/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov (ap@webkit.org) * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "EventHandler.h" #include "AXObjectCache.h" #include "CachedImage.h" #include "ChromeClient.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "Document.h" #include "DragController.h" #include "Editor.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "FloatPoint.h" #include "FloatRect.h" #include "FocusController.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameTree.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "HTMLFrameElementBase.h" #include "HTMLFrameSetElement.h" #include "HTMLInputElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HitTestRequest.h" #include "HitTestResult.h" #include "Image.h" #include "InspectorController.h" #include "KeyboardEvent.h" #include "MouseEvent.h" #include "MouseEventWithHitTestResults.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PlatformKeyboardEvent.h" #include "PlatformWheelEvent.h" #include "RenderFrameSet.h" #include "RenderTextControlSingleLine.h" #include "RenderView.h" #include "RenderWidget.h" #include "Scrollbar.h" #include "SelectionController.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "TextEvent.h" #include "htmlediting.h" // for comparePositions() #include #if ENABLE(SVG) #include "SVGDocument.h" #include "SVGElementInstance.h" #include "SVGNames.h" #include "SVGUseElement.h" #endif namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; // The link drag hysteresis is much larger than the others because there // needs to be enough space to cancel the link press without starting a link drag, // and because dragging links is rare. const int LinkDragHysteresis = 40; const int ImageDragHysteresis = 5; const int TextDragHysteresis = 3; const int GeneralDragHysteresis = 3; // Match key code of composition keydown event on windows. // IE sends VK_PROCESSKEY which has value 229; const int CompositionEventKeyCode = 229; #if ENABLE(SVG) using namespace SVGNames; #endif // When the autoscroll or the panScroll is triggered when do the scroll every 0.05s to make it smooth const double autoscrollInterval = 0.05; static Frame* subframeForTargetNode(Node*); static Frame* subframeForHitTestResult(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults&); static inline void scrollAndAcceptEvent(float delta, ScrollDirection positiveDirection, ScrollDirection negativeDirection, PlatformWheelEvent& e, Node* node) { if (!delta) return; // Find the nearest enclosing box. RenderBox* enclosingBox = node->renderer()->enclosingBox(); if (e.granularity() == ScrollByPageWheelEvent) { if (enclosingBox->scroll(delta < 0 ? negativeDirection : positiveDirection, ScrollByPage, 1)) e.accept(); return; } float pixelsToScroll = delta > 0 ? delta : -delta; if (enclosingBox->scroll(delta < 0 ? negativeDirection : positiveDirection, ScrollByPixel, pixelsToScroll)) e.accept(); } #if !PLATFORM(MAC) inline bool EventHandler::eventLoopHandleMouseUp(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults&) { return false; } inline bool EventHandler::eventLoopHandleMouseDragged(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults&) { return false; } #endif EventHandler::EventHandler(Frame* frame) : m_frame(frame) , m_mousePressed(false) , m_capturesDragging(false) , m_mouseDownMayStartSelect(false) , m_mouseDownMayStartDrag(false) , m_mouseDownWasSingleClickInSelection(false) , m_beganSelectingText(false) , m_panScrollInProgress(false) , m_hoverTimer(this, &EventHandler::hoverTimerFired) , m_autoscrollTimer(this, &EventHandler::autoscrollTimerFired) , m_autoscrollRenderer(0) , m_autoscrollInProgress(false) , m_mouseDownMayStartAutoscroll(false) , m_mouseDownWasInSubframe(false) #if ENABLE(SVG) , m_svgPan(false) #endif , m_resizeLayer(0) , m_capturingMouseEventsNode(0) , m_clickCount(0) , m_mouseDownTimestamp(0) #if PLATFORM(MAC) , m_mouseDownView(nil) , m_sendingEventToSubview(false) , m_activationEventNumber(0) #endif { } EventHandler::~EventHandler() { } EventHandler::EventHandlerDragState& EventHandler::dragState() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(EventHandlerDragState, state, ()); return state; } void EventHandler::clear() { m_hoverTimer.stop(); m_resizeLayer = 0; m_nodeUnderMouse = 0; m_lastNodeUnderMouse = 0; #if ENABLE(SVG) m_instanceUnderMouse = 0; m_lastInstanceUnderMouse = 0; #endif m_lastMouseMoveEventSubframe = 0; m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse = 0; m_clickCount = 0; m_clickNode = 0; m_frameSetBeingResized = 0; m_dragTarget = 0; m_currentMousePosition = IntPoint(); m_mousePressNode = 0; m_mousePressed = false; m_capturesDragging = false; m_capturingMouseEventsNode = 0; } void EventHandler::selectClosestWordFromMouseEvent(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults& result) { Node* innerNode = result.targetNode(); VisibleSelection newSelection; if (innerNode && innerNode->renderer() && m_mouseDownMayStartSelect) { VisiblePosition pos(innerNode->renderer()->positionForPoint(result.localPoint())); if (pos.isNotNull()) { newSelection = VisibleSelection(pos); newSelection.expandUsingGranularity(WordGranularity); } if (newSelection.isRange()) { m_frame->setSelectionGranularity(WordGranularity); m_beganSelectingText = true; if (result.event().clickCount() == 2 && m_frame->editor()->isSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled()) newSelection.appendTrailingWhitespace(); } if (m_frame->shouldChangeSelection(newSelection)) m_frame->selection()->setSelection(newSelection); } } void EventHandler::selectClosestWordOrLinkFromMouseEvent(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults& result) { if (!result.hitTestResult().isLiveLink()) return selectClosestWordFromMouseEvent(result); Node* innerNode = result.targetNode(); if (innerNode && innerNode->renderer() && m_mouseDownMayStartSelect) { VisibleSelection newSelection; Element* URLElement = result.hitTestResult().URLElement(); VisiblePosition pos(innerNode->renderer()->positionForPoint(result.localPoint())); if (pos.isNotNull() && pos.deepEquivalent().node()->isDescendantOf(URLElement)) newSelection = VisibleSelection::selectionFromContentsOfNode(URLElement); if (newSelection.isRange()) { m_frame->setSelectionGranularity(WordGranularity); m_beganSelectingText = true; } if (m_frame->shouldChangeSelection(newSelection)) m_frame->selection()->setSelection(newSelection); } } bool EventHandler::handleMousePressEventDoubleClick(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults& event) { if (event.event().button() != LeftButton) return false; if (m_frame->selection()->isRange()) // A double-click when range is already selected // should not change the selection. So, do not call // selectClosestWordFromMouseEvent, but do set // m_beganSelectingText to prevent handleMouseReleaseEvent // from setting caret selection. m_beganSelectingText = true; else selectClosestWordFromMouseEvent(event); return true; } bool EventHandler::handleMousePressEventTripleClick(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults& event) { if (event.event().button() != LeftButton) return false; Node* innerNode = event.targetNode(); if (!(innerNode && innerNode->renderer() && m_mouseDownMayStartSelect)) return false; VisibleSelection newSelection; VisiblePosition pos(innerNode->renderer()->positionForPoint(event.localPoint())); if (pos.isNotNull()) { newSelection = VisibleSelection(pos); newSelection.expandUsingGranularity(ParagraphGranularity); } if (newSelection.isRange()) { m_frame->setSelectionGranularity(ParagraphGranularity); m_beganSelectingText = true; } if (m_frame->shouldChangeSelection(newSelection)) m_frame->selection()->setSelection(newSelection); return true; } bool EventHandler::handleMousePressEventSingleClick(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults& event) { Node* innerNode = event.targetNode(); if (!(innerNode && innerNode->renderer() && m_mouseDownMayStartSelect)) return false; // Extend the selection if the Shift key is down, unless the click is in a link. bool extendSelection = event.event().shiftKey() && !event.isOverLink(); // Don't restart the selection when the mouse is pressed on an // existing selection so we can allow for text dragging. if (FrameView* view = m_frame->view()) { IntPoint vPoint = view->windowToContents(event.event().pos()); if (!extendSelection && m_frame->selection()->contains(vPoint)) { m_mouseDownWasSingleClickInSelection = true; return false; } } VisiblePosition visiblePos(innerNode->renderer()->positionForPoint(event.localPoint())); if (visiblePos.isNull()) visiblePos = VisiblePosition(innerNode, 0, DOWNSTREAM); Position pos = visiblePos.deepEquivalent(); VisibleSelection newSelection = m_frame->selection()->selection(); if (extendSelection && newSelection.isCaretOrRange()) { m_frame->selection()->setLastChangeWasHorizontalExtension(false); // See REGRESSION (Mail): shift-click deselects when selection // was created right-to-left Position start = newSelection.start(); Position end = newSelection.end(); if (comparePositions(pos, start) <= 0) newSelection = VisibleSelection(pos, end); else newSelection = VisibleSelection(start, pos); if (m_frame->selectionGranularity() != CharacterGranularity) newSelection.expandUsingGranularity(m_frame->selectionGranularity()); m_beganSelectingText = true; } else { newSelection = VisibleSelection(visiblePos); m_frame->setSelectionGranularity(CharacterGranularity); } if (m_frame->shouldChangeSelection(newSelection)) m_frame->selection()->setSelection(newSelection); return true; } bool EventHandler::handleMousePressEvent(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults& event) { // Reset drag state. dragState().m_dragSrc = 0; bool singleClick = event.event().clickCount() <= 1; // If we got the event back, that must mean it wasn't prevented, // so it's allowed to start a drag or selection. m_mouseDownMayStartSelect = canMouseDownStartSelect(event.targetNode()); // Careful that the drag starting logic stays in sync with eventMayStartDrag() m_mouseDownMayStartDrag = singleClick; m_mouseDownWasSingleClickInSelection = false; m_mouseDown = event.event(); if (event.isOverWidget() && passWidgetMouseDownEventToWidget(event)) return true; #if ENABLE(SVG) if (m_frame->document()->isSVGDocument() && static_cast(m_frame->document())->zoomAndPanEnabled()) { if (event.event().shiftKey() && singleClick) { m_svgPan = true; static_cast(m_frame->document())->startPan(event.event().pos()); return true; } } #endif // We don't do this at the start of mouse down handling, // because we don't want to do it until we know we didn't hit a widget. if (singleClick) focusDocumentView(); Node* innerNode = event.targetNode(); m_mousePressNode = innerNode; m_dragStartPos = event.event().pos(); bool swallowEvent = false; m_frame->selection()->setCaretBlinkingSuspended(true); m_mousePressed = true; m_beganSelectingText = false; if (event.event().clickCount() == 2) swallowEvent = handleMousePressEventDoubleClick(event); else if (event.event().clickCount() >= 3) swallowEvent = handleMousePressEventTripleClick(event); else swallowEvent = handleMousePressEventSingleClick(event); m_mouseDownMayStartAutoscroll = m_mouseDownMayStartSelect || (m_mousePressNode && m_mousePressNode->renderBox() && m_mousePressNode->renderBox()->canBeProgramaticallyScrolled(true)); return swallowEvent; } bool EventHandler::handleMouseDraggedEvent(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults& event) { if (handleDrag(event)) return true; if (!m_mousePressed) return false; Node* targetNode = event.targetNode(); if (event.event().button() != LeftButton || !targetNode || !targetNode->renderer()) return false; #if PLATFORM(MAC) // FIXME: Why does this assertion fire on other platforms? ASSERT(m_mouseDownMayStartSelect || m_mouseDownMayStartAutoscroll); #endif m_mouseDownMayStartDrag = false; if (m_mouseDownMayStartAutoscroll && !m_panScrollInProgress) { // If the selection is contained in a layer that can scroll, that layer should handle the autoscroll // Otherwise, let the bridge handle it so the view can scroll itself. RenderObject* renderer = targetNode->renderer(); while (renderer && (!renderer->isBox() || !toRenderBox(renderer)->canBeProgramaticallyScrolled(false))) { if (!renderer->parent() && renderer->node() == renderer->document() && renderer->document()->ownerElement()) renderer = renderer->document()->ownerElement()->renderer(); else renderer = renderer->parent(); } if (renderer) { m_autoscrollInProgress = true; handleAutoscroll(renderer); } m_mouseDownMayStartAutoscroll = false; } updateSelectionForMouseDrag(targetNode, event.localPoint()); return true; } bool EventHandler::eventMayStartDrag(const PlatformMouseEvent& event) const { // This is a pre-flight check of whether the event might lead to a drag being started. Be careful // that its logic needs to stay in sync with handleMouseMoveEvent() and the way we setMouseDownMayStartDrag // in handleMousePressEvent if (!m_frame->contentRenderer() || !m_frame->contentRenderer()->hasLayer()) return false; if (event.button() != LeftButton || event.clickCount() != 1) return false; bool DHTMLFlag; bool UAFlag; allowDHTMLDrag(DHTMLFlag, UAFlag); if (!DHTMLFlag && !UAFlag) return false; FrameView* view = m_frame->view(); if (!view) return false; HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly); HitTestResult result(view->windowToContents(event.pos())); m_frame->contentRenderer()->layer()->hitTest(request, result); bool srcIsDHTML; return result.innerNode() && result.innerNode()->renderer()->draggableNode(DHTMLFlag, UAFlag, result.point().x(), result.point().y(), srcIsDHTML); } void EventHandler::updateSelectionForMouseDrag() { FrameView* view = m_frame->view(); if (!view) return; RenderView* renderer = m_frame->contentRenderer(); if (!renderer) return; RenderLayer* layer = renderer->layer(); if (!layer) return; HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active | HitTestRequest::MouseMove); HitTestResult result(view->windowToContents(m_currentMousePosition)); layer->hitTest(request, result); updateSelectionForMouseDrag(result.innerNode(), result.localPoint()); } void EventHandler::updateSelectionForMouseDrag(Node* targetNode, const IntPoint& localPoint) { if (!m_mouseDownMayStartSelect) return; if (!targetNode) return; RenderObject* targetRenderer = targetNode->renderer(); if (!targetRenderer) return; if (!canMouseDragExtendSelect(targetNode)) return; VisiblePosition targetPosition(targetRenderer->positionForPoint(localPoint)); // Don't modify the selection if we're not on a node. if (targetPosition.isNull()) return; // Restart the selection if this is the first mouse move. This work is usually // done in handleMousePressEvent, but not if the mouse press was on an existing selection. VisibleSelection newSelection = m_frame->selection()->selection(); #if ENABLE(SVG) // Special case to limit selection to the containing block for SVG text. // FIXME: Isn't there a better non-SVG-specific way to do this? if (Node* selectionBaseNode = newSelection.base().node()) if (RenderObject* selectionBaseRenderer = selectionBaseNode->renderer()) if (selectionBaseRenderer->isSVGText()) if (targetNode->renderer()->containingBlock() != selectionBaseRenderer->containingBlock()) return; #endif if (!m_beganSelectingText) { m_beganSelectingText = true; newSelection = VisibleSelection(targetPosition); } newSelection.setExtent(targetPosition); if (m_frame->selectionGranularity() != CharacterGranularity) newSelection.expandUsingGranularity(m_frame->selectionGranularity()); if (m_frame->shouldChangeSelection(newSelection)) { m_frame->selection()->setLastChangeWasHorizontalExtension(false); m_frame->selection()->setSelection(newSelection); } } bool EventHandler::handleMouseUp(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults& event) { if (eventLoopHandleMouseUp(event)) return true; // If this was the first click in the window, we don't even want to clear the selection. // This case occurs when the user clicks on a draggable element, since we have to process // the mouse down and drag events to see if we might start a drag. For other first clicks // in a window, we just don't acceptFirstMouse, and the whole down-drag-up sequence gets // ignored upstream of this layer. return eventActivatedView(event.event()); } bool EventHandler::handleMouseReleaseEvent(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults& event) { if (m_autoscrollInProgress) stopAutoscrollTimer(); if (handleMouseUp(event)) return true; // Used to prevent mouseMoveEvent from initiating a drag before // the mouse is pressed again. m_frame->selection()->setCaretBlinkingSuspended(false); m_mousePressed = false; m_capturesDragging = false; m_mouseDownMayStartDrag = false; m_mouseDownMayStartSelect = false; m_mouseDownMayStartAutoscroll = false; m_mouseDownWasInSubframe = false; bool handled = false; // Clear the selection if the mouse didn't move after the last mouse // press and it's not a context menu click. We do this so when clicking // on the selection, the selection goes away. However, if we are // editing, place the caret. if (m_mouseDownWasSingleClickInSelection && !m_beganSelectingText && m_dragStartPos == event.event().pos() && m_frame->selection()->isRange() && event.event().button() != RightButton) { VisibleSelection newSelection; Node *node = event.targetNode(); bool caretBrowsing = m_frame->settings()->caretBrowsingEnabled(); if (node && (caretBrowsing || node->isContentEditable()) && node->renderer()) { VisiblePosition pos = node->renderer()->positionForPoint(event.localPoint()); newSelection = VisibleSelection(pos); } if (m_frame->shouldChangeSelection(newSelection)) m_frame->selection()->setSelection(newSelection); handled = true; } m_frame->notifyRendererOfSelectionChange(true); m_frame->selection()->selectFrameElementInParentIfFullySelected(); return handled; } void EventHandler::handleAutoscroll(RenderObject* renderer) { // We don't want to trigger the autoscroll or the panScroll if it's already active if (m_autoscrollTimer.isActive()) return; setAutoscrollRenderer(renderer); #if ENABLE(PAN_SCROLLING) if (m_panScrollInProgress) { m_panScrollStartPos = currentMousePosition(); if (FrameView* view = m_frame->view()) view->addPanScrollIcon(m_panScrollStartPos); // If we're not in the top frame we notify it that we doing a panScroll. if (Page* page = m_frame->page()) { Frame* mainFrame = page->mainFrame(); if (m_frame != mainFrame) mainFrame->eventHandler()->setPanScrollInProgress(true); } } #endif startAutoscrollTimer(); } void EventHandler::autoscrollTimerFired(Timer*) { RenderObject* r = autoscrollRenderer(); if (!r || !r->isBox()) { stopAutoscrollTimer(); return; } if (m_autoscrollInProgress) { if (!m_mousePressed) { stopAutoscrollTimer(); return; } toRenderBox(r)->autoscroll(); } else { // we verify that the main frame hasn't received the order to stop the panScroll if (Page* page = m_frame->page()) { if (!page->mainFrame()->eventHandler()->panScrollInProgress()) { stopAutoscrollTimer(); return; } } #if ENABLE(PAN_SCROLLING) setPanScrollCursor(); toRenderBox(r)->panScroll(m_panScrollStartPos); #endif } } #if ENABLE(PAN_SCROLLING) void EventHandler::setPanScrollCursor() { FrameView* view = m_frame->view(); if (!view) return; // At the original click location we draw a 4 arrowed icon. Over this icon there won't be any scroll // So we don't want to change the cursor over this area bool east = m_panScrollStartPos.x() < (m_currentMousePosition.x() - ScrollView::noPanScrollRadius); bool west = m_panScrollStartPos.x() > (m_currentMousePosition.x() + ScrollView::noPanScrollRadius); bool north = m_panScrollStartPos.y() > (m_currentMousePosition.y() + ScrollView::noPanScrollRadius); bool south = m_panScrollStartPos.y() < (m_currentMousePosition.y() - ScrollView::noPanScrollRadius); if (north) { if (east) view->setCursor(northEastPanningCursor()); else if (west) view->setCursor(northWestPanningCursor()); else view->setCursor(northPanningCursor()); } else if (south) { if (east) view->setCursor(southEastPanningCursor()); else if (west) view->setCursor(southWestPanningCursor()); else view->setCursor(southPanningCursor()); } else if (east) view->setCursor(eastPanningCursor()); else if (west) view->setCursor(westPanningCursor()); else view->setCursor(middlePanningCursor()); } #endif // ENABLE(PAN_SCROLLING) RenderObject* EventHandler::autoscrollRenderer() const { return m_autoscrollRenderer; } void EventHandler::updateAutoscrollRenderer() { if (!m_autoscrollRenderer) return; HitTestResult hitTest = hitTestResultAtPoint(m_panScrollStartPos, true); if (Node* nodeAtPoint = hitTest.innerNode()) m_autoscrollRenderer = nodeAtPoint->renderer(); while (m_autoscrollRenderer && (!m_autoscrollRenderer->isBox() || !toRenderBox(m_autoscrollRenderer)->canBeProgramaticallyScrolled(false))) m_autoscrollRenderer = m_autoscrollRenderer->parent(); } void EventHandler::setAutoscrollRenderer(RenderObject* renderer) { m_autoscrollRenderer = renderer; } void EventHandler::allowDHTMLDrag(bool& flagDHTML, bool& flagUA) const { flagDHTML = false; flagUA = false; if (!m_frame) return; Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return; FrameView* view = m_frame->view(); if (!view) return; unsigned mask = page->dragController()->delegateDragSourceAction(view->contentsToWindow(m_mouseDownPos)); flagDHTML = (mask & DragSourceActionDHTML) != DragSourceActionNone; flagUA = ((mask & DragSourceActionImage) || (mask & DragSourceActionLink) || (mask & DragSourceActionSelection)); } HitTestResult EventHandler::hitTestResultAtPoint(const IntPoint& point, bool allowShadowContent, bool ignoreClipping, HitTestScrollbars testScrollbars) { HitTestResult result(point); if (!m_frame->contentRenderer()) return result; int hitType = HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active; if (ignoreClipping) hitType |= HitTestRequest::IgnoreClipping; m_frame->contentRenderer()->layer()->hitTest(HitTestRequest(hitType), result); while (true) { Node* n = result.innerNode(); if (!result.isOverWidget() || !n || !n->renderer() || !n->renderer()->isWidget()) break; RenderWidget* renderWidget = static_cast(n->renderer()); Widget* widget = renderWidget->widget(); if (!widget || !widget->isFrameView()) break; Frame* frame = static_cast(n)->contentFrame(); if (!frame || !frame->contentRenderer()) break; FrameView* view = static_cast(widget); IntPoint widgetPoint(result.localPoint().x() + view->scrollX() - renderWidget->borderLeft() - renderWidget->paddingLeft(), result.localPoint().y() + view->scrollY() - renderWidget->borderTop() - renderWidget->paddingTop()); HitTestResult widgetHitTestResult(widgetPoint); frame->contentRenderer()->layer()->hitTest(HitTestRequest(hitType), widgetHitTestResult); result = widgetHitTestResult; if (testScrollbars == ShouldHitTestScrollbars) { Scrollbar* eventScrollbar = view->scrollbarUnderPoint(point); if (eventScrollbar) result.setScrollbar(eventScrollbar); } } // If our HitTestResult is not visible, then we started hit testing too far down the frame chain. // Another hit test at the main frame level should get us the correct visible result. Frame* resultFrame = result.innerNonSharedNode() ? result.innerNonSharedNode()->document()->frame() : 0; if (Page* page = m_frame->page()) { Frame* mainFrame = page->mainFrame(); if (m_frame != mainFrame && resultFrame && resultFrame != mainFrame && !resultFrame->editor()->insideVisibleArea(result.point())) { FrameView* resultView = resultFrame->view(); FrameView* mainView = mainFrame->view(); if (resultView && mainView) { IntPoint windowPoint = resultView->contentsToWindow(result.point()); IntPoint mainFramePoint = mainView->windowToContents(windowPoint); result = mainFrame->eventHandler()->hitTestResultAtPoint(mainFramePoint, allowShadowContent, ignoreClipping); } } } if (!allowShadowContent) result.setToNonShadowAncestor(); return result; } void EventHandler::startAutoscrollTimer() { m_autoscrollTimer.startRepeating(autoscrollInterval); } void EventHandler::stopAutoscrollTimer(bool rendererIsBeingDestroyed) { if (m_autoscrollInProgress) { if (m_mouseDownWasInSubframe) { if (Frame* subframe = subframeForTargetNode(m_mousePressNode.get())) subframe->eventHandler()->stopAutoscrollTimer(rendererIsBeingDestroyed); return; } } if (autoscrollRenderer()) { if (!rendererIsBeingDestroyed && (m_autoscrollInProgress || m_panScrollInProgress)) toRenderBox(autoscrollRenderer())->stopAutoscroll(); #if ENABLE(PAN_SCROLLING) if (m_panScrollInProgress) { if (FrameView* view = m_frame->view()) { view->removePanScrollIcon(); view->setCursor(pointerCursor()); } } #endif setAutoscrollRenderer(0); } m_autoscrollTimer.stop(); m_panScrollInProgress = false; // If we're not in the top frame we notify it that we are not doing a panScroll any more. if (Page* page = m_frame->page()) { Frame* mainFrame = page->mainFrame(); if (m_frame != mainFrame) mainFrame->eventHandler()->setPanScrollInProgress(false); } m_autoscrollInProgress = false; } Node* EventHandler::mousePressNode() const { return m_mousePressNode.get(); } void EventHandler::setMousePressNode(PassRefPtr node) { m_mousePressNode = node; } bool EventHandler::scrollOverflow(ScrollDirection direction, ScrollGranularity granularity) { Node* node = m_frame->document()->focusedNode(); if (!node) node = m_mousePressNode.get(); if (node) { RenderObject* r = node->renderer(); if (r && !r->isListBox()) return r->enclosingBox()->scroll(direction, granularity); } return false; } bool EventHandler::scrollRecursively(ScrollDirection direction, ScrollGranularity granularity) { bool handled = scrollOverflow(direction, granularity); if (!handled) { Frame* frame = m_frame; do { FrameView* view = frame->view(); handled = view ? view->scroll(direction, granularity) : false; frame = frame->tree()->parent(); } while (!handled && frame); } return handled; } IntPoint EventHandler::currentMousePosition() const { return m_currentMousePosition; } Frame* subframeForHitTestResult(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults& hitTestResult) { if (!hitTestResult.isOverWidget()) return 0; return subframeForTargetNode(hitTestResult.targetNode()); } Frame* subframeForTargetNode(Node* node) { if (!node) return 0; RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer(); if (!renderer || !renderer->isWidget()) return 0; Widget* widget = static_cast(renderer)->widget(); if (!widget || !widget->isFrameView()) return 0; return static_cast(widget)->frame(); } static bool isSubmitImage(Node* node) { return node && node->hasTagName(inputTag) && static_cast(node)->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::IMAGE; } // Returns true if the node's editable block is not current focused for editing static bool nodeIsNotBeingEdited(Node* node, Frame* frame) { return frame->selection()->rootEditableElement() != node->rootEditableElement(); } Cursor EventHandler::selectCursor(const MouseEventWithHitTestResults& event, Scrollbar* scrollbar) { // During selection, use an I-beam no matter what we're over. // If you're capturing mouse events for a particular node, don't treat this as a selection. if (m_mousePressed && m_mouseDownMayStartSelect && m_frame->selection()->isCaretOrRange() && !m_capturingMouseEventsNode) return iBeamCursor(); Node* node = event.targetNode(); RenderObject* renderer = node ? node->renderer() : 0; RenderStyle* style = renderer ? renderer->style() : 0; if (renderer && renderer->isFrameSet()) { RenderFrameSet* fs = static_cast(renderer); if (fs->canResizeRow(event.localPoint())) return rowResizeCursor(); if (fs->canResizeColumn(event.localPoint())) return columnResizeCursor(); } if (style && style->cursors()) { const CursorList* cursors = style->cursors(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < cursors->size(); ++i) { CachedImage* cimage = (*cursors)[i].cursorImage.get(); IntPoint hotSpot = (*cursors)[i].hotSpot; if (!cimage) continue; // Limit the size of cursors so that they cannot be used to cover UI elements in chrome. IntSize size = cimage->image()->size(); if (size.width() > 128 || size.height() > 128) continue; // Do not let the hotspot be outside the bounds of the image. if (hotSpot.x() < 0 || hotSpot.y() < 0 || hotSpot.x() > size.width() || hotSpot.y() > size.height()) continue; if (cimage->image()->isNull()) break; if (!cimage->errorOccurred()) return Cursor(cimage->image(), hotSpot); } } switch (style ? style->cursor() : CURSOR_AUTO) { case CURSOR_AUTO: { bool editable = (node && node->isContentEditable()); bool editableLinkEnabled = false; // If the link is editable, then we need to check the settings to see whether or not the link should be followed if (editable) { ASSERT(m_frame->settings()); switch(m_frame->settings()->editableLinkBehavior()) { default: case EditableLinkDefaultBehavior: case EditableLinkAlwaysLive: editableLinkEnabled = true; break; case EditableLinkNeverLive: editableLinkEnabled = false; break; case EditableLinkLiveWhenNotFocused: editableLinkEnabled = nodeIsNotBeingEdited(node, m_frame) || event.event().shiftKey(); break; case EditableLinkOnlyLiveWithShiftKey: editableLinkEnabled = event.event().shiftKey(); break; } } if ((event.isOverLink() || isSubmitImage(node)) && (!editable || editableLinkEnabled)) return handCursor(); bool inResizer = false; if (renderer) { if (RenderLayer* layer = renderer->enclosingLayer()) { if (FrameView* view = m_frame->view()) inResizer = layer->isPointInResizeControl(view->windowToContents(event.event().pos())); } } if ((editable || (renderer && renderer->isText() && node->canStartSelection())) && !inResizer && !scrollbar) return iBeamCursor(); return pointerCursor(); } case CURSOR_CROSS: return crossCursor(); case CURSOR_POINTER: return handCursor(); case CURSOR_MOVE: return moveCursor(); case CURSOR_ALL_SCROLL: return moveCursor(); case CURSOR_E_RESIZE: return eastResizeCursor(); case CURSOR_W_RESIZE: return westResizeCursor(); case CURSOR_N_RESIZE: return northResizeCursor(); case CURSOR_S_RESIZE: return southResizeCursor(); case CURSOR_NE_RESIZE: return northEastResizeCursor(); case CURSOR_SW_RESIZE: return southWestResizeCursor(); case CURSOR_NW_RESIZE: return northWestResizeCursor(); case CURSOR_SE_RESIZE: return southEastResizeCursor(); case CURSOR_NS_RESIZE: return northSouthResizeCursor(); case CURSOR_EW_RESIZE: return eastWestResizeCursor(); case CURSOR_NESW_RESIZE: return northEastSouthWestResizeCursor(); case CURSOR_NWSE_RESIZE: return northWestSouthEastResizeCursor(); case CURSOR_COL_RESIZE: return columnResizeCursor(); case CURSOR_ROW_RESIZE: return rowResizeCursor(); case CURSOR_TEXT: return iBeamCursor(); case CURSOR_WAIT: return waitCursor(); case CURSOR_HELP: return helpCursor(); case CURSOR_VERTICAL_TEXT: return verticalTextCursor(); case CURSOR_CELL: return cellCursor(); case CURSOR_CONTEXT_MENU: return contextMenuCursor(); case CURSOR_PROGRESS: return progressCursor(); case CURSOR_NO_DROP: return noDropCursor(); case CURSOR_ALIAS: return aliasCursor(); case CURSOR_COPY: return copyCursor(); case CURSOR_NONE: return noneCursor(); case CURSOR_NOT_ALLOWED: return notAllowedCursor(); case CURSOR_DEFAULT: return pointerCursor(); case CURSOR_WEBKIT_ZOOM_IN: return zoomInCursor(); case CURSOR_WEBKIT_ZOOM_OUT: return zoomOutCursor(); case CURSOR_WEBKIT_GRAB: return grabCursor(); case CURSOR_WEBKIT_GRABBING: return grabbingCursor(); } return pointerCursor(); } static IntPoint documentPointForWindowPoint(Frame* frame, const IntPoint& windowPoint) { FrameView* view = frame->view(); // FIXME: Is it really OK to use the wrong coordinates here when view is 0? // Historically the code would just crash; this is clearly no worse than that. return view ? view->windowToContents(windowPoint) : windowPoint; } bool EventHandler::handleMousePressEvent(const PlatformMouseEvent& mouseEvent) { RefPtr protector(m_frame->view()); m_mousePressed = true; m_capturesDragging = true; m_currentMousePosition = mouseEvent.pos(); m_mouseDownTimestamp = mouseEvent.timestamp(); m_mouseDownMayStartDrag = false; m_mouseDownMayStartSelect = false; m_mouseDownMayStartAutoscroll = false; if (FrameView* view = m_frame->view()) m_mouseDownPos = view->windowToContents(mouseEvent.pos()); else { invalidateClick(); return false; } m_mouseDownWasInSubframe = false; HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::Active); // Save the document point we generate in case the window coordinate is invalidated by what happens // when we dispatch the event. IntPoint documentPoint = documentPointForWindowPoint(m_frame, mouseEvent.pos()); MouseEventWithHitTestResults mev = m_frame->document()->prepareMouseEvent(request, documentPoint, mouseEvent); if (!mev.targetNode()) { invalidateClick(); return false; } m_mousePressNode = mev.targetNode(); if (Page* page = m_frame->page()) { InspectorController* inspector = page->inspectorController(); if (inspector && inspector->enabled() && inspector->searchingForNodeInPage()) { inspector->handleMousePressOnNode(m_mousePressNode.get()); invalidateClick(); return true; } } Frame* subframe = subframeForHitTestResult(mev); if (subframe && passMousePressEventToSubframe(mev, subframe)) { // Start capturing future events for this frame. We only do this if we didn't clear // the m_mousePressed flag, which may happen if an AppKit widget entered a modal event loop. m_capturesDragging = subframe->eventHandler()->capturesDragging(); if (m_mousePressed && m_capturesDragging) m_capturingMouseEventsNode = mev.targetNode(); invalidateClick(); return true; } #if ENABLE(PAN_SCROLLING) Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (page && page->mainFrame()->eventHandler()->panScrollInProgress() || m_autoscrollInProgress) { stopAutoscrollTimer(); invalidateClick(); return true; } if (mouseEvent.button() == MiddleButton && !mev.isOverLink()) { RenderObject* renderer = mev.targetNode()->renderer(); while (renderer && (!renderer->isBox() || !toRenderBox(renderer)->canBeProgramaticallyScrolled(false))) { if (!renderer->parent() && renderer->node() == renderer->document() && renderer->document()->ownerElement()) renderer = renderer->document()->ownerElement()->renderer(); else renderer = renderer->parent(); } if (renderer) { m_panScrollInProgress = true; handleAutoscroll(renderer); invalidateClick(); return true; } } #endif m_clickCount = mouseEvent.clickCount(); m_clickNode = mev.targetNode(); if (FrameView* view = m_frame->view()) { RenderLayer* layer = m_clickNode->renderer() ? m_clickNode->renderer()->enclosingLayer() : 0; IntPoint p = view->windowToContents(mouseEvent.pos()); if (layer && layer->isPointInResizeControl(p)) { layer->setInResizeMode(true); m_resizeLayer = layer; m_offsetFromResizeCorner = layer->offsetFromResizeCorner(p); invalidateClick(); return true; } } bool swallowEvent = dispatchMouseEvent(eventNames().mousedownEvent, mev.targetNode(), true, m_clickCount, mouseEvent, true); m_capturesDragging = !swallowEvent; // If the hit testing originally determined the event was in a scrollbar, refetch the MouseEventWithHitTestResults // in case the scrollbar widget was destroyed when the mouse event was handled. if (mev.scrollbar()) { const bool wasLastScrollBar = mev.scrollbar() == m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse.get(); HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active); mev = m_frame->document()->prepareMouseEvent(request, documentPoint, mouseEvent); if (wasLastScrollBar && mev.scrollbar() != m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse.get()) m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse = 0; } if (swallowEvent) { // scrollbars should get events anyway, even disabled controls might be scrollable if (mev.scrollbar()) passMousePressEventToScrollbar(mev, mev.scrollbar()); } else { // Refetch the event target node if it currently is the shadow node inside an element. // If a mouse event handler changes the input element type to one that has a widget associated, // we'd like to EventHandler::handleMousePressEvent to pass the event to the widget and thus the // event target node can't still be the shadow node. if (mev.targetNode()->isShadowNode() && mev.targetNode()->shadowParentNode()->hasTagName(inputTag)) { HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active); mev = m_frame->document()->prepareMouseEvent(request, documentPoint, mouseEvent); } FrameView* view = m_frame->view(); Scrollbar* scrollbar = view ? view->scrollbarUnderPoint(mouseEvent.pos()) : 0; if (!scrollbar) scrollbar = mev.scrollbar(); if (scrollbar && passMousePressEventToScrollbar(mev, scrollbar)) swallowEvent = true; else swallowEvent = handleMousePressEvent(mev); } return swallowEvent; } // This method only exists for platforms that don't know how to deliver bool EventHandler::handleMouseDoubleClickEvent(const PlatformMouseEvent& mouseEvent) { RefPtr protector(m_frame->view()); // We get this instead of a second mouse-up m_mousePressed = false; m_currentMousePosition = mouseEvent.pos(); HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::Active); MouseEventWithHitTestResults mev = prepareMouseEvent(request, mouseEvent); Frame* subframe = subframeForHitTestResult(mev); if (subframe && passMousePressEventToSubframe(mev, subframe)) { m_capturingMouseEventsNode = 0; return true; } m_clickCount = mouseEvent.clickCount(); bool swallowMouseUpEvent = dispatchMouseEvent(eventNames().mouseupEvent, mev.targetNode(), true, m_clickCount, mouseEvent, false); bool swallowClickEvent = false; // Don't ever dispatch click events for right clicks if (mouseEvent.button() != RightButton && mev.targetNode() == m_clickNode) swallowClickEvent = dispatchMouseEvent(eventNames().clickEvent, mev.targetNode(), true, m_clickCount, mouseEvent, true); if (m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse) swallowMouseUpEvent = m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse->mouseUp(); bool swallowMouseReleaseEvent = false; if (!swallowMouseUpEvent) swallowMouseReleaseEvent = handleMouseReleaseEvent(mev); invalidateClick(); return swallowMouseUpEvent || swallowClickEvent || swallowMouseReleaseEvent; } bool EventHandler::mouseMoved(const PlatformMouseEvent& event) { HitTestResult hoveredNode = HitTestResult(IntPoint()); bool result = handleMouseMoveEvent(event, &hoveredNode); Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return result; hoveredNode.setToNonShadowAncestor(); page->chrome()->mouseDidMoveOverElement(hoveredNode, event.modifierFlags()); page->chrome()->setToolTip(hoveredNode); return result; } bool EventHandler::handleMouseMoveEvent(const PlatformMouseEvent& mouseEvent, HitTestResult* hoveredNode) { // in Radar 3703768 we saw frequent crashes apparently due to the // part being null here, which seems impossible, so check for nil // but also assert so that we can try to figure this out in debug // builds, if it happens. ASSERT(m_frame); if (!m_frame) return false; RefPtr protector(m_frame->view()); m_currentMousePosition = mouseEvent.pos(); if (m_hoverTimer.isActive()) m_hoverTimer.stop(); #if ENABLE(SVG) if (m_svgPan) { static_cast(m_frame->document())->updatePan(m_currentMousePosition); return true; } #endif if (m_frameSetBeingResized) return dispatchMouseEvent(eventNames().mousemoveEvent, m_frameSetBeingResized.get(), false, 0, mouseEvent, false); // Send events right to a scrollbar if the mouse is pressed. if (m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse && m_mousePressed) return m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse->mouseMoved(m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse->transformEvent(mouseEvent)); // Treat mouse move events while the mouse is pressed as "read-only" in prepareMouseEvent // if we are allowed to select. // This means that :hover and :active freeze in the state they were in when the mouse // was pressed, rather than updating for nodes the mouse moves over as you hold the mouse down. int hitType = HitTestRequest::MouseMove; if (m_mousePressed && m_mouseDownMayStartSelect) hitType |= HitTestRequest::ReadOnly; if (m_mousePressed) hitType |= HitTestRequest::Active; HitTestRequest request(hitType); MouseEventWithHitTestResults mev = prepareMouseEvent(request, mouseEvent); if (hoveredNode) *hoveredNode = mev.hitTestResult(); Scrollbar* scrollbar = 0; if (m_resizeLayer && m_resizeLayer->inResizeMode()) m_resizeLayer->resize(mouseEvent, m_offsetFromResizeCorner); else { if (FrameView* view = m_frame->view()) scrollbar = view->scrollbarUnderPoint(mouseEvent.pos()); if (!scrollbar) scrollbar = mev.scrollbar(); if (m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse != scrollbar) { // Send mouse exited to the old scrollbar. if (m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse) m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse->mouseExited(); m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse = m_mousePressed ? 0 : scrollbar; } } bool swallowEvent = false; RefPtr newSubframe = m_capturingMouseEventsNode.get() ? subframeForTargetNode(m_capturingMouseEventsNode.get()) : subframeForHitTestResult(mev); // We want mouseouts to happen first, from the inside out. First send a move event to the last subframe so that it will fire mouseouts. if (m_lastMouseMoveEventSubframe && m_lastMouseMoveEventSubframe->tree()->isDescendantOf(m_frame) && m_lastMouseMoveEventSubframe != newSubframe) passMouseMoveEventToSubframe(mev, m_lastMouseMoveEventSubframe.get()); if (newSubframe) { // Update over/out state before passing the event to the subframe. updateMouseEventTargetNode(mev.targetNode(), mouseEvent, true); // Event dispatch in updateMouseEventTargetNode may have caused the subframe of the target // node to be detached from its FrameView, in which case the event should not be passed. if (newSubframe->view()) swallowEvent |= passMouseMoveEventToSubframe(mev, newSubframe.get(), hoveredNode); } else { if (scrollbar && !m_mousePressed) scrollbar->mouseMoved(scrollbar->transformEvent(mouseEvent)); // Handle hover effects on platforms that support visual feedback on scrollbar hovering. if (Page* page = m_frame->page()) { if ((!m_resizeLayer || !m_resizeLayer->inResizeMode()) && !page->mainFrame()->eventHandler()->panScrollInProgress()) { if (FrameView* view = m_frame->view()) view->setCursor(selectCursor(mev, scrollbar)); } } } m_lastMouseMoveEventSubframe = newSubframe; if (swallowEvent) return true; swallowEvent = dispatchMouseEvent(eventNames().mousemoveEvent, mev.targetNode(), false, 0, mouseEvent, true); if (!swallowEvent) swallowEvent = handleMouseDraggedEvent(mev); return swallowEvent; } void EventHandler::invalidateClick() { m_clickCount = 0; m_clickNode = 0; } bool EventHandler::handleMouseReleaseEvent(const PlatformMouseEvent& mouseEvent) { RefPtr protector(m_frame->view()); m_mousePressed = false; m_currentMousePosition = mouseEvent.pos(); #if ENABLE(SVG) if (m_svgPan) { m_svgPan = false; static_cast(m_frame->document())->updatePan(m_currentMousePosition); return true; } #endif if (m_frameSetBeingResized) return dispatchMouseEvent(eventNames().mouseupEvent, m_frameSetBeingResized.get(), true, m_clickCount, mouseEvent, false); if (m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse) { invalidateClick(); return m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse->mouseUp(); } HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::MouseUp); MouseEventWithHitTestResults mev = prepareMouseEvent(request, mouseEvent); Frame* subframe = m_capturingMouseEventsNode.get() ? subframeForTargetNode(m_capturingMouseEventsNode.get()) : subframeForHitTestResult(mev); if (subframe && passMouseReleaseEventToSubframe(mev, subframe)) { m_capturingMouseEventsNode = 0; return true; } bool swallowMouseUpEvent = dispatchMouseEvent(eventNames().mouseupEvent, mev.targetNode(), true, m_clickCount, mouseEvent, false); // Don't ever dispatch click events for right clicks bool swallowClickEvent = false; if (m_clickCount > 0 && mouseEvent.button() != RightButton && mev.targetNode() == m_clickNode) swallowClickEvent = dispatchMouseEvent(eventNames().clickEvent, mev.targetNode(), true, m_clickCount, mouseEvent, true); if (m_resizeLayer) { m_resizeLayer->setInResizeMode(false); m_resizeLayer = 0; } bool swallowMouseReleaseEvent = false; if (!swallowMouseUpEvent) swallowMouseReleaseEvent = handleMouseReleaseEvent(mev); invalidateClick(); return swallowMouseUpEvent || swallowClickEvent || swallowMouseReleaseEvent; } bool EventHandler::dispatchDragEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, Node* dragTarget, const PlatformMouseEvent& event, Clipboard* clipboard) { FrameView* view = m_frame->view(); // FIXME: We might want to dispatch a dragleave even if the view is gone. if (!view) return false; view->resetDeferredRepaintDelay(); IntPoint contentsPos = view->windowToContents(event.pos()); RefPtr me = MouseEvent::create(eventType, true, true, m_frame->document()->defaultView(), 0, event.globalX(), event.globalY(), contentsPos.x(), contentsPos.y(), event.ctrlKey(), event.altKey(), event.shiftKey(), event.metaKey(), 0, 0, clipboard); ExceptionCode ec; dragTarget->dispatchEvent(me.get(), ec); return me->defaultPrevented(); } bool EventHandler::updateDragAndDrop(const PlatformMouseEvent& event, Clipboard* clipboard) { bool accept = false; if (!m_frame->view()) return false; HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly); MouseEventWithHitTestResults mev = prepareMouseEvent(request, event); // Drag events should never go to text nodes (following IE, and proper mouseover/out dispatch) Node* newTarget = mev.targetNode(); if (newTarget && newTarget->isTextNode()) newTarget = newTarget->parentNode(); if (newTarget) newTarget = newTarget->shadowAncestorNode(); if (m_dragTarget != newTarget) { // FIXME: this ordering was explicitly chosen to match WinIE. However, // it is sometimes incorrect when dragging within subframes, as seen with // LayoutTests/fast/events/drag-in-frames.html. if (newTarget) { if (newTarget->hasTagName(frameTag) || newTarget->hasTagName(iframeTag)) accept = static_cast(newTarget)->contentFrame()->eventHandler()->updateDragAndDrop(event, clipboard); else accept = dispatchDragEvent(eventNames().dragenterEvent, newTarget, event, clipboard); } if (m_dragTarget) { Frame* frame = (m_dragTarget->hasTagName(frameTag) || m_dragTarget->hasTagName(iframeTag)) ? static_cast(m_dragTarget.get())->contentFrame() : 0; if (frame) accept = frame->eventHandler()->updateDragAndDrop(event, clipboard); else dispatchDragEvent(eventNames().dragleaveEvent, m_dragTarget.get(), event, clipboard); } } else { if (newTarget) { if (newTarget->hasTagName(frameTag) || newTarget->hasTagName(iframeTag)) accept = static_cast(newTarget)->contentFrame()->eventHandler()->updateDragAndDrop(event, clipboard); else accept = dispatchDragEvent(eventNames().dragoverEvent, newTarget, event, clipboard); } } m_dragTarget = newTarget; return accept; } void EventHandler::cancelDragAndDrop(const PlatformMouseEvent& event, Clipboard* clipboard) { if (m_dragTarget) { Frame* frame = (m_dragTarget->hasTagName(frameTag) || m_dragTarget->hasTagName(iframeTag)) ? static_cast(m_dragTarget.get())->contentFrame() : 0; if (frame) frame->eventHandler()->cancelDragAndDrop(event, clipboard); else dispatchDragEvent(eventNames().dragleaveEvent, m_dragTarget.get(), event, clipboard); } clearDragState(); } bool EventHandler::performDragAndDrop(const PlatformMouseEvent& event, Clipboard* clipboard) { bool accept = false; if (m_dragTarget) { Frame* frame = (m_dragTarget->hasTagName(frameTag) || m_dragTarget->hasTagName(iframeTag)) ? static_cast(m_dragTarget.get())->contentFrame() : 0; if (frame) accept = frame->eventHandler()->performDragAndDrop(event, clipboard); else accept = dispatchDragEvent(eventNames().dropEvent, m_dragTarget.get(), event, clipboard); } clearDragState(); return accept; } void EventHandler::clearDragState() { m_dragTarget = 0; m_capturingMouseEventsNode = 0; #if PLATFORM(MAC) m_sendingEventToSubview = false; #endif } void EventHandler::setCapturingMouseEventsNode(PassRefPtr n) { m_capturingMouseEventsNode = n; } MouseEventWithHitTestResults EventHandler::prepareMouseEvent(const HitTestRequest& request, const PlatformMouseEvent& mev) { ASSERT(m_frame); ASSERT(m_frame->document()); return m_frame->document()->prepareMouseEvent(request, documentPointForWindowPoint(m_frame, mev.pos()), mev); } #if ENABLE(SVG) static inline SVGElementInstance* instanceAssociatedWithShadowTreeElement(Node* referenceNode) { if (!referenceNode || !referenceNode->isSVGElement()) return 0; Node* shadowTreeElement = referenceNode->shadowTreeRootNode(); if (!shadowTreeElement) return 0; Node* shadowTreeParentElement = shadowTreeElement->shadowParentNode(); if (!shadowTreeParentElement) return 0; ASSERT(shadowTreeParentElement->hasTagName(useTag)); return static_cast(shadowTreeParentElement)->instanceForShadowTreeElement(referenceNode); } #endif void EventHandler::updateMouseEventTargetNode(Node* targetNode, const PlatformMouseEvent& mouseEvent, bool fireMouseOverOut) { Node* result = targetNode; // If we're capturing, we always go right to that node. if (m_capturingMouseEventsNode) result = m_capturingMouseEventsNode.get(); else { // If the target node is a text node, dispatch on the parent node - rdar://4196646 if (result && result->isTextNode()) result = result->parentNode(); if (result) result = result->shadowAncestorNode(); } m_nodeUnderMouse = result; #if ENABLE(SVG) m_instanceUnderMouse = instanceAssociatedWithShadowTreeElement(result); // shadow tree elements may have been recloned, update node under mouse in any case if (m_lastInstanceUnderMouse) { SVGElement* lastCorrespondingElement = m_lastInstanceUnderMouse->correspondingElement(); SVGElement* lastCorrespondingUseElement = m_lastInstanceUnderMouse->correspondingUseElement(); if (lastCorrespondingElement && lastCorrespondingUseElement) { HashSet instances = lastCorrespondingElement->instancesForElement(); // Locate the recloned shadow tree element for our corresponding instance HashSet::iterator end = instances.end(); for (HashSet::iterator it = instances.begin(); it != end; ++it) { SVGElementInstance* instance = (*it); ASSERT(instance->correspondingElement() == lastCorrespondingElement); if (instance == m_lastInstanceUnderMouse) continue; if (instance->correspondingUseElement() != lastCorrespondingUseElement) continue; SVGElement* shadowTreeElement = instance->shadowTreeElement(); if (!shadowTreeElement->inDocument() || m_lastNodeUnderMouse == shadowTreeElement) continue; m_lastNodeUnderMouse = shadowTreeElement; m_lastInstanceUnderMouse = instance; break; } } } #endif // Fire mouseout/mouseover if the mouse has shifted to a different node. if (fireMouseOverOut) { if (m_lastNodeUnderMouse && m_lastNodeUnderMouse->document() != m_frame->document()) { m_lastNodeUnderMouse = 0; m_lastScrollbarUnderMouse = 0; #if ENABLE(SVG) m_lastInstanceUnderMouse = 0; #endif } if (m_lastNodeUnderMouse != m_nodeUnderMouse) { // send mouseout event to the old node if (m_lastNodeUnderMouse) m_lastNodeUnderMouse->dispatchMouseEvent(mouseEvent, eventNames().mouseoutEvent, 0, m_nodeUnderMouse.get()); // send mouseover event to the new node if (m_nodeUnderMouse) m_nodeUnderMouse->dispatchMouseEvent(mouseEvent, eventNames().mouseoverEvent, 0, m_lastNodeUnderMouse.get()); } m_lastNodeUnderMouse = m_nodeUnderMouse; #if ENABLE(SVG) m_lastInstanceUnderMouse = instanceAssociatedWithShadowTreeElement(m_nodeUnderMouse.get()); #endif } } bool EventHandler::dispatchMouseEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, Node* targetNode, bool /*cancelable*/, int clickCount, const PlatformMouseEvent& mouseEvent, bool setUnder) { if (FrameView* view = m_frame->view()) view->resetDeferredRepaintDelay(); updateMouseEventTargetNode(targetNode, mouseEvent, setUnder); bool swallowEvent = false; if (m_nodeUnderMouse) swallowEvent = m_nodeUnderMouse->dispatchMouseEvent(mouseEvent, eventType, clickCount); if (!swallowEvent && eventType == eventNames().mousedownEvent) { // Blur current focus node when a link/button is clicked; this // is expected by some sites that rely on onChange handlers running // from form fields before the button click is processed. Node* node = m_nodeUnderMouse.get(); RenderObject* renderer = node ? node->renderer() : 0; // Walk up the render tree to search for a node to focus. // Walking up the DOM tree wouldn't work for shadow trees, like those behind the engine-based text fields. while (renderer) { node = renderer->node(); if (node && node->isFocusable()) { // To fix Can't drag selected ToDo, we don't focus a // node on mouse down if it's selected and inside a focused node. It will be // focused if the user does a mouseup over it, however, because the mouseup // will set a selection inside it, which will call setFocuseNodeIfNeeded. ExceptionCode ec = 0; Node* n = node->isShadowNode() ? node->shadowParentNode() : node; if (m_frame->selection()->isRange() && m_frame->selection()->toNormalizedRange()->compareNode(n, ec) == Range::NODE_INSIDE && n->isDescendantOf(m_frame->document()->focusedNode())) return false; break; } renderer = renderer->parent(); } // If focus shift is blocked, we eat the event. Note we should never clear swallowEvent // if the page already set it (e.g., by canceling default behavior). if (Page* page = m_frame->page()) { if (node && node->isMouseFocusable()) { if (!page->focusController()->setFocusedNode(node, m_frame)) swallowEvent = true; } else if (!node || !node->focused()) { if (!page->focusController()->setFocusedNode(0, m_frame)) swallowEvent = true; } } } return swallowEvent; } bool EventHandler::handleWheelEvent(PlatformWheelEvent& e) { Document* doc = m_frame->document(); RenderObject* docRenderer = doc->renderer(); if (!docRenderer) return false; RefPtr protector(m_frame->view()); FrameView* view = m_frame->view(); if (!view) return false; IntPoint vPoint = view->windowToContents(e.pos()); HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly); HitTestResult result(vPoint); doc->renderView()->layer()->hitTest(request, result); Node* node = result.innerNode(); if (node) { // Figure out which view to send the event to. RenderObject* target = node->renderer(); if (result.isOverWidget() && target && target->isWidget()) { Widget* widget = static_cast(target)->widget(); if (widget && passWheelEventToWidget(e, widget)) { e.accept(); return true; } } node = node->shadowAncestorNode(); node->dispatchWheelEvent(e); if (e.isAccepted()) return true; // If we don't have a renderer, send the wheel event to the first node we find with a renderer. // This is needed for elements so that