/* Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "qgraphicswebview.h" #include "qwebframe.h" #include "qwebpage.h" #include "qwebpage_p.h" #include "QWebPageClient.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(Q_WS_X11) #include #endif class QGraphicsWebViewPrivate : public QWebPageClient { public: QGraphicsWebViewPrivate(QGraphicsWebView* parent) : q(parent) , page(0) , interactive(true) , progress(1.0) {} virtual void scroll(int dx, int dy, const QRect&); virtual void update(const QRect& dirtyRect); virtual void setInputMethodEnabled(bool enable); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600 virtual void setInputMethodHint(Qt::InputMethodHint hint, bool enable); #endif virtual QCursor cursor() const; virtual void updateCursor(const QCursor& cursor); virtual int screenNumber() const; virtual WId winId() const; void _q_doLoadProgress(int progress); void _q_doLoadFinished(bool success); void _q_setStatusBarMessage(const QString& message); QGraphicsWebView* q; QWebPage* page; QString statusBarMessage; bool interactive; qreal progress; }; void QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::_q_doLoadProgress(int progress) { if (qFuzzyCompare(this->progress, qreal(progress / 100.))) return; this->progress = progress / 100.; emit q->progressChanged(this->progress); } void QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::_q_doLoadFinished(bool success) { // If the page had no title, still make sure it gets the signal if (q->title().isEmpty()) emit q->urlChanged(q->url()); if (success) emit q->loadFinished(); else emit q->loadFailed(); } void QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::scroll(int dx, int dy, const QRect& rectToScroll) { q->scroll(qreal(dx), qreal(dy), QRectF(rectToScroll)); } void QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::update(const QRect & dirtyRect) { q->update(QRectF(dirtyRect)); } void QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::setInputMethodEnabled(bool enable) { q->setAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled, enable); } #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600 void QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::setInputMethodHint(Qt::InputMethodHint hint, bool enable) { if (enable) q->setInputMethodHints(q->inputMethodHints() | hint); else q->setInputMethodHints(q->inputMethodHints() & ~hint); } #endif QCursor QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::cursor() const { return q->cursor(); } void QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::updateCursor(const QCursor& cursor) { q->setCursor(cursor); } int QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::screenNumber() const { #if defined(Q_WS_X11) const QList views = q->scene()->views(); if (!views.isEmpty()) return views.at(0)->x11Info().screen(); #endif return 0; } WId QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::winId() const { const QList views = q->scene()->views(); if (!views.isEmpty()) return views.at(0)->winId(); return 0; } void QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::_q_setStatusBarMessage(const QString& s) { statusBarMessage = s; emit q->statusChanged(); } /*! \class QGraphicsWebView \brief The QGraphicsWebView class allows web content to be added to a GraphicsView. \since 4.6 A WebGraphicsItem renders web content based on a URL or set data. If the width and height of the item is not set, they will dynamically adjust to a size appropriate for the content. This width may be large (eg. 980) for typical online web pages. */ /*! Constructs an empty QGraphicsWebView with parent \a parent. \sa load() */ QGraphicsWebView::QGraphicsWebView(QGraphicsItem* parent) : QGraphicsWidget(parent) , d(new QGraphicsWebViewPrivate(this)) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600 setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption, true); #endif setAcceptHoverEvents(true); setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); } /*! Destroys the web graphicsitem. */ QGraphicsWebView::~QGraphicsWebView() { if (d->page) d->page->d->view = 0; if (d->page && d->page->parent() == this) delete d->page; delete d; } /*! Returns a pointer to the underlying web page. \sa setPage() */ QWebPage* QGraphicsWebView::page() const { if (!d->page) { QGraphicsWebView* that = const_cast(this); QWebPage* page = new QWebPage(that); // Default to not having a background, in the case // the page doesn't provide one. QPalette palette = QApplication::palette(); palette.setBrush(QPalette::Base, QColor::fromRgbF(0, 0, 0, 0)); page->setPalette(palette); that->setPage(page); } return d->page; } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget*) { page()->mainFrame()->render(painter, option->exposedRect.toRect()); } /*! \reimp */ bool QGraphicsWebView::sceneEvent(QEvent* event) { // Re-implemented in order to allows fixing event-related bugs in patch releases. return QGraphicsWidget::sceneEvent(event); } /*! \reimp */ bool QGraphicsWebView::event(QEvent* event) { // Re-implemented in order to allows fixing event-related bugs in patch releases. if (d->page) { #ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400 } else if (event->type() == QEvent::CursorChange) { // An unsetCursor will set the cursor to Qt::ArrowCursor. // Thus this cursor change might be a QWidget::unsetCursor() // If this is not the case and it came from WebCore, the // QWebPageClient already has set its cursor internally // to Qt::ArrowCursor, so updating the cursor is always // right, as it falls back to the last cursor set by // WebCore. // FIXME: Add a QEvent::CursorUnset or similar to Qt. if (cursor().shape() == Qt::ArrowCursor) d->resetCursor(); #endif #endif } return QGraphicsWidget::event(event); } /*! Makes \a page the new web page of the web graphicsitem. The parent QObject of the provided page remains the owner of the object. If the current document is a child of the web view, it will be deleted. \sa page() */ void QGraphicsWebView::setPage(QWebPage* page) { if (d->page == page) return; if (d->page) { d->page->d->client = 0; // unset the page client if (d->page->parent() == this) delete d->page; else d->page->disconnect(this); } d->page = page; if (!d->page) return; d->page->d->client = d; // set the page client QSize size = geometry().size().toSize(); page->setViewportSize(size); QWebFrame* mainFrame = d->page->mainFrame(); connect(mainFrame, SIGNAL(titleChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(titleChanged(const QString&))); connect(mainFrame, SIGNAL(iconChanged()), this, SIGNAL(iconChanged())); connect(mainFrame, SIGNAL(urlChanged(const QUrl&)), this, SIGNAL(urlChanged(const QUrl&))); connect(d->page, SIGNAL(loadStarted()), this, SIGNAL(loadStarted())); connect(d->page, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)), this, SLOT(_q_doLoadProgress(int))); connect(d->page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(_q_doLoadFinished(bool))); connect(d->page, SIGNAL(statusBarMessage(const QString&)), this, SLOT(_q_setStatusBarMessage(const QString&))); } /*! \property QGraphicsWebView::url \brief the url of the web page currently viewed Setting this property clears the view and loads the URL. By default, this property contains an empty, invalid URL. \sa load(), urlChanged() */ void QGraphicsWebView::setUrl(const QUrl &url) { page()->mainFrame()->setUrl(url); } QUrl QGraphicsWebView::url() const { if (d->page) return d->page->mainFrame()->url(); return QUrl(); } /*! \property QGraphicsWebView::title \brief the title of the web page currently viewed By default, this property contains an empty string. \sa titleChanged() */ QString QGraphicsWebView::title() const { if (d->page) return d->page->mainFrame()->title(); return QString(); } /*! \property QGraphicsWebView::icon \brief the icon associated with the web page currently viewed By default, this property contains a null icon. \sa iconChanged(), QWebSettings::iconForUrl() */ QIcon QGraphicsWebView::icon() const { if (d->page) return d->page->mainFrame()->icon(); return QIcon(); } /*! \property QGraphicsWebView::zoomFactor \since 4.5 \brief the zoom factor for the view */ void QGraphicsWebView::setZoomFactor(qreal factor) { if (factor == page()->mainFrame()->zoomFactor()) return; page()->mainFrame()->setZoomFactor(factor); emit zoomFactorChanged(); } qreal QGraphicsWebView::zoomFactor() const { return page()->mainFrame()->zoomFactor(); } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::updateGeometry() { QGraphicsWidget::updateGeometry(); if (!d->page) return; QSize size = geometry().size().toSize(); d->page->setViewportSize(size); } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::setGeometry(const QRectF& rect) { QGraphicsWidget::setGeometry(rect); if (!d->page) return; // NOTE: call geometry() as setGeometry ensures that // the geometry is within legal bounds (minimumSize, maximumSize) QSize size = geometry().size().toSize(); d->page->setViewportSize(size); } /*! \property QGraphicsWebView::status \brief the load status message. Provides the latest status message set during the load of a URL. Commonly shown by Status Bar widgets. \sa statusChanged() */ QString QGraphicsWebView::status() const { return d->statusBarMessage; } /*! Convenience slot that stops loading the document. \sa reload(), loadFinished() */ void QGraphicsWebView::stop() { if (d->page) d->page->triggerAction(QWebPage::Stop); } /*! Convenience slot that loads the previous document in the list of documents built by navigating links. Does nothing if there is no previous document. \sa forward() */ void QGraphicsWebView::back() { if (d->page) d->page->triggerAction(QWebPage::Back); } /*! Convenience slot that loads the next document in the list of documents built by navigating links. Does nothing if there is no next document. \sa back() */ void QGraphicsWebView::forward() { if (d->page) d->page->triggerAction(QWebPage::Forward); } /*! Reloads the current document. \sa stop(), loadStarted() */ void QGraphicsWebView::reload() { if (d->page) d->page->triggerAction(QWebPage::Reload); } /*! \property QGraphicsWebView::progress \brief the progress of loading the current URL, from 0 to 1. */ qreal QGraphicsWebView::progress() const { return d->progress; } /*! Loads the specified \a url and displays it. \note The view remains the same until enough data has arrived to display the new \a url. \sa setUrl(), url(), urlChanged() */ void QGraphicsWebView::load(const QUrl& url) { page()->mainFrame()->load(url); } /*! \fn void QGraphicsWebView::load(const QNetworkRequest &request, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation operation, const QByteArray &body) Loads a network request, \a request, using the method specified in \a operation. \a body is optional and is only used for POST operations. \note The view remains the same until enough data has arrived to display the new url. \sa url(), urlChanged() */ void QGraphicsWebView::load(const QNetworkRequest& request, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation operation, const QByteArray& body) { page()->mainFrame()->load(request, operation, body); } /*! \property QGraphicsWebView::html This property provides an HTML interface to the text in the webview. When setting this property, external objects such as stylesheets or images referenced in the HTML document are located relative to \a baseUrl. The \a html is loaded immediately; external objects are loaded asynchronously. When using these methods, WebKit assumes that external resources such as JavaScript programs or style sheets are encoded in UTF-8 unless otherwise specified. For example, the encoding of an external script can be specified through the charset attribute of the HTML script tag. Alternatively, the encoding can also be specified by the web server. \sa load(), setContent(), QWebFrame::toHtml() */ void QGraphicsWebView::setHtml(const QString& html, const QUrl& baseUrl) { page()->mainFrame()->setHtml(html, baseUrl); } QString QGraphicsWebView::toHtml() const { return page()->mainFrame()->toHtml(); } /*! Sets the content of the web graphicsitem to the specified content \a data. If the \a mimeType argument is empty it is currently assumed that the content is HTML but in future versions we may introduce auto-detection. External objects referenced in the content are located relative to \a baseUrl. The \a data is loaded immediately; external objects are loaded asynchronously. \sa load(), setHtml(), QWebFrame::toHtml() */ void QGraphicsWebView::setContent(const QByteArray& data, const QString& mimeType, const QUrl& baseUrl) { page()->mainFrame()->setContent(data, mimeType, baseUrl); } /*! Returns a pointer to the view's history of navigated web pages. It is equivalent to \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_qwebview_snippet.cpp 0 */ QWebHistory* QGraphicsWebView::history() const { return page()->history(); } /*! \property QGraphicsWebView::interactive \brief controls whether the item responds to mouse and key events. */ bool QGraphicsWebView::isInteractive() const { return d->interactive; } void QGraphicsWebView::setInteractive(bool allowed) { if (d->interactive == allowed) return; d->interactive = allowed; emit interactivityChanged(); } /*! Returns a pointer to the view/page specific settings object. It is equivalent to \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_qwebview_snippet.cpp 1 \sa QWebSettings::globalSettings() */ QWebSettings* QGraphicsWebView::settings() const { return page()->settings(); } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* ev) { if (d->interactive && d->page) { const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted(); QMouseEvent me = QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseMove, ev->pos().toPoint(), Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoModifier); d->page->setView(ev->widget()); d->page->event(&me); ev->setAccepted(accepted); } if (!ev->isAccepted()) QGraphicsItem::hoverMoveEvent(ev); } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* ev) { Q_UNUSED(ev); } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* ev) { if (d->interactive && d->page) { const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted(); d->page->event(ev); ev->setAccepted(accepted); } if (!ev->isAccepted()) QGraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent(ev); } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* ev) { if (d->interactive && d->page) { const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted(); d->page->event(ev); ev->setAccepted(accepted); } if (!ev->isAccepted()) QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent(ev); } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* ev) { if (d->interactive && d->page) { const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted(); d->page->event(ev); ev->setAccepted(accepted); } if (!ev->isAccepted()) QGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent(ev); } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* ev) { if (d->interactive && d->page) { const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted(); d->page->event(ev); ev->setAccepted(accepted); } if (!ev->isAccepted()) QGraphicsItem::mouseDoubleClickEvent(ev); } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* ev) { if (d->interactive && d->page) d->page->event(ev); if (!ev->isAccepted()) QGraphicsItem::keyPressEvent(ev); } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent* ev) { if (d->interactive && d->page) d->page->event(ev); if (!ev->isAccepted()) QGraphicsItem::keyReleaseEvent(ev); } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent* ev) { if (d->page) d->page->event(ev); else QGraphicsItem::focusInEvent(ev); } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent* ev) { if (d->page) d->page->event(ev); else QGraphicsItem::focusOutEvent(ev); } /*! \reimp */ bool QGraphicsWebView::focusNextPrevChild(bool next) { if (d->page) return d->page->focusNextPrevChild(next); return QGraphicsWidget::focusNextPrevChild(next); } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::dragEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent* ev) { #ifndef QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP //if (d->page) // d->page->event(ev); //Just remove this line below when the code above is working Q_UNUSED(ev); #else Q_UNUSED(ev); #endif } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::dragLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent* ev) { #ifndef QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP if (d->interactive && d->page) { const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted(); d->page->event(ev); ev->setAccepted(accepted); } if (!ev->isAccepted()) QGraphicsWidget::dragLeaveEvent(ev); #else Q_UNUSED(ev); #endif } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::dragMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent* ev) { #ifndef QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP if (d->interactive && d->page) { const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted(); d->page->event(ev); ev->setAccepted(accepted); } if (!ev->isAccepted()) QGraphicsWidget::dragMoveEvent(ev); #else Q_UNUSED(ev); #endif } /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::dropEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent* ev) { #ifndef QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP if (d->interactive && d->page) { const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted(); d->page->event(ev); ev->setAccepted(accepted); } if (!ev->isAccepted()) QGraphicsWidget::dropEvent(ev); #else Q_UNUSED(ev); #endif } #ifndef QT_NO_CONTEXTMENU /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent* ev) { if (d->page) { const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted(); d->page->event(ev); ev->setAccepted(accepted); } } #endif // QT_NO_CONTEXTMENU #ifndef QT_NO_WHEELEVENT /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::wheelEvent(QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent* ev) { if (d->interactive && d->page) { const bool accepted = ev->isAccepted(); d->page->event(ev); ev->setAccepted(accepted); } if (!ev->isAccepted()) QGraphicsItem::wheelEvent(ev); } #endif // QT_NO_WHEELEVENT /*! \reimp */ void QGraphicsWebView::inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent* ev) { if (d->interactive && d->page) d->page->event(ev); if (!ev->isAccepted()) QGraphicsItem::inputMethodEvent(ev); } #include "moc_qgraphicswebview.cpp"