/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "DeleteButtonController.h" #include "CachedImage.h" #include "CSSMutableStyleDeclaration.h" #include "CSSPrimitiveValue.h" #include "CSSPropertyNames.h" #include "CSSValueKeywords.h" #include "DeleteButton.h" #include "Document.h" #include "Editor.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "htmlediting.h" #include "HTMLDivElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "Image.h" #include "Node.h" #include "Range.h" #include "RemoveNodeCommand.h" #include "RenderObject.h" #include "SelectionController.h" namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; const char* const DeleteButtonController::containerElementIdentifier = "WebKit-Editing-Delete-Container"; const char* const DeleteButtonController::buttonElementIdentifier = "WebKit-Editing-Delete-Button"; const char* const DeleteButtonController::outlineElementIdentifier = "WebKit-Editing-Delete-Outline"; DeleteButtonController::DeleteButtonController(Frame* frame) : m_frame(frame) , m_wasStaticPositioned(false) , m_wasAutoZIndex(false) , m_disableStack(0) { } static bool isDeletableElement(const Node* node) { if (!node || !node->isHTMLElement() || !node->inDocument() || !node->isContentEditable()) return false; const int minimumWidth = 25; const int minimumHeight = 25; const unsigned minimumVisibleBorders = 3; RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer(); if (!renderer || renderer->width() < minimumWidth || renderer->height() < minimumHeight) return false; if (renderer->isTable()) return true; if (node->hasTagName(ulTag) || node->hasTagName(olTag)) return true; if (renderer->isPositioned()) return true; // allow block elements (excluding table cells) that have some non-transparent borders if (renderer->isRenderBlock() && !renderer->isTableCell()) { RenderStyle* style = renderer->style(); if (style && style->hasBorder()) { unsigned visibleBorders = style->borderTop().isVisible() + style->borderBottom().isVisible() + style->borderLeft().isVisible() + style->borderRight().isVisible(); if (visibleBorders >= minimumVisibleBorders) return true; } } return false; } static HTMLElement* enclosingDeletableElement(const Selection& selection) { if (!selection.isContentEditable()) return 0; RefPtr range = selection.toRange(); if (!range) return 0; ExceptionCode ec = 0; Node* container = range->commonAncestorContainer(ec); ASSERT(container); ASSERT(ec == 0); // The enclosingNodeOfType function only works on nodes that are editable // (which is strange, given its name). if (!container->isContentEditable()) return 0; Node* element = enclosingNodeOfType(Position(container, 0), &isDeletableElement); if (!element) return 0; ASSERT(element->isHTMLElement()); return static_cast(element); } void DeleteButtonController::respondToChangedSelection(const Selection& oldSelection) { if (!enabled()) return; HTMLElement* oldElement = enclosingDeletableElement(oldSelection); HTMLElement* newElement = enclosingDeletableElement(m_frame->selection()->selection()); if (oldElement == newElement) return; // If the base is inside a deletable element, give the element a delete widget. if (newElement) show(newElement); else hide(); } void DeleteButtonController::createDeletionUI() { RefPtr container = new HTMLDivElement(divTag, m_target->document()); container->setId(containerElementIdentifier); CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* style = container->getInlineStyleDecl(); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitUserDrag, CSSValueNone); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitUserSelect, CSSValueNone); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitUserModify, CSSValueNone); RefPtr outline = new HTMLDivElement(divTag, m_target->document()); outline->setId(outlineElementIdentifier); const int borderWidth = 4; const int borderRadius = 6; style = outline->getInlineStyleDecl(); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyPosition, CSSValueAbsolute); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyCursor, CSSValueDefault); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitUserDrag, CSSValueNone); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitUserSelect, CSSValueNone); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitUserModify, CSSValueNone); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyZIndex, String::number(-1000000)); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyTop, String::number(-borderWidth - m_target->renderer()->borderTop()) + "px"); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyRight, String::number(-borderWidth - m_target->renderer()->borderRight()) + "px"); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyBottom, String::number(-borderWidth - m_target->renderer()->borderBottom()) + "px"); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyLeft, String::number(-borderWidth - m_target->renderer()->borderLeft()) + "px"); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyBorder, String::number(borderWidth) + "px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)"); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderRadius, String::number(borderRadius) + "px"); ExceptionCode ec = 0; container->appendChild(outline.get(), ec); ASSERT(ec == 0); if (ec) return; RefPtr button = new DeleteButton(m_target->document()); button->setId(buttonElementIdentifier); const int buttonWidth = 30; const int buttonHeight = 30; const int buttonBottomShadowOffset = 2; style = button->getInlineStyleDecl(); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyPosition, CSSValueAbsolute); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyCursor, CSSValueDefault); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitUserDrag, CSSValueNone); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitUserSelect, CSSValueNone); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitUserModify, CSSValueNone); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyZIndex, String::number(1000000)); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyTop, String::number((-buttonHeight / 2) - m_target->renderer()->borderTop() - (borderWidth / 2) + buttonBottomShadowOffset) + "px"); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyLeft, String::number((-buttonWidth / 2) - m_target->renderer()->borderLeft() - (borderWidth / 2)) + "px"); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyWidth, String::number(buttonWidth) + "px"); style->setProperty(CSSPropertyHeight, String::number(buttonHeight) + "px"); RefPtr buttonImage = Image::loadPlatformResource("deleteButton"); if (buttonImage->isNull()) return; button->setCachedImage(new CachedImage(buttonImage.get())); container->appendChild(button.get(), ec); ASSERT(ec == 0); if (ec) return; m_containerElement = container.release(); m_outlineElement = outline.release(); m_buttonElement = button.release(); } void DeleteButtonController::show(HTMLElement* element) { hide(); if (!enabled() || !element || !element->inDocument() || !isDeletableElement(element)) return; if (!m_frame->editor()->shouldShowDeleteInterface(static_cast(element))) return; // we rely on the renderer having current information, so we should update the layout if needed m_frame->document()->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); m_target = element; if (!m_containerElement) { createDeletionUI(); if (!m_containerElement) { hide(); return; } } ExceptionCode ec = 0; m_target->appendChild(m_containerElement.get(), ec); ASSERT(ec == 0); if (ec) { hide(); return; } if (m_target->renderer()->style()->position() == StaticPosition) { m_target->getInlineStyleDecl()->setProperty(CSSPropertyPosition, CSSValueRelative); m_wasStaticPositioned = true; } if (m_target->renderer()->style()->hasAutoZIndex()) { m_target->getInlineStyleDecl()->setProperty(CSSPropertyZIndex, "0"); m_wasAutoZIndex = true; } } void DeleteButtonController::hide() { m_outlineElement = 0; m_buttonElement = 0; ExceptionCode ec = 0; if (m_containerElement && m_containerElement->parentNode()) m_containerElement->parentNode()->removeChild(m_containerElement.get(), ec); if (m_target) { if (m_wasStaticPositioned) m_target->getInlineStyleDecl()->setProperty(CSSPropertyPosition, CSSValueStatic); if (m_wasAutoZIndex) m_target->getInlineStyleDecl()->setProperty(CSSPropertyZIndex, CSSValueAuto); } m_wasStaticPositioned = false; m_wasAutoZIndex = false; } void DeleteButtonController::enable() { ASSERT(m_disableStack > 0); if (m_disableStack > 0) m_disableStack--; if (enabled()) show(enclosingDeletableElement(m_frame->selection()->selection())); } void DeleteButtonController::disable() { if (enabled()) hide(); m_disableStack++; } void DeleteButtonController::deleteTarget() { if (!enabled() || !m_target) return; RefPtr element = m_target; hide(); // Because the deletion UI only appears when the selection is entirely // within the target, we unconditionally update the selection to be // a caret where the target had been. Position pos = positionBeforeNode(element.get()); applyCommand(RemoveNodeCommand::create(element.release())); m_frame->selection()->setSelection(VisiblePosition(pos)); } } // namespace WebCore