import QtQuick 1.0 /* This test verifies that a single animation animating two properties is visually the same as two animations in a parallel group animating the same properties. Visually, you should see a red rectangle at 0,0 stretching from the top of the window to the bottom. This rect will be moved to the right side of the window while turning purple. If the bottom half is visually different than the top half, there is a problem. */ Rectangle { width: 200; height: 100 Rectangle { id: redRect width: 50; height: 50 color: "red" } Rectangle { id: redRect2 width: 50; height: 50 y: 50 color: "red" } Timer{ interval: 100 running: true onTriggered: parent.state = "state1" } states: State { name: "state1" PropertyChanges { target: redRect x: 150 color: "purple" } PropertyChanges { target: redRect2 x: 150 color: "purple" } } transitions: Transition { PropertyAnimation { targets: redRect; properties: "x,color"; duration: 300 } ParallelAnimation { NumberAnimation { targets: redRect2; properties: "x"; duration: 300 } ColorAnimation { targets: redRect2; properties: "color"; duration: 300 } } } }