/* * Copyright (C) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "DeleteSelectionCommand.h" #include "CSSMutableStyleDeclaration.h" #include "Document.h" #include "DocumentFragment.h" #include "Editor.h" #include "EditorClient.h" #include "Element.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.h" #include "htmlediting.h" #include "HTMLInputElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "markup.h" #include "RenderTableCell.h" #include "ReplaceSelectionCommand.h" #include "Text.h" #include "TextIterator.h" #include "visible_units.h" namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; static bool isTableRow(const Node* node) { return node && node->hasTagName(trTag); } static bool isTableCellEmpty(Node* cell) { ASSERT(isTableCell(cell)); return VisiblePosition(firstDeepEditingPositionForNode(cell)) == VisiblePosition(lastDeepEditingPositionForNode(cell)); } static bool isTableRowEmpty(Node* row) { if (!isTableRow(row)) return false; for (Node* child = row->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) if (isTableCell(child) && !isTableCellEmpty(child)) return false; return true; } DeleteSelectionCommand::DeleteSelectionCommand(Document *document, bool smartDelete, bool mergeBlocksAfterDelete, bool replace, bool expandForSpecialElements) : CompositeEditCommand(document), m_hasSelectionToDelete(false), m_smartDelete(smartDelete), m_mergeBlocksAfterDelete(mergeBlocksAfterDelete), m_replace(replace), m_expandForSpecialElements(expandForSpecialElements), m_pruneStartBlockIfNecessary(false), m_startsAtEmptyLine(false), m_startBlock(0), m_endBlock(0), m_typingStyle(0), m_deleteIntoBlockquoteStyle(0) { } DeleteSelectionCommand::DeleteSelectionCommand(const VisibleSelection& selection, bool smartDelete, bool mergeBlocksAfterDelete, bool replace, bool expandForSpecialElements) : CompositeEditCommand(selection.start().node()->document()), m_hasSelectionToDelete(true), m_smartDelete(smartDelete), m_mergeBlocksAfterDelete(mergeBlocksAfterDelete), m_replace(replace), m_expandForSpecialElements(expandForSpecialElements), m_pruneStartBlockIfNecessary(false), m_startsAtEmptyLine(false), m_selectionToDelete(selection), m_startBlock(0), m_endBlock(0), m_typingStyle(0), m_deleteIntoBlockquoteStyle(0) { } void DeleteSelectionCommand::initializeStartEnd(Position& start, Position& end) { Node* startSpecialContainer = 0; Node* endSpecialContainer = 0; start = m_selectionToDelete.start(); end = m_selectionToDelete.end(); // For HRs, we'll get a position at (HR,1) when hitting delete from the beginning of the previous line, or (HR,0) when forward deleting, // but in these cases, we want to delete it, so manually expand the selection if (start.node()->hasTagName(hrTag)) start = Position(start.node(), 0); else if (end.node()->hasTagName(hrTag)) end = Position(end.node(), 1); // FIXME: This is only used so that moveParagraphs can avoid the bugs in special element expanion. if (!m_expandForSpecialElements) return; while (1) { startSpecialContainer = 0; endSpecialContainer = 0; Position s = positionBeforeContainingSpecialElement(start, &startSpecialContainer); Position e = positionAfterContainingSpecialElement(end, &endSpecialContainer); if (!startSpecialContainer && !endSpecialContainer) break; if (VisiblePosition(start) != m_selectionToDelete.visibleStart() || VisiblePosition(end) != m_selectionToDelete.visibleEnd()) break; // If we're going to expand to include the startSpecialContainer, it must be fully selected. if (startSpecialContainer && !endSpecialContainer && comparePositions(positionAfterNode(startSpecialContainer), end) > -1) break; // If we're going to expand to include the endSpecialContainer, it must be fully selected. if (endSpecialContainer && !startSpecialContainer && comparePositions(start, positionBeforeNode(endSpecialContainer)) > -1) break; if (startSpecialContainer && startSpecialContainer->isDescendantOf(endSpecialContainer)) // Don't adjust the end yet, it is the end of a special element that contains the start // special element (which may or may not be fully selected). start = s; else if (endSpecialContainer && endSpecialContainer->isDescendantOf(startSpecialContainer)) // Don't adjust the start yet, it is the start of a special element that contains the end // special element (which may or may not be fully selected). end = e; else { start = s; end = e; } } } void DeleteSelectionCommand::initializePositionData() { Position start, end; initializeStartEnd(start, end); m_upstreamStart = start.upstream(); m_downstreamStart = start.downstream(); m_upstreamEnd = end.upstream(); m_downstreamEnd = end.downstream(); m_startRoot = editableRootForPosition(start); m_endRoot = editableRootForPosition(end); m_startTableRow = enclosingNodeOfType(start, &isTableRow); m_endTableRow = enclosingNodeOfType(end, &isTableRow); // Don't move content out of a table cell. // If the cell is non-editable, enclosingNodeOfType won't return it by default, so // tell that function that we don't care if it returns non-editable nodes. Node* startCell = enclosingNodeOfType(m_upstreamStart, &isTableCell, false); Node* endCell = enclosingNodeOfType(m_downstreamEnd, &isTableCell, false); // FIXME: This isn't right. A borderless table with two rows and a single column would appear as two paragraphs. if (endCell && endCell != startCell) m_mergeBlocksAfterDelete = false; // Usually the start and the end of the selection to delete are pulled together as a result of the deletion. // Sometimes they aren't (like when no merge is requested), so we must choose one position to hold the caret // and receive the placeholder after deletion. VisiblePosition visibleEnd(m_downstreamEnd); if (m_mergeBlocksAfterDelete && !isEndOfParagraph(visibleEnd)) m_endingPosition = m_downstreamEnd; else m_endingPosition = m_downstreamStart; // We don't want to merge into a block if it will mean changing the quote level of content after deleting // selections that contain a whole number paragraphs plus a line break, since it is unclear to most users // that such a selection actually ends at the start of the next paragraph. This matches TextEdit behavior // for indented paragraphs. // Only apply this rule if the endingSelection is a range selection. If it is a caret, then other operations have created // the selection we're deleting (like the process of creating a selection to delete during a backspace), and the user isn't in the situation described above. if (numEnclosingMailBlockquotes(start) != numEnclosingMailBlockquotes(end) && isStartOfParagraph(visibleEnd) && isStartOfParagraph(VisiblePosition(start)) && endingSelection().isRange()) { m_mergeBlocksAfterDelete = false; m_pruneStartBlockIfNecessary = true; } // Handle leading and trailing whitespace, as well as smart delete adjustments to the selection m_leadingWhitespace = m_upstreamStart.leadingWhitespacePosition(m_selectionToDelete.affinity()); m_trailingWhitespace = m_downstreamEnd.trailingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY); if (m_smartDelete) { // skip smart delete if the selection to delete already starts or ends with whitespace Position pos = VisiblePosition(m_upstreamStart, m_selectionToDelete.affinity()).deepEquivalent(); bool skipSmartDelete = pos.trailingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY, true).isNotNull(); if (!skipSmartDelete) skipSmartDelete = m_downstreamEnd.leadingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY, true).isNotNull(); // extend selection upstream if there is whitespace there bool hasLeadingWhitespaceBeforeAdjustment = m_upstreamStart.leadingWhitespacePosition(m_selectionToDelete.affinity(), true).isNotNull(); if (!skipSmartDelete && hasLeadingWhitespaceBeforeAdjustment) { VisiblePosition visiblePos = VisiblePosition(m_upstreamStart, VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY).previous(); pos = visiblePos.deepEquivalent(); // Expand out one character upstream for smart delete and recalculate // positions based on this change. m_upstreamStart = pos.upstream(); m_downstreamStart = pos.downstream(); m_leadingWhitespace = m_upstreamStart.leadingWhitespacePosition(visiblePos.affinity()); } // trailing whitespace is only considered for smart delete if there is no leading // whitespace, as in the case where you double-click the first word of a paragraph. if (!skipSmartDelete && !hasLeadingWhitespaceBeforeAdjustment && m_downstreamEnd.trailingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY, true).isNotNull()) { // Expand out one character downstream for smart delete and recalculate // positions based on this change. pos = VisiblePosition(m_downstreamEnd, VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY).next().deepEquivalent(); m_upstreamEnd = pos.upstream(); m_downstreamEnd = pos.downstream(); m_trailingWhitespace = m_downstreamEnd.trailingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY); } } // We must pass the positions through rangeCompliantEquivalent, since some editing positions // that appear inside their nodes aren't really inside them. [hr, 0] is one example. // FIXME: rangeComplaintEquivalent should eventually be moved into enclosing element getters // like the one below, since editing functions should obviously accept editing positions. // FIXME: Passing false to enclosingNodeOfType tells it that it's OK to return a non-editable // node. This was done to match existing behavior, but it seems wrong. m_startBlock = enclosingNodeOfType(rangeCompliantEquivalent(m_downstreamStart), &isBlock, false); m_endBlock = enclosingNodeOfType(rangeCompliantEquivalent(m_upstreamEnd), &isBlock, false); } static void removeEnclosingAnchorStyle(CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* style, const Position& position) { Node* enclosingAnchor = enclosingAnchorElement(position); if (!enclosingAnchor || !enclosingAnchor->parentNode()) return; RefPtr parentStyle = Position(enclosingAnchor->parentNode(), 0).computedStyle()->copyInheritableProperties(); RefPtr anchorStyle = Position(enclosingAnchor, 0).computedStyle()->copyInheritableProperties(); parentStyle->diff(anchorStyle.get()); anchorStyle->diff(style); } void DeleteSelectionCommand::saveTypingStyleState() { // A common case is deleting characters that are all from the same text node. In // that case, the style at the start of the selection before deletion will be the // same as the style at the start of the selection after deletion (since those // two positions will be identical). Therefore there is no need to save the // typing style at the start of the selection, nor is there a reason to // compute the style at the start of the selection after deletion (see the // early return in calculateTypingStyleAfterDelete). if (m_upstreamStart.node() == m_downstreamEnd.node() && m_upstreamStart.node()->isTextNode()) return; // Figure out the typing style in effect before the delete is done. RefPtr computedStyle = positionBeforeTabSpan(m_selectionToDelete.start()).computedStyle(); m_typingStyle = computedStyle->copyInheritableProperties(); removeEnclosingAnchorStyle(m_typingStyle.get(), m_selectionToDelete.start()); // If we're deleting into a Mail blockquote, save the style at end() instead of start() // We'll use this later in computeTypingStyleAfterDelete if we end up outside of a Mail blockquote if (nearestMailBlockquote(m_selectionToDelete.start().node())) { computedStyle = m_selectionToDelete.end().computedStyle(); m_deleteIntoBlockquoteStyle = computedStyle->copyInheritableProperties(); } else m_deleteIntoBlockquoteStyle = 0; } bool DeleteSelectionCommand::handleSpecialCaseBRDelete() { // Check for special-case where the selection contains only a BR on a line by itself after another BR. bool upstreamStartIsBR = m_upstreamStart.node()->hasTagName(brTag); bool downstreamStartIsBR = m_downstreamStart.node()->hasTagName(brTag); bool isBROnLineByItself = upstreamStartIsBR && downstreamStartIsBR && m_downstreamStart.node() == m_upstreamEnd.node(); if (isBROnLineByItself) { removeNode(m_downstreamStart.node()); return true; } // Not a special-case delete per se, but we can detect that the merging of content between blocks // should not be done. if (upstreamStartIsBR && downstreamStartIsBR) { m_startsAtEmptyLine = true; m_endingPosition = m_downstreamEnd; } return false; } static void updatePositionForNodeRemoval(Node* node, Position& position) { if (position.isNull()) return; if (node->parent() == position.node() && node->nodeIndex() < (unsigned)position.deprecatedEditingOffset()) position = Position(position.node(), position.deprecatedEditingOffset() - 1); if (position.node() == node || position.node()->isDescendantOf(node)) position = positionBeforeNode(node); } void DeleteSelectionCommand::removeNode(PassRefPtr node) { if (!node) return; if (m_startRoot != m_endRoot && !(node->isDescendantOf(m_startRoot.get()) && node->isDescendantOf(m_endRoot.get()))) { // If a node is not in both the start and end editable roots, remove it only if its inside an editable region. if (!node->parentNode()->isContentEditable()) { // Don't remove non-editable atomic nodes. if (!node->firstChild()) return; // Search this non-editable region for editable regions to empty. RefPtr child = node->firstChild(); while (child) { RefPtr nextChild = child->nextSibling(); removeNode(child.get()); // Bail if nextChild is no longer node's child. if (nextChild && nextChild->parentNode() != node) return; child = nextChild; } // Don't remove editable regions that are inside non-editable ones, just clear them. return; } } if (isTableStructureNode(node.get()) || node == node->rootEditableElement()) { // Do not remove an element of table structure; remove its contents. // Likewise for the root editable element. Node* child = node->firstChild(); while (child) { Node* remove = child; child = child->nextSibling(); removeNode(remove); } // make sure empty cell has some height updateLayout(); RenderObject *r = node->renderer(); if (r && r->isTableCell() && static_cast(r)->contentHeight() <= 0) insertBlockPlaceholder(Position(node, 0)); return; } if (node == m_startBlock && !isEndOfBlock(VisiblePosition(firstDeepEditingPositionForNode(m_startBlock.get())).previous())) m_needPlaceholder = true; else if (node == m_endBlock && !isStartOfBlock(VisiblePosition(lastDeepEditingPositionForNode(m_startBlock.get())).next())) m_needPlaceholder = true; // FIXME: Update the endpoints of the range being deleted. updatePositionForNodeRemoval(node.get(), m_endingPosition); updatePositionForNodeRemoval(node.get(), m_leadingWhitespace); updatePositionForNodeRemoval(node.get(), m_trailingWhitespace); CompositeEditCommand::removeNode(node); } static void updatePositionForTextRemoval(Node* node, int offset, int count, Position& position) { if (position.node() == node) { if (position.deprecatedEditingOffset() > offset + count) position = Position(position.node(), position.deprecatedEditingOffset() - count); else if (position.deprecatedEditingOffset() > offset) position = Position(position.node(), offset); } } void DeleteSelectionCommand::deleteTextFromNode(PassRefPtr node, unsigned offset, unsigned count) { // FIXME: Update the endpoints of the range being deleted. updatePositionForTextRemoval(node.get(), offset, count, m_endingPosition); updatePositionForTextRemoval(node.get(), offset, count, m_leadingWhitespace); updatePositionForTextRemoval(node.get(), offset, count, m_trailingWhitespace); updatePositionForTextRemoval(node.get(), offset, count, m_downstreamEnd); CompositeEditCommand::deleteTextFromNode(node, offset, count); } void DeleteSelectionCommand::handleGeneralDelete() { int startOffset = m_upstreamStart.deprecatedEditingOffset(); Node* startNode = m_upstreamStart.node(); // Never remove the start block unless it's a table, in which case we won't merge content in. if (startNode == m_startBlock && startOffset == 0 && canHaveChildrenForEditing(startNode) && !startNode->hasTagName(tableTag)) { startOffset = 0; startNode = startNode->traverseNextNode(); } if (startOffset >= caretMaxOffset(startNode) && startNode->isTextNode()) { Text *text = static_cast(startNode); if (text->length() > (unsigned)caretMaxOffset(startNode)) deleteTextFromNode(text, caretMaxOffset(startNode), text->length() - caretMaxOffset(startNode)); } if (startOffset >= lastOffsetForEditing(startNode)) { startNode = startNode->traverseNextSibling(); startOffset = 0; } // Done adjusting the start. See if we're all done. if (!startNode) return; if (startNode == m_downstreamEnd.node()) { // The selection to delete is all in one node. if (!startNode->renderer() || (startOffset == 0 && m_downstreamEnd.atLastEditingPositionForNode())) { // just delete removeNode(startNode); } else if (m_downstreamEnd.deprecatedEditingOffset() - startOffset > 0) { if (startNode->isTextNode()) { // in a text node that needs to be trimmed Text* text = static_cast(startNode); deleteTextFromNode(text, startOffset, m_downstreamEnd.deprecatedEditingOffset() - startOffset); } else { removeChildrenInRange(startNode, startOffset, m_downstreamEnd.deprecatedEditingOffset()); m_endingPosition = m_upstreamStart; } } } else { bool startNodeWasDescendantOfEndNode = m_upstreamStart.node()->isDescendantOf(m_downstreamEnd.node()); // The selection to delete spans more than one node. RefPtr node(startNode); if (startOffset > 0) { if (startNode->isTextNode()) { // in a text node that needs to be trimmed Text *text = static_cast(node.get()); deleteTextFromNode(text, startOffset, text->length() - startOffset); node = node->traverseNextNode(); } else { node = startNode->childNode(startOffset); } } // handle deleting all nodes that are completely selected while (node && node != m_downstreamEnd.node()) { if (comparePositions(Position(node.get(), 0), m_downstreamEnd) >= 0) { // traverseNextSibling just blew past the end position, so stop deleting node = 0; } else if (!m_downstreamEnd.node()->isDescendantOf(node.get())) { RefPtr nextNode = node->traverseNextSibling(); // if we just removed a node from the end container, update end position so the // check above will work if (node->parentNode() == m_downstreamEnd.node()) { ASSERT(node->nodeIndex() < (unsigned)m_downstreamEnd.deprecatedEditingOffset()); m_downstreamEnd = Position(m_downstreamEnd.node(), m_downstreamEnd.deprecatedEditingOffset() - 1); } removeNode(node.get()); node = nextNode.get(); } else { Node* n = node->lastDescendant(); if (m_downstreamEnd.node() == n && m_downstreamEnd.deprecatedEditingOffset() >= caretMaxOffset(n)) { removeNode(node.get()); node = 0; } else node = node->traverseNextNode(); } } if (m_downstreamEnd.node() != startNode && !m_upstreamStart.node()->isDescendantOf(m_downstreamEnd.node()) && m_downstreamEnd.node()->inDocument() && m_downstreamEnd.deprecatedEditingOffset() >= caretMinOffset(m_downstreamEnd.node())) { if (m_downstreamEnd.atLastEditingPositionForNode() && !canHaveChildrenForEditing(m_downstreamEnd.node())) { // The node itself is fully selected, not just its contents. Delete it. removeNode(m_downstreamEnd.node()); } else { if (m_downstreamEnd.node()->isTextNode()) { // in a text node that needs to be trimmed Text *text = static_cast(m_downstreamEnd.node()); if (m_downstreamEnd.deprecatedEditingOffset() > 0) { deleteTextFromNode(text, 0, m_downstreamEnd.deprecatedEditingOffset()); } // Remove children of m_downstreamEnd.node() that come after m_upstreamStart. // Don't try to remove children if m_upstreamStart was inside m_downstreamEnd.node() // and m_upstreamStart has been removed from the document, because then we don't // know how many children to remove. // FIXME: Make m_upstreamStart a position we update as we remove content, then we can // always know which children to remove. } else if (!(startNodeWasDescendantOfEndNode && !m_upstreamStart.node()->inDocument())) { int offset = 0; if (m_upstreamStart.node()->isDescendantOf(m_downstreamEnd.node())) { Node *n = m_upstreamStart.node(); while (n && n->parentNode() != m_downstreamEnd.node()) n = n->parentNode(); if (n) offset = n->nodeIndex() + 1; } removeChildrenInRange(m_downstreamEnd.node(), offset, m_downstreamEnd.deprecatedEditingOffset()); m_downstreamEnd = Position(m_downstreamEnd.node(), offset); } } } } } void DeleteSelectionCommand::fixupWhitespace() { updateLayout(); // FIXME: isRenderedCharacter should be removed, and we should use VisiblePosition::characterAfter and VisiblePosition::characterBefore if (m_leadingWhitespace.isNotNull() && !m_leadingWhitespace.isRenderedCharacter()) { Text* textNode = static_cast(m_leadingWhitespace.node()); ASSERT(!textNode->renderer() || textNode->renderer()->style()->collapseWhiteSpace()); replaceTextInNode(textNode, m_leadingWhitespace.deprecatedEditingOffset(), 1, nonBreakingSpaceString()); } if (m_trailingWhitespace.isNotNull() && !m_trailingWhitespace.isRenderedCharacter()) { Text* textNode = static_cast(m_trailingWhitespace.node()); ASSERT(!textNode->renderer() ||textNode->renderer()->style()->collapseWhiteSpace()); replaceTextInNode(textNode, m_trailingWhitespace.deprecatedEditingOffset(), 1, nonBreakingSpaceString()); } } // If a selection starts in one block and ends in another, we have to merge to bring content before the // start together with content after the end. void DeleteSelectionCommand::mergeParagraphs() { if (!m_mergeBlocksAfterDelete) { if (m_pruneStartBlockIfNecessary) { // Make sure that the ending position isn't inside the block we're about to prune. m_endingPosition = m_downstreamEnd; // We aren't going to merge into the start block, so remove it if it's empty. prune(m_startBlock); // Removing the start block during a deletion is usually an indication that we need // a placeholder, but not in this case. m_needPlaceholder = false; } return; } // It shouldn't have been asked to both try and merge content into the start block and prune it. ASSERT(!m_pruneStartBlockIfNecessary); // FIXME: Deletion should adjust selection endpoints as it removes nodes so that we never get into this state (4099839). if (!m_downstreamEnd.node()->inDocument() || !m_upstreamStart.node()->inDocument()) return; // FIXME: The deletion algorithm shouldn't let this happen. if (comparePositions(m_upstreamStart, m_downstreamEnd) > 0) return; // There's nothing to merge. if (m_upstreamStart == m_downstreamEnd) return; VisiblePosition startOfParagraphToMove(m_downstreamEnd); VisiblePosition mergeDestination(m_upstreamStart); // m_downstreamEnd's block has been emptied out by deletion. There is no content inside of it to // move, so just remove it. Element* endBlock = static_cast(enclosingBlock(m_downstreamEnd.node())); if (!startOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent().node() || !endBlock->contains(startOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent().node())) { removeNode(enclosingBlock(m_downstreamEnd.node())); return; } // We need to merge into m_upstreamStart's block, but it's been emptied out and collapsed by deletion. if (!mergeDestination.deepEquivalent().node() || !mergeDestination.deepEquivalent().node()->isDescendantOf(m_upstreamStart.node()->enclosingBlockFlowElement()) || m_startsAtEmptyLine) { insertNodeAt(createBreakElement(document()).get(), m_upstreamStart); mergeDestination = VisiblePosition(m_upstreamStart); } if (mergeDestination == startOfParagraphToMove) return; VisiblePosition endOfParagraphToMove = endOfParagraph(startOfParagraphToMove); if (mergeDestination == endOfParagraphToMove) return; // The rule for merging into an empty block is: only do so if its farther to the right. // FIXME: Consider RTL. if (!m_startsAtEmptyLine && isStartOfParagraph(mergeDestination) && startOfParagraphToMove.absoluteCaretBounds().x() > mergeDestination.absoluteCaretBounds().x()) { ASSERT(mergeDestination.deepEquivalent().downstream().node()->hasTagName(brTag)); removeNodeAndPruneAncestors(mergeDestination.deepEquivalent().downstream().node()); m_endingPosition = startOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent(); return; } RefPtr range = Range::create(document(), rangeCompliantEquivalent(startOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent()), rangeCompliantEquivalent(endOfParagraphToMove.deepEquivalent())); RefPtr rangeToBeReplaced = Range::create(document(), rangeCompliantEquivalent(mergeDestination.deepEquivalent()), rangeCompliantEquivalent(mergeDestination.deepEquivalent())); if (!document()->frame()->editor()->client()->shouldMoveRangeAfterDelete(range.get(), rangeToBeReplaced.get())) return; // moveParagraphs will insert placeholders if it removes blocks that would require their use, don't let block // removals that it does cause the insertion of *another* placeholder. bool needPlaceholder = m_needPlaceholder; moveParagraph(startOfParagraphToMove, endOfParagraphToMove, mergeDestination); m_needPlaceholder = needPlaceholder; // The endingPosition was likely clobbered by the move, so recompute it (moveParagraph selects the moved paragraph). m_endingPosition = endingSelection().start(); } void DeleteSelectionCommand::removePreviouslySelectedEmptyTableRows() { if (m_endTableRow && m_endTableRow->inDocument() && m_endTableRow != m_startTableRow) { Node* row = m_endTableRow->previousSibling(); while (row && row != m_startTableRow) { RefPtr previousRow = row->previousSibling(); if (isTableRowEmpty(row)) // Use a raw removeNode, instead of DeleteSelectionCommand's, because // that won't remove rows, it only empties them in preparation for this function. CompositeEditCommand::removeNode(row); row = previousRow.get(); } } // Remove empty rows after the start row. if (m_startTableRow && m_startTableRow->inDocument() && m_startTableRow != m_endTableRow) { Node* row = m_startTableRow->nextSibling(); while (row && row != m_endTableRow) { RefPtr nextRow = row->nextSibling(); if (isTableRowEmpty(row)) CompositeEditCommand::removeNode(row); row = nextRow.get(); } } if (m_endTableRow && m_endTableRow->inDocument() && m_endTableRow != m_startTableRow) if (isTableRowEmpty(m_endTableRow.get())) { // Don't remove m_endTableRow if it's where we're putting the ending selection. if (!m_endingPosition.node()->isDescendantOf(m_endTableRow.get())) { // FIXME: We probably shouldn't remove m_endTableRow unless it's fully selected, even if it is empty. // We'll need to start adjusting the selection endpoints during deletion to know whether or not m_endTableRow // was fully selected here. CompositeEditCommand::removeNode(m_endTableRow.get()); } } } void DeleteSelectionCommand::calculateTypingStyleAfterDelete() { if (!m_typingStyle) return; // Compute the difference between the style before the delete and the style now // after the delete has been done. Set this style on the frame, so other editing // commands being composed with this one will work, and also cache it on the command, // so the Frame::appliedEditing can set it after the whole composite command // has completed. // If we deleted into a blockquote, but are now no longer in a blockquote, use the alternate typing style if (m_deleteIntoBlockquoteStyle && !nearestMailBlockquote(m_endingPosition.node())) m_typingStyle = m_deleteIntoBlockquoteStyle; m_deleteIntoBlockquoteStyle = 0; RefPtr endingStyle = computedStyle(m_endingPosition.node()); endingStyle->diff(m_typingStyle.get()); if (!m_typingStyle->length()) m_typingStyle = 0; VisiblePosition visibleEnd(m_endingPosition); if (m_typingStyle && isStartOfParagraph(visibleEnd) && isEndOfParagraph(visibleEnd) && lineBreakExistsAtVisiblePosition(visibleEnd)) { // Apply style to the placeholder that is now holding open the empty paragraph. // This makes sure that the paragraph has the right height, and that the paragraph // takes on the right style and retains it even if you move the selection away and // then move it back (which will clear typing style). setEndingSelection(visibleEnd); applyStyle(m_typingStyle.get(), EditActionUnspecified); // applyStyle can destroy the placeholder that was at m_endingPosition if it needs to // move it, but it will set an endingSelection() at [movedPlaceholder, 0] if it does so. m_endingPosition = endingSelection().start(); m_typingStyle = 0; } // This is where we've deleted all traces of a style but not a whole paragraph (that's handled above). // In this case if we start typing, the new characters should have the same style as the just deleted ones, // but, if we change the selection, come back and start typing that style should be lost. Also see // preserveTypingStyle() below. document()->frame()->setTypingStyle(m_typingStyle.get()); } void DeleteSelectionCommand::clearTransientState() { m_selectionToDelete = VisibleSelection(); m_upstreamStart.clear(); m_downstreamStart.clear(); m_upstreamEnd.clear(); m_downstreamEnd.clear(); m_endingPosition.clear(); m_leadingWhitespace.clear(); m_trailingWhitespace.clear(); } void DeleteSelectionCommand::doApply() { // If selection has not been set to a custom selection when the command was created, // use the current ending selection. if (!m_hasSelectionToDelete) m_selectionToDelete = endingSelection(); if (!m_selectionToDelete.isRange()) return; // If the deletion is occurring in a text field, and we're not deleting to replace the selection, then let the frame call across the bridge to notify the form delegate. if (!m_replace) { Node* startNode = m_selectionToDelete.start().node(); Node* ancestorNode = startNode ? startNode->shadowAncestorNode() : 0; if (ancestorNode && ancestorNode->hasTagName(inputTag) && static_cast(ancestorNode)->isTextField() && ancestorNode->focused()) document()->frame()->textWillBeDeletedInTextField(static_cast(ancestorNode)); } // save this to later make the selection with EAffinity affinity = m_selectionToDelete.affinity(); Position downstreamEnd = m_selectionToDelete.end().downstream(); m_needPlaceholder = isStartOfParagraph(m_selectionToDelete.visibleStart()) && isEndOfParagraph(m_selectionToDelete.visibleEnd()) && !lineBreakExistsAtVisiblePosition(m_selectionToDelete.visibleEnd()); if (m_needPlaceholder) { // Don't need a placeholder when deleting a selection that starts just before a table // and ends inside it (we do need placeholders to hold open empty cells, but that's // handled elsewhere). if (Node* table = isLastPositionBeforeTable(m_selectionToDelete.visibleStart())) if (m_selectionToDelete.end().node()->isDescendantOf(table)) m_needPlaceholder = false; } // set up our state initializePositionData(); // Delete any text that may hinder our ability to fixup whitespace after the delete deleteInsignificantTextDownstream(m_trailingWhitespace); saveTypingStyleState(); // deleting just a BR is handled specially, at least because we do not // want to replace it with a placeholder BR! if (handleSpecialCaseBRDelete()) { calculateTypingStyleAfterDelete(); setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(m_endingPosition, affinity)); clearTransientState(); rebalanceWhitespace(); return; } handleGeneralDelete(); fixupWhitespace(); mergeParagraphs(); removePreviouslySelectedEmptyTableRows(); RefPtr placeholder = m_needPlaceholder ? createBreakElement(document()).get() : 0; if (placeholder) insertNodeAt(placeholder.get(), m_endingPosition); rebalanceWhitespaceAt(m_endingPosition); calculateTypingStyleAfterDelete(); setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(m_endingPosition, affinity)); clearTransientState(); } EditAction DeleteSelectionCommand::editingAction() const { // Note that DeleteSelectionCommand is also used when the user presses the Delete key, // but in that case there's a TypingCommand that supplies the editingAction(), so // the Undo menu correctly shows "Undo Typing" return EditActionCut; } // Normally deletion doesn't preserve the typing style that was present before it. For example, // type a character, Bold, then delete the character and start typing. The Bold typing style shouldn't // stick around. Deletion should preserve a typing style that *it* sets, however. bool DeleteSelectionCommand::preservesTypingStyle() const { return m_typingStyle; } } // namespace WebCore