# Use subdirs template to suppress generation of unnecessary files TEMPLATE = subdirs symbian: { load(data_caging_paths) SUBDIRS= TARGET = "QtLibs pre-release" TARGET.UID3 = 0x2001E61C VERSION=$${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}.$${QT_MINOR_VERSION}.$${QT_PATCH_VERSION} qtresources.sources = $${EPOCROOT}$$HW_ZDIR$$APP_RESOURCE_DIR/s60main.rsc qtresources.path = $$APP_RESOURCE_DIR qtlibraries.sources = \ QtCore.dll \ QtXml.dll \ QtGui.dll \ QtNetwork.dll \ QtScript.dll \ QtTest.dll \ QtSql.dll \ qts60plugin_3_1.dll \ qts60plugin_3_2.dll \ qts60plugin_5_0.dll # TODO: This should be conditional in PKG file, see commented code below # However we don't yet have such mechanism in place contains(S60_VERSION, 3.1)|contains(S60_VERSION, 3.2)|contains(S60_VERSION, 5.0) { contains(CONFIG, system-sqlite): qtlibraries.sources += sqlite3.dll } #; EXISTS statement does not resolve !. Lets check the most common drives #IF NOT EXISTS("c:\sys\bin\sqlite3.dll") AND NOT EXISTS("e:\sys\bin\sqlite3.dll") AND NOT EXISTS("z:\sys\bin\sqlite3.dll") #"\Epoc32\release\armv5\UREL\sqlite3.dll"-"!:\sys\bin\sqlite3.dll" #ENDIF qtlibraries.path = /sys/bin vendorinfo = \ "; Localised Vendor name" \ "%{\"Nokia, Qt Software\"}" \ "; Unique Vendor name" \ ":\"Nokia, Qt Software\"" qtlibraries.pkg_prerules = vendorinfo qtlibraries.pkg_prerules += "; Dependencies of Qt libraries" qtlibraries.pkg_prerules += "(0x20013851), 1, 5, 1, {\"PIPS Installer\"}" contains(QT_CONFIG, openssl) | contains(QT_CONFIG, openssl-linked) { qtlibraries.pkg_prerules += "(0x200110CB), 1, 5, 1, {\"Open C LIBSSL Common\"}" } contains(CONFIG, stl) { qtlibraries.pkg_prerules += "(0x2000F866), 1, 0, 0, {\"Standard C++ Library Common\"}" } !contains(QT_CONFIG, no-jpeg): imageformats_plugins.sources += qjpeg.dll !contains(QT_CONFIG, no-gif): imageformats_plugins.sources += qgif.dll !contains(QT_CONFIG, no-mng): imageformats_plugins.sources += qmng.dll !contains(QT_CONFIG, no-tiff): imageformats_plugins.sources += qtiff.dll !contains(QT_CONFIG, no-ico): imageformats_plugins.sources += qico.dll imageformats_plugins.path = $$QT_PLUGINS_BASE_DIR/imageformats codecs_plugins.sources = qcncodecs.dll qjpcodecs.dll qtwcodecs.dll qkrcodecs.dll codecs_plugins.path = $$QT_PLUGINS_BASE_DIR/codecs DEPLOYMENT += qtresources qtlibraries imageformats_plugins codecs_plugins graphicssystems_plugins contains(QT_CONFIG, svg): { qtlibraries.sources += QtSvg.dll imageformats_plugins.sources += qsvg.dll iconengines_plugins.sources = qsvgicon.dll iconengines_plugins.path = $$QT_PLUGINS_BASE_DIR/iconengines DEPLOYMENT += iconengines_plugins } contains(QT_CONFIG, phonon): { qtlibraries.sources += Phonon.dll } graphicssystems_plugins.path = $$QT_PLUGINS_BASE_DIR/graphicssystems contains(QT_CONFIG, openvg) { qtlibraries.sources = QtOpenVG.dll graphicssystems_plugins.sources += qvggraphicssystem.dll } BLD_INF_RULES.prj_exports += "qt.iby $$CORE_MW_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(qt.iby)" BLD_INF_RULES.prj_exports += "qtdemoapps.iby $$CORE_APP_LAYER_IBY_EXPORT_PATH(qtdemoapps.iby)" }