# MMF Phonon backend QT += phonon TARGET = phonon_mmf PHONON_MMF_DIR = $$QT_SOURCE_TREE/src/3rdparty/phonon/mmf # Uncomment the following line in order to use the CDrmPlayerUtility client # API for audio playback, rather than CMdaAudioPlayerUtility. #CONFIG += phonon_mmf_audio_drm phonon_mmf_audio_drm { LIBS += -lDrmAudioPlayUtility DEFINES += QT_PHONON_MMF_AUDIO_DRM } else { LIBS += -lmediaclientaudio } # In the internal 5th SDK, DrmAudioSamplePlayer.h is placed in this folder, as # opposed to the public, where it is placed in epoc32/include. In some cases # it's needed for other headers as well. INCLUDEPATH += /epoc32/include/osextensions HEADERS += \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/abstractaudioeffect.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/abstractmediaplayer.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/abstractplayer.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/audiooutput.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/audioequalizer.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/audioplayer.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/backend.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/bassboost.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/defs.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/dummyplayer.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/effectfactory.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/mmf_medianode.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/mediaobject.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/utils.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/videooutput.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/videooutputobserver.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/videoplayer.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/videowidget.h \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/volumeobserver.h SOURCES += \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/abstractaudioeffect.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/abstractmediaplayer.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/abstractplayer.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/audiooutput.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/audioequalizer.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/audioplayer.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/backend.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/bassboost.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/dummyplayer.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/effectfactory.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/mmf_medianode.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/mediaobject.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/utils.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/videooutput.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/videoplayer.cpp \ $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/videowidget.cpp debug { INCLUDEPATH += $$PHONON_MMF_DIR/objectdump LIBS += -lobjectdump } LIBS += -lmediaclientvideo # For CVideoPlayerUtility LIBS += -lcone # For CCoeEnv LIBS += -lws32 # For RWindow LIBS += -lefsrv # For file server LIBS += -lapgrfx -lapmime # For recognizer # These are for effects. LIBS += -lAudioEqualizerEffect -lBassBoostEffect -lDistanceAttenuationEffect -lDopplerBase -lEffectBase -lEnvironmentalReverbEffect -lListenerDopplerEffect -lListenerLocationEffect -lListenerOrientationEffect -lLocationBase -lLoudnessEffect -lOrientationBase -lRoomLevelEffect -lSourceDopplerEffect -lSourceLocationEffect -lSourceOrientationEffect -lStereoWideningEffect # This is needed for having the .qtplugin file properly created on Symbian. QTDIR_build:DESTDIR = $$QT_BUILD_TREE/plugins/phonon_backend target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/phonon_backend INSTALLS += target include(../../../qpluginbase.pri) # We need this to be able to resolve ambiguity for VideoPlayer.h. Phonon and # the SDK has the header. INCLUDEPATH *= /epoc32 TARGET.UID3=0x2001E629