#include #include #include QML_DECLARE_TYPE(QGraphicsEffect) QML_DEFINE_NOCREATE_TYPE(QGraphicsEffect) QML_DECLARE_TYPE(QGraphicsBlurEffect) QML_DEFINE_TYPE(Qt,4,6,(QT_VERSION&0x00ff00)>>8,Blur,QGraphicsBlurEffect) /*! \qmlclass Blur \brief The Blur object provides a blur effect. A blur effect blurs the source item. This effect is useful for reducing details, such as when the source loses focus and you want to draw attention to other elements. The level of detail can be modified using the blurRadius property. Use blurHint to choose the quality or performance blur hints. By default, the blur radius is 5 pixels. \img graphicseffect-blur.png */ /*! \qmlproperty real Blur::blurRadius blurRadius controls how blurry an item will appear. Using a smaller radius results in a sharper appearance, whereas a bigger radius results in a more blurred appearance. By default, the blur radius is 5 pixels. */ /*! \qmlproperty enumeration Blur::blurHint Use the Qt.PerformanceHint hint to say that you want a faster blur, and the Qt.QualityHint hint to say that you prefer a higher quality blur. When animating the blur radius it's recommended to use Qt.PerformanceHint. By default, the blur hint is Qt.PerformanceHint. */ QML_DECLARE_TYPE(QGraphicsGrayscaleEffect) QML_DEFINE_TYPE(Qt,4,6,(QT_VERSION&0x00ff00)>>8,Grayscale,QGraphicsGrayscaleEffect) /*! \qmlclass Grayscale \brief The Grayscale object provides a grayscale effect. A grayscale effect renders the source item in shades of gray. \img graphicseffect-grayscale.png */ /*! \qmlproperty real Grayscale::strength To what extent the source item is "grayed". A strength of 0.0 is equal to no effect, while 1.0 means full grayscale. By default, the strength is 1.0. */ QML_DECLARE_TYPE(QGraphicsColorizeEffect) QML_DEFINE_TYPE(Qt,4,6,(QT_VERSION&0x00ff00)>>8,Colorize,QGraphicsColorizeEffect) /*! \qmlclass Colorize \brief The Colorize object provides a colorize effect. A colorize effect renders the source item with a tint of its color. By default, the color is light blue. \img graphicseffect-colorize.png */ /*! \qmlproperty color Colorize::color The color of the effect. By default, the color is light blue. */ /*! \qmlproperty real Colorize::strength To what extent the source item is "colored". A strength of 0.0 is equal to no effect, while 1.0 means full colorization. By default, the strength is 1.0. */ QML_DECLARE_TYPE(QGraphicsPixelizeEffect) QML_DEFINE_TYPE(Qt,4,6,(QT_VERSION&0x00ff00)>>8,Pixelize,QGraphicsPixelizeEffect) /*! \qmlclass Pixelize \brief The Pixelize object provides a pixelize effect. A pixelize effect renders the source item in lower resolution. The resolution can be modified using the pixelSize property. By default, the pixel size is 3. \img graphicseffect-pixelize.png */ /*! \qmlproperty int Pixelize::pixelSize The size of a pixel in the effect. Setting the pixel size to 2 means two pixels in the source item will be used to represent one pixel in the output. Using a bigger size results in lower resolution. By default, the pixel size is 3. */ QML_DECLARE_TYPE(QGraphicsDropShadowEffect) QML_DEFINE_TYPE(Qt,4,6,(QT_VERSION&0x00ff00)>>8,DropShadow,QGraphicsDropShadowEffect) /*! \qmlclass DropShadow \brief The DropShadow object provides a drop shadow effect. A drop shadow effect renders the source item with a drop shadow. The color of the drop shadow can be modified using the color property. The drop shadow offset can be modified using the xOffset and yOffset properties and the blur radius of the drop shadow can be changed with the blurRadius property. By default, the drop shadow is a semi-transparent dark gray shadow, blurred with a radius of 1 at an offset of 8 pixels towards the lower right. \img graphicseffect-drop-shadow.png */ /*! \qmlproperty real DropShadow::xOffset \qmlproperty real DropShadow::yOffset The shadow offset in pixels. By default, xOffset and yOffset are 8 pixels. */ /*! \qmlproperty real DropShadow::blurRadius The blur radius in pixels of the drop shadow. Using a smaller radius results in a sharper shadow, whereas using a bigger radius results in a more blurred shadow. By default, the blur radius is 1 pixel. */ /*! \qmlproperty color DropShadow::color The color of the drop shadow. By default, the drop color is a semi-transparent dark gray. */ QML_DECLARE_TYPE(QGraphicsOpacityEffect) QML_DEFINE_TYPE(Qt,4,6,(QT_VERSION&0x00ff00)>>8,Opacity,QGraphicsOpacityEffect) /*! \qmlclass Opacity \brief The Opacity object provides an opacity effect. An opacity effect renders the source with an opacity. This effect is useful for making the source semi-transparent, similar to a fade-in/fade-out sequence. The opacity can be modified using the opacity property. By default, the opacity is 0.7. \img graphicseffect-opacity.png */ /*! \qmlproperty real Opacity::opacity This property specifies how opaque an item should appear. The value should be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is fully transparent and 1.0 is fully opaque. By default, the opacity is 0.7. */ QML_DECLARE_TYPE(QGraphicsBloomEffect) QML_DEFINE_TYPE(Qt,4,6,(QT_VERSION&0x00ff00)>>8,Bloom,QGraphicsBloomEffect) /*! \qmlclass Bloom \brief The Bloom object provides a bloom/glow effect. A bloom/glow effect adds fringes of light around bright areas in the source item. \img graphicseffect-bloom.png */ /*! \qmlproperty real Bloom::blurRadius The blur radius in pixels of the effect. Using a smaller radius results in a sharper appearance, whereas a bigger radius results in a more blurred appearance. By default, the blur radius is 5 pixels. */ /*! \qmlproperty enumeration Bloom::blurHint Use the Qt.PerformanceHint hint to say that you want a faster blur, and the Qt.QualityHint hint to say that you prefer a higher quality blur. When animating the blur radius it's recommended to use Qt.PerformanceHint. By default, the blur hint is Qt.PerformanceHint. */ /*! \qmlproperty int Bloom::brightness This property specifies how bright the glow should appear. The value should be in the range of 0 to 255, where 0 is dark and 255 is bright. By default, the brightness is 70. */ /*! \qmlproperty real Bloom::strength The strength of the glow. A strength of 0.0 is equal to no effect, while 1.0 means maximum glow. By default, the strength is 0.7. */