#include #include #include #include #include class tst_lrelease : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private: private slots: void translate(); void mixedcodecs(); void compressed(); void dupes(); private: void doCompare(const QStringList &actual, const QString &expectedFn); }; void tst_lrelease::doCompare(const QStringList &actual, const QString &expectedFn) { QFile file(expectedFn); QVERIFY(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)); QStringList expected = QString(file.readAll()).trimmed().remove('\r').split('\n'); int i = 0, ei = expected.size(), gi = actual.size(); for (; ; i++) { if (i == gi) { if (i == ei) return; gi = 0; break; } else if (i == ei) { ei = 0; break; } else if (!QRegExp(expected.at(i)).exactMatch(actual.at(i))) { while ((ei - 1) >= i && (gi - 1) >= i && (QRegExp(expected.at(ei - 1)).exactMatch(actual.at(gi - 1)))) ei--, gi--; break; } } QByteArray diff; for (int j = qMax(0, i - 3); j < i; j++) diff += expected.at(j) + '\n'; diff += "<<<<<<< got\n"; for (int j = i; j < gi; j++) { diff += actual.at(j) + '\n'; if (j >= i + 5) { diff += "...\n"; break; } } diff += "=========\n"; for (int j = i; j < ei; j++) { diff += expected.at(j) + '\n'; if (j >= i + 5) { diff += "...\n"; break; } } diff += ">>>>>>> expected\n"; for (int j = ei; j < qMin(ei + 3, expected.size()); j++) diff += expected.at(j) + '\n'; QFAIL(qPrintable("Output for " + expectedFn + " does not meet expectations:\n" + diff)); } void tst_lrelease::translate() { QVERIFY(!QProcess::execute("lrelease testdata/translate.ts")); QTranslator translator; QVERIFY(translator.load("testdata/translate.qm")); qApp->installTranslator(&translator); QCOMPARE(QObject::tr("\nnewline at the start"), QString("\nNEWLINE AT THE START")); QCOMPARE(QObject::tr("newline at the end\n"), QString("NEWLINE AT THE END\n")); QCOMPARE(QObject::tr("newline and space at the end\n "), QString("NEWLINE AND SPACE AT THE END\n ")); QCOMPARE(QObject::tr("space and newline at the end \n"), QString("SPACE AND NEWLINE AT THE END \n")); QCOMPARE(QObject::tr("\ttab at the start and newline at the end\n"), QString("\tTAB AT THE START AND NEWLINE AT THE END\n")); QCOMPARE(QObject::tr("\n\tnewline and tab at the start"), QString("\n\tNEWLINE AND TAB AT THE START")); QCOMPARE(QObject::tr(" \tspace and tab at the start"), QString(" \tSPACE AND TAB AT THE START")); QCOMPARE(QObject::tr(" string that does not exist"), QString(" string that does not exist")); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("CubeForm", "Test"), QString::fromAscii("BBBB")); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("", "Test", "Empty context"), QString("AAAA")); // Test plurals QString txed = QCoreApplication::translate("Plurals", "There are %n houses", 0, QCoreApplication::UnicodeUTF8, 0); QCOMPARE(QString::fromAscii("[%1]").arg(txed), QString("[There are 0 houses]")); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("Plurals", "There are %n houses", 0, QCoreApplication::UnicodeUTF8, 1), QString("There is 1 house")); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("Plurals", "There are %n houses", 0, QCoreApplication::UnicodeUTF8, 2), QString("There are 2 houses")); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("Plurals", "There are %n houses", 0, QCoreApplication::UnicodeUTF8, 3), QString("There are 3 houses")); // More plurals QCOMPARE(tr("There are %n cars", "More Plurals", 0) , QString("There are 0 cars")); QCOMPARE(tr("There are %n cars", "More Plurals", 1) , QString("There is 1 car")); QCOMPARE(tr("There are %n cars", "More Plurals", 2) , QString("There are 2 cars")); QCOMPARE(tr("There are %n cars", "More Plurals", 3) , QString("There are 3 cars")); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("no_en", "Kj\370r K\345re, kj\346re"), QString::fromAscii("Drive K\345re, dear")); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("en_no", "Drive K\345re, dear"), QString::fromAscii("Kj\370r K\345re, kj\346re")); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("en_ch", "Chinese symbol:"), QString::fromAscii("Chinese symbol:%1").arg(QChar(0x7c1f))); // printf("halo\r\nhallo"); // QCOMPARE(tr("This\r\nwill fail"), QString("THIS\nWILL FAIL")); // \r\n = 0d 0a QCOMPARE(tr("Completely random string"), QString::fromLatin1("Super-lange Uebersetzung mit Schikanen\x9c" "Mittlere Uebersetung\x9c" "Kurze Uebers.")); qApp->removeTranslator(&translator); } void tst_lrelease::mixedcodecs() { QVERIFY(!QProcess::execute("lrelease testdata/mixedcodecs-ts11.ts")); QVERIFY(!QProcess::execute("lrelease testdata/mixedcodecs-ts20.ts")); QVERIFY(!QProcess::execute("cmp testdata/mixedcodecs-ts11.qm testdata/mixedcodecs-ts20.qm")); QTranslator translator; QVERIFY(translator.load("testdata/mixedcodecs-ts11.qm")); qApp->installTranslator(&translator); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("FooBar", "this contains an umlaut \xfc ü"), QString::fromAscii("random stuff with umlaut")); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("FooBar", "umlaut \xc3\xbc ü in utf8"), QString::fromAscii("more random stuff with umlaut")); } void tst_lrelease::compressed() { QVERIFY(!QProcess::execute("lrelease -compress testdata/compressed.ts")); QTranslator translator; QVERIFY(translator.load("testdata/compressed.qm")); qApp->installTranslator(&translator); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("Context1", "Foo"), QString::fromAscii("in first context")); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("Context2", "Bar"), QString::fromAscii("in second context")); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("Action1", "Component Name"), QString::fromAscii("translation in first context")); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("Action2", "Component Name"), QString::fromAscii("translation in second context")); QCOMPARE(QCoreApplication::translate("Action3", "Component Name"), QString::fromAscii("translation in third context")); } void tst_lrelease::dupes() { QProcess proc; proc.start("lrelease testdata/dupes.ts"); QVERIFY(proc.waitForFinished()); QVERIFY(proc.exitStatus() == QProcess::NormalExit); doCompare(QString(proc.readAllStandardError()).trimmed().remove('\r').split('\n'), "testdata/dupes.errors"); } QTEST_MAIN(tst_lrelease) #include "tst_lrelease.moc"