/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "HTMLViewSourceDocument.h" #include "DOMImplementation.h" #include "HTMLTokenizer.h" #include "HTMLHtmlElement.h" #include "HTMLAnchorElement.h" #include "HTMLBodyElement.h" #include "HTMLDivElement.h" #include "HTMLTableElement.h" #include "HTMLTableCellElement.h" #include "HTMLTableRowElement.h" #include "HTMLTableSectionElement.h" #include "Text.h" #include "TextDocument.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; HTMLViewSourceDocument::HTMLViewSourceDocument(Frame* frame, const String& mimeType) : HTMLDocument(frame) , m_type(mimeType) , m_current(0) , m_tbody(0) , m_td(0) { } Tokenizer* HTMLViewSourceDocument::createTokenizer() { if (implementation()->isTextMIMEType(m_type)) return createTextTokenizer(this); return new HTMLTokenizer(this); } void HTMLViewSourceDocument::createContainingTable() { RefPtr html = new HTMLHtmlElement(htmlTag, this); addChild(html); html->attach(); RefPtr body = new HTMLBodyElement(bodyTag, this); html->addChild(body); body->attach(); // Create a line gutter div that can be used to make sure the gutter extends down the height of the whole // document. RefPtr div = new HTMLDivElement(divTag, this); RefPtr attrs = NamedMappedAttrMap::create(); attrs->insertAttribute(MappedAttribute::create(classAttr, "webkit-line-gutter-backdrop"), true); div->setAttributeMap(attrs.release()); body->addChild(div); div->attach(); RefPtr table = new HTMLTableElement(tableTag, this); body->addChild(table); table->attach(); m_tbody = new HTMLTableSectionElement(tbodyTag, this); table->addChild(m_tbody); m_tbody->attach(); m_current = m_tbody; } void HTMLViewSourceDocument::addViewSourceText(const String& text) { if (!m_current) createContainingTable(); addText(text, ""); } void HTMLViewSourceDocument::addViewSourceToken(Token* token) { if (!m_current) createContainingTable(); if (token->tagName == textAtom) addText(token->text.get(), ""); else if (token->tagName == commentAtom) { if (token->beginTag) { m_current = addSpanWithClassName("webkit-html-comment"); addText(String("", "webkit-html-comment"); } } else { // Handle the tag. String classNameStr = "webkit-html-tag"; m_current = addSpanWithClassName(classNameStr); String text = "<"; if (!token->beginTag) text += "/"; text += token->tagName; Vector* guide = token->m_sourceInfo.get(); if (!guide || !guide->size()) text += ">"; addText(text, classNameStr); // Walk our guide string that tells us where attribute names/values should go. if (guide && guide->size()) { unsigned size = guide->size(); unsigned begin = 0; unsigned currAttr = 0; RefPtr attr = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (guide->at(i) == 'a' || guide->at(i) == 'x' || guide->at(i) == 'v') { // Add in the string. addText(String(static_cast(guide->data()) + begin, i - begin), classNameStr); begin = i + 1; if (guide->at(i) == 'a') { if (token->attrs && currAttr < token->attrs->length()) attr = token->attrs->attributeItem(currAttr++); else attr = 0; } if (attr) { if (guide->at(i) == 'a') { String name = attr->name().toString(); m_current = addSpanWithClassName("webkit-html-attribute-name"); addText(name, "webkit-html-attribute-name"); if (m_current != m_tbody) m_current = static_cast(m_current->parent()); } else { const String& value = attr->value().string(); // FIXME: XML could use namespace prefixes and confuse us. if (equalIgnoringCase(attr->name().localName(), "src") || equalIgnoringCase(attr->name().localName(), "href")) m_current = addLink(value, equalIgnoringCase(token->tagName, "a")); else m_current = addSpanWithClassName("webkit-html-attribute-value"); addText(value, "webkit-html-attribute-value"); if (m_current != m_tbody) m_current = static_cast(m_current->parent()); } } } } // Add in any string that might be left. if (begin < size) addText(String(static_cast(guide->data()) + begin, size - begin), classNameStr); // Add in the end tag. addText(">", classNameStr); } m_current = m_td; } } void HTMLViewSourceDocument::addViewSourceDoctypeToken(DoctypeToken* doctypeToken) { if (!m_current) createContainingTable(); m_current = addSpanWithClassName("webkit-html-doctype"); String text = "<"; text += String::adopt(doctypeToken->m_source); text += ">"; addText(text, "webkit-html-doctype"); } Element* HTMLViewSourceDocument::addSpanWithClassName(const String& className) { if (m_current == m_tbody) { addLine(className); return m_current; } Element* span = new HTMLElement(spanTag, this); RefPtr attrs = NamedMappedAttrMap::create(); attrs->insertAttribute(MappedAttribute::create(classAttr, className), true); span->setAttributeMap(attrs.release()); m_current->addChild(span); span->attach(); return span; } void HTMLViewSourceDocument::addLine(const String& className) { // Create a table row. RefPtr trow = new HTMLTableRowElement(trTag, this); m_tbody->addChild(trow); trow->attach(); // Create a cell that will hold the line number (it is generated in the stylesheet using counters). Element* td = new HTMLTableCellElement(tdTag, this); RefPtr attrs = NamedMappedAttrMap::create(); attrs->insertAttribute(MappedAttribute::create(classAttr, "webkit-line-number"), true); td->setAttributeMap(attrs.release()); trow->addChild(td); td->attach(); // Create a second cell for the line contents td = new HTMLTableCellElement(tdTag, this); attrs = NamedMappedAttrMap::create(); attrs->insertAttribute(MappedAttribute::create(classAttr, "webkit-line-content"), true); td->setAttributeMap(attrs.release()); trow->addChild(td); td->attach(); m_current = m_td = td; #ifdef DEBUG_LINE_NUMBERS RefPtr lineNumberText = new Text(this, String::number(tokenizer()->lineNumber() + 1) + " "); td->addChild(lineNumberText); lineNumberText->attach(); #endif // Open up the needed spans. if (!className.isEmpty()) { if (className == "webkit-html-attribute-name" || className == "webkit-html-attribute-value") m_current = addSpanWithClassName("webkit-html-tag"); m_current = addSpanWithClassName(className); } } void HTMLViewSourceDocument::addText(const String& text, const String& className) { if (text.isEmpty()) return; // Add in the content, splitting on newlines. Vector lines; text.split('\n', true, lines); unsigned size = lines.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { String substring = lines[i]; if (substring.isEmpty()) { if (i == size - 1) break; substring = " "; } if (m_current == m_tbody) addLine(className); RefPtr t = new Text(this, substring); m_current->addChild(t); t->attach(); if (i < size - 1) m_current = m_tbody; } // Set current to m_tbody if the last character was a newline. if (text[text.length() - 1] == '\n') m_current = m_tbody; } Element* HTMLViewSourceDocument::addLink(const String& url, bool isAnchor) { if (m_current == m_tbody) addLine("webkit-html-tag"); // Now create a link for the attribute value instead of a span. Element* anchor = new HTMLAnchorElement(aTag, this); RefPtr attrs = NamedMappedAttrMap::create(); const char* classValue; if (isAnchor) classValue = "webkit-html-attribute-value webkit-html-external-link"; else classValue = "webkit-html-attribute-value webkit-html-resource-link"; attrs->insertAttribute(MappedAttribute::create(classAttr, classValue), true); attrs->insertAttribute(MappedAttribute::create(targetAttr, "_blank"), true); attrs->insertAttribute(MappedAttribute::create(hrefAttr, url), true); anchor->setAttributeMap(attrs.release()); m_current->addChild(anchor); anchor->attach(); return anchor; } }