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#include "qsslkey.h"


/*! \namespace QSsl

    \brief The QSsl namespace declares enums common to all SSL classes in QtNetwork.
    \since 4.3

    \ingroup network
    \ingroup ssl
    \inmodule QtNetwork

    \enum QSsl::KeyType

    Describes the two types of keys QSslKey supports.
    \value PrivateKey A private key.
    \value PublicKey A public key.

    \enum QSsl::KeyAlgorithm

    Describes the different key algorithms supported by QSslKey.

    \value Rsa The RSA algorithm.
    \value Dsa The DSA algorithm.

    \enum QSsl::EncodingFormat

    Describes supported encoding formats for certificates and keys.

    \value Pem The PEM format.
    \value Der The DER format.

    \enum QSsl::AlternateNameEntryType

    Describes the key types for alternate name entries in QSslCertificate.

    \value EmailEntry An email entry; the entry contains an email address that
    the certificate is valid for.

    \value DnsEntry A DNS host name entry; the entry contains a host name
    entry that the certificate is valid for. The entry may contain wildcards.

    \sa QSslCertificate::alternateSubjectNames()


    \enum QSsl::SslProtocol

    Describes the protocol of the cipher.

    \value SslV3 SSLv3
    \value SslV2 SSLv2
    \value TlsV1 TLSv1
    \value UnknownProtocol The cipher's protocol cannot be determined.
    \value AnyProtocol The socket understands SSLv2, SSLv3, and TLSv1. This
    value is used by QSslSocket only.
    \value TlsV1SslV3 On the client side, this will send
    a TLS 1.0 Client Hello, enabling TLSv1 and SSLv3 connections.
    On the server side, this will enable both SSLv3 and TLSv1 connections.
    \value SecureProtocols The default option, using protocols known to be secure;
    currently behaves like TlsV1SslV3.

    Note: most servers using SSL understand both versions (2 and 3),
    but it is recommended to use the latest version only for security
    reasons. However, SSL and TLS are not compatible with each other:
    if you get unexpected handshake failures, verify that you chose
    the correct setting for your protocol.

    \enum QSsl::SslOption

    Describes the options that can be used to control the details of
    SSL behaviour. These options are generally used to turn features off
    to work around buggy servers.

    \value SslOptionDisableEmptyFragments Disables the insertion of empty
    fragments into the data when using block ciphers. When enabled, this
    prevents some attacks (such as the BEAST attack), however it is
    incompatible with some servers.
    \value SslOptionDisableSessionTickets Disables the SSL session ticket
    extension. This can cause slower connection setup, however some servers
    are not compatible with the extension.
    \value SslOptionDisableCompression Disables the SSL compression
    extension. When enabled, this allows the data being passed over SSL to
    be compressed, however some servers are not compatible with this
    \value SslOptionDisableServerNameIndication Disables the SSL server
    name indication extension. When enabled, this tells the server the virtual
    host being accessed allowing it to respond with the correct certificate.

    By default, SslOptionDisableEmptyFragments is turned on since this causes
    problems with a large number of servers, but the other options are disabled.

    Note: Availability of above options depends on the version of the SSL
    backend in use.