import Qt 4.6 Object { property bool xmlTest: false property bool dataOK: false Script { function checkXML(document) { if (document.xmlVersion != "1.0") return; if (document.xmlEncoding != "UTF-8") return; if (document.xmlStandalone != true) return; if (document.documentElement == null) return; if (document.nodeName != "#document") return; if (document.nodeValue != null) return; // ### Test other node properties // ### test encoding (what is a valid qt encoding?) xmlTest = true; } } Component.onCompleted: { var x = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", "document.xml"); // Test to the end x.onreadystatechange = function() { if (x.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { dataOK = true; if (x.responseXML != null) checkXML(x.responseXML); } } x.send() } }