PowerVR QScreen Driver ====================== This QScreen plugin driver allows the QtOpenGl module to integrate with PowerVR hardware from Imagination Technologies. Using this plugin, applications may use QGLWidget & QGLPixelBuffer with OpenGL ES. The integration with PowerVR drivers is built as two libraries: The actual QScreen plugin used by Qt (in the pvreglscreen directory) and a WSEGL plugin for the PowerVR drivers (in the QWSWSEGL directory). Qt/Embedded needs to be configured with the QT_QWS_CLIENTBLIT and QT_NO_QWS_CURSOR defines. The PowerVR drivers provide the WSEGL plugin API to allow window systems such as QWS to integrate correctly. In order to use the integration, the WSEGL plugin (libpvrQWSWSEGL.so, usually installed into the Qt library directory) must be in the LD library path. The PowerVR driver also needs to be told which WSEGL library to use. This is done by creating/modifying /etc/powervr.ini: [default] WindowSystem=libpvrQWSWSEGL.so Note: It is important that the /etc/powervr.ini file not contain ^M (Ctrl-M) DOS end of line markers at the end of its lines. If ^M markers are present, then the libpvrQWSWSEGL.so driver will not be loaded and the default null Linux driver will be loaded silently instead. Make sure that the end of line markers are strictly Unix-style markers. *************************************************************************** * IMPORTANT: To build the QScreen plugin and the WSEGL library it depends * * on, the pvr2d.h, wsegl.h headers for your platform are required. These * * can be obtained either through your platform provider or directly from * * Imagination Technologies. * *************************************************************************** When you start a Qt/Embedded application, you should modify the QWS_DISPLAY environment variable to use the "powervr" driver instead of "LinuxFb". For example, if your original QWS_DISPLAY variable was: LinuxFb:mmWidth40:mmHeight54:0 then it should be changed to: powervr:mmWidth40:mmHeight54:0 To test the OpenGL ES integration, you can use the hellogl_es example and run it on the device with: hellogl_es -qws Know Issues: * A QGLWidget may not have window decorations if it is a top-level window. * On some platforms, starting a QWS application after the system has been up for a long time may cause the driver to fail. This is due to fragmentation of main memory prevening older PowerVR drivers from allocating a contiguous region of phyical RAM for the GL surface.