/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "AnimationBase.h" #include "AnimationControllerPrivate.h" #include "CSSMutableStyleDeclaration.h" #include "CSSPropertyLonghand.h" #include "CSSPropertyNames.h" #include "CString.h" #include "CompositeAnimation.h" #include "Document.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "FloatConversion.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "IdentityTransformOperation.h" #include "ImplicitAnimation.h" #include "KeyframeAnimation.h" #include "MatrixTransformOperation.h" #include "Matrix3DTransformOperation.h" #include "RenderBox.h" #include "RenderStyle.h" #include "UnitBezier.h" #include using namespace std; namespace WebCore { // The epsilon value we pass to UnitBezier::solve given that the animation is going to run over |dur| seconds. The longer the // animation, the more precision we need in the timing function result to avoid ugly discontinuities. static inline double solveEpsilon(double duration) { return 1.0 / (200.0 * duration); } static inline double solveCubicBezierFunction(double p1x, double p1y, double p2x, double p2y, double t, double duration) { // Convert from input time to parametric value in curve, then from // that to output time. UnitBezier bezier(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y); return bezier.solve(t, solveEpsilon(duration)); } static inline int blendFunc(const AnimationBase*, int from, int to, double progress) { return int(from + (to - from) * progress); } static inline double blendFunc(const AnimationBase*, double from, double to, double progress) { return from + (to - from) * progress; } static inline float blendFunc(const AnimationBase*, float from, float to, double progress) { return narrowPrecisionToFloat(from + (to - from) * progress); } static inline Color blendFunc(const AnimationBase* anim, const Color& from, const Color& to, double progress) { // We need to preserve the state of the valid flag at the end of the animation if (progress == 1 && !to.isValid()) return Color(); return Color(blendFunc(anim, from.red(), to.red(), progress), blendFunc(anim, from.green(), to.green(), progress), blendFunc(anim, from.blue(), to.blue(), progress), blendFunc(anim, from.alpha(), to.alpha(), progress)); } static inline Length blendFunc(const AnimationBase*, const Length& from, const Length& to, double progress) { return to.blend(from, progress); } static inline LengthSize blendFunc(const AnimationBase* anim, const LengthSize& from, const LengthSize& to, double progress) { return LengthSize(blendFunc(anim, from.width(), to.width(), progress), blendFunc(anim, from.height(), to.height(), progress)); } static inline IntSize blendFunc(const AnimationBase* anim, const IntSize& from, const IntSize& to, double progress) { return IntSize(blendFunc(anim, from.width(), to.width(), progress), blendFunc(anim, from.height(), to.height(), progress)); } static inline ShadowData* blendFunc(const AnimationBase* anim, const ShadowData* from, const ShadowData* to, double progress) { ASSERT(from && to); return new ShadowData(blendFunc(anim, from->x, to->x, progress), blendFunc(anim, from->y, to->y, progress), blendFunc(anim, from->blur, to->blur, progress), blendFunc(anim, from->color, to->color, progress)); } static inline TransformOperations blendFunc(const AnimationBase* anim, const TransformOperations& from, const TransformOperations& to, double progress) { TransformOperations result; // If we have a transform function list, use that to do a per-function animation. Otherwise do a Matrix animation if (anim->isTransformFunctionListValid()) { unsigned fromSize = from.operations().size(); unsigned toSize = to.operations().size(); unsigned size = max(fromSize, toSize); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { RefPtr fromOp = (i < fromSize) ? from.operations()[i].get() : 0; RefPtr toOp = (i < toSize) ? to.operations()[i].get() : 0; RefPtr blendedOp = toOp ? toOp->blend(fromOp.get(), progress) : (fromOp ? fromOp->blend(0, progress, true) : 0); if (blendedOp) result.operations().append(blendedOp); else { RefPtr identityOp = IdentityTransformOperation::create(); if (progress > 0.5) result.operations().append(toOp ? toOp : identityOp); else result.operations().append(fromOp ? fromOp : identityOp); } } } else { // Convert the TransformOperations into matrices IntSize size = anim->renderer()->isBox() ? toRenderBox(anim->renderer())->borderBoxRect().size() : IntSize(); TransformationMatrix fromT; TransformationMatrix toT; from.apply(size, fromT); to.apply(size, toT); toT.blend(fromT, progress); // Append the result result.operations().append(Matrix3DTransformOperation::create(toT)); } return result; } static inline EVisibility blendFunc(const AnimationBase* anim, EVisibility from, EVisibility to, double progress) { // Any non-zero result means we consider the object to be visible. Only at 0 do we consider the object to be // invisible. The invisible value we use (HIDDEN vs. COLLAPSE) depends on the specified from/to values. double fromVal = from == VISIBLE ? 1. : 0.; double toVal = to == VISIBLE ? 1. : 0.; if (fromVal == toVal) return to; double result = blendFunc(anim, fromVal, toVal, progress); return result > 0. ? VISIBLE : (to != VISIBLE ? to : from); } class PropertyWrapperBase; static void addShorthandProperties(); static PropertyWrapperBase* wrapperForProperty(int propertyID); class PropertyWrapperBase { public: PropertyWrapperBase(int prop) : m_prop(prop) { } virtual ~PropertyWrapperBase() { } virtual bool isShorthandWrapper() const { return false; } virtual bool equals(const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b) const = 0; virtual void blend(const AnimationBase* anim, RenderStyle* dst, const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b, double progress) const = 0; int property() const { return m_prop; } #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) virtual bool animationIsAccelerated() const { return false; } #endif private: int m_prop; }; template class PropertyWrapperGetter : public PropertyWrapperBase { public: PropertyWrapperGetter(int prop, T (RenderStyle::*getter)() const) : PropertyWrapperBase(prop) , m_getter(getter) { } virtual bool equals(const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b) const { // If the style pointers are the same, don't bother doing the test. // If either is null, return false. If both are null, return true. if ((!a && !b) || a == b) return true; if (!a || !b) return false; return (a->*m_getter)() == (b->*m_getter)(); } protected: T (RenderStyle::*m_getter)() const; }; template class PropertyWrapper : public PropertyWrapperGetter { public: PropertyWrapper(int prop, T (RenderStyle::*getter)() const, void (RenderStyle::*setter)(T)) : PropertyWrapperGetter(prop, getter) , m_setter(setter) { } virtual void blend(const AnimationBase* anim, RenderStyle* dst, const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b, double progress) const { (dst->*m_setter)(blendFunc(anim, (a->*PropertyWrapperGetter::m_getter)(), (b->*PropertyWrapperGetter::m_getter)(), progress)); } protected: void (RenderStyle::*m_setter)(T); }; #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) class PropertyWrapperAcceleratedOpacity : public PropertyWrapper { public: PropertyWrapperAcceleratedOpacity() : PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyOpacity, &RenderStyle::opacity, &RenderStyle::setOpacity) { } virtual bool animationIsAccelerated() const { return true; } virtual void blend(const AnimationBase* anim, RenderStyle* dst, const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b, double progress) const { float fromOpacity = a->opacity(); // This makes sure we put the object being animated into a RenderLayer during the animation dst->setOpacity(blendFunc(anim, (fromOpacity == 1) ? 0.999999f : fromOpacity, b->opacity(), progress)); } }; class PropertyWrapperAcceleratedTransform : public PropertyWrapper { public: PropertyWrapperAcceleratedTransform() : PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitTransform, &RenderStyle::transform, &RenderStyle::setTransform) { } virtual bool animationIsAccelerated() const { return true; } virtual void blend(const AnimationBase* anim, RenderStyle* dst, const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b, double progress) const { dst->setTransform(blendFunc(anim, a->transform(), b->transform(), progress)); } }; #endif // USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) class PropertyWrapperShadow : public PropertyWrapperGetter { public: PropertyWrapperShadow(int prop, ShadowData* (RenderStyle::*getter)() const, void (RenderStyle::*setter)(ShadowData*, bool)) : PropertyWrapperGetter(prop, getter) , m_setter(setter) { } virtual bool equals(const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b) const { ShadowData* shadowA = (a->*m_getter)(); ShadowData* shadowB = (b->*m_getter)(); if ((!shadowA && shadowB) || (shadowA && !shadowB)) return false; if (shadowA && shadowB && (*shadowA != *shadowB)) return false; return true; } virtual void blend(const AnimationBase* anim, RenderStyle* dst, const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b, double progress) const { ShadowData* shadowA = (a->*m_getter)(); ShadowData* shadowB = (b->*m_getter)(); ShadowData defaultShadowData(0, 0, 0, Color::transparent); if (!shadowA) shadowA = &defaultShadowData; if (!shadowB) shadowB = &defaultShadowData; (dst->*m_setter)(blendFunc(anim, shadowA, shadowB, progress), false); } private: void (RenderStyle::*m_setter)(ShadowData*, bool); }; class PropertyWrapperMaybeInvalidColor : public PropertyWrapperBase { public: PropertyWrapperMaybeInvalidColor(int prop, const Color& (RenderStyle::*getter)() const, void (RenderStyle::*setter)(const Color&)) : PropertyWrapperBase(prop) , m_getter(getter) , m_setter(setter) { } virtual bool equals(const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b) const { Color fromColor = (a->*m_getter)(); Color toColor = (b->*m_getter)(); if (!fromColor.isValid()) fromColor = a->color(); if (!toColor.isValid()) toColor = b->color(); return fromColor == toColor; } virtual void blend(const AnimationBase* anim, RenderStyle* dst, const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b, double progress) const { Color fromColor = (a->*m_getter)(); Color toColor = (b->*m_getter)(); if (!fromColor.isValid()) fromColor = a->color(); if (!toColor.isValid()) toColor = b->color(); (dst->*m_setter)(blendFunc(anim, fromColor, toColor, progress)); } private: const Color& (RenderStyle::*m_getter)() const; void (RenderStyle::*m_setter)(const Color&); }; class ShorthandPropertyWrapper : public PropertyWrapperBase { public: ShorthandPropertyWrapper(int property, const CSSPropertyLonghand& longhand) : PropertyWrapperBase(property) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < longhand.length(); ++i) { PropertyWrapperBase* wrapper = wrapperForProperty(longhand.properties()[i]); if (wrapper) m_propertyWrappers.append(wrapper); } } virtual bool isShorthandWrapper() const { return true; } virtual bool equals(const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b) const { Vector::const_iterator end = m_propertyWrappers.end(); for (Vector::const_iterator it = m_propertyWrappers.begin(); it != end; ++it) { if (!(*it)->equals(a, b)) return false; } return true; } virtual void blend(const AnimationBase* anim, RenderStyle* dst, const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b, double progress) const { Vector::const_iterator end = m_propertyWrappers.end(); for (Vector::const_iterator it = m_propertyWrappers.begin(); it != end; ++it) (*it)->blend(anim, dst, a, b, progress); } private: Vector m_propertyWrappers; }; static Vector* gPropertyWrappers = 0; static int gPropertyWrapperMap[numCSSProperties]; static const int cInvalidPropertyWrapperIndex = -1; static void ensurePropertyMap() { // FIXME: This data is never destroyed. Maybe we should ref count it and toss it when the last AnimationController is destroyed? if (gPropertyWrappers == 0) { gPropertyWrappers = new Vector(); // build the list of property wrappers to do the comparisons and blends gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyLeft, &RenderStyle::left, &RenderStyle::setLeft)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyRight, &RenderStyle::right, &RenderStyle::setRight)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyTop, &RenderStyle::top, &RenderStyle::setTop)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyBottom, &RenderStyle::bottom, &RenderStyle::setBottom)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWidth, &RenderStyle::width, &RenderStyle::setWidth)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyHeight, &RenderStyle::height, &RenderStyle::setHeight)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyBorderLeftWidth, &RenderStyle::borderLeftWidth, &RenderStyle::setBorderLeftWidth)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyBorderRightWidth, &RenderStyle::borderRightWidth, &RenderStyle::setBorderRightWidth)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyBorderTopWidth, &RenderStyle::borderTopWidth, &RenderStyle::setBorderTopWidth)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyBorderBottomWidth, &RenderStyle::borderBottomWidth, &RenderStyle::setBorderBottomWidth)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyMarginLeft, &RenderStyle::marginLeft, &RenderStyle::setMarginLeft)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyMarginRight, &RenderStyle::marginRight, &RenderStyle::setMarginRight)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyMarginTop, &RenderStyle::marginTop, &RenderStyle::setMarginTop)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyMarginBottom, &RenderStyle::marginBottom, &RenderStyle::setMarginBottom)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyPaddingLeft, &RenderStyle::paddingLeft, &RenderStyle::setPaddingLeft)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyPaddingRight, &RenderStyle::paddingRight, &RenderStyle::setPaddingRight)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyPaddingTop, &RenderStyle::paddingTop, &RenderStyle::setPaddingTop)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyPaddingBottom, &RenderStyle::paddingBottom, &RenderStyle::setPaddingBottom)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyColor, &RenderStyle::color, &RenderStyle::setColor)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor, &RenderStyle::backgroundColor, &RenderStyle::setBackgroundColor)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyBackgroundPositionX, &RenderStyle::backgroundXPosition, &RenderStyle::setBackgroundXPosition)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyBackgroundPositionY, &RenderStyle::backgroundYPosition, &RenderStyle::setBackgroundYPosition)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundSize, &RenderStyle::backgroundSize, &RenderStyle::setBackgroundSize)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPositionX, &RenderStyle::maskXPosition, &RenderStyle::setMaskXPosition)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPositionY, &RenderStyle::maskYPosition, &RenderStyle::setMaskYPosition)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitMaskSize, &RenderStyle::maskSize, &RenderStyle::setMaskSize)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyFontSize, &RenderStyle::fontSize, &RenderStyle::setBlendedFontSize)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitColumnRuleWidth, &RenderStyle::columnRuleWidth, &RenderStyle::setColumnRuleWidth)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitColumnGap, &RenderStyle::columnGap, &RenderStyle::setColumnGap)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitColumnCount, &RenderStyle::columnCount, &RenderStyle::setColumnCount)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitColumnWidth, &RenderStyle::columnWidth, &RenderStyle::setColumnWidth)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderHorizontalSpacing, &RenderStyle::horizontalBorderSpacing, &RenderStyle::setHorizontalBorderSpacing)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderVerticalSpacing, &RenderStyle::verticalBorderSpacing, &RenderStyle::setVerticalBorderSpacing)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyZIndex, &RenderStyle::zIndex, &RenderStyle::setZIndex)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyLineHeight, &RenderStyle::lineHeight, &RenderStyle::setLineHeight)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyOutlineOffset, &RenderStyle::outlineOffset, &RenderStyle::setOutlineOffset)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyOutlineWidth, &RenderStyle::outlineWidth, &RenderStyle::setOutlineWidth)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyLetterSpacing, &RenderStyle::letterSpacing, &RenderStyle::setLetterSpacing)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWordSpacing, &RenderStyle::wordSpacing, &RenderStyle::setWordSpacing)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitPerspective, &RenderStyle::perspective, &RenderStyle::setPerspective)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitPerspectiveOriginX, &RenderStyle::perspectiveOriginX, &RenderStyle::setPerspectiveOriginX)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitPerspectiveOriginY, &RenderStyle::perspectiveOriginY, &RenderStyle::setPerspectiveOriginY)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOriginX, &RenderStyle::transformOriginX, &RenderStyle::setTransformOriginX)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOriginY, &RenderStyle::transformOriginY, &RenderStyle::setTransformOriginY)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOriginZ, &RenderStyle::transformOriginZ, &RenderStyle::setTransformOriginZ)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderTopLeftRadius, &RenderStyle::borderTopLeftRadius, &RenderStyle::setBorderTopLeftRadius)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderTopRightRadius, &RenderStyle::borderTopRightRadius, &RenderStyle::setBorderTopRightRadius)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius, &RenderStyle::borderBottomLeftRadius, &RenderStyle::setBorderBottomLeftRadius)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBottomRightRadius, &RenderStyle::borderBottomRightRadius, &RenderStyle::setBorderBottomRightRadius)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyVisibility, &RenderStyle::visibility, &RenderStyle::setVisibility)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyZoom, &RenderStyle::zoom, &RenderStyle::setZoom)); #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapperAcceleratedOpacity()); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapperAcceleratedTransform()); #else gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyOpacity, &RenderStyle::opacity, &RenderStyle::setOpacity)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyWebkitTransform, &RenderStyle::transform, &RenderStyle::setTransform)); #endif gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapperMaybeInvalidColor(CSSPropertyWebkitColumnRuleColor, &RenderStyle::columnRuleColor, &RenderStyle::setColumnRuleColor)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapperMaybeInvalidColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor, &RenderStyle::textStrokeColor, &RenderStyle::setTextStrokeColor)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapperMaybeInvalidColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor, &RenderStyle::textFillColor, &RenderStyle::setTextFillColor)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapperMaybeInvalidColor(CSSPropertyBorderLeftColor, &RenderStyle::borderLeftColor, &RenderStyle::setBorderLeftColor)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapperMaybeInvalidColor(CSSPropertyBorderRightColor, &RenderStyle::borderRightColor, &RenderStyle::setBorderRightColor)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapperMaybeInvalidColor(CSSPropertyBorderTopColor, &RenderStyle::borderTopColor, &RenderStyle::setBorderTopColor)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapperMaybeInvalidColor(CSSPropertyBorderBottomColor, &RenderStyle::borderBottomColor, &RenderStyle::setBorderBottomColor)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapperMaybeInvalidColor(CSSPropertyOutlineColor, &RenderStyle::outlineColor, &RenderStyle::setOutlineColor)); // These are for shadows gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapperShadow(CSSPropertyWebkitBoxShadow, &RenderStyle::boxShadow, &RenderStyle::setBoxShadow)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapperShadow(CSSPropertyTextShadow, &RenderStyle::textShadow, &RenderStyle::setTextShadow)); #if ENABLE(SVG) gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyFillOpacity, &RenderStyle::fillOpacity, &RenderStyle::setFillOpacity)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyFloodOpacity, &RenderStyle::floodOpacity, &RenderStyle::setFloodOpacity)); gPropertyWrappers->append(new PropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyStrokeOpacity, &RenderStyle::strokeOpacity, &RenderStyle::setStrokeOpacity)); #endif // TODO: // // CSSPropertyMinWidth, CSSPropertyMaxWidth, CSSPropertyMinHeight, CSSPropertyMaxHeight // CSSPropertyTextIndent // CSSPropertyVerticalAlign // // Compound properties that have components that should be animatable: // // CSSPropertyWebkitColumns // CSSPropertyWebkitBoxReflect // Make sure unused slots have a value for (unsigned int i = 0; i < static_cast(numCSSProperties); ++i) gPropertyWrapperMap[i] = cInvalidPropertyWrapperIndex; // First we put the non-shorthand property wrappers into the map, so the shorthand-building // code can find them. size_t n = gPropertyWrappers->size(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ASSERT((*gPropertyWrappers)[i]->property() - firstCSSProperty < numCSSProperties); gPropertyWrapperMap[(*gPropertyWrappers)[i]->property() - firstCSSProperty] = i; } // Now add the shorthand wrappers. addShorthandProperties(); } } static void addPropertyWrapper(int propertyID, PropertyWrapperBase* wrapper) { int propIndex = propertyID - firstCSSProperty; ASSERT(gPropertyWrapperMap[propIndex] == cInvalidPropertyWrapperIndex); unsigned wrapperIndex = gPropertyWrappers->size(); gPropertyWrappers->append(wrapper); gPropertyWrapperMap[propIndex] = wrapperIndex; } static void addShorthandProperties() { static const int animatableShorthandProperties[] = { CSSPropertyBackground, // for background-color, background-position CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition, CSSPropertyWebkitMask, // for mask-position CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition, CSSPropertyBorderTop, CSSPropertyBorderRight, CSSPropertyBorderBottom, CSSPropertyBorderLeft, CSSPropertyBorderColor, CSSPropertyBorderWidth, CSSPropertyBorder, CSSPropertyBorderSpacing, CSSPropertyMargin, CSSPropertyOutline, CSSPropertyPadding, CSSPropertyWebkitTextStroke, CSSPropertyWebkitColumnRule, CSSPropertyWebkitBorderRadius, CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOrigin }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(animatableShorthandProperties) / sizeof(animatableShorthandProperties[0]); ++i) { int propertyID = animatableShorthandProperties[i]; CSSPropertyLonghand longhand = longhandForProperty(propertyID); if (longhand.length() > 0) addPropertyWrapper(propertyID, new ShorthandPropertyWrapper(propertyID, longhand)); } // 'font' is not in the shorthand map. static const int animatableFontProperties[] = { CSSPropertyFontSize, CSSPropertyFontWeight }; CSSPropertyLonghand fontLonghand(animatableFontProperties, sizeof(animatableFontProperties) / sizeof(animatableFontProperties[0])); addPropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyFont, new ShorthandPropertyWrapper(CSSPropertyFont, fontLonghand)); } static PropertyWrapperBase* wrapperForProperty(int propertyID) { int propIndex = propertyID - firstCSSProperty; if (propIndex >= 0 && propIndex < numCSSProperties) { int wrapperIndex = gPropertyWrapperMap[propIndex]; if (wrapperIndex >= 0) return (*gPropertyWrappers)[wrapperIndex]; } return 0; } AnimationBase::AnimationBase(const Animation* transition, RenderObject* renderer, CompositeAnimation* compAnim) : m_animState(AnimationStateNew) , m_isAnimating(false) , m_startTime(0) , m_pauseTime(-1) , m_requestedStartTime(0) , m_object(renderer) , m_animation(const_cast(transition)) , m_compAnim(compAnim) , m_fallbackAnimating(false) , m_transformFunctionListValid(false) , m_nextIterationDuration(-1) , m_next(0) { // Compute the total duration m_totalDuration = -1; if (m_animation->iterationCount() > 0) m_totalDuration = m_animation->duration() * m_animation->iterationCount(); } AnimationBase::~AnimationBase() { m_compAnim->animationController()->removeFromStyleAvailableWaitList(this); m_compAnim->animationController()->removeFromStartTimeResponseWaitList(this); } bool AnimationBase::propertiesEqual(int prop, const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b) { ensurePropertyMap(); if (prop == cAnimateAll) { size_t n = gPropertyWrappers->size(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { PropertyWrapperBase* wrapper = (*gPropertyWrappers)[i]; // No point comparing shorthand wrappers for 'all'. if (!wrapper->isShorthandWrapper() && !wrapper->equals(a, b)) return false; } } else { PropertyWrapperBase* wrapper = wrapperForProperty(prop); if (wrapper) return wrapper->equals(a, b); } return true; } int AnimationBase::getPropertyAtIndex(int i, bool& isShorthand) { ensurePropertyMap(); if (i < 0 || i >= static_cast(gPropertyWrappers->size())) return CSSPropertyInvalid; PropertyWrapperBase* wrapper = (*gPropertyWrappers)[i]; isShorthand = wrapper->isShorthandWrapper(); return wrapper->property(); } int AnimationBase::getNumProperties() { ensurePropertyMap(); return gPropertyWrappers->size(); } // Returns true if we need to start animation timers bool AnimationBase::blendProperties(const AnimationBase* anim, int prop, RenderStyle* dst, const RenderStyle* a, const RenderStyle* b, double progress) { ASSERT(prop != cAnimateAll); ensurePropertyMap(); PropertyWrapperBase* wrapper = wrapperForProperty(prop); if (wrapper) { wrapper->blend(anim, dst, a, b, progress); #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) return !wrapper->animationIsAccelerated() || anim->isFallbackAnimating(); #else return true; #endif } return false; } #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) bool AnimationBase::animationOfPropertyIsAccelerated(int prop) { ensurePropertyMap(); PropertyWrapperBase* wrapper = wrapperForProperty(prop); return wrapper ? wrapper->animationIsAccelerated() : false; } #endif void AnimationBase::setNeedsStyleRecalc(Node* node) { ASSERT(!node || (node->document() && !node->document()->inPageCache())); if (node) node->setNeedsStyleRecalc(AnimationStyleChange); } double AnimationBase::duration() const { return m_animation->duration(); } bool AnimationBase::playStatePlaying() const { return m_animation->playState() == AnimPlayStatePlaying; } bool AnimationBase::animationsMatch(const Animation* anim) const { return m_animation->animationsMatch(anim); } void AnimationBase::updateStateMachine(AnimStateInput input, double param) { // If we get AnimationStateInputRestartAnimation then we force a new animation, regardless of state. if (input == AnimationStateInputMakeNew) { if (m_animState == AnimationStateStartWaitStyleAvailable) m_compAnim->animationController()->removeFromStyleAvailableWaitList(this); m_animState = AnimationStateNew; m_startTime = 0; m_pauseTime = -1; m_requestedStartTime = 0; m_nextIterationDuration = -1; endAnimation(false); return; } if (input == AnimationStateInputRestartAnimation) { if (m_animState == AnimationStateStartWaitStyleAvailable) m_compAnim->animationController()->removeFromStyleAvailableWaitList(this); m_animState = AnimationStateNew; m_startTime = 0; m_pauseTime = -1; m_requestedStartTime = 0; m_nextIterationDuration = -1; endAnimation(false); if (!paused()) updateStateMachine(AnimationStateInputStartAnimation, -1); return; } if (input == AnimationStateInputEndAnimation) { if (m_animState == AnimationStateStartWaitStyleAvailable) m_compAnim->animationController()->removeFromStyleAvailableWaitList(this); m_animState = AnimationStateDone; endAnimation(true); return; } if (input == AnimationStateInputPauseOverride) { if (m_animState == AnimationStateStartWaitResponse) { // If we are in AnimationStateStartWaitResponse, the animation will get canceled before // we get a response, so move to the next state. endAnimation(false); updateStateMachine(AnimationStateInputStartTimeSet, beginAnimationUpdateTime()); } return; } if (input == AnimationStateInputResumeOverride) { if (m_animState == AnimationStateLooping || m_animState == AnimationStateEnding) { // Start the animation startAnimation(m_startTime); } return; } // Execute state machine switch (m_animState) { case AnimationStateNew: ASSERT(input == AnimationStateInputStartAnimation || input == AnimationStateInputPlayStateRunnning || input == AnimationStateInputPlayStatePaused); if (input == AnimationStateInputStartAnimation || input == AnimationStateInputPlayStateRunnning) { m_requestedStartTime = beginAnimationUpdateTime(); m_animState = AnimationStateStartWaitTimer; } break; case AnimationStateStartWaitTimer: ASSERT(input == AnimationStateInputStartTimerFired || input == AnimationStateInputPlayStatePaused); if (input == AnimationStateInputStartTimerFired) { ASSERT(param >= 0); // Start timer has fired, tell the animation to start and wait for it to respond with start time m_animState = AnimationStateStartWaitStyleAvailable; m_compAnim->animationController()->addToStyleAvailableWaitList(this); // Trigger a render so we can start the animation if (m_object) m_compAnim->animationController()->addNodeChangeToDispatch(m_object->node()); } else { ASSERT(!paused()); // We're waiting for the start timer to fire and we got a pause. Cancel the timer, pause and wait m_pauseTime = beginAnimationUpdateTime(); m_animState = AnimationStatePausedWaitTimer; } break; case AnimationStateStartWaitStyleAvailable: ASSERT(input == AnimationStateInputStyleAvailable || input == AnimationStateInputPlayStatePaused); // Start timer has fired, tell the animation to start and wait for it to respond with start time m_animState = AnimationStateStartWaitResponse; overrideAnimations(); // Send start event, if needed onAnimationStart(0); // The elapsedTime is always 0 here // Start the animation if (overridden()) { // We won't try to start accelerated animations if we are overridden and // just move on to the next state. m_animState = AnimationStateStartWaitResponse; m_fallbackAnimating = true; updateStateMachine(AnimationStateInputStartTimeSet, beginAnimationUpdateTime()); } else { bool started = startAnimation(0); m_compAnim->animationController()->addToStartTimeResponseWaitList(this, started); m_fallbackAnimating = !started; } break; case AnimationStateStartWaitResponse: ASSERT(input == AnimationStateInputStartTimeSet || input == AnimationStateInputPlayStatePaused); if (input == AnimationStateInputStartTimeSet) { ASSERT(param >= 0); // We have a start time, set it, unless the startTime is already set if (m_startTime <= 0) m_startTime = param; // Decide whether to go into looping or ending state goIntoEndingOrLoopingState(); // Dispatch updateStyleIfNeeded so we can start the animation if (m_object) m_compAnim->animationController()->addNodeChangeToDispatch(m_object->node()); } else { // We are pausing while waiting for a start response. Cancel the animation and wait. When // we unpause, we will act as though the start timer just fired m_pauseTime = -1; endAnimation(false); m_animState = AnimationStatePausedWaitResponse; } break; case AnimationStateLooping: ASSERT(input == AnimationStateInputLoopTimerFired || input == AnimationStateInputPlayStatePaused); if (input == AnimationStateInputLoopTimerFired) { ASSERT(param >= 0); // Loop timer fired, loop again or end. onAnimationIteration(param); // Decide whether to go into looping or ending state goIntoEndingOrLoopingState(); } else { // We are pausing while running. Cancel the animation and wait m_pauseTime = beginAnimationUpdateTime(); endAnimation(false); m_animState = AnimationStatePausedRun; } break; case AnimationStateEnding: ASSERT(input == AnimationStateInputEndTimerFired || input == AnimationStateInputPlayStatePaused); if (input == AnimationStateInputEndTimerFired) { ASSERT(param >= 0); // End timer fired, finish up onAnimationEnd(param); m_animState = AnimationStateDone; if (m_object) { resumeOverriddenAnimations(); // Fire off another style change so we can set the final value m_compAnim->animationController()->addNodeChangeToDispatch(m_object->node()); } } else { // We are pausing while running. Cancel the animation and wait m_pauseTime = beginAnimationUpdateTime(); endAnimation(false); m_animState = AnimationStatePausedRun; } // |this| may be deleted here break; case AnimationStatePausedWaitTimer: ASSERT(input == AnimationStateInputPlayStateRunnning); ASSERT(paused()); // Update the times m_startTime += beginAnimationUpdateTime() - m_pauseTime; m_pauseTime = -1; // we were waiting for the start timer to fire, go back and wait again m_animState = AnimationStateNew; updateStateMachine(AnimationStateInputStartAnimation, 0); break; case AnimationStatePausedWaitResponse: case AnimationStatePausedRun: // We treat these two cases the same. The only difference is that, when we are in // AnimationStatePausedWaitResponse, we don't yet have a valid startTime, so we send 0 to startAnimation. // When the AnimationStateInputStartTimeSet comes in and we were in AnimationStatePausedRun, we will notice // that we have already set the startTime and will ignore it. ASSERT(input == AnimationStateInputPlayStateRunnning || input == AnimationStateInputStartTimeSet); ASSERT(paused()); // If we are paused, but we get the callback that notifies us that an accelerated animation started, // then we ignore the start time and just move into the paused-run state. if (m_animState == AnimationStatePausedWaitResponse && input == AnimationStateInputStartTimeSet) { m_animState = AnimationStatePausedRun; ASSERT(m_startTime == 0); m_startTime = param; m_pauseTime += m_startTime; break; } // Update the times if (m_animState == AnimationStatePausedRun) m_startTime += beginAnimationUpdateTime() - m_pauseTime; else m_startTime = 0; m_pauseTime = -1; // We were waiting for a begin time response from the animation, go back and wait again m_animState = AnimationStateStartWaitResponse; // Start the animation if (overridden()) { // We won't try to start accelerated animations if we are overridden and // just move on to the next state. updateStateMachine(AnimationStateInputStartTimeSet, beginAnimationUpdateTime()); m_fallbackAnimating = true; } else { bool started = startAnimation(m_startTime); m_compAnim->animationController()->addToStartTimeResponseWaitList(this, started); m_fallbackAnimating = !started; } break; case AnimationStateDone: // We're done. Stay in this state until we are deleted break; } } void AnimationBase::fireAnimationEventsIfNeeded() { // If we are waiting for the delay time to expire and it has, go to the next state if (m_animState != AnimationStateStartWaitTimer && m_animState != AnimationStateLooping && m_animState != AnimationStateEnding) return; // We have to make sure to keep a ref to the this pointer, because it could get destroyed // during an animation callback that might get called. Since the owner is a CompositeAnimation // and it ref counts this object, we will keep a ref to that instead. That way the AnimationBase // can still access the resources of its CompositeAnimation as needed. RefPtr protector(this); RefPtr compProtector(m_compAnim); // Check for start timeout if (m_animState == AnimationStateStartWaitTimer) { if (beginAnimationUpdateTime() - m_requestedStartTime >= m_animation->delay()) updateStateMachine(AnimationStateInputStartTimerFired, 0); return; } double elapsedDuration = beginAnimationUpdateTime() - m_startTime; // FIXME: we need to ensure that elapsedDuration is never < 0. If it is, this suggests that // we had a recalcStyle() outside of beginAnimationUpdate()/endAnimationUpdate(). // Also check in getTimeToNextEvent(). elapsedDuration = max(elapsedDuration, 0.0); // Check for end timeout if (m_totalDuration >= 0 && elapsedDuration >= m_totalDuration) { // Fire an end event updateStateMachine(AnimationStateInputEndTimerFired, m_totalDuration); } else { // Check for iteration timeout if (m_nextIterationDuration < 0) { // Hasn't been set yet, set it double durationLeft = m_animation->duration() - fmod(elapsedDuration, m_animation->duration()); m_nextIterationDuration = elapsedDuration + durationLeft; } if (elapsedDuration >= m_nextIterationDuration) { // Set to the next iteration double previous = m_nextIterationDuration; double durationLeft = m_animation->duration() - fmod(elapsedDuration, m_animation->duration()); m_nextIterationDuration = elapsedDuration + durationLeft; // Send the event updateStateMachine(AnimationStateInputLoopTimerFired, previous); } } } void AnimationBase::updatePlayState(bool run) { if (paused() == run || isNew()) updateStateMachine(run ? AnimationStateInputPlayStateRunnning : AnimationStateInputPlayStatePaused, -1); } double AnimationBase::timeToNextService() { // Returns the time at which next service is required. -1 means no service is required. 0 means // service is required now, and > 0 means service is required that many seconds in the future. if (paused() || isNew()) return -1; if (m_animState == AnimationStateStartWaitTimer) { double timeFromNow = m_animation->delay() - (beginAnimationUpdateTime() - m_requestedStartTime); return max(timeFromNow, 0.0); } fireAnimationEventsIfNeeded(); // In all other cases, we need service right away. return 0; } double AnimationBase::progress(double scale, double offset, const TimingFunction* tf) const { if (preActive()) return 0; double elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(); double dur = m_animation->duration(); if (m_animation->iterationCount() > 0) dur *= m_animation->iterationCount(); if (postActive() || !m_animation->duration() || (m_animation->iterationCount() > 0 && elapsedTime >= dur)) return 1.0; // Compute the fractional time, taking into account direction. // There is no need to worry about iterations, we assume that we would have // short circuited above if we were done. double fractionalTime = elapsedTime / m_animation->duration(); int integralTime = static_cast(fractionalTime); fractionalTime -= integralTime; if (m_animation->direction() && (integralTime & 1)) fractionalTime = 1 - fractionalTime; if (scale != 1 || offset) fractionalTime = (fractionalTime - offset) * scale; if (!tf) tf = &m_animation->timingFunction(); if (tf->type() == LinearTimingFunction) return fractionalTime; // Cubic bezier. double result = solveCubicBezierFunction(tf->x1(), tf->y1(), tf->x2(), tf->y2(), fractionalTime, m_animation->duration()); return result; } void AnimationBase::getTimeToNextEvent(double& time, bool& isLooping) const { // Decide when the end or loop event needs to fire double totalDuration = -1; if (m_animation->iterationCount() > 0) totalDuration = m_animation->duration() * m_animation->iterationCount(); const double elapsedDuration = max(beginAnimationUpdateTime() - m_startTime, 0.0); double durationLeft = 0; double nextIterationTime = m_totalDuration; if (m_totalDuration < 0 || elapsedDuration < m_totalDuration) { durationLeft = m_animation->duration() - fmod(elapsedDuration, m_animation->duration()); nextIterationTime = elapsedDuration + durationLeft; } if (m_totalDuration < 0 || nextIterationTime < m_totalDuration) { // We are not at the end yet ASSERT(nextIterationTime > 0); isLooping = true; } else { // We are at the end isLooping = false; } time = durationLeft; } void AnimationBase::goIntoEndingOrLoopingState() { double t; bool isLooping; getTimeToNextEvent(t, isLooping); m_animState = isLooping ? AnimationStateLooping : AnimationStateEnding; } void AnimationBase::pauseAtTime(double t) { updatePlayState(false); m_pauseTime = m_startTime + t - m_animation->delay(); } double AnimationBase::beginAnimationUpdateTime() const { return m_compAnim->animationController()->beginAnimationUpdateTime(); } double AnimationBase::getElapsedTime() const { if (paused()) return m_pauseTime - m_startTime; if (m_startTime <= 0) return 0; if (postActive()) return 1; return beginAnimationUpdateTime() - m_startTime; } } // namespace WebCore