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** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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//  W A R N I N G
//  -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API.  It exists purely as an
// implementation detail.  This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.

#include <QtGui/qpainterpath.h>
#include <QtCore/qlist.h>

#include <private/qbezier_p.h>
#include <private/qdatabuffer_p.h>
#include <stdio.h>




class QWingedEdge;

class Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT QPathClipper
    enum Operation {
    QPathClipper(const QPainterPath &subject,
                 const QPainterPath &clip);

    QPainterPath clip(Operation op = BoolAnd);

    bool intersect();
    bool contains();

    static bool pathToRect(const QPainterPath &path, QRectF *rect = 0);
    static QPainterPath intersect(const QPainterPath &path, const QRectF &rect);


    enum ClipperMode {
        ClipMode, // do the full clip
        CheckMode // for contains/intersects (only interested in whether the result path is non-empty)

    bool handleCrossingEdges(QWingedEdge &list, qreal y, ClipperMode mode);
    bool doClip(QWingedEdge &list, ClipperMode mode);

    QPainterPath subjectPath;
    QPainterPath clipPath;
    Operation op;

    int aMask;
    int bMask;

struct QPathVertex
    QPathVertex(const QPointF &p = QPointF(), int e = -1);
    operator QPointF() const;

    int edge;

    qreal x;
    qreal y;

class QPathEdge
    enum Traversal {

    enum Direction {

    enum Type {

    QPathEdge(int a = -1, int b = -1);

    mutable int flag;

    int windingA;
    int windingB;

    int first;
    int second;

    double angle;
    double invAngle;

    int next(Traversal traversal, Direction direction) const;

    void setNext(Traversal traversal, Direction direction, int next);
    void setNext(Direction direction, int next);

    Direction directionTo(int vertex) const;
    int vertex(Direction direction) const;

    int m_next[2][2];

class QPathSegments
    struct Intersection {
        int vertex;
        qreal t;

        int next;

        bool operator<(const Intersection &o) const {
            return t < o.t;

    struct Segment {
        Segment(int pathId, int vertexA, int vertexB)
            : path(pathId)
            , va(vertexA)
            , vb(vertexB)
            , intersection(-1)

        int path;

        // vertices
        int va;
        int vb;

        // intersection index
        int intersection;

        QRectF bounds;

    QPathSegments(int reserve);

    void setPath(const QPainterPath &path);
    void addPath(const QPainterPath &path);

    int intersections() const;
    int segments() const;
    int points() const;

    const Segment &segmentAt(int index) const;
    const QLineF lineAt(int index) const;
    const QRectF &elementBounds(int index) const;
    int pathId(int index) const;

    const QPointF &pointAt(int vertex) const;
    int addPoint(const QPointF &point);

    const Intersection *intersectionAt(int index) const;
    void addIntersection(int index, const Intersection &intersection);

    void mergePoints();

    QDataBuffer<QPointF> m_points;
    QDataBuffer<Segment> m_segments;
    QDataBuffer<Intersection> m_intersections;

    int m_pathId;

    struct TraversalStatus
        int edge;
        QPathEdge::Traversal traversal;
        QPathEdge::Direction direction;

        void flipDirection();
        void flipTraversal();

        void flip();

    QWingedEdge(const QPainterPath &subject, const QPainterPath &clip);

    void simplify();
    QPainterPath toPath() const;

    int edgeCount() const;

    QPathEdge *edge(int edge);
    const QPathEdge *edge(int edge) const;

    int vertexCount() const;

    int addVertex(const QPointF &p);

    QPathVertex *vertex(int vertex);
    const QPathVertex *vertex(int vertex) const;

    TraversalStatus next(const TraversalStatus &status) const;

    int addEdge(const QPointF &a, const QPointF &b);
    int addEdge(int vertexA, int vertexB);

    bool isInside(qreal x, qreal y) const;

    static QPathEdge::Traversal flip(QPathEdge::Traversal traversal);
    static QPathEdge::Direction flip(QPathEdge::Direction direction);

    void intersectAndAdd();

    void printNode(int i, FILE *handle);

    void removeEdge(int ei);

    int insert(const QPathVertex &vertex);
    TraversalStatus findInsertStatus(int vertex, int edge) const;

    qreal delta(int vertex, int a, int b) const;

    QDataBuffer<QPathEdge> m_edges;
    QDataBuffer<QPathVertex> m_vertices;

    QVector<qreal> m_splitPoints;

    QPathSegments m_segments;

inline QPathEdge::QPathEdge(int a, int b)
    : flag(0)
    , windingA(0)
    , windingB(0)
    , first(a)
    , second(b)
    , angle(0)
    , invAngle(0)
    m_next[0][0] = -1;
    m_next[1][0] = -1;
    m_next[0][0] = -1;
    m_next[1][0] = -1;

inline int QPathEdge::next(Traversal traversal, Direction direction) const
    return m_next[int(traversal)][int(direction)];

inline void QPathEdge::setNext(Traversal traversal, Direction direction, int next)
    m_next[int(traversal)][int(direction)] = next;

inline void QPathEdge::setNext(Direction direction, int next)
    m_next[0][int(direction)] = next;
    m_next[1][int(direction)] = next;

inline QPathEdge::Direction QPathEdge::directionTo(int vertex) const
    return first == vertex ? Backward : Forward;

inline int QPathEdge::vertex(Direction direction) const
    return direction == Backward ? first : second;

inline QPathVertex::QPathVertex(const QPointF &p, int e)
    : edge(e)
    , x(p.x())
    , y(p.y())

inline QPathVertex::operator QPointF() const
    return QPointF(x, y);

inline QPathSegments::QPathSegments(int reserve) :

inline int QPathSegments::segments() const
    return m_segments.size();

inline int QPathSegments::points() const
    return m_points.size();

inline const QPointF &QPathSegments::pointAt(int i) const
    return m_points.at(i);

inline int QPathSegments::addPoint(const QPointF &point)
    m_points << point;
    return m_points.size() - 1;

inline const QPathSegments::Segment &QPathSegments::segmentAt(int index) const
    return m_segments.at(index);

inline const QLineF QPathSegments::lineAt(int index) const
    const Segment &segment = m_segments.at(index);
    return QLineF(m_points.at(segment.va), m_points.at(segment.vb));

inline const QRectF &QPathSegments::elementBounds(int index) const
    return m_segments.at(index).bounds;

inline int QPathSegments::pathId(int index) const
    return m_segments.at(index).path;

inline const QPathSegments::Intersection *QPathSegments::intersectionAt(int index) const
    const int intersection = m_segments.at(index).intersection;
    if (intersection < 0)
        return 0;
        return &m_intersections.at(intersection);

inline int QPathSegments::intersections() const
    return m_intersections.size();

inline void QPathSegments::addIntersection(int index, const Intersection &intersection)
    m_intersections << intersection;

    Segment &segment = m_segments.at(index);
    if (segment.intersection < 0) {
        segment.intersection = m_intersections.size() - 1;
    } else {
        Intersection *isect = &m_intersections.at(segment.intersection);

        while (isect->next != 0)
            isect += isect->next;

        isect->next = (m_intersections.size() - 1) - (isect - m_intersections.data());

inline void QWingedEdge::TraversalStatus::flipDirection()
    direction = QWingedEdge::flip(direction);

inline void QWingedEdge::TraversalStatus::flipTraversal()
    traversal = QWingedEdge::flip(traversal);

inline void QWingedEdge::TraversalStatus::flip()

inline int QWingedEdge::edgeCount() const
    return m_edges.size();

inline QPathEdge *QWingedEdge::edge(int edge)
    return edge < 0 ? 0 : &m_edges.at(edge);

inline const QPathEdge *QWingedEdge::edge(int edge) const
    return edge < 0 ? 0 : &m_edges.at(edge);

inline int QWingedEdge::vertexCount() const
    return m_vertices.size();

inline int QWingedEdge::addVertex(const QPointF &p)
    m_vertices << p;
    return m_vertices.size() - 1;

inline QPathVertex *QWingedEdge::vertex(int vertex)
    return vertex < 0 ? 0 : &m_vertices.at(vertex);

inline const QPathVertex *QWingedEdge::vertex(int vertex) const
    return vertex < 0 ? 0 : &m_vertices.at(vertex);

inline QPathEdge::Traversal QWingedEdge::flip(QPathEdge::Traversal traversal)
    return traversal == QPathEdge::RightTraversal ? QPathEdge::LeftTraversal : QPathEdge::RightTraversal;

inline QPathEdge::Direction QWingedEdge::flip(QPathEdge::Direction direction)
    return direction == QPathEdge::Forward ? QPathEdge::Backward : QPathEdge::Forward;