/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2012 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** All rights reserved. ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information ** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be ** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class AccelForm; QT_FORWARD_DECLARE_CLASS(QTextEdit) QT_FORWARD_DECLARE_CLASS(QMainWindow) //TESTED_CLASS= //TESTED_FILES= class tst_Q3Accel : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: tst_Q3Accel(); virtual ~tst_Q3Accel(); public slots: void accelTrig1() { currentResult = Accel1Triggered; } void accelTrig2() { currentResult = Accel2Triggered; } void ambig1() { currentResult = Ambiguous; ambigResult = Accel1Triggered; } void ambig2() { currentResult = Ambiguous; ambigResult = Accel2Triggered; } void statusMessage( const QString& message ) { sbText = message; } public slots: void initTestCase(); private slots: void number_data(); void number(); void text_data(); void text(); void disabledItems(); void ambiguousItems(); void unicodeCompare(); void unicodeCompose(); protected: static int toButtons( int key ); void defElements(); void sendKeyEvents( int k1, QChar c1 = 0, int k2 = 0, QChar c2 = 0, int k3 = 0, QChar c3 = 0, int k4 = 0, QChar c4 = 0 ); void testElement(); enum Action { SetupAccel, TestAccel, ClearAll } currentAction; enum Widget { NoWidget, Accel1, Accel2 }; enum Result { NoResult, Accel1Triggered, Accel2Triggered, Ambiguous } currentResult; QMainWindow *mainW; Q3Accel *accel1; Q3Accel *accel2; QTextEdit *edit; QString sbText; Result ambigResult; }; // copied from qkeysequence.cpp const QString MacCtrl = QString(QChar(0x2318)); const QString MacMeta = QString(QChar(0x2303)); const QString MacAlt = QString(QChar(0x2325)); const QString MacShift = QString(QChar(0x21E7)); tst_Q3Accel::tst_Q3Accel(): mainW( 0 ) { } tst_Q3Accel::~tst_Q3Accel() { delete mainW; } void tst_Q3Accel::initTestCase() { currentResult = NoResult; mainW = new QMainWindow(0); mainW->setObjectName("main window"); mainW->setFixedSize( 100, 100 ); accel1 = new Q3Accel(mainW, "test_accel1" ); accel2 = new Q3Accel(mainW, "test_accel2" ); edit = new QTextEdit(mainW); edit->setObjectName("test_edit"); connect( accel1, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(accelTrig1()) ); connect( accel2, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(accelTrig2()) ); connect( accel1, SIGNAL(activatedAmbiguously(int)), this, SLOT(ambig1()) ); connect( accel2, SIGNAL(activatedAmbiguously(int)), this, SLOT(ambig2()) ); mainW->setCentralWidget( edit ); connect( mainW->statusBar(), SIGNAL(messageChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(statusMessage(const QString&)) ); qApp->setMainWidget( mainW ); mainW->show(); } int tst_Q3Accel::toButtons( int key ) { int result = 0; if ( key & Qt::SHIFT ) result |= Qt::ShiftModifier; if ( key & Qt::CTRL ) result |= Qt::ControlModifier; if ( key & Qt::META ) result |= Qt::MetaModifier; if ( key & Qt::ALT ) result |= Qt::AltModifier; return result; } void tst_Q3Accel::defElements() { QTest::addColumn("theAction"); QTest::addColumn("theTestWidget"); QTest::addColumn("theString"); QTest::addColumn("the1Key"); QTest::addColumn("the1Char"); QTest::addColumn("the2Key"); QTest::addColumn("the2Char"); QTest::addColumn("the3Key"); QTest::addColumn("the3Char"); QTest::addColumn("the4Key"); QTest::addColumn("the4Char"); QTest::addColumn("theResult"); } void tst_Q3Accel::number() { testElement(); } void tst_Q3Accel::text() { testElement(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Number Elements -------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void tst_Q3Accel::number_data() { defElements(); // Clear all QTest::newRow( "N00 - clear" ) << int(ClearAll) <<0<setEnabled( TRUE ); accel2->setEnabled( TRUE ); /* Testing Disabled Accel Qt::Key_M on A1 Shift + Qt::Key_M on A1 Qt::Key_M on A2 (disabled) Shift + Qt::Key_M on A2 (disabled) */ accel1->clear(); accel2->clear(); accel1->insertItem( QKeySequence("M") ); accel1->insertItem( QKeySequence("Shift+M") ); accel2->insertItem( QKeySequence("M") ); accel2->insertItem( QKeySequence("Shift+M") ); accel2->setEnabled( FALSE ); currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::Key_M, 'm' ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, Accel1Triggered ); currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_M, 'M' ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, Accel1Triggered ); accel2->setEnabled( TRUE ); //PS! /* Testing Disabled Accel Qt::Key_M on A1 Shift + Qt::Key_M on A1 (disabled) Qt::Key_M on A2 (disabled) Shift + Qt::Key_M on A2 */ accel1->clear(); accel2->clear(); accel1->insertItem( QKeySequence("M") ); int i1 = accel1->insertItem( QKeySequence("Shift+M") ); int i2 = accel2->insertItem( QKeySequence("M") ); accel2->insertItem( QKeySequence("Shift+M") ); accel1->setItemEnabled( i1, FALSE ); accel2->setItemEnabled( i2, FALSE ); currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::Key_M, 'm' ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, Accel1Triggered ); currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_M, 'M' ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, Accel2Triggered ); /* Testing Disabled Accel Items Qt::Key_F5 on A1 Shift + Qt::Key_F5 on A2 (disabled) */ accel1->clear(); accel2->clear(); i1 = accel1->insertItem( QKeySequence("F5") ); i2 = accel2->insertItem( QKeySequence("Shift+F5") ); accel1->setItemEnabled( i1, TRUE ); accel2->setItemEnabled( i2, FALSE ); currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::Key_F5, 0 ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, Accel1Triggered ); currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_F5, 0 ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, NoResult ); /* Testing Disabled Accel Qt::Key_F5 on A1 Shift + Qt::Key_F5 on A2 (disabled) */ accel1->clear(); accel2->clear(); i1 = accel1->insertItem( QKeySequence("F5") ); i2 = accel2->insertItem( QKeySequence("Shift+F5") ); accel1->setEnabled( TRUE ); accel2->setEnabled( FALSE ); currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::Key_F5, 0 ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, Accel1Triggered ); currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_F5, 0 ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, NoResult ); /* Testing Disabled Accel, and the corresponding statusbar feedback Ctrl + Qt::Key_K, Ctrl + Qt::Key_L on A1 Ctrl + Qt::Key_K, Ctrl + Qt::Key_M on A2 (disabled) */ accel1->clear(); accel2->clear(); i1 = accel1->insertItem( QKeySequence("Ctrl+K, Ctrl+L") ); i2 = accel2->insertItem( QKeySequence("Ctrl+K, Ctrl+M") ); accel1->setItemEnabled( i1, TRUE ); accel2->setItemEnabled( i2, FALSE ); currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_K, 0 ); sendKeyEvents( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Q, 0 ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, NoResult ); #ifndef Q_WS_MAC QCOMPARE( sbText, QString("Ctrl+K, Ctrl+Q not defined") ); #else QCOMPARE(sbText, MacCtrl + "K, " + MacCtrl + "Q not defined"); #endif currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_K, 0 ); sendKeyEvents( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_M, 0 ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, NoResult ); QCOMPARE(sbText, QString()); currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_K, 0 ); sendKeyEvents( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_L, 0 ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, Accel1Triggered ); QCOMPARE(sbText, QString()); accel1->setEnabled( TRUE ); accel2->setEnabled( TRUE ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Ambiguous Elements ----------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void tst_Q3Accel::ambiguousItems() { accel1->setEnabled( TRUE ); accel2->setEnabled( TRUE ); /* Testing Disabled Accel Qt::Key_M on A1 Qt::Key_M on A2 */ accel1->clear(); accel2->clear(); accel1->insertItem( QKeySequence("M") ); accel2->insertItem( QKeySequence("M") ); currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::Key_M, 'm' ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, Ambiguous ); QCOMPARE( ambigResult, Accel1Triggered ); currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::Key_M, 'm' ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, Ambiguous ); QCOMPARE( ambigResult, Accel2Triggered ); currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::Key_M, 'm' ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, Ambiguous ); QCOMPARE( ambigResult, Accel1Triggered ); accel1->setEnabled( TRUE ); accel2->setEnabled( TRUE ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Unicode and non-unicode Elements --------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void tst_Q3Accel::unicodeCompare() { accel1->setEnabled( TRUE ); accel2->setEnabled( TRUE ); QKeySequence ks1("Ctrl+M"); QKeySequence ks2( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_M ); accel1->clear(); accel2->clear(); accel1->insertItem( ks1 ); accel2->insertItem( ks2 ); currentResult = NoResult; sendKeyEvents( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_M, 0 ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, Ambiguous ); // They _are_ ambiguous, so the QKeySequence operator== // should indicate the same QVERIFY( ks1 == ks2 ); QVERIFY( !(ks1 != ks2) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Unicode composed keys using keypad, and number accels ------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void tst_Q3Accel::unicodeCompose() { accel1->setEnabled( TRUE ); accel2->setEnabled( TRUE ); #if 0 //#if QT_VERSION >= 0x30200 accel1->clear(); accel2->clear(); accel1->insertItem( META+Qt::Key_9 ); edit->setFocus(); currentResult = NoResult; // Turn on unicode composing, and // compose a smileyface. ( 9786 = 0x263A ) QApplication::setMetaComposedUnicode(); QChar ch1( '9' ); QChar ch2( '7' ); QChar ch3( '8' ); QChar ch4( '6' ); QString s1( ch1 ); QString s2( ch2 ); QString s3( ch3 ); QString s4( ch4 ); QKeyEvent k1a( QEvent::AccelOverride, Qt::Key_9, ch1.row() ? 0 : ch1.cell(), Qt::MetaModifier + Qt::KeypadModifier, s1 ); QKeyEvent k1p( QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_9, ch1.row() ? 0 : ch1.cell(), Qt::MetaModifier + Qt::KeypadModifier, s1 ); QKeyEvent k1r( QEvent::KeyRelease, Qt::Key_9, ch1.row() ? 0 : ch1.cell(), Qt::MetaModifier + Qt::KeypadModifier, s1 ); QKeyEvent k2a( QEvent::AccelOverride, Qt::Key_7, ch2.row() ? 0 : ch2.cell(), Qt::MetaModifier + Qt::KeypadModifier, s2 ); QKeyEvent k2p( QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_7, ch2.row() ? 0 : ch2.cell(), Qt::MetaModifier + Qt::KeypadModifier, s2 ); QKeyEvent k2r( QEvent::KeyRelease, Qt::Key_7, ch2.row() ? 0 : ch2.cell(), Qt::MetaModifier + Qt::KeypadModifier, s2 ); QKeyEvent k3a( QEvent::AccelOverride, Qt::Key_8, ch3.row() ? 0 : ch3.cell(), Qt::MetaModifier + Qt::KeypadModifier, s3 ); QKeyEvent k3p( QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_8, ch3.row() ? 0 : ch3.cell(), Qt::MetaModifier + Qt::KeypadModifier, s3 ); QKeyEvent k3r( QEvent::KeyRelease, Qt::Key_8, ch3.row() ? 0 : ch3.cell(), Qt::MetaModifier + Qt::KeypadModifier, s3 ); QKeyEvent k4a( QEvent::AccelOverride, Qt::Key_6, ch4.row() ? 0 : ch4.cell(), Qt::MetaModifier + Qt::KeypadModifier, s4 ); QKeyEvent k4p( QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_6, ch4.row() ? 0 : ch4.cell(), Qt::MetaModifier + Qt::KeypadModifier, s4 ); QKeyEvent k4r( QEvent::KeyRelease, Qt::Key_6, ch4.row() ? 0 : ch4.cell(), Qt::MetaModifier + Qt::KeypadModifier, s4 ); QKeyEvent k5r( QEvent::KeyRelease, Qt::Key_Meta, 0, 0, "" ); QApplication::sendEvent( edit, &k1a ); QApplication::sendEvent( edit, &k1p ); QApplication::sendEvent( edit, &k1r ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, NoResult ); QApplication::sendEvent( edit, &k2a ); QApplication::sendEvent( edit, &k2p ); QApplication::sendEvent( edit, &k2r ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, NoResult ); QApplication::sendEvent( edit, &k3a ); QApplication::sendEvent( edit, &k3p ); QApplication::sendEvent( edit, &k3r ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, NoResult ); QApplication::sendEvent( edit, &k4a ); QApplication::sendEvent( edit, &k4p ); QApplication::sendEvent( edit, &k4r ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, NoResult ); QApplication::sendEvent( edit, &k5r ); // Unicode character is fully composed, and // shouldn't have triggered any accels QCOMPARE( currentResult, NoResult ); // Verify that the unicode character indeed // is composed QVERIFY( edit->text().length() == 1 ); QCOMPARE( (int)edit->text()[0].unicode(), 9786 ); sendKeyEvents( META+Qt::Key_9, 0 ); QCOMPARE( currentResult, Accel1Triggered ); #else QSKIP( "Unicode composing non-existant in Qt 3.y.z", SkipAll); #endif } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Element Testing ------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void tst_Q3Accel::testElement() { #if 0 currentResult = NoResult; QFETCH( int, theAction ); QFETCH( int, theTestWidget ); QFETCH( QString, theString ); QFETCH( int, the1Key ); QFETCH( int, the1Char ); QFETCH( int, the2Key ); QFETCH( int, the2Char ); QFETCH( int, the3Key ); QFETCH( int, the3Char ); QFETCH( int, the4Key ); QFETCH( int, the4Char ); QFETCH( int, theResult ); Q3Accel *ac = 0; switch( theTestWidget ) { case Accel1: ac = accel1; break; case Accel2: ac = accel2; break; case NoWidget: default: ac = 0; } if ( theAction == ClearAll ) { // Clear all current accelerators accel1->clear(); accel2->clear(); QCOMPARE( TRUE, TRUE ); } else if ( theAction == SetupAccel ) { // Set up accelerator for next test QKeySequence ks; if ( QString(theString).isEmpty() ) { ks = QKeySequence( the1Key, the2Key, the3Key, the4Key ); } else { ks = QKeySequence( theString ); } ac->insertItem( ks ); QCOMPARE( TRUE, TRUE ); } else { // Send keyevents sendKeyEvents( the1Key, the1Char, the2Key, the2Char, the3Key, the3Char, the4Key, the4Char ); // Verify the result QCOMPARE( currentResult, theResult ); } #endif } void tst_Q3Accel::sendKeyEvents( int k1, QChar c1, int k2, QChar c2, int k3, QChar c3, int k4, QChar c4 ) { int b1 = toButtons( k1 ); int b2 = toButtons( k2 ); int b3 = toButtons( k3 ); int b4 = toButtons( k4 ); k1 &= ~Qt::MODIFIER_MASK; k2 &= ~Qt::MODIFIER_MASK; k3 &= ~Qt::MODIFIER_MASK; k4 &= ~Qt::MODIFIER_MASK; QKeyEvent ke( QEvent::Accel, k1, (Qt::KeyboardModifiers)b1, QString(c1) ); QApplication::sendEvent( mainW, &ke ); if ( k2 ) { QKeyEvent ke( QEvent::Accel, k2, k2, b2, QString(c2) ); QApplication::sendEvent( mainW, &ke ); } if ( k3 ) { QKeyEvent ke( QEvent::Accel, k3, k3, b3, QString(c3) ); QApplication::sendEvent( mainW, &ke ); } if ( k4 ) { QKeyEvent ke( QEvent::Accel, k4, k4, b4, QString(c4) ); QApplication::sendEvent( mainW, &ke ); } } QTEST_MAIN(tst_Q3Accel) #include "tst_q3accel.moc"