TARGET = QtScript QPRO_PWD = $$PWD QT = core DEFINES += QT_BUILD_SCRIPT_LIB DEFINES += QT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE DEFINES += QLALR_NO_QSCRIPTGRAMMAR_DEBUG_INFO #win32-msvc*|win32-icc:QMAKE_LFLAGS += /BASE:0x66000000 ### FIXME unix:QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_REQUIRES = QtCore include(../qbase.pri) # disable JIT for now DEFINES += ENABLE_JIT=0 # FIXME: shared the statically built JavaScriptCore # Fetch the base WebKit directory from the WEBKITDIR environment variable; # fall back to src/3rdparty otherwise WEBKITDIR = $$(WEBKITDIR) isEmpty(WEBKITDIR) { WEBKITDIR = $$PWD/../3rdparty/webkit # FIXME: not needed once JSCBISON works # TODO: or leave it like this since the generated file is available anyway? SOURCES += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/generated/Grammar.cpp } else { CONFIG += building-libs CONFIG -= QTDIR_build include($$WEBKITDIR/WebKit.pri) } include($$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/JavaScriptCore.pri) INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/parser INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/bytecompiler INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/debugger INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/runtime INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/wtf INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/unicode INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/interpreter INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/jit INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/profiler INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/wrec INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/API INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/bytecode INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/assembler INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBKITDIR/JavaScriptCore/generated DEFINES += BUILDING_QT__=1 DEFINES += USE_SYSTEM_MALLOC DEFINES += WTF_USE_JAVASCRIPTCORE_BINDINGS=1 DEFINES += WTF_CHANGES=1 DEFINES += NDEBUG INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD include(script.pri)