** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
** No Commercial Usage
** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
** Beta Release License Agreement.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
** package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** contact the sales department at http://www.qtsoftware.com/contact.

#import <private/qcocoaview_mac_p.h>

#include <private/qwidget_p.h>
#include <private/qt_mac_p.h>
#include <private/qapplication_p.h>
#include <private/qabstractscrollarea_p.h>
#include <private/qt_cocoa_helpers_mac_p.h>
#include <private/qdnd_p.h>
#include <private/qmacinputcontext_p.h>

#include <qscrollarea.h>
#include <qhash.h>
#include <qtextformat.h>
#include <qpaintengine.h>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QAccessible>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QFile>

#include <qdebug.h>


Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(DnDParams, qMacDnDParams);

extern void qt_mac_update_cursor_at_global_pos(const QPoint &globalPos); // qcursor_mac.mm
extern bool qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(QObject *, QEvent *); // qapplication.cpp
extern OSViewRef qt_mac_nativeview_for(const QWidget *w); // qwidget_mac.mm
extern const QStringList& qEnabledDraggedTypes(); // qmime_mac.cpp
extern QPointer<QWidget> qt_mouseover; //qapplication_mac.mm

Qt::MouseButton cocoaButton2QtButton(NSInteger buttonNum)
    if (buttonNum == 0)
        return Qt::LeftButton;
    if (buttonNum == 1)
        return Qt::RightButton;
    if (buttonNum == 2)
        return Qt::MidButton;
    if (buttonNum == 3)
        return Qt::XButton1;
    if (buttonNum == 4)
        return Qt::XButton2;
    return Qt::NoButton;

struct dndenum_mapper
    NSDragOperation mac_code;
    Qt::DropAction qt_code;
    bool Qt2Mac;

static dndenum_mapper dnd_enums[] = {
    { NSDragOperationLink,  Qt::LinkAction, true },
    { NSDragOperationMove,  Qt::MoveAction, true },
    { NSDragOperationCopy,  Qt::CopyAction, true },
    { NSDragOperationGeneric,  Qt::CopyAction, false },
    { NSDragOperationEvery, Qt::ActionMask, false },
    { NSDragOperationNone, Qt::IgnoreAction, false } 

static NSDragOperation qt_mac_mapDropAction(Qt::DropAction action)
    for (int i=0; dnd_enums[i].qt_code; i++) {
        if (dnd_enums[i].Qt2Mac && (action & dnd_enums[i].qt_code)) {
            return dnd_enums[i].mac_code;
    return NSDragOperationNone;

static NSDragOperation qt_mac_mapDropActions(Qt::DropActions actions)
    NSDragOperation nsActions = NSDragOperationNone;
    for (int i=0; dnd_enums[i].qt_code; i++) {
        if (dnd_enums[i].Qt2Mac && (actions & dnd_enums[i].qt_code))
            nsActions |= dnd_enums[i].mac_code;
    return nsActions;

static Qt::DropAction qt_mac_mapNSDragOperation(NSDragOperation nsActions)
    Qt::DropAction action = Qt::IgnoreAction;
    for (int i=0; dnd_enums[i].mac_code; i++) {
        if (nsActions & dnd_enums[i].mac_code)
            return dnd_enums[i].qt_code;
    return action;

static Qt::DropActions qt_mac_mapNSDragOperations(NSDragOperation nsActions)
    Qt::DropActions actions = Qt::IgnoreAction;
    for (int i=0; dnd_enums[i].mac_code; i++) {
        if (nsActions & dnd_enums[i].mac_code)
            actions |= dnd_enums[i].qt_code;
    return actions;

static QColor colorFrom(NSColor *color)
    QColor qtColor;
    NSString *colorSpace = [color colorSpaceName];
    if (colorSpace == NSDeviceCMYKColorSpace) {
        CGFloat cyan, magenta, yellow, black, alpha;
        [color getCyan:&cyan magenta:&magenta yellow:&yellow black:&black alpha:&alpha];
        qtColor.setCmykF(cyan, magenta, yellow, black, alpha);
    } else {
        NSColor *tmpColor;
        tmpColor = [color colorUsingColorSpaceName:NSDeviceRGBColorSpace];
        CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha;
        [tmpColor getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha];
        qtColor.setRgbF(red, green, blue, alpha);
    return qtColor;


extern "C" {
    extern NSString *NSTextInputReplacementRangeAttributeName;

@implementation QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(QCocoaView)

- (id)initWithQWidget:(QWidget *)widget widgetPrivate:(QWidgetPrivate *)widgetprivate
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        [self finishInitWithQWidget:widget widgetPrivate:widgetprivate];
    composing = false;
    sendKeyEvents = true;
    currentCustomTypes = 0;
    [self setHidden:YES];
    return self;

- (void) finishInitWithQWidget:(QWidget *)widget widgetPrivate:(QWidgetPrivate *)widgetprivate
    qwidget = widget;
    qwidgetprivate = widgetprivate;
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self

    QMacCocoaAutoReleasePool pool;
    // Calling registerForDraggedTypes is slow, so only do it once for each widget
    // or when the custom types change.
    const QStringList& customTypes = qEnabledDraggedTypes();
    if (currentCustomTypes == 0 || *currentCustomTypes != customTypes) {
        if (currentCustomTypes == 0)
            currentCustomTypes = new QStringList();
        *currentCustomTypes = customTypes;
        const NSString* mimeTypeGeneric = @"com.trolltech.qt.MimeTypeName";
	NSMutableArray *supportedTypes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:NSColorPboardType, 
                                   NSFilenamesPboardType, NSStringPboardType, 
                                   NSFilenamesPboardType, NSPostScriptPboardType, NSTIFFPboardType, 
                                   NSRTFPboardType, NSTabularTextPboardType, NSFontPboardType, 
                                   NSRulerPboardType, NSFileContentsPboardType, NSColorPboardType, 
                                   NSRTFDPboardType, NSHTMLPboardType, NSPICTPboardType, 
                                   NSURLPboardType, NSPDFPboardType, NSVCardPboardType,
                                   NSFilesPromisePboardType, NSInkTextPboardType, 
                                   NSMultipleTextSelectionPboardType, mimeTypeGeneric, nil];
        // Add custom types supported by the application.
        for (int i = 0; i < customTypes.size(); i++) {
           [supportedTypes addObject:reinterpret_cast<const NSString *>(QCFString::toCFStringRef(customTypes[i]))];
        [self registerForDraggedTypes:supportedTypes];

- (void)resetCursorRects
    QWidget *cursorWidget = qwidget;

    if (cursorWidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents))
        cursorWidget = QApplication::widgetAt(qwidget->mapToGlobal(qwidget->rect().center()));

    if (cursorWidget == 0)

    if (!cursorWidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_SetCursor)) {
        [super resetCursorRects];

    QRegion mask = qt_widget_private(cursorWidget)->extra->mask;
    NSCursor *nscursor = static_cast<NSCursor *>(qt_mac_nsCursorForQCursor(cursorWidget->cursor()));
    if (mask.isEmpty()) {
        [self addCursorRect:[qt_mac_nativeview_for(cursorWidget) visibleRect] cursor:nscursor];
    } else {
        const QVector<QRect> &rects = mask.rects();
        for (int i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) {
            const QRect &rect = rects.at(i);
            [self addCursorRect:NSMakeRect(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()) cursor:nscursor];

- (void)removeDropData
    if (dropData) {
        delete dropData;
        dropData = 0;
- (void)addDropData:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender 
    [self removeDropData];
    CFStringRef dropPasteboard = (CFStringRef) [[sender draggingPasteboard] name]; 
    dropData = new QCocoaDropData(dropPasteboard);

- (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender 
    if (qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DropSiteRegistered) == false)
        return NSDragOperationNone;
    [self addDropData:sender];
    QMimeData *mimeData = dropData;
    if (QDragManager::self()->source())
        mimeData = QDragManager::self()->dragPrivate()->data;
    NSPoint windowPoint = [sender draggingLocation];
    NSPoint globalPoint = [[sender draggingDestinationWindow] convertBaseToScreen:windowPoint];
    NSPoint localPoint = [self convertPoint:windowPoint fromView:nil];
    QPoint posDrag(localPoint.x, localPoint.y);
    NSDragOperation nsActions = [sender draggingSourceOperationMask]; 
    Qt::DropActions qtAllowed = qt_mac_mapNSDragOperations(nsActions);
    QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qt_mac_dnd_answer_rec.lastOperation) = nsActions;
    Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers  = Qt::NoModifier;
    if ([sender draggingSource] != nil) {
        // modifier flags might have changed, update it here since we don't send any input events.
        QApplicationPrivate::modifier_buttons = qt_cocoaModifiers2QtModifiers([[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags]);
        modifiers = QApplication::keyboardModifiers();
    } else {
        // when the source is from another application the above technique will not work.
        modifiers = qt_cocoaDragOperation2QtModifiers(nsActions);
    // send the drag enter event to the widget.
    QDragEnterEvent qDEEvent(posDrag, qtAllowed, mimeData, QApplication::mouseButtons(), modifiers);
    QApplication::sendEvent(qwidget, &qDEEvent);
    if (!qDEEvent.isAccepted()) {
        // widget is not interested in this drag, so ignore this drop data.
        [self removeDropData];
        return NSDragOperationNone;
    } else {
        // send a drag move event immediately after a drag enter event (as per documentation).
        QDragMoveEvent qDMEvent(posDrag, qtAllowed, mimeData, QApplication::mouseButtons(), modifiers);
        qDMEvent.accept(); // accept by default, since enter event was accepted.
        QApplication::sendEvent(qwidget, &qDMEvent);
        if (!qDMEvent.isAccepted() || qDMEvent.dropAction() == Qt::IgnoreAction) {
            // since we accepted the drag enter event, the widget expects 
            // future drage move events.  
            // ### check if we need to treat this like the drag enter event.
            nsActions = QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qt_mac_mapDropAction)(qDEEvent.dropAction());
        } else {
            nsActions = QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qt_mac_mapDropAction)(qDMEvent.dropAction());
        return nsActions;

- (NSDragOperation)draggingUpdated:(id < NSDraggingInfo >)sender
    // drag enter event was rejected, so ignore the move event. 
    if (dropData == 0)
        return NSDragOperationNone;
    // return last value, if we are still in the answerRect.
    NSPoint windowPoint = [sender draggingLocation];
    NSPoint globalPoint = [[sender draggingDestinationWindow] convertBaseToScreen:windowPoint];
    NSPoint localPoint = [self convertPoint:windowPoint fromView:nil];
    NSDragOperation nsActions = [sender draggingSourceOperationMask];
    QPoint posDrag(localPoint.x, localPoint.y);
    if (qt_mac_mouse_inside_answer_rect(posDrag)
        && QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qt_mac_dnd_answer_rec.lastOperation) == nsActions)
        return QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qt_mac_mapDropActions)(QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qt_mac_dnd_answer_rec.lastAction));
    // send drag move event to the widget    
    QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qt_mac_dnd_answer_rec.lastOperation) = nsActions;
    Qt::DropActions qtAllowed = QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qt_mac_mapNSDragOperations)(nsActions);
    Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers  = Qt::NoModifier;
    if ([sender draggingSource] != nil) {
        // modifier flags might have changed, update it here since we don't send any input events.
        QApplicationPrivate::modifier_buttons = qt_cocoaModifiers2QtModifiers([[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags]);
        modifiers = QApplication::keyboardModifiers();
    } else {
        // when the source is from another application the above technique will not work.
        modifiers = qt_cocoaDragOperation2QtModifiers(nsActions);
    QMimeData *mimeData = dropData;
    if (QDragManager::self()->source())
        mimeData = QDragManager::self()->dragPrivate()->data;
    QDragMoveEvent qDMEvent(posDrag, qtAllowed, mimeData, QApplication::mouseButtons(), modifiers);
    QApplication::sendEvent(qwidget, &qDMEvent);

    NSDragOperation operation = qt_mac_mapDropAction(qDMEvent.dropAction());
    if (!qDMEvent.isAccepted() || qDMEvent.dropAction() == Qt::IgnoreAction) {
        // ignore this event (we will still receive further notifications)
        operation = NSDragOperationNone;
    return operation;

- (void)draggingExited:(id < NSDraggingInfo >)sender
    // drag enter event was rejected, so ignore the move event. 
    if (dropData) {
        QDragLeaveEvent de;
        QApplication::sendEvent(qwidget, &de);
        [self removeDropData];


- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
    [self addDropData:sender];

    NSPoint windowPoint = [sender draggingLocation];
    NSPoint globalPoint = [[sender draggingDestinationWindow] convertBaseToScreen:windowPoint];
    NSPoint localPoint = [self convertPoint:windowPoint fromView:nil];
    QPoint posDrop(localPoint.x, localPoint.y);

    NSDragOperation nsActions = [sender draggingSourceOperationMask]; 
    Qt::DropActions qtAllowed = qt_mac_mapNSDragOperations(nsActions);
    QMimeData *mimeData = dropData;
    if (QDragManager::self()->source())
        mimeData = QDragManager::self()->dragPrivate()->data;
    // send the drop event to the widget.
    QDropEvent de(posDrop, qtAllowed, mimeData,
                  QApplication::mouseButtons(), QApplication::keyboardModifiers());
    if (QDragManager::self()->object)
        QDragManager::self()->dragPrivate()->target = qwidget;
    QApplication::sendEvent(qwidget, &de);
    if (QDragManager::self()->object)
        QDragManager::self()->dragPrivate()->executed_action = de.dropAction();
    if (!de.isAccepted())
        return NO;
        return YES;

- (void)dealloc
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
    delete currentCustomTypes;
    [self unregisterDraggedTypes];
    [super dealloc];

- (BOOL)isOpaque;
    return qwidgetprivate->isOpaque;

- (BOOL)isFlipped;
    return YES;

- (BOOL) preservesContentDuringLiveResize;
    return qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_StaticContents);

- (void) setFrameSize:(NSSize)newSize
    [super setFrameSize:newSize];

    // A change in size has required the view to be invalidated.
    if ([self inLiveResize]) {
        NSRect rects[4];
        NSInteger count;
        [self getRectsExposedDuringLiveResize:rects count:&count];
        while (count-- > 0)
            [self setNeedsDisplayInRect:rects[count]];
    } else {
        [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)aRect
    CGContextRef cg = (CGContextRef)[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];
    qwidgetprivate->hd = cg;

    if (qwidget->isVisible() && qwidget->updatesEnabled()) { //process the actual paint event.
        if (qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_InPaintEvent))
            qWarning("QWidget::repaint: Recursive repaint detected");

        const QRect qrect = QRect(aRect.origin.x, aRect.origin.y, aRect.size.width, aRect.size.height);
        QRegion qrgn(qrect);

        if (!qwidget->isWindow() && !qobject_cast<QAbstractScrollArea *>(qwidget->parent())) {
            const QRegion &parentMask = qwidget->window()->mask();
            if (!parentMask.isEmpty()) {
                const QPoint mappedPoint = qwidget->mapTo(qwidget->window(), qrect.topLeft());
                qrgn &= parentMask;
                qrgn.translate(-mappedPoint.x(), -mappedPoint.y());

        QPoint redirectionOffset(0, 0);
        //setup the context
        QPaintEngine *engine = qwidget->paintEngine();
        if (engine)
        if (qwidgetprivate->extra && qwidgetprivate->extra->hasMask) {
            CGRect widgetRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, qwidget->width(), qwidget->height());
            CGContextTranslateCTM (cg, 0, widgetRect.size.height);
            CGContextScaleCTM(cg, 1, -1);
            if (qwidget->isWindow())
                CGContextClearRect(cg, widgetRect);
            CGContextClipToMask(cg, widgetRect, qwidgetprivate->extra->imageMask);
            CGContextScaleCTM(cg, 1, -1);
            CGContextTranslateCTM (cg, 0, -widgetRect.size.height);

        if (qwidget->isWindow() && !qwidgetprivate->isOpaque
                && !qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_MacBrushedMetal)) {
            CGContextClearRect(cg, NSRectToCGRect(aRect));

        if (engine && !qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground)
            && (qwidget->isWindow() || qwidget->autoFillBackground())
                || qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_TintedBackground)
                || qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_StyledBackground)) {
                qDebug(" Handling erase for [%s::%s]", qwidget->metaObject()->className(),
            QPainter p(qwidget);
            QAbstractScrollArea *scrollArea = qobject_cast<QAbstractScrollArea *>(qwidget->parent());
            QPoint scrollAreaOffset;
            if (scrollArea && scrollArea->viewport() == qwidget) {
                QAbstractScrollAreaPrivate *priv
                        = static_cast<QAbstractScrollAreaPrivate *>(qt_widget_private(scrollArea));
                scrollAreaOffset = priv->contentsOffset();
            qwidgetprivate->paintBackground(&p, qrgn, scrollAreaOffset,
                                            qwidget->isWindow() ? QWidgetPrivate::DrawAsRoot : 0);
        QPaintEvent e(qrgn);
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
        qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(qwidget, &e);
        if (!redirectionOffset.isNull())
        if(engine && engine->type() == QPaintEngine::Raster)
        if (engine)
        qwidget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_InPaintEvent, false);
        if(!qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent) && qwidget->paintingActive())
            qWarning("QWidget: It is dangerous to leave painters active on a"
                     " widget outside of the PaintEvent");
    qwidgetprivate->hd = 0;

- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    return !qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_MacNoClickThrough);

- (void)updateTrackingAreas
    QMacCocoaAutoReleasePool pool;
    if (NSArray *trackingArray = [self trackingAreas]) {
        NSUInteger size = [trackingArray count];
        for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            NSTrackingArea *t = [trackingArray objectAtIndex:i];
            [self removeTrackingArea:t];
    NSUInteger trackingOptions = NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited | NSTrackingActiveInActiveApp
                                 | NSTrackingInVisibleRect;
    if (qwidget->hasMouseTracking() || !qwidgetprivate->toolTip.isEmpty()
        || qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_Hover))
        trackingOptions |= NSTrackingMouseMoved;
    NSTrackingArea *ta = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0,
    [self addTrackingArea:ta];
    [ta release];

- (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)event
    QEvent enterEvent(QEvent::Enter);
    NSPoint windowPoint = [event locationInWindow];
    NSPoint globalPoint = [[event window] convertBaseToScreen:windowPoint];
    NSPoint viewPoint = [self convertPoint:windowPoint fromView:nil];
    if (!qAppInstance()->activeModalWidget() || QApplicationPrivate::tryModalHelper(qwidget, 0)) {
        QApplication::sendEvent(qwidget, &enterEvent);
        qt_mouseover = qwidget;

        // Update cursor and dispatch hover events.
        if (qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_Hover) &&
            (!qAppInstance()->activePopupWidget() || qAppInstance()->activePopupWidget() == qwidget->window())) {
            QHoverEvent he(QEvent::HoverEnter, QPoint(viewPoint.x, viewPoint.y), QPoint(-1, -1));
            QApplicationPrivate::instance()->notify_helper(qwidget, &he);

- (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent *)event
    QEvent leaveEvent(QEvent::Leave);
    NSPoint globalPoint = [[event window] convertBaseToScreen:[event locationInWindow]];
    if (!qAppInstance()->activeModalWidget() || QApplicationPrivate::tryModalHelper(qwidget, 0)) {
        QApplication::sendEvent(qwidget, &leaveEvent);
        // ### Think about if it is necessary to update the cursor, should only be for a few cases.
        if (qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_Hover)
            && (!qAppInstance()->activePopupWidget() || qAppInstance()->activePopupWidget() == qwidget->window())) {
            QHoverEvent he(QEvent::HoverLeave, QPoint(-1, -1),
            QApplicationPrivate::instance()->notify_helper(qwidget, &he);

- (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    QWidget *widgetToGetKey = qwidget;

    QWidget *popup = qAppInstance()->activePopupWidget();
    if (popup && popup != qwidget->window())
        widgetToGetKey = popup->focusWidget() ? popup->focusWidget() : popup;
    qt_dispatchModifiersChanged(theEvent, widgetToGetKey);
    [super flagsChanged:theEvent];

- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    qt_mac_handleMouseEvent(self, theEvent, QEvent::MouseMove, Qt::NoButton);

- (NSView *)viewUnderTransparentForMouseView:(NSView *)mouseView widget:(QWidget *)widgetToGetMouse
    NSMutableArray *viewsToLookAt = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:5];
    [viewsToLookAt addObject:mouseView];
    QWidget *parentWidget = widgetToGetMouse->parentWidget();
    while (parentWidget) {
        [viewsToLookAt addObject:qt_mac_nativeview_for(parentWidget)];
        parentWidget = parentWidget->parentWidget();

    // Now walk through the subviews of each view and determine which subview should
    // get the event. We look through all the subviews at a given level with
    // the assumption that the last item to be found the candidate has a higher z-order.
    // Unfortunately, fast enumeration doesn't go backwards in 10.5, so assume go fast
    // forward is quicker than the slow normal way backwards.
    NSView *candidateView = nil;
    for (NSView *lookView in viewsToLookAt) {
        NSPoint tmpPoint = [lookView convertPoint:windowPoint fromView:nil];
        for (NSView *view in [lookView subviews]) {
            if (view == mouseView || [view isHidden])
            NSRect frameRect = [view frame];
            if (NSMouseInRect(tmpPoint, [view frame], [view isFlipped]))
                candidateView = view;
        if (candidateView)
    if (candidateView != nil) {
        // Now that we've got a candidate, we have to dig into it's tree and see where it is.
        NSView *lowerView = nil;
        NSView *viewForDescent = candidateView;
        while (viewForDescent) {
            NSPoint tmpPoint = [viewForDescent convertPoint:windowPoint fromView:nil];                
            // Apply same rule as above wrt z-order.
            for (NSView *view in [viewForDescent subviews]) {
                if (![view isHidden] && NSMouseInRect(tmpPoint, [view frame], [view isFlipped]))
                    lowerView = view;
            if (!lowerView) // Low as we can be at this point.
                candidateView = viewForDescent;

            // Try to go deeper, will also exit out of the loop, if we found the point.
            viewForDescent = lowerView;
            lowerView = nil;
    // I am transparent, so I can't be a candidate.
    if (candidateView == mouseView)
        candidateView = nil;
    return candidateView;

- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    qt_mac_handleMouseEvent(self, theEvent, QEvent::MouseButtonPress, Qt::LeftButton);
    // Don't call super here. This prevents us from getting the mouseUp event,
    // which we need to send even if the mouseDown event was not accepted. 
    // (this is standard Qt behavior.)

- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    bool mouseOK = qt_mac_handleMouseEvent(self, theEvent, QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, Qt::LeftButton);

    if (!mouseOK)
        [super mouseUp:theEvent];

- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    bool mouseOK = qt_mac_handleMouseEvent(self, theEvent, QEvent::MouseButtonPress, Qt::RightButton);

    if (!mouseOK)
        [super rightMouseDown:theEvent];

- (void)rightMouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    bool mouseOK = qt_mac_handleMouseEvent(self, theEvent, QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, Qt::RightButton);

    if (!mouseOK)
        [super rightMouseUp:theEvent];

- (void)otherMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    Qt::MouseButton mouseButton = cocoaButton2QtButton([theEvent buttonNumber]);
    bool mouseOK = qt_mac_handleMouseEvent(self, theEvent, QEvent::MouseButtonPress, mouseButton);

    if (!mouseOK)
        [super otherMouseDown:theEvent];

- (void)otherMouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    Qt::MouseButton mouseButton = cocoaButton2QtButton([theEvent buttonNumber]);
    bool mouseOK = qt_mac_handleMouseEvent(self, theEvent,  QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, mouseButton);

    if (!mouseOK)
        [super otherMouseUp:theEvent];


- (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    qMacDnDParams()->view = self;
    qMacDnDParams()->theEvent = theEvent;
    bool mouseOK = qt_mac_handleMouseEvent(self, theEvent, QEvent::MouseMove, Qt::LeftButton);

    if (!mouseOK)
        [super mouseDragged:theEvent];

- (void)rightMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    qMacDnDParams()->view = self;
    qMacDnDParams()->theEvent = theEvent;
    bool mouseOK = qt_mac_handleMouseEvent(self, theEvent, QEvent::MouseMove, Qt::RightButton);

    if (!mouseOK)
        [super rightMouseDragged:theEvent];

- (void)otherMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    qMacDnDParams()->view = self;
    qMacDnDParams()->theEvent = theEvent;
    Qt::MouseButton mouseButton = cocoaButton2QtButton([theEvent buttonNumber]);
    bool mouseOK = qt_mac_handleMouseEvent(self, theEvent, QEvent::MouseMove, mouseButton);

    if (!mouseOK)
        [super otherMouseDragged:theEvent];

- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    // Give the Input Manager a chance to process the wheel event.
    NSInputManager *currentIManager = [NSInputManager currentInputManager];
    if (currentIManager && [currentIManager wantsToHandleMouseEvents]) {
        [currentIManager handleMouseEvent:theEvent];

    NSPoint windowPoint = [theEvent locationInWindow];
    NSPoint globalPoint = [[theEvent window] convertBaseToScreen:windowPoint];
    NSPoint localPoint = [self convertPoint:windowPoint fromView:nil];
    QPoint qlocal = QPoint(localPoint.x, localPoint.y);
    QPoint qglobal = QPoint(globalPoint.x, globalPoint.y);
    Qt::MouseButton buttons = cocoaButton2QtButton([theEvent buttonNumber]);
    bool wheelOK = false;
    Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyMods = qt_cocoaModifiers2QtModifiers([theEvent modifierFlags]);

    QWidget *widgetToGetMouse = qwidget;
    if (widgetToGetMouse->testAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents)) {
        // Simulate passing the event through since Cocoa doesn't do that for us.
        // Start by building a tree up.
        NSView *candidateView = [self viewUnderTransparentForMouseView:self
        if (candidateView != nil) {
            widgetToGetMouse = QWidget::find(WId(candidateView));

    // Mouse wheel deltas seem to tick in at increments of 0.1. Qt widgets
    // expect the delta to be a multiple of 120.
    const int ScrollFactor = 10 * 120;
    //                                              The qMax(...) factor reduces the
    //                                              acceleration for large wheel deltas.
    int deltaX = [theEvent deltaX] * ScrollFactor * qMax(0.6, 1.1 - qAbs([theEvent deltaX]));
    int deltaY = [theEvent deltaY] * ScrollFactor * qMax(0.6, 1.1 - qAbs([theEvent deltaY]));
    int deltaZ = [theEvent deltaZ] * ScrollFactor * qMax(0.6, 1.1 - qAbs([theEvent deltaZ]));

    if (deltaX != 0) {
        QWheelEvent qwe(qlocal, qglobal, deltaX, buttons, keyMods, Qt::Horizontal);
        qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(widgetToGetMouse, &qwe);
        wheelOK = qwe.isAccepted();
        if (!wheelOK && QApplicationPrivate::focus_widget
            && QApplicationPrivate::focus_widget != widgetToGetMouse) {
            QWheelEvent qwe2(QApplicationPrivate::focus_widget->mapFromGlobal(qglobal), qglobal,
                             deltaX, buttons, keyMods, Qt::Horizontal);
            qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(QApplicationPrivate::focus_widget, &qwe2);
            wheelOK = qwe2.isAccepted();

    if (deltaY) {
        QWheelEvent qwe(qlocal, qglobal, deltaY, buttons, keyMods, Qt::Vertical);
        qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(widgetToGetMouse, &qwe);
        wheelOK = qwe.isAccepted();
        if (!wheelOK && QApplicationPrivate::focus_widget
            && QApplicationPrivate::focus_widget != widgetToGetMouse) {
            QWheelEvent qwe2(QApplicationPrivate::focus_widget->mapFromGlobal(qglobal), qglobal,
                             deltaY, buttons, keyMods, Qt::Vertical);
            qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(QApplicationPrivate::focus_widget, &qwe2);
            wheelOK = qwe2.isAccepted();

    if (deltaZ) {
        // Qt doesn't explicitly support wheels with a Z component. In a misguided attempt to
        // try to be ahead of the pack, I'm adding this extra value.
        QWheelEvent qwe(qlocal, qglobal, deltaZ, buttons, keyMods, (Qt::Orientation)3);
        qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(widgetToGetMouse, &qwe);
        wheelOK = qwe.isAccepted();
        if (!wheelOK && QApplicationPrivate::focus_widget
            && QApplicationPrivate::focus_widget != widgetToGetMouse) {
            QWheelEvent qwe2(QApplicationPrivate::focus_widget->mapFromGlobal(qglobal), qglobal,
                             deltaZ, buttons, keyMods, (Qt::Orientation)3);
            qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(QApplicationPrivate::focus_widget, &qwe2);
            wheelOK = qwe2.isAccepted();
    if (!wheelOK) {
        return [super scrollWheel:theEvent];

- (void)tabletProximity:(NSEvent *)tabletEvent

- (void)tabletPoint:(NSEvent *)tabletEvent
    if (!qt_mac_handleTabletEvent(self, tabletEvent))
        [super tabletPoint:tabletEvent];

- (void)frameDidChange:(NSNotification *)note
    if (qwidget->isWindow())
    NSRect newFrame = [self frame];
    QRect newGeo(newFrame.origin.x, newFrame.origin.y, newFrame.size.width, newFrame.size.height);
    bool moved = qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_Moved);
    bool resized = qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_Resized);
    qwidget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_Moved, moved);
    qwidget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_Resized, resized);

- (BOOL)isEnabled
    if (!qwidget)
        return [super isEnabled];
    return [super isEnabled] && qwidget->isEnabled();

- (void)setEnabled:(BOOL)flag
    QMacCocoaAutoReleasePool pool;
    [super setEnabled:flag];
    if (qwidget->isEnabled() != flag)

+ (Class)cellClass
    return [NSActionCell class];

- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder
    if (qwidget->isWindow())
        return YES;  // Always do it, so that windows can accept key press events.
    return qwidget->focusPolicy() != Qt::NoFocus;

- (NSDragOperation)draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:(BOOL)isLocal
    return supportedActions;

- (void)setSupportedActions:(NSDragOperation)actions
    supportedActions = actions;

- (void)draggedImage:(NSImage *)anImage endedAt:(NSPoint)aPoint operation:(NSDragOperation)operation
    qMacDnDParams()->performedAction = operation;
    if (QDragManager::self()->object
        && QDragManager::self()->dragPrivate()->executed_action != Qt::ActionMask) {
        qMacDnDParams()->performedAction =

- (QWidget *)qt_qwidget
    return qwidget;

- (BOOL)qt_leftButtonIsRightButton
    return leftButtonIsRightButton;

- (void)qt_setLeftButtonIsRightButton:(BOOL)isSwapped
    leftButtonIsRightButton = isSwapped;

+ (DnDParams*)currentMouseEvent
    return qMacDnDParams();

- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    sendKeyEvents = true;

    QWidget *widgetToGetKey = qwidget;

    QWidget *popup = qAppInstance()->activePopupWidget();
    bool sendToPopup = false;
    if (popup && popup != qwidget->window()) {
        widgetToGetKey = popup->focusWidget() ? popup->focusWidget() : popup;
        sendToPopup = true;

    if (widgetToGetKey->testAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled)) {
        [qt_mac_nativeview_for(widgetToGetKey) interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject: theEvent]];
    if (sendKeyEvents && !composing) {
        bool keyOK = qt_dispatchKeyEvent(theEvent, widgetToGetKey);
        if (!keyOK && !sendToPopup)
            [super keyDown:theEvent];

- (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    if (sendKeyEvents) {
        bool keyOK = qt_dispatchKeyEvent(theEvent, qwidget);
        if (!keyOK)
            [super keyUp:theEvent];

- (void)viewWillMoveToWindow:(NSWindow *)window
    if (qwidget->windowFlags() & Qt::MSWindowsOwnDC
          && (window != [self window])) { // OpenGL Widget
        // Create a stupid ClearDrawable Event
        QEvent event(QEvent::MacGLClearDrawable);
        qApp->sendEvent(qwidget, &event);

- (void)viewDidMoveToWindow
    if (qwidget->windowFlags() & Qt::MSWindowsOwnDC && [self window]) {
        // call update paint event
        qwidgetprivate->needWindowChange = true;
        QEvent event(QEvent::MacGLWindowChange);
        qApp->sendEvent(qwidget, &event);

// NSTextInput Protocol implementation

- (void) insertText:(id)aString
    if (composing) {
        // Send the commit string to the widget.
        QString commitText;
        if ([aString isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]]) {
           commitText = QCFString::toQString(reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>([aString string]));
        } else {
            commitText = QCFString::toQString(reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>(aString));
        composing = false;
        sendKeyEvents = false;
        QInputMethodEvent e;
        qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(qwidget, &e);

- (void) setMarkedText:(id)aString selectedRange:(NSRange)selRange
    // Generate the QInputMethodEvent with preedit string and the attributes
    // for rendering it. The attributes handled here are 'underline',
    // 'underline color' and 'cursor position'.
    sendKeyEvents = false;
    composing = true;
    QString qtText;
    // Cursor position is retrived from the range.
    QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attrs;
    attrs<<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(QInputMethodEvent::Cursor, selRange.location, 1, QVariant());
    if ([aString isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]]) {
        qtText = QCFString::toQString(reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>([aString string]));
        composingLength = qtText.length();
        int index = 0;
        // Create attributes for individual sections of preedit text
        while (index < composingLength) {
            NSRange effectiveRange;
            NSRange range = NSMakeRange(index, composingLength-index);
            NSDictionary *attributes = [aString attributesAtIndex:index 
            NSNumber *underlineStyle = [attributes objectForKey:NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName];
            if (underlineStyle) {
                QColor clr (Qt::black);
                NSColor *color = [attributes objectForKey:NSUnderlineColorAttributeName];
                if (color) {
                    clr = colorFrom(color);
                QTextCharFormat format;
            index = effectiveRange.location + effectiveRange.length;
    } else {
        // No attributes specified, take only the preedit text.
        qtText = QCFString::toQString(reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>(aString));
        composingLength = qtText.length();
    // Make sure that we have at least one text format.
    if (attrs.size() <= 1) {
        QTextCharFormat format;
                                            0, composingLength, format);
    QInputMethodEvent e(qtText, attrs);
    qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(qwidget, &e);

- (void) unmarkText
    composing = false;

- (BOOL) hasMarkedText
    return (composing ? YES: NO);

- (void) doCommandBySelector:(SEL)aSelector

- (BOOL)isComposing
    return composing;

- (NSInteger) conversationIdentifier
    // Return a unique identifier fot this ime conversation
    return (NSInteger)self;

- (NSAttributedString *) attributedSubstringFromRange:(NSRange)theRange
    QString selectedText(qwidget->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection).toString());
    if (!selectedText.isEmpty()) {
        QCFString string(selectedText.mid(theRange.location, theRange.length));
        const NSString *tmpString = reinterpret_cast<const NSString *>((CFStringRef)string);
        return [[[NSAttributedString alloc]  initWithString:tmpString] autorelease];
    } else {
        return nil;

- (NSRange) markedRange
    NSRange range; 
    if (composing) {
        range.location = 0;
        range.length = composingLength;
    } else {
        range.location = NSNotFound;
        range.length = 0;
    return range;

- (NSRange) selectedRange
    NSRange selRange;
    QString selectedText(qwidget->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection).toString());
    if (!selectedText.isEmpty()) {
        // Consider only the selected text.
        selRange.location = 0;
        selRange.length = selectedText.length();
    } else {
        // No selected text.
        selRange.location = NSNotFound;
        selRange.length = 0;
    return selRange;

- (NSRect) firstRectForCharacterRange:(NSRange)theRange
    // The returned rect is always based on the internal cursor. 
    QRect mr(qwidget->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImMicroFocus).toRect());
    QPoint mp(qwidget->mapToGlobal(QPoint(mr.bottomLeft())));
    NSRect rect ;
    rect.origin.x = mp.x();
    rect.origin.y = flipYCoordinate(mp.y());
    rect.size.width = mr.width();
    rect.size.height = mr.height();
    return rect;

- (NSUInteger)characterIndexForPoint:(NSPoint)thePoint
    // We dont support cursor movements using mouse while composing.
    return NSNotFound;

- (NSArray*) validAttributesForMarkedText
    if (!qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled))
        return nil;  // Not sure if that's correct, but it's saves a malloc.

    // Support only underline color/style.
    return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSUnderlineColorAttributeName,
                                     NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName, nil];

void QMacInputContext::reset()
    QWidget *w = QInputContext::focusWidget();
    if (w) {
        NSView *view = qt_mac_nativeview_for(w);
        if ([view isKindOfClass:[QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(QCocoaView) class]]) {
            QMacCocoaAutoReleasePool pool;
            QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(QCocoaView) *qc = static_cast<QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(QCocoaView) *>(view);
            NSInputManager *currentIManager = [NSInputManager currentInputManager];
            if (currentIManager) {
                [currentIManager markedTextAbandoned:view];
                [qc unmarkText];

bool QMacInputContext::isComposing() const
    QWidget *w = QInputContext::focusWidget();
    if (w) {
        NSView *view = qt_mac_nativeview_for(w);
        if ([view isKindOfClass:[QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(QCocoaView) class]]) {
            return [static_cast<QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(QCocoaView) *>(view) isComposing];
    return false;

extern bool qt_mac_in_drag;
void * /*NSImage */qt_mac_create_nsimage(const QPixmap &pm);
static const int default_pm_hotx = -2;
static const int default_pm_hoty = -16;
static const char* default_pm[] = {
    "13 9 3 1",
    ".      c None",
    "       c #000000",
    "X      c #FFFFFF",
    "X X X X X X X",
    " X X X X X X ",
    "X ......... X",
    " X.........X ",
    "X ......... X",
    " X.........X ",
    "X ......... X",
    " X X X X X X ",
    "X X X X X X X",

Qt::DropAction QDragManager::drag(QDrag *o)
    if(qt_mac_in_drag) {     //just make sure..
        qWarning("Qt: Internal error: WH0A, unexpected condition reached");
        return Qt::IgnoreAction;
    if(object == o)
        return Qt::IgnoreAction;
    /* At the moment it seems clear that Mac OS X does not want to drag with a non-left button
     so we just bail early to prevent it */
    if(!(GetCurrentEventButtonState() & kEventMouseButtonPrimary))
        return Qt::IgnoreAction;

    if(object) {
        beingCancelled = false;

    object = o;
    dragPrivate()->target = 0;

    QAccessible::updateAccessibility(this, 0, QAccessible::DragDropStart);

    // setup the data
    QMacPasteboard dragBoard((CFStringRef) NSDragPboard, QMacPasteboardMime::MIME_DND);
    dragPrivate()->data->setData(QLatin1String("application/x-qt-mime-type-name"), QByteArray());

    // create the image
    QPoint hotspot;
    QPixmap pix = dragPrivate()->pixmap;
    if(pix.isNull()) {
        if(dragPrivate()->data->hasText() || dragPrivate()->data->hasUrls()) {
            // get the string
            QString s = dragPrivate()->data->hasText() ? dragPrivate()->data->text()
            : dragPrivate()->data->urls().first().toString();
            if(s.length() > 26)
                s = s.left(23) + QChar(0x2026);
            if(!s.isEmpty()) {
                // draw it
                QFont f(qApp->font());
                QFontMetrics fm(f);
                QPixmap tmp(fm.width(s), fm.height());
                if(!tmp.isNull()) {
                    QPainter p(&tmp);
                    p.fillRect(0, 0, tmp.width(), tmp.height(), Qt::color0);
                    p.drawText(0, fm.ascent(), s);
                    // save it
                    pix = tmp;
                    hotspot = QPoint(tmp.width() / 2, tmp.height() / 2);
        } else {
            pix = QPixmap(default_pm);
            hotspot = QPoint(default_pm_hotx, default_pm_hoty);
    } else {
        hotspot = dragPrivate()->hotspot;
    // convert the image to NSImage.
    NSImage *image = (NSImage *)qt_mac_create_nsimage(pix);
    [image retain];
    DnDParams *dndParams = [QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(QCocoaView) currentMouseEvent];
    // save supported actions 
    [dndParams->view setSupportedActions: qt_mac_mapDropActions(dragPrivate()->possible_actions)];
    NSPoint imageLoc = {dndParams->localPoint.x - hotspot.x(),
                        dndParams->localPoint.y + pix.height() - hotspot.y()};
    NSSize mouseOffset = {0.0, 0.0};
    NSPasteboard *pboard = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName:NSDragPboard];
    NSPoint windowPoint = [dndParams->theEvent locationInWindow];
    dragPrivate()->executed_action = Qt::ActionMask;
    // do the drag
    [dndParams->view retain];
    [dndParams->view dragImage:image
    [dndParams->view release];
    [image release];
    dragPrivate()->executed_action = Qt::IgnoreAction;
    object = 0;
    Qt::DropAction performedAction(qt_mac_mapNSDragOperation(dndParams->performedAction));
    // do post drag processing, if required.
    if(performedAction != Qt::IgnoreAction) {
        // check if the receiver points us to a file location. 
        // if so, we need to do the file copy/move ourselves.
        QCFType<CFURLRef> pasteLocation = 0;
        PasteboardCopyPasteLocation(dragBoard.pasteBoard(), &pasteLocation);
        if (pasteLocation) {
            QList<QUrl> urls = o->mimeData()->urls();
            for (int i = 0; i < urls.size(); ++i) {
                QUrl fromUrl = urls.at(i);
                QString filename = QFileInfo(fromUrl.path()).fileName();
                QUrl toUrl(QCFString::toQString(CFURLGetString(pasteLocation)) + filename);
                if (performedAction == Qt::MoveAction)
                    QFile::rename(fromUrl.path(), toUrl.path());
                else if (performedAction == Qt::CopyAction)
                    QFile::copy(fromUrl.path(), toUrl.path());
    return performedAction;


#endif // QT_MAC_USE_COCOA