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** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include <QtTest/QtTest>

#include "q3widgetstack.h"
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qboxlayout.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qradiobutton.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qdialog.h>


class tst_Q3WidgetStack : public QObject

    virtual ~tst_Q3WidgetStack();

protected slots:
    void aboutToShow_helper(int);
    void aboutToShow_helper(QWidget *);
public slots:
    void initTestCase();
    void cleanupTestCase();
    void init();
    void cleanup();
private slots:
    void aboutToShow();
    void sizeHint();
    void addWidget();

    Q3WidgetStack *testWidget;
    QWidget *widgetOne;
    QWidget *widgetTwo;

    // Helpers for aboutToShow() test
    QWidget *currentVisibleWidgetOne;
    int aboutToShowId;
    bool aboutToShowSignalOne;
    QWidget *currentVisibleWidgetTwo;
    QWidget *aboutToShowWidget;
    bool aboutToShowSignalTwo;


const QSizePolicy ignored(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Ignored);
const QSizePolicy preferred(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred);

    testWidget = 0;


void tst_Q3WidgetStack::initTestCase()
    testWidget = new Q3WidgetStack( 0 );
    widgetOne = new QWidget( testWidget );
    testWidget->addWidget( widgetOne );
    widgetTwo = new QWidget( testWidget );
    testWidget->addWidget( widgetTwo );


void tst_Q3WidgetStack::cleanupTestCase()
    delete testWidget;
    testWidget = 0;

void tst_Q3WidgetStack::init()
   testWidget->raiseWidget( widgetOne );

void tst_Q3WidgetStack::cleanup()

void tst_Q3WidgetStack::aboutToShow_helper(int id)
    currentVisibleWidgetOne = testWidget->visibleWidget();
    aboutToShowId = id;
    aboutToShowSignalOne = TRUE;

void tst_Q3WidgetStack::aboutToShow_helper(QWidget *widget)
    currentVisibleWidgetTwo = testWidget->visibleWidget();
    aboutToShowWidget = widget;
    aboutToShowSignalTwo = TRUE;

void tst_Q3WidgetStack::aboutToShow()
    currentVisibleWidgetOne = 0;
    aboutToShowId = 1000; // The id is not likely to be 1000
    aboutToShowSignalOne = FALSE;
    currentVisibleWidgetTwo = 0;
    aboutToShowWidget = 0;
    aboutToShowSignalTwo = FALSE;

    connect(testWidget, SIGNAL(aboutToShow(int)), this, SLOT(aboutToShow_helper(int)));
    connect(testWidget, SIGNAL(aboutToShow(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(aboutToShow_helper(QWidget *)));
    for (int a = 0;a < 10;a++) {
	if (aboutToShowSignalOne || aboutToShowSignalTwo)
    QVERIFY(currentVisibleWidgetOne == widgetOne);
    QVERIFY(currentVisibleWidgetTwo == widgetOne);
    QCOMPARE(aboutToShowId, testWidget->id(widgetTwo));
    QCOMPARE(aboutToShowWidget, widgetTwo);
    QCOMPARE(testWidget->visibleWidget(), widgetTwo);

void tst_Q3WidgetStack::sizeHint()
    QDialog dialog(0);

    QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout(&dialog);
    Q3WidgetStack *stack = new Q3WidgetStack(&dialog);

    QWidget *pageA = new QWidget(stack);
    (new QVBoxLayout(pageA))->addWidget(new QLineEdit(pageA));

    QWidget *pageB = new QWidget(stack);
    (new QVBoxLayout(pageB))->addWidget(new QRadioButton(pageB));


    QSize before(dialog.size());

    QVERIFY(before != dialog.minimumSizeHint());

void tst_Q3WidgetStack::addWidget()
    QDialog dialog(0);
    Q3WidgetStack *stack = new Q3WidgetStack(&dialog);

    // The widget should now be added to the stack 
    QWidget *widget = new QWidget(stack);
    QCOMPARE(stack->id(widget), -1);

    // The widget should get a positive ID
    int id = stack->addWidget(widget);
    QVERIFY(id >= 0);
    QCOMPARE(stack->id(widget), id);
    QCOMPARE(stack->widget(id), widget);

    QWidget *widget2 = new QWidget(stack);
    QCOMPARE(stack->id(widget2), -1);

    // The widget should get a negative ID different from -1
    id = stack->addWidget(widget2, -2);
    QVERIFY(id < -1);
    QCOMPARE(stack->id(widget2), id);
    QVERIFY(stack->id(widget2) != stack->id(widget));
    QCOMPARE(stack->widget(id), widget2);

    // The widget should be removed when it's deleted
    delete widget2;
    QCOMPARE(stack->id(widget2), -1);
    QCOMPARE(stack->widget(id), (QWidget*)0);
    // Create a unique ID
    int uid = stack->id(widget) + 100;
    QWidget *widget3 = new QWidget(widget);

    // Test of reparenting
    id = stack->addWidget(widget3, uid);
    QCOMPARE(id, uid);
    QCOMPARE(stack->id(widget3), id);
    QCOMPARE(widget3->parentWidget(), (QWidget*)stack);
    QCOMPARE(stack->widget(id), widget3);

    delete widget3;
    QCOMPARE(stack->id(widget3), -1);
    QCOMPARE(stack->widget(id), (QWidget*)0);

    delete widget;
    QCOMPARE(stack->id(widget), -1);

    delete stack;


#include "tst_q3widgetstack.moc"