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** Contact: Qt Software Information (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the QtDeclarative module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
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** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
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#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
#include <QtCore/qstack.h>
#include <QXmlStreamReader>
#include <private/qmlcustomparser_p.h>
#include <private/qmlparser_p.h>
#include "qmlopenmetaobject.h"
#include <qmlcontext.h>
#include "qmllistmodel.h"
#include <QtScript/qscriptvalueiterator.h>

Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QListModelInterface *)


#define DATA_ROLE_ID 1
#define DATA_ROLE_NAME "data"

struct ListInstruction
    enum { Push, Pop, Value, Set } type;
    int dataIdx;

struct ListModelData
    int dataOffset;
    int instrCount;
    ListInstruction *instructions() const { return (ListInstruction *)((char *)this + sizeof(ListModelData)); }

static void dump(ModelNode *node, int ind);

    \qmlclass ListModel 
    \brief The ListModel element defines a free-form list data source.

    The ListModel is a simple hierarchy of elements containing data roles. The contents can
    be defined dynamically, or explicitly in QML:

    For example:

    ListModel {
        id: FruitModel
        ListElement {
            name: "Apple"
            cost: 2.45
        ListElement {
            name: "Orange"
            cost: 3.25
        ListElement {
            name: "Banana"
            cost: 1.95

    Roles (properties) must begin with a lower-case letter.  The above example defines a
    ListModel containing three elements, with the roles "name" and "cost".

    The defined model can be used in views such as ListView:
    Component {
        id: FruitDelegate
        Item {
            width: 200; height: 50
            Text { text: name }
            Text { text: '$'+cost; anchors.right: parent.right }

    ListView {
        model: FruitModel
        delegate: FruitDelegate
        anchors.fill: parent

    It is possible for roles to contain list data.  In the example below we create a list of fruit attributes:

    ListModel {
        id: FruitModel
        ListElement {
            name: "Apple"
            cost: 2.45
            attributes: [
                ListElement { description: "Core" },
                ListElement { description: "Deciduous" }
        ListElement {
            name: "Orange"
            cost: 3.25
            attributes: [
                ListElement { description: "Citrus" }
        ListElement {
            name: "Banana"
            cost: 1.95
            attributes: [
                ListElement { description: "Tropical" },
                ListElement { description: "Seedless" }

    The delegate below will list all the fruit attributes:
    Component {
        id: FruitDelegate
        Item {
            width: 200; height: 50
            Text { id: Name; text: name }
            Text { text: '$'+cost; anchors.right: parent.right }
            Row {
                anchors.top: Name.bottom
                spacing: 5
                Text { text: "Attributes:" }
                Repeater {
                    dataSource: attributes
                    Component { Text { text: description } }

    The content of a ListModel may be created and modified using the clear(),
    append(), and set() methods.  For example:

    Component {
        id: FruitDelegate
        Item {
            width: 200; height: 50
            Text { text: name }
            Text { text: '$'+cost; anchors.right: parent.right }

            // Double the price when clicked.
            MouseRegion {
                anchors.fill: parent
                onClicked: FruitModel.set(index, "cost", cost*2)

    When creating content dynamically, note that the set of available properties cannot be changed
    except by first clearing the model - whatever properties are first added are then the
    only permitted properties in the model.

class ModelObject : public QObject

    void setValue(const QByteArray &name, const QVariant &val)
        _mo->setValue(name, val);

    QmlOpenMetaObject *_mo;

struct ModelNode

    QList<QVariant> values;
    QHash<QString, ModelNode *> properties;

    QmlListModel *model() {
        if (!modelCache) { 
            modelCache = new QmlListModel;
            modelCache->_root = this; 
        return modelCache;

    ModelObject *object() {
        if (!objectCache) {
            objectCache = new ModelObject();
            QHash<QString, ModelNode *>::iterator it;
            for (it = properties.begin(); it != properties.end(); ++it) {
                if (!(*it)->values.isEmpty())
                    objectCache->setValue(it.key().toLatin1(), (*it)->values.first());
        return objectCache;

    void setListValue(const QScriptValue& valuelist) {
        QScriptValueIterator it(valuelist);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            ModelNode *value = new ModelNode;
            QScriptValue v = it.value();
            if (v.isArray()) {
            } else if (v.isObject()) {
            } else {
                value->values << v.toVariant();


    void setObjectValue(const QScriptValue& valuemap) {
        QScriptValueIterator it(valuemap);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            ModelNode *value = new ModelNode;
            QScriptValue v = it.value();
            if (v.isArray()) {
            } else if (v.isObject()) {
            } else {
                value->values << v.toVariant();

    void setProperty(const QString& prop, const QVariant& val) {
        QHash<QString, ModelNode *>::const_iterator it = properties.find(prop);
        if (it != properties.end()) {
            (*it)->values[0] = val;
        } else {
            ModelNode *n = new ModelNode;
            n->values << val;
        if (objectCache)
            objectCache->setValue(prop.toLatin1(), val);

    QmlListModel *modelCache;
    ModelObject *objectCache;

: _mo(new QmlOpenMetaObject(this))

QmlListModel::QmlListModel(QObject *parent)
: QListModelInterface(parent), _rolesOk(false), _root(0)

    delete _root;

void QmlListModel::checkRoles() const
    if (_rolesOk || !_root)

    for (int ii = 0; ii < _root->values.count(); ++ii) {
        ModelNode *node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(_root->values.at(ii));
        if (node) {
            foreach (const QString &role, node->properties.keys())

    _rolesOk = true;

void QmlListModel::addRole(const QString &role) const
    if (!roleStrings.contains(role))
        roleStrings << role;

QList<int> QmlListModel::roles() const
    QList<int> rv;
    for (int ii = 0; ii < roleStrings.count(); ++ii)
        rv << ii;
    return rv;

QString QmlListModel::toString(int role) const
    if (role < roleStrings.count())
        return roleStrings.at(role);
        return QString();

QVariant QmlListModel::valueForNode(ModelNode *node) const
    QObject *rv = 0;

    if (!node->properties.isEmpty()) {
        // Object
        rv = node->object();
    } else if (node->values.count() == 0) {
        // Invalid
        return QVariant();
    } else if (node->values.count() == 1) {
        // Value
        QVariant &var = node->values[0];
        ModelNode *valueNode = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(var);
        if (valueNode) {
            if (!valueNode->properties.isEmpty())
                rv = valueNode->object();
                rv = valueNode->model();
        } else {
            return var;
    } else if (node->values.count() > 1) {
        // List
        rv = node->model();

    if (rv)
        return QVariant::fromValue(rv);
        return QVariant();

QHash<int,QVariant> QmlListModel::data(int index, const QList<int> &roles) const
    QHash<int, QVariant> rv;
    if (index >= count())
        return rv;

    ModelNode *node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(_root->values.at(index));
    if (!node) 
        return rv;

    for (int ii = 0; ii < roles.count(); ++ii) {
        const QString &roleString = roleStrings.at(roles.at(ii));

        QHash<QString, ModelNode *>::ConstIterator iter = 
        if (iter != node->properties.end()) {
            ModelNode *row = *iter;
            rv.insert(roles.at(ii), valueForNode(row));

    return rv;

    \qmlproperty int ListModel::count
    The number of data entries in the model.
int QmlListModel::count() const
    if (!_root) return 0;
    return _root->values.count();

    \qmlmethod ListModel::clear()

    Deletes all content from the model. The properties are cleared such that
    different properties may be set on subsequent additions.

    \sa append() remove()
void QmlListModel::clear()
    int cleared = count();
    _rolesOk = false;
    delete _root;
    _root = 0;
    emit itemsRemoved(0,cleared);

    \qmlmethod ListModel::remove(int index)

    Deletes the content at \a index from the model.

    \sa clear()
void QmlListModel::remove(int index)
    if (_root) {
        ModelNode *node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(_root->values.at(index));
        if (node)
            delete node;
        emit itemsRemoved(index,1);

    \qmlmethod ListModel::insert(index,dict)

    Adds a new item to the list model at position \a index, with the
    values in \a dict.

        FruitModel.insert(2, {"cost": 5.95, "name":"Pizza"})

    The \a index must be to an existing item in the list, or one past
    the end of the list (equivalent to append).

    \sa set() append()
void QmlListModel::insert(int index, const QScriptValue& valuemap)
    if (!_root)
        _root = new ModelNode;
    if (index >= _root->values.count()) {
        if (index == _root->values.count())
    ModelNode *mn = new ModelNode;
    emit itemsInserted(index,1);

    \qmlmethod ListModel::move(from,to,n)

    Moves \a n items \a from one position \a to another.

    The from and to ranges must exist; for example, to move the first 3 items
    to the end of the list:


    \sa append()
void QmlListModel::move(int from, int to, int n)
    if (from+n > count() || to+n > count() || n==0 || from==to || from < 0 || to < 0)
    int origfrom=from; // preserve actual move, so any animations are correct
    int origto=to;
    int orign=n;
    if (from > to) {
        // Only move forwards - flip if backwards moving
        int tfrom = from;
        int tto = to;
        from = tto;
        to = tto+n;
        n = tfrom-tto;
    if (n==1) {
    } else {
        QList<QVariant> replaced;
        int i=0;
        QVariantList::const_iterator it=_root->values.begin(); it += from+n;
        for (; i<to-from; ++i,++it)
        it=_root->values.begin(); it += from;
        for (; i<n; ++i,++it)
        QVariantList::const_iterator f=replaced.begin();
        QVariantList::iterator t=_root->values.begin(); t += from;
        for (; f != replaced.end(); ++f, ++t)
            *t = *f;
    emit itemsMoved(origfrom,origto,orign);

    \qmlmethod ListModel::append(dict)

    Adds a new item to the end of the list model, with the
    values in \a dict.

        FruitModel.append({"cost": 5.95, "name":"Pizza"})

    \sa set() remove()
void QmlListModel::append(const QScriptValue& valuemap)
    if (!valuemap.isObject()) {
        qWarning("ListModel::append: value is not an object");
    if (!_root)
        _root = new ModelNode;
    ModelNode *mn = new ModelNode;
    _root->values << qVariantFromValue(mn);
    emit itemsInserted(count()-1,1);

    \qmlmethod ListModel::set(index,dict)

    Changes the item at \a index in the list model to the
    values in \a dict.

        FruitModel.set(3, {"cost": 5.95, "name":"Pizza"})

    The \a index must be an element in the list.

    \sa append()
void QmlListModel::set(int index, const QScriptValue& valuemap)
    if (!_root)
        _root = new ModelNode;
    if ( index >= _root->values.count()) {
        qWarning() << "ListModel::set index out of range:" << index;
    if (index == _root->values.count())
    else {
        ModelNode *node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(_root->values.at(index));
        QList<int> roles;
        QScriptValueIterator it(valuemap);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            int r = roleStrings.indexOf(it.name());
            if (r<0) {
                r = roleStrings.count();
                roleStrings << it.name();
        emit itemsChanged(index,1,roles);

    \qmlmethod ListModel::set(index,property,value)

    Changes the \a property of the item at \a index in the list model to \a value.

        FruitModel.set(3, "cost", 5.95)

    The \a index must be an element in the list.

    \sa append()
void QmlListModel::set(int index, const QString& property, const QVariant& value)
    if (!_root)
        _root = new ModelNode;
    if ( index >= _root->values.count()) {
        qWarning() << "ListModel::set index out of range:" << index;
    ModelNode *node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(_root->values.at(index));
    int r = roleStrings.indexOf(property);
    if (r<0) {
        r = roleStrings.count();
        roleStrings << property;
    QList<int> roles;

    if (node)
    emit itemsChanged(index,1,roles);

class QmlListModelParser : public QmlCustomParser
    QByteArray compile(const QList<QmlCustomParserProperty> &);
    bool compileProperty(const QmlCustomParserProperty &prop, QList<ListInstruction> &instr, QByteArray &data);
    void setCustomData(QObject *, const QByteArray &);

bool QmlListModelParser::compileProperty(const QmlCustomParserProperty &prop, QList<ListInstruction> &instr, QByteArray &data)
    QList<QVariant> values = prop.assignedValues();
    for(int ii = 0; ii < values.count(); ++ii) {
        const QVariant &value = values.at(ii);

        if(value.userType() == qMetaTypeId<QmlCustomParserNode>()) {
            QmlCustomParserNode node = 

            ListInstruction li;
            li.type = ListInstruction::Push;
            li.dataIdx = -1;
            instr << li;

            QList<QmlCustomParserProperty> props = node.properties();
            for(int jj = 0; jj < props.count(); ++jj) {
                const QmlCustomParserProperty &nodeProp = props.at(jj);
                if (nodeProp.name() == "") {
                    error(nodeProp, QLatin1String("Cannot use default property in ListModel"));
                    return false;
                if (nodeProp.name() == "id") {
                    error(nodeProp, QLatin1String("Cannot use reserved \"id\" property in ListModel"));
                    return false;

                ListInstruction li;
                int ref = data.count();
                li.type = ListInstruction::Set;
                li.dataIdx = ref;
                instr << li;

                if(!compileProperty(nodeProp, instr, data))
                    return false;

                li.type = ListInstruction::Pop;
                li.dataIdx = -1;
                instr << li;

            ListInstruction li;
            li.type = ListInstruction::Pop;
            li.dataIdx = -1;
            instr << li;

        } else {

            QmlParser::Variant variant = 

            int ref = data.count();
            QByteArray d = variant.asScript().toLatin1();

            ListInstruction li;
            li.type = ListInstruction::Value;
            li.dataIdx = ref;
            instr << li;


    return true;

QByteArray QmlListModelParser::compile(const QList<QmlCustomParserProperty> &customProps)
    QList<ListInstruction> instr;
    QByteArray data;

    for(int ii = 0; ii < customProps.count(); ++ii) {
        const QmlCustomParserProperty &prop = customProps.at(ii);
        if(prop.name() != "") { // isn't default property
            error(prop, QLatin1String("Cannot use default property"));
            return QByteArray();

        if(!compileProperty(prop, instr, data)) {
            return QByteArray();

    int size = sizeof(ListModelData) + 
               instr.count() * sizeof(ListInstruction) + 

    QByteArray rv;

    ListModelData *lmd = (ListModelData *)rv.data();
    lmd->dataOffset = sizeof(ListModelData) + 
                     instr.count() * sizeof(ListInstruction);
    lmd->instrCount = instr.count();
    for (int ii = 0; ii < instr.count(); ++ii)
        lmd->instructions()[ii] = instr.at(ii);
    ::memcpy(rv.data() + lmd->dataOffset, data.constData(), data.count());

    return rv;

void QmlListModelParser::setCustomData(QObject *obj, const QByteArray &d)
    QmlListModel *rv = static_cast<QmlListModel *>(obj);

    ModelNode *root = new ModelNode;
    rv->_root = root;
    QStack<ModelNode *> nodes;
    nodes << root;

    const ListModelData *lmd = (const ListModelData *)d.constData();
    const char *data = ((const char *)lmd) + lmd->dataOffset;

    for (int ii = 0; ii < lmd->instrCount; ++ii) {
        const ListInstruction &instr = lmd->instructions()[ii];

        switch(instr.type) {
        case ListInstruction::Push:
                ModelNode *n = nodes.top();
                ModelNode *n2 = new ModelNode;
                n->values << qVariantFromValue(n2);

        case ListInstruction::Pop:

        case ListInstruction::Value:
                ModelNode *n = nodes.top();
                n->values.append(QByteArray(data + instr.dataIdx));

        case ListInstruction::Set:
                ModelNode *n = nodes.top();
                ModelNode *n2 = new ModelNode;
                n->properties.insert(QLatin1String(data + instr.dataIdx), n2);

QML_DEFINE_CUSTOM_TYPE(Qt, 4,6, (QT_VERSION&0x00ff00)>>8, ListModel, QmlListModel, QmlListModelParser)

// ### FIXME
class QmlListElement : public QObject

static void dump(ModelNode *node, int ind)
    QByteArray indentBa(ind * 4, ' ');
    const char *indent = indentBa.constData();

    for (int ii = 0; ii < node->values.count(); ++ii) {
        ModelNode *subNode = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(node->values.at(ii));
        if (subNode) {
            qWarning().nospace() << indent << "Sub-node " << ii;
            dump(subNode, ind + 1);
        } else {
            qWarning().nospace() << indent << "Sub-node " << ii << ": " << node->values.at(ii).toString();

    for (QHash<QString, ModelNode *>::ConstIterator iter = node->properties.begin(); iter != node->properties.end(); ++iter) {
        qWarning().nospace() << indent << "Property " << iter.key() << ":";
        dump(iter.value(), ind + 1);

: modelCache(0), objectCache(0)

    for (int ii = 0; ii < values.count(); ++ii) {
        ModelNode *node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(values.at(ii));
        if (node) { delete node; node = 0; }
    if (modelCache) { modelCache->_root = 0/* ==this */; delete modelCache; modelCache = 0; }
    if (objectCache) { delete objectCache; }



#include "qmllistmodel.moc"