@echo off SET QTVERSION=4.4.2 IF NOT EXIST %2\result\sent MKDIR %2\result\sent REM Delete old results del /Q %2\*.* REM Build enviroment set path=%cd%\bin;%path% make confclean configure -cetest -platform win32-mwc -xplatform symbian-abld -openssl-linked -qconfig symbian call bldmake bldfiles call abld clean call abld reallyclean IF %1 == winscw call abld build winscw udeb IF %1 == armv5 call abld build armv5 urel IF %1 == gcce call abld build gcce urel REM Build auto tests cd \qts60\tests\auto for %%i in (QtCore QtGui QtNetwork QtXml QtSvg QtScript) do call compilecategory.bat _Categories\%%i.txt %1 REM run auto tests cd \qts60\tests\auto for %%i in (QtCore QtGui QtNetwork QtXml QtSvg QtScript) do call autobuildruncategory.bat _Categories\%%i.txt %1 %2 %QTVERSION% REM Collect test results cd \qts60\tests\auto echo call python joinresults.py %1 %2 %QTVERSION% call python joinresults.py %1 %2 %QTVERSION% REM send the result file call %3pscp.exe -i "%USERPROFILE%\.ssh\puttyssh.ppk" %2\Result\*.xml qtestmaster@kramer-nokia.troll.no:/home/qtestmaster/results REM Copy the result file to different directory that it not sent again move %2\Result\*.xml %2\Result\sent