** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
** No Commercial Usage
** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
** this package.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
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** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
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** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
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#include <qtest.h>
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <QtDeclarative/qdeclarativeengine.h>
#include <QtDeclarative/qdeclarativeimageprovider.h>
#include <private/qdeclarativeimage_p.h>
#include <QImageReader>
#include <QWaitCondition>
#include "../../../shared/util.h"

// In Symbian OS test data is located in applications private dir
#define SRCDIR "."


class tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider : public QObject

private slots:
    void requestImage_sync_data();
    void requestImage_sync();
    void requestImage_async_data();
    void requestImage_async();

    void requestPixmap_sync_data();
    void requestPixmap_sync();
    void requestPixmap_async();

    void removeProvider_data();
    void removeProvider();

    void threadTest();

    QString newImageFileName() const;
    void fillRequestTestsData(const QString &id);
    void runTest(bool async, QDeclarativeImageProvider *provider);

class TestQImageProvider : public QDeclarativeImageProvider
    TestQImageProvider(bool *deleteWatch = 0)
        : QDeclarativeImageProvider(Image), deleteWatch(deleteWatch)

        if (deleteWatch)
            *deleteWatch = true;

    QImage requestImage(const QString &id, QSize *size, const QSize& requestedSize)
        if (id == QLatin1String("no-such-file.png"))
            return QImage();

        int width = 100; 
        int height = 100;
        QImage image(width, height, QImage::Format_RGB32);
        if (size) 
            *size = QSize(width, height);
        if (requestedSize.isValid())
            image = image.scaled(requestedSize);
        return image;

    bool *deleteWatch;

class TestQPixmapProvider : public QDeclarativeImageProvider
    TestQPixmapProvider(bool *deleteWatch = 0)
        : QDeclarativeImageProvider(Pixmap), deleteWatch(deleteWatch)

        if (deleteWatch)
            *deleteWatch = true;

    QPixmap requestPixmap(const QString &id, QSize *size, const QSize& requestedSize)
        if (id == QLatin1String("no-such-file.png"))
            return QPixmap();

        int width = 100; 
        int height = 100;
        QPixmap image(width, height);
        if (size) 
            *size = QSize(width, height);
        if (requestedSize.isValid())
            image = image.scaled(requestedSize);
        return image;

    bool *deleteWatch;

QString tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider::newImageFileName() const
    // need to generate new filenames each time or else images are loaded
    // from cache and we won't get loading status changes when testing 
    // async loading
    static int count = 0;
    return QString("image://test/image-%1.png").arg(count++);

void tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider::fillRequestTestsData(const QString &id)

    QTest::newRow(QTest::toString(id + " exists")) << newImageFileName() << "" << QSize(100,100) << "";
    QTest::newRow(QTest::toString(id + " scaled")) << newImageFileName() << "sourceSize: \"80x30\"" << QSize(80,30) << "";

    QTest::newRow(QTest::toString(id + " missing")) << "image://test/no-such-file.png" << "" << QSize()
        << "file::2:1: QML Image: Failed to get image from provider: image://test/no-such-file.png";
    QTest::newRow(QTest::toString(id + " unknown provider")) << "image://bogus/exists.png" << "" << QSize()
        << "file::2:1: QML Image: Failed to get image from provider: image://bogus/exists.png";

void tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider::runTest(bool async, QDeclarativeImageProvider *provider)
    QFETCH(QString, source);
    QFETCH(QString, properties);
    QFETCH(QSize, size);
    QFETCH(QString, error);

    if (!error.isEmpty())
        QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, error.toUtf8());

    QDeclarativeEngine engine;

    engine.addImageProvider("test", provider);
    QVERIFY(engine.imageProvider("test") != 0);

    QString componentStr = "import QtQuick 1.0\nImage { source: \"" + source + "\"; " 
            + (async ? "asynchronous: true; " : "")
            + properties + " }";
    QDeclarativeComponent component(&engine);
    component.setData(componentStr.toLatin1(), QUrl::fromLocalFile(""));
    QDeclarativeImage *obj = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeImage*>(component.create());
    QVERIFY(obj != 0);

    if (async) 
        QTRY_VERIFY(obj->status() == QDeclarativeImage::Loading);

    QCOMPARE(obj->source(), QUrl(source));

    if (error.isEmpty()) {
        if (async)
            QTRY_VERIFY(obj->status() == QDeclarativeImage::Ready);
            QVERIFY(obj->status() == QDeclarativeImage::Ready);
        QCOMPARE(obj->width(), qreal(size.width()));
        QCOMPARE(obj->height(), qreal(size.height()));
        QCOMPARE(obj->pixmap().width(), size.width());
        QCOMPARE(obj->pixmap().height(), size.height());
        QCOMPARE(obj->fillMode(), QDeclarativeImage::Stretch);
        QCOMPARE(obj->progress(), 1.0);
    } else {
        if (async)
            QTRY_VERIFY(obj->status() == QDeclarativeImage::Error);
            QVERIFY(obj->status() == QDeclarativeImage::Error);

    delete obj;

void tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider::requestImage_sync_data()

void tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider::requestImage_sync()
    bool deleteWatch = false;
    runTest(false, new TestQImageProvider(&deleteWatch));

void tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider::requestImage_async_data()

void tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider::requestImage_async()
    bool deleteWatch = false;
    runTest(true, new TestQImageProvider(&deleteWatch));

void tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider::requestPixmap_sync_data()

void tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider::requestPixmap_sync()
    bool deleteWatch = false;
    runTest(false, new TestQPixmapProvider(&deleteWatch));

void tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider::requestPixmap_async()
    QDeclarativeEngine engine;
    QDeclarativeImageProvider *provider = new TestQPixmapProvider();

    engine.addImageProvider("test", provider);
    QVERIFY(engine.imageProvider("test") != 0);

    // pixmaps are loaded synchronously regardless of 'asynchronous' value
    QString componentStr = "import QtQuick 1.0\nImage { asynchronous: true; source: \"image://test/pixmap-async-test.png\" }";
    QDeclarativeComponent component(&engine);
    component.setData(componentStr.toLatin1(), QUrl::fromLocalFile(""));
    QDeclarativeImage *obj = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeImage*>(component.create());
    QVERIFY(obj != 0);

    delete obj;

void tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider::removeProvider_data()

    QTest::newRow("qimage") << static_cast<QDeclarativeImageProvider*>(new TestQImageProvider);
    QTest::newRow("qpixmap") << static_cast<QDeclarativeImageProvider*>(new TestQPixmapProvider);

void tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider::removeProvider()
    QFETCH(QDeclarativeImageProvider*, provider);

    QDeclarativeEngine engine;

    engine.addImageProvider("test", provider);
    QVERIFY(engine.imageProvider("test") != 0);

    // add provider, confirm it works
    QString componentStr = "import QtQuick 1.0\nImage { source: \"" + newImageFileName() + "\" }";
    QDeclarativeComponent component(&engine);
    component.setData(componentStr.toLatin1(), QUrl::fromLocalFile(""));
    QDeclarativeImage *obj = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeImage*>(component.create());
    QVERIFY(obj != 0);

    QCOMPARE(obj->status(), QDeclarativeImage::Ready);

    // remove the provider and confirm
    QString fileName = newImageFileName();
    QString error("file::2:1: QML Image: Failed to get image from provider: " + fileName);
    QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, error.toUtf8());


    QCOMPARE(obj->status(), QDeclarativeImage::Error);

    delete obj;

class TestThreadProvider : public QDeclarativeImageProvider
        TestThreadProvider() : QDeclarativeImageProvider(Image), ok(false) {}

        ~TestThreadProvider() {}

        QImage requestImage(const QString &id, QSize *size, const QSize& requestedSize)
            if (!ok)
            QVector<int> v;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                v.prepend(i); //do some computation
            QImage image(50,50, QImage::Format_RGB32);
            if (size)
                *size = image.size();
            if (requestedSize.isValid())
                image = image.scaled(requestedSize);
            return image;

        QWaitCondition cond;
        QMutex mutex;
        bool ok;

void tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider::threadTest()
    QDeclarativeEngine engine;

    TestThreadProvider *provider = new TestThreadProvider;

    engine.addImageProvider("test_thread", provider);
    QVERIFY(engine.imageProvider("test_thread") != 0);

    QString componentStr = "import QtQuick 1.0\nItem { \n"
            "Image { source: \"image://test_thread/blue\";  asynchronous: true; }\n"
            "Image { source: \"image://test_thread/red\";  asynchronous: true; }\n"
            "Image { source: \"image://test_thread/green\";  asynchronous: true; }\n"
            "Image { source: \"image://test_thread/yellow\";  asynchronous: true; }\n"
            " }";
    QDeclarativeComponent component(&engine);
    component.setData(componentStr.toLatin1(), QUrl::fromLocalFile(""));
    QObject *obj = component.create();
    //MUST not deadlock
    QVERIFY(obj != 0);
    QList<QDeclarativeImage *> images = obj->findChildren<QDeclarativeImage *>();
    QCOMPARE(images.count(), 4);
    foreach(QDeclarativeImage *img, images) {
        QCOMPARE(img->status(), QDeclarativeImage::Loading);
    provider->ok = true;
    foreach(QDeclarativeImage *img, images) {
        QTRY_VERIFY(img->status() == QDeclarativeImage::Ready);


#include "tst_qdeclarativeimageprovider.moc"