node::dispatchSimulatedMouseEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, PassRefPtr underlyingEvent) { ASSERT(!eventDispatchForbidden()); bool ctrlKey = false; bool altKey = false; bool shiftKey = false; bool metaKey = false; if (UIEventWithKeyState* keyStateEvent = findEventWithKeyState(underlyingEvent.get())) { ctrlKey = keyStateEvent->ctrlKey(); altKey = keyStateEvent->altKey(); shiftKey = keyStateEvent->shiftKey(); metaKey = keyStateEvent->metaKey(); } // Like Gecko, we just pass 0 for everything when we make a fake mouse event. // Internet Explorer instead gives the current mouse position and state. dispatchMouseEvent(eventType, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, true, 0, underlyingEvent); } void Node::dispatchSimulatedClick(PassRefPtr event, bool sendMouseEvents, bool showPressedLook) { if (!gNodesDispatchingSimulatedClicks) gNodesDispatchingSimulatedClicks = new HashSet; else if (gNodesDispatchingSimulatedClicks->contains(this)) return; gNodesDispatchingSimulatedClicks->add(this); // send mousedown and mouseup before the click, if requested if (sendMouseEvents) dispatchSimulatedMouseEvent(eventNames().mousedownEvent, event.get()); setActive(true, showPressedLook); if (sendMouseEvents) dispatchSimulatedMouseEvent(eventNames().mouseupEvent, event.get()); setActive(false); // always send click dispatchSimulatedMouseEvent(eventNames().clickEvent, event); gNodesDispatchingSimulatedClicks->remove(this); } bool Node::dispatchMouseEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, int button, int detail, int pageX, int pageY, int screenX, int screenY, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, bool isSimulated, Node* relatedTargetArg, PassRefPtr underlyingEvent) { ASSERT(!eventDispatchForbidden()); if (disabled()) // Don't even send DOM events for disabled controls.. return true; if (eventType.isEmpty()) return false; // Shouldn't happen. // Dispatching the first event can easily result in this node being destroyed. // Since we dispatch up to three events here, we need to make sure we're referenced // so the pointer will be good for the two subsequent ones. RefPtr protect(this); bool cancelable = eventType != eventNames().mousemoveEvent; ExceptionCode ec = 0; bool swallowEvent = false; // Attempting to dispatch with a non-EventTarget relatedTarget causes the relatedTarget to be silently ignored. RefPtr relatedTarget = relatedTargetArg; int adjustedPageX = pageX; int adjustedPageY = pageY; if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) { float pageZoom = frame->pageZoomFactor(); if (pageZoom != 1.0f) { // Adjust our pageX and pageY to account for the page zoom. adjustedPageX = lroundf(pageX / pageZoom); adjustedPageY = lroundf(pageY / pageZoom); } } RefPtr mouseEvent = MouseEvent::create(eventType, true, cancelable, document()->defaultView(), detail, screenX, screenY, adjustedPageX, adjustedPageY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget, 0, isSimulated); mouseEvent->setUnderlyingEvent(underlyingEvent.get()); mouseEvent->setAbsoluteLocation(IntPoint(pageX, pageY)); dispatchEvent(mouseEvent, ec); bool defaultHandled = mouseEvent->defaultHandled(); bool defaultPrevented = mouseEvent->defaultPrevented(); if (defaultHandled || defaultPrevented) swallowEvent = true; // Special case: If it's a double click event, we also send the dblclick event. This is not part // of the DOM specs, but is used for compatibility with the ondblclick="" attribute. This is treated // as a separate event in other DOM-compliant browsers like Firefox, and so we do the same. if (eventType == eventNames().clickEvent && detail == 2) { RefPtr doubleClickEvent = MouseEvent::create(eventNames().dblclickEvent, true, cancelable, document()->defaultView(), detail, screenX, screenY, pageX, pageY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget, 0, isSimulated); doubleClickEvent->setUnderlyingEvent(underlyingEvent.get()); if (defaultHandled) doubleClickEvent->setDefaultHandled(); dispatchEvent(doubleClickEvent, ec); if (doubleClickEvent->defaultHandled() || doubleClickEvent->defaultPrevented()) swallowEvent = true; } return swallowEvent; } void Node::dispatchWheelEvent(PlatformWheelEvent& e) { ASSERT(!eventDispatchForbidden()); if (e.deltaX() == 0 && e.deltaY() == 0) return; FrameView* view = document()->view(); if (!view) return; IntPoint pos = view->windowToContents(e.pos()); int adjustedPageX = pos.x(); int adjustedPageY = pos.y(); if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) { float pageZoom = frame->pageZoomFactor(); if (pageZoom != 1.0f) { // Adjust our pageX and pageY to account for the page zoom. adjustedPageX = lroundf(pos.x() / pageZoom); adjustedPageY = lroundf(pos.y() / pageZoom); } } RefPtr we = WheelEvent::create(e.wheelTicksX(), e.wheelTicksY(), document()->defaultView(), e.globalX(), e.globalY(), adjustedPageX, adjustedPageY, e.ctrlKey(), e.altKey(), e.shiftKey(), e.metaKey()); we->setAbsoluteLocation(IntPoint(pos.x(), pos.y())); ExceptionCode ec = 0; if (!dispatchEvent(we.release(), ec)) e.accept(); } void Node::dispatchWebKitAnimationEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, const String& animationName, double elapsedTime) { ASSERT(!eventDispatchForbidden()); ExceptionCode ec = 0; dispatchEvent(WebKitAnimationEvent::create(eventType, animationName, elapsedTime), ec); } void Node::dispatchWebKitTransitionEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, const String& propertyName, double elapsedTime) { ASSERT(!eventDispatchForbidden()); ExceptionCode ec = 0; dispatchEvent(WebKitTransitionEvent::create(eventType, propertyName, elapsedTime), ec); } void Node::dispatchMutationEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, bool canBubble, PassRefPtr relatedNode, const String& prevValue, const String& newValue, ExceptionCode& ec) { ASSERT(!eventDispatchForbidden()); dispatchEvent(MutationEvent::create(eventType, canBubble, false, relatedNode, prevValue, newValue, String(), 0), ec); } void Node::dispatchFocusEvent() { dispatchEvent(eventNames().focusEvent, false, false); } void Node::dispatchBlurEvent() { dispatchEvent(eventNames().blurEvent, false, false); } bool Node::dispatchEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg) { ASSERT(!eventDispatchForbidden()); ExceptionCode ec = 0; return dispatchEvent(Event::create(eventType, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg), ec); } void Node::dispatchProgressEvent(const AtomicString &eventType, bool lengthComputableArg, unsigned loadedArg, unsigned totalArg) { ASSERT(!eventDispatchForbidden()); ExceptionCode ec = 0; dispatchEvent(ProgressEvent::create(eventType, lengthComputableArg, loadedArg, totalArg), ec); } void Node::clearAttributeEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType) { if (!hasRareData()) return; RegisteredEventListenerVector* listeners = rareData()->listeners(); if (!listeners) return; size_t size = listeners->size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { RegisteredEventListener& r = *listeners->at(i); if (r.eventType() != eventType || !r.listener()->isAttribute()) continue; r.setRemoved(true); listeners->remove(i); // removed last if (listeners->isEmpty() && !inDocument()) document()->unregisterDisconnectedNodeWithEventListeners(this); updateSVGElementInstancesAfterEventListenerChange(this); return; } } void Node::setAttributeEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, PassRefPtr listener) { clearAttributeEventListener(eventType); if (listener) addEventListener(eventType, listener, false); } EventListener* Node::getAttributeEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType) const { const RegisteredEventListenerVector& listeners = eventListeners(); size_t size = listeners.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { const RegisteredEventListener& r = *listeners[i]; if (r.eventType() == eventType && r.listener()->isAttribute()) return r.listener(); } return 0; } bool Node::disabled() const { return false; } void Node::defaultEventHandler(Event* event) { if (event->target() != this) return; const AtomicString& eventType = event->type(); if (eventType == eventNames().keydownEvent || eventType == eventNames().keypressEvent) { if (event->isKeyboardEvent()) if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) frame->eventHandler()->defaultKeyboardEventHandler(static_cast(event)); } else if (eventType == eventNames().clickEvent) { int detail = event->isUIEvent() ? static_cast(event)->detail() : 0; dispatchUIEvent(eventNames().DOMActivateEvent, detail, event); } else if (eventType == eventNames().contextmenuEvent) { if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) if (Page* page = frame->page()) page->contextMenuController()->handleContextMenuEvent(event); } else if (eventType == eventNames().textInputEvent) { if (event->isTextEvent()) if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) frame->eventHandler()->defaultTextInputEventHandler(static_cast(event)); } } EventListener* Node::onabort() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().abortEvent); } void Node::setOnabort(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().abortEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onblur() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().blurEvent); } void Node::setOnblur(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().blurEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onchange() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().changeEvent); } void Node::setOnchange(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().changeEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onclick() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().clickEvent); } void Node::setOnclick(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().clickEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::oncontextmenu() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().contextmenuEvent); } void Node::setOncontextmenu(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().contextmenuEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::ondblclick() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dblclickEvent); } void Node::setOndblclick(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dblclickEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onerror() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().errorEvent); } void Node::setOnerror(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().errorEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onfocus() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().focusEvent); } void Node::setOnfocus(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().focusEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::oninput() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().inputEvent); } void Node::setOninput(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().inputEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onkeydown() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().keydownEvent); } void Node::setOnkeydown(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().keydownEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onkeypress() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().keypressEvent); } void Node::setOnkeypress(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().keypressEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onkeyup() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().keyupEvent); } void Node::setOnkeyup(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().keyupEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onload() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().loadEvent); } void Node::setOnload(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().loadEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onmousedown() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mousedownEvent); } void Node::setOnmousedown(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mousedownEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onmousemove() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mousemoveEvent); } void Node::setOnmousemove(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mousemoveEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onmouseout() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mouseoutEvent); } void Node::setOnmouseout(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mouseoutEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onmouseover() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mouseoverEvent); } void Node::setOnmouseover(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mouseoverEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onmouseup() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mouseupEvent); } void Node::setOnmouseup(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mouseupEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onmousewheel() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mousewheelEvent); } void Node::setOnmousewheel(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mousewheelEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::ondragenter() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragenterEvent); } void Node::setOndragenter(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragenterEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::ondragover() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragoverEvent); } void Node::setOndragover(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragoverEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::ondragleave() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragleaveEvent); } void Node::setOndragleave(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragleaveEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::ondrop() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dropEvent); } void Node::setOndrop(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dropEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::ondragstart() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragstartEvent); } void Node::setOndragstart(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragstartEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::ondrag() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragEvent); } void Node::setOndrag(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::ondragend() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragendEvent); } void Node::setOndragend(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragendEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onscroll() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().scrollEvent); } void Node::setOnscroll(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().scrollEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onselect() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().selectEvent); } void Node::setOnselect(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().selectEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onsubmit() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().submitEvent); } void Node::setOnsubmit(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().submitEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onbeforecut() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforecutEvent); } void Node::setOnbeforecut(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforecutEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::oncut() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().cutEvent); } void Node::setOncut(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().cutEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onbeforecopy() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforecopyEvent); } void Node::setOnbeforecopy(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforecopyEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::oncopy() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().copyEvent); } void Node::setOncopy(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().copyEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onbeforepaste() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforepasteEvent); } void Node::setOnbeforepaste(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforepasteEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onpaste() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().pasteEvent); } void Node::setOnpaste(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().pasteEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onreset() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().resetEvent); } void Node::setOnreset(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().resetEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onsearch() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().searchEvent); } void Node::setOnsearch(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().searchEvent, eventListener); } EventListener* Node::onselectstart() const { return getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().selectstartEvent); } void Node::setOnselectstart(PassRefPtr eventListener) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().selectstartEvent, eventListener); } } // namespace WebCore #ifndef NDEBUG void showTree(const WebCore::Node* node) { if (node) node->showTreeForThis(); } #endif