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#include "private/qobject_p.h"
#include "qmlopenmetaobject.h"
#include "qmlpropertychanges.h"
#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
#include <QtDeclarative/qmlinfo.h>
#include <private/qmlcustomparser_p.h>
#include <private/qmlparser_p.h>
#include <QtDeclarative/qmlexpression.h>
#include <QtDeclarative/qmlbinding.h>
#include <QtDeclarative/qmlcontext.h>


    \qmlclass PropertyChanges QmlPropertyChanges
    \brief The PropertyChanges element describes new property values for a state.

    PropertyChanges changes the properties of an item. It allows you to specify the property
    names and values similar to how you normally would specify them for the actual item:

    PropertyChanges {
        target: myRect
        x: 52
        y: 300
        width: 48

    \class QmlPropertyChanges
    \brief The QmlPropertyChanges class describes new property values for a state.

    \qmlproperty Object PropertyChanges::target
    This property holds the object that the properties to change belong to

class QmlPropertyChangesPrivate : public QObjectPrivate
    QmlPropertyChangesPrivate() : object(0), decoded(true), restore(true),
                                isExplicit(false) {}

    QObject *object;
    QByteArray data;
    bool decoded;
    void decode();

    bool restore;
    bool isExplicit;

    QList<QPair<QByteArray, QVariant> > properties;
    QList<QPair<QByteArray, QmlExpression *> > expressions;

    QmlMetaProperty property(const QByteArray &);

class QmlPropertyChangesParser : public QmlCustomParser
    void compileList(QList<QPair<QByteArray, QVariant> > &list, const QByteArray &pre, const QmlCustomParserProperty &prop);

    virtual QByteArray compile(const QList<QmlCustomParserProperty> &);
    virtual void setCustomData(QObject *, const QByteArray &);

QmlPropertyChangesParser::compileList(QList<QPair<QByteArray, QVariant> > &list,
                                     const QByteArray &pre,
                                     const QmlCustomParserProperty &prop)
    QByteArray propName = pre + prop.name();

    QList<QVariant> values = prop.assignedValues();
    for (int ii = 0; ii < values.count(); ++ii) {
        const QVariant &value = values.at(ii);

        if (value.userType() == qMetaTypeId<QmlCustomParserNode>()) {
        } else if(value.userType() == qMetaTypeId<QmlCustomParserProperty>()) {

            QmlCustomParserProperty prop =
            QByteArray pre = propName + ".";
            compileList(list, pre, prop);

        } else {
            list << qMakePair(propName, value);

QmlPropertyChangesParser::compile(const QList<QmlCustomParserProperty> &props)
    QList<QPair<QByteArray, QVariant> > data;
    for(int ii = 0; ii < props.count(); ++ii)
        compileList(data, QByteArray(), props.at(ii));

    QByteArray rv;
    QDataStream ds(&rv, QIODevice::WriteOnly);

    ds << data.count();
    for(int ii = 0; ii < data.count(); ++ii) {
        QmlParser::Variant v = qvariant_cast<QmlParser::Variant>(data.at(ii).second);
        QVariant var;
        bool isScript = v.isScript();
        switch(v.type()) {
        case QmlParser::Variant::Boolean:
            var = QVariant(v.asBoolean());
        case QmlParser::Variant::Number:
            var = QVariant(v.asNumber());
        case QmlParser::Variant::String:
            var = QVariant(v.asString());
        case QmlParser::Variant::Invalid:
        case QmlParser::Variant::Script:
            var = QVariant(v.asScript());

        ds << data.at(ii).first << isScript << var;

    return rv;

void QmlPropertyChangesPrivate::decode()
    if (decoded)

    QDataStream ds(&data, QIODevice::ReadOnly);

    int count;
    ds >> count;
    for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ++ii) {
        QByteArray name;
        bool isScript;
        QVariant data;
        ds >> name;
        ds >> isScript;
        ds >> data;

        if (isScript) {
            QmlMetaProperty prop = property(name);      //### can we avoid or reuse?
            if (prop.type() != QmlMetaProperty::SignalProperty) {  //binding
                QmlExpression *expression = new QmlExpression(qmlContext(q), data.toString(), object);
                expressions << qMakePair(name, expression);
            } else {
                properties << qMakePair(name, data);    //same as non-script
        } else {
            properties << qMakePair(name, data);

    decoded = true;

void QmlPropertyChangesParser::setCustomData(QObject *object,
                                            const QByteArray &data)
    QmlPropertyChangesPrivate *p =
        static_cast<QmlPropertyChangesPrivate *>(QObjectPrivate::get(object));
    p->data = data;
    p->decoded = false;

: QmlStateOperation(*(new QmlPropertyChangesPrivate))

    for(int ii = 0; ii < d->expressions.count(); ++ii)
        delete d->expressions.at(ii).second;

QObject *QmlPropertyChanges::object() const
    Q_D(const QmlPropertyChanges);
    return d->object;

void QmlPropertyChanges::setObject(QObject *o)
    d->object = o;

bool QmlPropertyChanges::restoreEntryValues() const
    Q_D(const QmlPropertyChanges);
    return d->restore;

void QmlPropertyChanges::setRestoreEntryValues(bool v)
    d->restore = v;

QmlPropertyChangesPrivate::property(const QByteArray &property)
    QmlMetaProperty prop = QmlMetaProperty::createProperty(object, QString::fromLatin1(property));
    if (!prop.isValid()) {
        qmlInfo(q) << "Cannot assign to non-existant property" << property;
        return QmlMetaProperty();
    } else if (!prop.isWritable()) {
        qmlInfo(q) << "Cannot assign to read-only property" << property;
        return QmlMetaProperty();
    return prop;

QmlPropertyChanges::ActionList QmlPropertyChanges::actions()


    ActionList list;

    for (int ii = 0; ii < d->properties.count(); ++ii) {

        QByteArray property = d->properties.at(ii).first;

        Action a(d->object, QString::fromLatin1(property),

        if (a.property.isValid()) {
            a.restore = restoreEntryValues();

            if (a.property.propertyType() == QVariant::Url &&
                (a.toValue.type() == QVariant::String || a.toValue.type() == QVariant::ByteArray) && !a.toValue.isNull())

            list << a;

    for (int ii = 0; ii < d->expressions.count(); ++ii) {

        QByteArray property = d->expressions.at(ii).first;
        QmlMetaProperty prop = d->property(property);

        if (prop.isValid()) {
            Action a;
            a.restore = restoreEntryValues();
            a.property = prop;
            a.fromValue = a.property.read();
            a.specifiedObject = d->object;
            a.specifiedProperty = QString::fromLatin1(property);

            if (d->isExplicit) {
                a.toValue = d->expressions.at(ii).second->value();
            } else {
                QmlBinding *newBinding = new QmlBinding(d->expressions.at(ii).second->expression(), object(), qmlContext(this));
                a.toBinding = newBinding;
                a.deletableToBinding = true;

            list << a;

    return list;

bool QmlPropertyChanges::isExplicit() const
    Q_D(const QmlPropertyChanges);
    return d->isExplicit;

void QmlPropertyChanges::setIsExplicit(bool e)
    d->isExplicit = e;

QML_DEFINE_CUSTOM_TYPE(Qt, 4,6, (QT_VERSION&0x00ff00)>>8, PropertyChanges, QmlPropertyChanges, QmlPropertyChangesParser)