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#include "qmouseqnx_qws.h"

#include "qplatformdefs.h"
#include "qsocketnotifier.h"
#include "private/qcore_unix_p.h"

#include <sys/dcmd_input.h>
#include <errno.h>


    \class QQnxMouseHandler
    \ingroup qws
    \since 4.6

    \brief The QQnxMouseHandler class implements a mouse driver
    for the QNX \c{devi-hid} input manager.

    To be able to compile this mouse handler, \l{Qt for Embedded Linux}
    must be configured with the \c -qt-mouse-qnx option, see the
    \l{Qt for Embedded Linux Pointer Handling}{Pointer Handling} documentation for details.

    In order to use this mouse handler, the \c{devi-hid} input manager
    must be set up and run with the resource manager interface (option \c{-r}).
    Also, Photon must not be running.

    Example invocation from command line: \c{/usr/photon/bin/devi-hid -Pr kbd mouse}
    Note that after running \c{devi-hid}, you will not be able to use the local
    shell anymore. It is suggested to run the command in a shell scrip, that launches
    a Qt application after invocation of \c{devi-hid}.

    To make \l{Qt for Embedded Linux} explicitly choose the qnx mouse
    handler, set the QWS_MOUSE_PROTO environment variable to \c{qnx}. By default,
    the first mouse device (\c{/dev/devi/mouse0}) is used. To override, pass a device
    name as the first and only parameter, for example
    \c{QWS_MOUSE_PROTO=qnx:/dev/devi/mouse1; export QWS_MOUSE_PROTO}.

    \sa {Qt for Embedded Linux Pointer Handling}{Pointer Handling}, {Qt for Embedded Linux}

    Constructs a mouse handler for the specified \a device, defaulting to \c{/dev/devi/mouse0}.
    The \a driver parameter must be \c{"qnx"}.

    Note that you should never instanciate this class, instead let QMouseDriverFactory
    handle the mouse handlers.

    \sa QMouseDriverFactory
QQnxMouseHandler::QQnxMouseHandler(const QString & driver, const QString &device)
    : QObject(), QWSMouseHandler(driver, device), mouseButtons(Qt::NoButton)
    // open the mouse device with O_NONBLOCK so reading won't block when there's no data
    mouseFD = QT_OPEN(device.isEmpty() ? "/dev/devi/mouse0" : device.toLatin1().constData(),
                      QT_OPEN_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
    if (mouseFD == -1) {
        qErrnoWarning(errno, "QQnxMouseHandler: Unable to open mouse device");
    } else {
        struct _pointer_info data;
        if (devctl(mouseFD, _POINTERGETINFO, &data, sizeof(data), NULL) == EOK)
            absolutePositioning = (data.flags & _POINTER_FLAG_ABSOLUTE);
            absolutePositioning = !device.isEmpty() && device.contains(QLatin1String("touch"));

        // register a socket notifier on the file descriptor so we'll wake up whenever
        // there's a mouse move waiting for us.
        mouseNotifier = new QSocketNotifier(mouseFD, QSocketNotifier::Read, this);
        connect(mouseNotifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(socketActivated()));

        qDebug("QQnxMouseHandler: connected.");

    Destroys this mouse handler and closes the connection to the mouse device.
    if (mouseFD != -1)

/*! \reimp */
void QQnxMouseHandler::resume()
    if (mouseNotifier)

/*! \reimp */
void QQnxMouseHandler::suspend()
    if (mouseNotifier)

/*! \internal

  This function is called whenever there is activity on the mouse device.
  By default, it reads up to 10 mouse move packets and calls mouseChanged()
  for each of them.
void QQnxMouseHandler::socketActivated()
    QPoint queuedPos = mousePos;

    // _mouse_packet is a QNX structure. devi-hid is nice enough to translate
    // the raw byte data from mouse devices into generic format for us.
    struct _mouse_packet buffer[32];
    int n = 0;

    forever {
        int bytesRead = QT_READ(mouseFD, reinterpret_cast<char *>(buffer) + n, sizeof(buffer) - n);
        if (bytesRead == -1) {
            // EAGAIN means that there are no more mouse events to read
            if (errno != EAGAIN)
                qErrnoWarning(errno, "QQnxMouseHandler: Could not read from input device");

        n += bytesRead;
        if (n % sizeof(buffer[0]) == 0)
    n /= sizeof(buffer[0]);

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        const struct _mouse_packet &packet = buffer[i];

        // translate the coordinates from the QNX data structure to the Qt coordinates
        if (absolutePositioning) {
            queuedPos = QPoint(packet.dx, packet.dy);
        } else {
            // note the swapped y axis
            queuedPos += QPoint(packet.dx, -packet.dy);

            // QNX only tells us relative mouse movements, not absolute ones, so
            // limit the cursor position manually to the screen

        // translate the QNX mouse button bitmask to Qt buttons
        int buttons = Qt::NoButton;
        if (packet.hdr.buttons & _POINTER_BUTTON_LEFT)
            buttons |= Qt::LeftButton;
        if (packet.hdr.buttons & _POINTER_BUTTON_MIDDLE)
            buttons |= Qt::MidButton;
        if (packet.hdr.buttons & _POINTER_BUTTON_RIGHT)
            buttons |= Qt::RightButton;

        if (buttons != mouseButtons) {
            // send the MouseEvent to avoid missing any clicks
            mouseChanged(queuedPos, buttons, 0);
            // mousePos updated by the mouseChanged()
            queuedPos = mousePos;
            mouseButtons = buttons;

    if (queuedPos != mousePos)
        mouseChanged(queuedPos, mouseButtons, 0);