import Qt 4.6 Rectangle { color: "white" width: 800 height: 600 Keys.onDigit9Pressed: print("Error - Root") FocusScope { id: MyScope focus: true Keys.onDigit9Pressed: print("Error - FocusScope") Rectangle { height: 120 width: 420 color: "transparent" border.width: 5 border.color: MyScope.wantsFocus?"blue":"black" Rectangle { id: Item1 x: 10; y: 10 width: 100; height: 100; color: "green" border.width: 5 border.color: wantsFocus?"blue":"black" Keys.onDigit9Pressed: print("Top Left"); KeyNavigation.right: Item2 focus: true Rectangle { width: 50; height: 50; anchors.centerIn: parent color: parent.focus?"red":"transparent" } } Rectangle { id: Item2 x: 310; y: 10 width: 100; height: 100; color: "green" border.width: 5 border.color: wantsFocus?"blue":"black" KeyNavigation.left: Item1 Keys.onDigit9Pressed: print("Top Right"); Rectangle { width: 50; height: 50; anchors.centerIn: parent color: parent.focus?"red":"transparent" } } } KeyNavigation.down: Item3 } Text { x:100; y:170; text: "Blue border indicates scoped focus\nBlack border indicates NOT scoped focus\nRed box indicates active focus\nUse arrow keys to navigate\nPress \"9\" to print currently focused item" } Rectangle { id: Item3 x: 10; y: 300 width: 100; height: 100; color: "green" border.width: 5 border.color: wantsFocus?"blue":"black" Keys.onDigit9Pressed: print("Bottom Left"); KeyNavigation.up: MyScope Rectangle { width: 50; height: 50; anchors.centerIn: parent color: parent.focus?"red":"transparent" } } }