# The tests in this .pro file _MUST_ use QtCore, QtNetwork and QtGui only # (i.e. QT=core gui network). # The test system is allowed to run these tests before the rest of Qt has # been compiled. # TEMPLATE=subdirs SUBDIRS=\ gestures \ languagechange \ modeltest \ qabstractbutton \ qabstractitemmodel \ qabstractitemview \ qabstractprintdialog \ qabstractproxymodel \ qabstractscrollarea \ qabstractslider \ qabstractspinbox \ qabstracttextdocumentlayout \ qaction \ qactiongroup \ qapplication \ qboxlayout \ qbrush \ qbuttongroup \ qcalendarwidget \ qcheckbox \ qclipboard \ qcolor \ qcolordialog \ qcolumnview \ qcommandlinkbutton \ qcompleter \ qcomplextext \ qdatawidgetmapper \ qdatetimeedit \ qdesktopservices \ qdesktopwidget \ qdial \ qdialog \ qdialogbuttonbox \ qdirmodel \ qdockwidget \ qdoublespinbox \ qdoublevalidator \ qdrag \ qerrormessage \ qfile \ qfiledialog \ qfiledialog2 \ qfileiconprovider \ qfilesystemmodel \ qfocusframe \ qfont \ qfontcombobox \ qfontdatabase \ qfontdialog \ qfontmetrics \ qformlayout \ qgraphicsanchorlayout \ qgraphicsanchorlayout1 \ qgraphicseffect \ qgraphicseffectsource \ qgraphicsgridlayout \ qgraphicsitem \ qgraphicsitemanimation \ qgraphicslayout \ qgraphicslayoutitem \ qgraphicslinearlayout \ qgraphicsobject \ qgraphicspixmapitem \ qgraphicspolygonitem \ qgraphicsproxywidget \ qgraphicsscene \ qgraphicssceneindex \ qgraphicstransform \ qgraphicsview \ qgraphicswidget \ qgridlayout \ qgroupbox \ qguard \ qguivariant \ qheaderview \ qhelpcontentmodel \ qhelpenginecore \ qhelpgenerator \ qhelpindexmodel \ qhelpprojectdata \ qicoimageformat \ qicon \ qimageiohandler \ qimagereader \ qimagewriter \ qinputcontext \ qinputdialog \ qintvalidator \ qitemdelegate \ qitemeditorfactory \ qitemselectionmodel \ qitemview \ qkeysequence \ qlabel \ qlcdnumber \ qlineedit \ qlist \ qlistview \ qlistwidget \ qlocale \ qlocalsocket \ qmacstyle \ qmainwindow \ qmatrixnxn \ qmdisubwindow \ qmessagebox \ qmetaobject \ qmouseevent_modal \ qmovie \ qnetworkaccessmanager_and_qprogressdialog \ qnetworkcachemetadata \ qnetworkdiskcache \ qnetworkreply \ qpaintengine \ qpainterpath \ qpainterpathstroker \ qpalette \ qparallelanimationgroup \ qpathclipper \ qpauseanimation \ qpen \ qpicture \ qpixmapcache \ qpixmapfilter \ qplaintextedit \ qpointer \ qpolygon \ qprinterinfo \ qprocess \ qprogressbar \ qprogressdialog \ qpropertyanimation \ qpushbutton \ qquaternion \ qradiobutton \ qregexpvalidator \ qregion \ qscrollarea \ qscrollbar \ qsharedpointer_and_qwidget \ qshortcut \ qsidebar \ qsignalmapper \ qsizegrip \ qslider \ qsortfilterproxymodel \ qsound \ qspinbox \ qstackedlayout \ qstackedwidget \ qstandarditem \ qstandarditemmodel \ qstatemachine \ qstatictext \ qstatusbar \ qstringlistmodel \ qstyle \ qstyleoption \ qstylesheetstyle \ qsyntaxhighlighter \ qsystemtrayicon \ qtabbar \ qtableview \ qtablewidget \ qtcpserver \ qtcpsocket \ qtessellator \ qtextblock \ qtextcodec \ qtextcursor \ qtextdocumentfragment \ qtextdocumentlayout \ qtextformat \ qtextlayout \ qtextlist \ qtextobject \ qtextpiecetable \ qtextscriptengine \ qtextstream \ qtexttable \ qtipc \ qtoolbar \ qtoolbox \ qtooltip \ qtouchevent \ qtransform \ qtransformedscreen \ qtranslator \ qtreeview \ qtreewidget \ qtreewidgetitemiterator \ qtwidgets \ qudpsocket \ qundogroup \ qundostack \ qvectornd \ qwidget_window \ qwidgetaction \ qwindowsurface \ qwizard \ qwmatrix \ qwsembedwidget \ qwsinputmethod \ qwswindowsystem \ qx11info \ win32:SUBDIRS -= qtextpiecetable !contains(QT_CONFIG, private_tests): SUBDIRS -= \ qgraphicssceneindex \ qnetworkreply \ qpathclipper \ qstylesheetstyle \ qtextpiecetable \