/* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Nikolas Zimmermann 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Rob Buis 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. This file is part of the KDE project This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #if ENABLE(SVG) #include "SVGLength.h" #include "CSSHelper.h" #include "FloatConversion.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "RenderObject.h" #include "RenderView.h" #include "SVGParserUtilities.h" #include "SVGSVGElement.h" #include #include namespace WebCore { // Helper functions static inline unsigned int storeUnit(SVGLengthMode mode, SVGLengthType type) { return (mode << 4) | type; } static inline SVGLengthMode extractMode(unsigned int unit) { unsigned int mode = unit >> 4; return static_cast(mode); } static inline SVGLengthType extractType(unsigned int unit) { unsigned int mode = unit >> 4; unsigned int type = unit ^ (mode << 4); return static_cast(type); } static inline String lengthTypeToString(SVGLengthType type) { switch (type) { case LengthTypeUnknown: case LengthTypeNumber: return ""; case LengthTypePercentage: return "%"; case LengthTypeEMS: return "em"; case LengthTypeEXS: return "ex"; case LengthTypePX: return "px"; case LengthTypeCM: return "cm"; case LengthTypeMM: return "mm"; case LengthTypeIN: return "in"; case LengthTypePT: return "pt"; case LengthTypePC: return "pc"; } return String(); } inline SVGLengthType stringToLengthType(const String& string) { if (string.endsWith("%")) return LengthTypePercentage; else if (string.endsWith("em")) return LengthTypeEMS; else if (string.endsWith("ex")) return LengthTypeEXS; else if (string.endsWith("px")) return LengthTypePX; else if (string.endsWith("cm")) return LengthTypeCM; else if (string.endsWith("mm")) return LengthTypeMM; else if (string.endsWith("in")) return LengthTypeIN; else if (string.endsWith("pt")) return LengthTypePT; else if (string.endsWith("pc")) return LengthTypePC; else if (!string.isEmpty()) return LengthTypeNumber; return LengthTypeUnknown; } SVGLength::SVGLength(SVGLengthMode mode, const String& valueAsString) : m_valueInSpecifiedUnits(0.0f) , m_unit(storeUnit(mode, LengthTypeNumber)) { setValueAsString(valueAsString); } SVGLengthType SVGLength::unitType() const { return extractType(m_unit); } float SVGLength::value(const SVGElement* context) const { SVGLengthType type = extractType(m_unit); if (type == LengthTypeUnknown) return 0.0f; switch (type) { case LengthTypeNumber: return m_valueInSpecifiedUnits; case LengthTypePercentage: return SVGLength::PercentageOfViewport(m_valueInSpecifiedUnits / 100.0f, context, extractMode(m_unit)); case LengthTypeEMS: case LengthTypeEXS: { RenderStyle* style = 0; if (context && context->renderer()) style = context->renderer()->style(); if (style) { float useSize = style->fontSize(); ASSERT(useSize > 0); if (type == LengthTypeEMS) return m_valueInSpecifiedUnits * useSize; else { float xHeight = style->font().xHeight(); // Use of ceil allows a pixel match to the W3Cs expected output of coords-units-03-b.svg // if this causes problems in real world cases maybe it would be best to remove this return m_valueInSpecifiedUnits * ceilf(xHeight); } } return 0.0f; } case LengthTypePX: return m_valueInSpecifiedUnits; case LengthTypeCM: return m_valueInSpecifiedUnits / 2.54f * cssPixelsPerInch; case LengthTypeMM: return m_valueInSpecifiedUnits / 25.4f * cssPixelsPerInch; case LengthTypeIN: return m_valueInSpecifiedUnits * cssPixelsPerInch; case LengthTypePT: return m_valueInSpecifiedUnits / 72.0f * cssPixelsPerInch; case LengthTypePC: return m_valueInSpecifiedUnits / 6.0f * cssPixelsPerInch; default: break; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0.0f; } void SVGLength::setValue(float value) { SVGLengthType type = extractType(m_unit); ASSERT(type != LengthTypeUnknown); switch (type) { case LengthTypeNumber: m_valueInSpecifiedUnits = value; break; case LengthTypePercentage: case LengthTypeEMS: case LengthTypeEXS: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); break; case LengthTypePX: m_valueInSpecifiedUnits = value; break; case LengthTypeCM: m_valueInSpecifiedUnits = value * 2.54f / cssPixelsPerInch; break; case LengthTypeMM: m_valueInSpecifiedUnits = value * 25.4f / cssPixelsPerInch; break; case LengthTypeIN: m_valueInSpecifiedUnits = value / cssPixelsPerInch; break; case LengthTypePT: m_valueInSpecifiedUnits = value * 72.0f / cssPixelsPerInch; break; case LengthTypePC: m_valueInSpecifiedUnits = value / 6.0f * cssPixelsPerInch; break; default: break; } } void SVGLength::setValueInSpecifiedUnits(float value) { m_valueInSpecifiedUnits = value; } float SVGLength::valueInSpecifiedUnits() const { return m_valueInSpecifiedUnits; } float SVGLength::valueAsPercentage() const { // 100% = 100.0 instead of 1.0 for historical reasons, this could eventually be changed if (extractType(m_unit) == LengthTypePercentage) return valueInSpecifiedUnits() / 100.0f; return valueInSpecifiedUnits(); } bool SVGLength::setValueAsString(const String& s) { if (s.isEmpty()) return false; float convertedNumber = 0.0f; const UChar* ptr = s.characters(); const UChar* end = ptr + s.length(); if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, convertedNumber, false)) return false; SVGLengthType type = stringToLengthType(s); if (ptr != end && type == LengthTypeNumber) return false; m_unit = storeUnit(extractMode(m_unit), type); m_valueInSpecifiedUnits = convertedNumber; return true; } String SVGLength::valueAsString() const { return String::number(m_valueInSpecifiedUnits) + lengthTypeToString(extractType(m_unit)); } void SVGLength::newValueSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short type, float value) { ASSERT(type <= LengthTypePC); m_unit = storeUnit(extractMode(m_unit), (SVGLengthType) type); m_valueInSpecifiedUnits = value; } void SVGLength::convertToSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short type, const SVGElement* context) { ASSERT(type <= LengthTypePC); float valueInUserUnits = value(context); m_unit = storeUnit(extractMode(m_unit), (SVGLengthType) type); setValue(valueInUserUnits); } float SVGLength::PercentageOfViewport(float value, const SVGElement* context, SVGLengthMode mode) { ASSERT(context); float width = 0.0f, height = 0.0f; SVGElement* viewportElement = context->viewportElement(); Document* doc = context->document(); if (doc->documentElement() == context) { // We have to ask the canvas for the full "canvas size"... RenderView* view = static_cast(doc->renderer()); if (view && view->frameView()) { width = view->frameView()->visibleWidth(); // TODO: recheck! height = view->frameView()->visibleHeight(); // TODO: recheck! } } else if (viewportElement && viewportElement->isSVG()) { const SVGSVGElement* svg = static_cast(viewportElement); if (svg->hasAttribute(SVGNames::viewBoxAttr)) { width = svg->viewBox().width(); height = svg->viewBox().height(); } else { width = svg->width().value(svg); height = svg->height().value(svg); } } else if (context->parent() && !context->parent()->isSVGElement()) { if (RenderObject* renderer = context->renderer()) { width = renderer->width(); height = renderer->height(); } } if (mode == LengthModeWidth) return value * width; else if (mode == LengthModeHeight) return value * height; else if (mode == LengthModeOther) return value * sqrtf(powf(width, 2) + powf(height, 2)) / sqrtf(2.0f); return 0.0f; } } #endif // ENABLE(SVG) // vim:ts=4:noet