TARGET = QtOpenGL QPRO_PWD = $$PWD QT = core gui DEFINES += QT_BUILD_OPENGL_LIB DEFINES += QT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE win32-msvc*|win32-icc:QMAKE_LFLAGS += /BASE:0x63000000 solaris-cc*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE -= -O2 irix-cc*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -no_prelink -ptused unix:QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_REQUIRES = QtCore QtGui include(../qbase.pri) !win32:!embedded:!mac:CONFIG += x11 contains(QT_CONFIG, opengl):CONFIG += opengl contains(QT_CONFIG, opengles1):CONFIG += opengles1 contains(QT_CONFIG, opengles2):CONFIG += opengles2 contains(QT_CONFIG, egl):CONFIG += egl HEADERS += qgl.h \ qgl_p.h \ qglcolormap.h \ qglpixelbuffer.h \ qglpixelbuffer_p.h \ qglframebufferobject.h \ qglframebufferobject_p.h \ qglextensions_p.h \ qglpaintdevice_p.h \ qglbuffer.h \ SOURCES += qgl.cpp \ qglcolormap.cpp \ qglpixelbuffer.cpp \ qglframebufferobject.cpp \ qglextensions.cpp \ qglpaintdevice.cpp \ qglbuffer.cpp \ !contains(QT_CONFIG, opengles2) { HEADERS += qpaintengine_opengl_p.h SOURCES += qpaintengine_opengl.cpp } !contains(QT_CONFIG, opengles1) { HEADERS += qglshaderprogram.h \ qglpixmapfilter_p.h \ qgraphicsshadereffect_p.h \ qgraphicssystem_gl_p.h \ qwindowsurface_gl_p.h \ qpixmapdata_gl_p.h \ gl2paintengineex/qglgradientcache_p.h \ gl2paintengineex/qglengineshadermanager_p.h \ gl2paintengineex/qgl2pexvertexarray_p.h \ gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2_p.h \ gl2paintengineex/qglengineshadersource_p.h \ gl2paintengineex/qglcustomshaderstage_p.h \ gl2paintengineex/qtriangulatingstroker_p.h \ gl2paintengineex/qtriangulator_p.h \ gl2paintengineex/qtextureglyphcache_gl_p.h SOURCES += qglshaderprogram.cpp \ qglpixmapfilter.cpp \ qgraphicsshadereffect.cpp \ qgraphicssystem_gl.cpp \ qwindowsurface_gl.cpp \ qpixmapdata_gl.cpp \ gl2paintengineex/qglgradientcache.cpp \ gl2paintengineex/qglengineshadermanager.cpp \ gl2paintengineex/qgl2pexvertexarray.cpp \ gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp \ gl2paintengineex/qglcustomshaderstage.cpp \ gl2paintengineex/qtriangulatingstroker.cpp \ gl2paintengineex/qtriangulator.cpp \ gl2paintengineex/qtextureglyphcache_gl.cpp } x11 { contains(QT_CONFIG, egl) { SOURCES += qgl_x11egl.cpp \ qglpixelbuffer_egl.cpp \ qgl_egl.cpp \ qpixmapdata_x11gl_egl.cpp \ qwindowsurface_x11gl.cpp HEADERS += qgl_egl_p.h \ qpixmapdata_x11gl_p.h \ qwindowsurface_x11gl_p.h } else { SOURCES += qgl_x11.cpp \ qglpixelbuffer_x11.cpp } contains(QT_CONFIG, fontconfig) { contains(QT_CONFIG, system-freetype) { embedded:CONFIG += opentype # pull in the proper freetype2 include directory include($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/config.tests/unix/freetype/freetype.pri) LIBS_PRIVATE += -lfreetype } else { ### Note: how does this compile with a non-system freetype? # This probably does not compile } } else { DEFINES *= QT_NO_FREETYPE } LIBS_PRIVATE += $$QMAKE_LIBS_DYNLOAD } mac { OBJECTIVE_SOURCES += \ LIBS_PRIVATE += -framework AppKit -framework Carbon } win32:!wince*: { DEFINES += QT_NO_EGL SOURCES += qgl_win.cpp \ qglpixelbuffer_win.cpp } wince*: { SOURCES += qgl_wince.cpp \ qglpixelbuffer_egl.cpp \ qgl_egl.cpp HEADERS += qgl_egl_p.h } embedded { SOURCES += qgl_qws.cpp \ qglpixelbuffer_egl.cpp \ qglscreen_qws.cpp \ qglwindowsurface_qws.cpp \ qgl_egl.cpp HEADERS += qglscreen_qws.h \ qglwindowsurface_qws_p.h \ qgl_egl_p.h contains(QT_CONFIG, fontconfig) { include($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/config.tests/unix/freetype/freetype.pri) } else { DEFINES *= QT_NO_FREETYPE } } INCLUDEPATH += ../3rdparty/harfbuzz/src