import QtQuick 1.0 /* This test just animates y of a block with every easing curve*/ Rectangle { id: item height: 300 width: layout.width color: "white" resources: [ ListModel { id: easingtypes ListElement { type: "Linear" } ListElement { type: "InQuad" } ListElement { type: "OutQuad" } ListElement { type: "InOutQuad" } ListElement { type: "OutInQuad" } ListElement { type: "InCubic" } ListElement { type: "OutCubic" } ListElement { type: "InOutCubic" } ListElement { type: "OutInCubic" } ListElement { type: "InQuart" } ListElement { type: "OutQuart" } ListElement { type: "InOutQuart" } ListElement { type: "OutInQuart" } ListElement { type: "InQuint" } ListElement { type: "OutQuint" } ListElement { type: "InOutQuint" } ListElement { type: "OutInQuint" } ListElement { type: "InSine" } ListElement { type: "OutSine" } ListElement { type: "InOutSine" } ListElement { type: "OutInSine" } ListElement { type: "InExpo" } ListElement { type: "OutExpo" } ListElement { type: "InOutExpo" } ListElement { type: "OutInExpo" } ListElement { type: "InCirc" } ListElement { type: "OutCirc" } ListElement { type: "InOutCirc" } ListElement { type: "OutInCirc" } ListElement { type: "InElastic" } ListElement { type: "OutElastic" } ListElement { type: "InOutElastic" } ListElement { type: "OutInElastic" } ListElement { type: "InBack" } ListElement { type: "OutBack" } ListElement { type: "InOutBack" } ListElement { type: "OutInBack" } ListElement { type: "OutBounce" } ListElement { type: "InBounce" } ListElement { type: "InOutBounce" } ListElement { type: "OutInBounce" } } ] Row { id: layout anchors.bottom: item.bottom Repeater { model: easingtypes Component { Rectangle { id: block Text { text: type anchors.centerIn: parent font.italic: true color: index & 1 ? "black" : "white" opacity: 0 // 1 for debugging } width: 15 height: 30 color: index & 1 ? "red" : "blue" states: [ State { name: "from" when: !mouse.pressed PropertyChanges { target: block y: 0 } }, State { name: "to" when: mouse.pressed PropertyChanges { target: block y: item.height-block.height } } ] transitions: [ Transition { from: "*" to: "to" reversible: true NumberAnimation { properties: "y" easing.type: type duration: 1000 } } ] } } } } MouseArea { id: mouse anchors.fill: layout } }