import Qt 4.7 Item { height:400 width: 200 TextEdit { width: 200 height: 100 wrapMode: TextEdit.WordWrap focus: true } //With QTBUG-6273 only the bottom one would be wrapped TextEdit { width: 200 height: 100 wrapMode: TextEdit.WordWrap text: "This is a test that text edit wraps correctly." y:100 } TextEdit { width: 150 height: 100 wrapMode: TextEdit.WrapAnywhere text: "This is a test that text edit wraps correctly. thisisaverylongstringwithnospaces" y:200 } TextEdit { width: 150 height: 100 wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap text: "This is a test that text edit wraps correctly. thisisaverylongstringwithnospaces" y:300 } }