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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#include <QtTest/QtTest>

#include <qicon.h>

#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
#define SRCDIR "."
#include <qiconengine.h>



class tst_QIcon : public QObject

private slots:
    void init();
    void cleanup();

    void actualSize_data(); // test with 1 pixmap
    void actualSize();
    void actualSize2_data(); // test with 2 pixmaps with different aspect ratio
    void actualSize2();
    void svgActualSize();
    void isNull();
    void bestMatch();
    void cacheKey();
    void detach();
    void svg();
    void addFile();
    void availableSizes();
    void streamAvailableSizes_data();
    void streamAvailableSizes();
    void fromTheme();

    void task184901_badCache();
    void task223279_inconsistentAddFile();
    void task239461_custom_iconengine_crash();

    QString oldCurrentDir;

    const static QIcon staticIcon;

// Creating an icon statically should not cause a crash. 
// But we do not officially support this. See QTBUG-8666
const QIcon tst_QIcon::staticIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("edit-find");

void tst_QIcon::init()
    QString srcdir(QLatin1String(SRCDIR));
    if (!srcdir.isEmpty()) {
        oldCurrentDir = QDir::current().absolutePath();

void tst_QIcon::cleanup()
    if (!oldCurrentDir.isEmpty()) {


void tst_QIcon::actualSize_data()

    // square image
    QTest::newRow("resource0") << ":/image.png" << QSize(128, 128) << QSize(128, 128);
    QTest::newRow("resource1") << ":/image.png" << QSize( 64,  64) << QSize( 64,  64);
    QTest::newRow("resource2") << ":/image.png" << QSize( 32,  64) << QSize( 32,  32);
    QTest::newRow("resource3") << ":/image.png" << QSize( 16,  64) << QSize( 16,  16);
    QTest::newRow("resource4") << ":/image.png" << QSize( 16,  128) << QSize( 16,  16);
    QTest::newRow("resource5") << ":/image.png" << QSize( 128,  16) << QSize( 16,  16);
    QTest::newRow("resource6") << ":/image.png" << QSize( 150,  150) << QSize( 128,  128);
    // rect image
    QTest::newRow("resource7") << ":/rect.png" << QSize( 20,  40) << QSize( 20,  40);
    QTest::newRow("resource8") << ":/rect.png" << QSize( 10,  20) << QSize( 10,  20);
    QTest::newRow("resource9") << ":/rect.png" << QSize( 15,  50) << QSize( 15,  30);
    QTest::newRow("resource10") << ":/rect.png" << QSize( 25,  50) << QSize( 20,  40);

    const QString prefix = QLatin1String(SRCDIR) + QLatin1String("/");
    QTest::newRow("external0") << prefix + "image.png" << QSize(128, 128) << QSize(128, 128);
    QTest::newRow("external1") << prefix + "image.png" << QSize( 64,  64) << QSize( 64,  64);
    QTest::newRow("external2") << prefix + "image.png" << QSize( 32,  64) << QSize( 32,  32);
    QTest::newRow("external3") << prefix + "image.png" << QSize( 16,  64) << QSize( 16,  16);
    QTest::newRow("external4") << prefix + "image.png" << QSize( 16,  128) << QSize( 16,  16);
    QTest::newRow("external5") << prefix + "image.png" << QSize( 128,  16) << QSize( 16,  16);
    QTest::newRow("external6") << prefix + "image.png" << QSize( 150,  150) << QSize( 128,  128);
    // rect image
    QTest::newRow("external7") << ":/rect.png" << QSize( 20,  40) << QSize( 20,  40);
    QTest::newRow("external8") << ":/rect.png" << QSize( 10,  20) << QSize( 10,  20);
    QTest::newRow("external9") << ":/rect.png" << QSize( 15,  50) << QSize( 15,  30);
    QTest::newRow("external10") << ":/rect.png" << QSize( 25,  50) << QSize( 20,  40);

void tst_QIcon::actualSize()
    QFETCH(QString, source);
    QFETCH(QSize, argument);
    QFETCH(QSize, result);

        QPixmap pixmap(source);
        QIcon icon(pixmap);
        QCOMPARE(icon.actualSize(argument), result);
        QCOMPARE(icon.pixmap(argument).size(), result);

        QIcon icon(source);
        QCOMPARE(icon.actualSize(argument), result);
        QCOMPARE(icon.pixmap(argument).size(), result);

void tst_QIcon::actualSize2_data()

    // two images - 128x128 and 20x40. Let the games begin
    QTest::newRow("trivial1") << QSize( 128,  128) << QSize( 128,  128);
    QTest::newRow("trivial2") << QSize( 20,  40) << QSize( 20,  40);

    // QIcon chooses the one with the smallest area to choose the pixmap
    QTest::newRow("best1") << QSize( 100,  100) << QSize( 100,  100);
    QTest::newRow("best2") << QSize( 20,  20) << QSize( 10,  20);
    QTest::newRow("best3") << QSize( 15,  30) << QSize( 15,  30);
    QTest::newRow("best4") << QSize( 5,  5) << QSize( 2,  5);
    QTest::newRow("best5") << QSize( 10,  15) << QSize( 7,  15);

void tst_QIcon::actualSize2()
    QIcon icon;
    const QString prefix = QLatin1String(SRCDIR) + QLatin1String("/");

    icon.addPixmap(QPixmap(prefix + "image.png"));
    icon.addPixmap(QPixmap(prefix + "rect.png"));

    QFETCH(QSize, argument);
    QFETCH(QSize, result);

    QCOMPARE(icon.actualSize(argument), result);
    QCOMPARE(icon.pixmap(argument).size(), result);

void tst_QIcon::svgActualSize()
    const QString prefix = QLatin1String(SRCDIR) + QLatin1String("/");
    QIcon icon(prefix + "rect.svg");
    QCOMPARE(icon.actualSize(QSize(16, 16)), QSize(16, 2));
    QCOMPARE(icon.pixmap(QSize(16, 16)).size(), QSize(16, 2));

    QPixmap p(16, 16);

    QCOMPARE(icon.actualSize(QSize(16, 16)), QSize(16, 16));
    QCOMPARE(icon.pixmap(QSize(16, 16)).size(), QSize(16, 16));

    QCOMPARE(icon.actualSize(QSize(16, 14)), QSize(16, 2));
    QCOMPARE(icon.pixmap(QSize(16, 14)).size(), QSize(16, 2));

void tst_QIcon::isNull() {
    // test default constructor
    QIcon defaultConstructor;

    // test copy constructor

    // test pixmap constructor
    QPixmap nullPixmap;

    // test string constructor with empty string
    QIcon iconEmptyString = QIcon(QString());
    QVERIFY(!iconEmptyString.actualSize(QSize(32, 32)).isValid());;

    // test string constructor with non-existing file
    QIcon iconNoFile = QIcon("imagedoesnotexist");
    QVERIFY(!iconNoFile.actualSize(QSize(32, 32)).isValid());

    // test string constructor with non-existing file with suffix
    QIcon iconNoFileSuffix = QIcon("imagedoesnotexist.png");
    QVERIFY(!iconNoFileSuffix.actualSize(QSize(32, 32)).isValid());

    const QString prefix = QLatin1String(SRCDIR) + QLatin1String("/");
    // test string constructor with existing file but unsupported format
    QIcon iconUnsupportedFormat = QIcon(prefix + "tst_qicon.cpp");
    QVERIFY(!iconUnsupportedFormat.actualSize(QSize(32, 32)).isValid());

    // test string constructor with existing file and supported format
    QIcon iconSupportedFormat = QIcon(prefix + "image.png");
    QVERIFY(iconSupportedFormat.actualSize(QSize(32, 32)).isValid());

void tst_QIcon::bestMatch()
    QPixmap p1(1, 1);
    QPixmap p2(2, 2);
    QPixmap p3(3, 3);
    QPixmap p4(4, 4);
    QPixmap p5(5, 5);
    QPixmap p6(6, 6);
    QPixmap p7(7, 7);
    QPixmap p8(8, 8);


    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
            QIcon::State state = (j == 0) ? QIcon::On : QIcon::Off;
            QIcon::State oppositeState = (state == QIcon::On) ? QIcon::Off
                                                              : QIcon::On;
            QIcon::Mode mode;
            QIcon::Mode oppositeMode;

            QIcon icon;

            switch (i) {
            case 0:
                mode = QIcon::Normal;
                oppositeMode = QIcon::Active;
            case 1:
                mode = QIcon::Active;
                oppositeMode = QIcon::Normal;
            case 2:
                mode = QIcon::Disabled;
                oppositeMode = QIcon::Selected;
            case 3:
                mode = QIcon::Selected;
                oppositeMode = QIcon::Disabled;

                The test mirrors the code in
                QPixmapIconEngine::bestMatch(), to make sure that
                nobody breaks QPixmapIconEngine by mistake. Before
                you change this test or the code that it tests,
                please talk to the maintainer if possible.
            if (mode == QIcon::Disabled || mode == QIcon::Selected) {
                icon.addPixmap(p1, oppositeMode, oppositeState);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p1.size());

                icon.addPixmap(p2, oppositeMode, state);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p2.size());

                icon.addPixmap(p3, QIcon::Active, oppositeState);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p3.size());

                icon.addPixmap(p4, QIcon::Normal, oppositeState);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p4.size());

                icon.addPixmap(p5, mode, oppositeState);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p5.size());

                icon.addPixmap(p6, QIcon::Active, state);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p6.size());

                icon.addPixmap(p7, QIcon::Normal, state);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p7.size());

                icon.addPixmap(p8, mode, state);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p8.size());
            } else {
                icon.addPixmap(p1, QIcon::Selected, oppositeState);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p1.size());

                icon.addPixmap(p2, QIcon::Disabled, oppositeState);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p2.size());

                icon.addPixmap(p3, QIcon::Selected, state);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p3.size());

                icon.addPixmap(p4, QIcon::Disabled, state);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p4.size());

                icon.addPixmap(p5, oppositeMode, oppositeState);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p5.size());

                icon.addPixmap(p6, mode, oppositeState);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p6.size());

                icon.addPixmap(p7, oppositeMode, state);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p7.size());

                icon.addPixmap(p8, mode, state);
                QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(100, mode, state).size() == p8.size());

void tst_QIcon::cacheKey()
    QIcon icon1("image.png");
    qint64 icon1_key = icon1.cacheKey();
    QIcon icon2 = icon1;

    QVERIFY(icon2.cacheKey() == icon1.cacheKey());
    QVERIFY(icon2.cacheKey() != icon1.cacheKey());
    QVERIFY(icon1.cacheKey() == icon1_key);

void tst_QIcon::detach()
    QImage img(32, 32, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
    QIcon icon1(QPixmap::fromImage(img));
    QIcon icon2 = icon1;
    icon2.addFile("image.png", QSize(64, 64));

    QImage img1 = icon1.pixmap(64, 64).toImage();
    QImage img2 = icon2.pixmap(64, 64).toImage();
    QVERIFY(img1 != img2);

    img1 = icon1.pixmap(32, 32).toImage();
    img2 = icon2.pixmap(32, 32).toImage();
    QVERIFY(img1 == img2);

void tst_QIcon::svg()
    QIcon icon1("heart.svg");

    QImage img1 = icon1.pixmap(32).toImage();
    QVERIFY(!icon1.pixmap(32, QIcon::Disabled).isNull());
    QImage img2 = icon1.pixmap(32, QIcon::Disabled).toImage();

    icon1.addFile("trash.svg", QSize(), QIcon::Disabled);
    QVERIFY(!icon1.pixmap(32, QIcon::Disabled).isNull());
    QImage img3 = icon1.pixmap(32, QIcon::Disabled).toImage();
    QVERIFY(img3 != img2);
    QVERIFY(img3 != img1);

    QPixmap pm("image.png");
    icon1.addPixmap(pm, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On);
    QVERIFY(!icon1.pixmap(128, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On).isNull());
    QImage img4 = icon1.pixmap(128, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On).toImage();
    QVERIFY(img4 != img3);
    QVERIFY(img4 != img2);
    QVERIFY(img4 != img1);

    QIcon icon2;
    QVERIFY(icon2.pixmap(57).toImage() == icon1.pixmap(57).toImage());

    QIcon icon3("trash.svg");
    QVERIFY(icon3.pixmap(57).toImage() == icon1.pixmap(57).toImage());

    QIcon icon4("heart.svg");
    icon4.addFile("image.png", QSize(), QIcon::Active);
    QVERIFY(!icon4.pixmap(32, QIcon::Active).isNull());
    QVERIFY(icon4.pixmap(32).toImage() == img1);
    QIcon pmIcon(pm);
    QVERIFY(icon4.pixmap(pm.size(), QIcon::Active).toImage() == pmIcon.pixmap(pm.size(), QIcon::Active).toImage());

    QIcon icon5("heart.svgz");

void tst_QIcon::addFile()
    QIcon icon;
    icon.addFile(QLatin1String(":/trolltech/styles/commonstyle/images/standardbutton-save-16.png"), QSize(), QIcon::Selected);
    icon.addFile(QLatin1String(":/trolltech/styles/commonstyle/images/standardbutton-save-32.png"), QSize(), QIcon::Selected);
    icon.addFile(QLatin1String(":/trolltech/styles/commonstyle/images/standardbutton-save-128.png"), QSize(), QIcon::Selected);

#ifndef Q_OS_WINCE
    QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(16, QIcon::Normal).toImage() ==
    QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(32, QIcon::Normal).toImage() ==
    QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(128, QIcon::Normal).toImage() ==
    QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(16, QIcon::Selected).toImage() ==
    QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(32, QIcon::Selected).toImage() ==
    QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(128, QIcon::Selected).toImage() ==
    // WinCE only includes the 16x16 images for size reasons
    QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(16, QIcon::Normal).toImage() ==
    QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(16, QIcon::Selected).toImage() ==

static bool sizeLess(const QSize &a, const QSize &b)
    return a.width() < b.width();

void tst_QIcon::availableSizes()
        QIcon icon;
        icon.addFile("image.png", QSize(32,32));
        icon.addFile("image.png", QSize(64,64));
        icon.addFile("image.png", QSize(128,128));
        icon.addFile("image.png", QSize(256,256), QIcon::Disabled);
        icon.addFile("image.png", QSize(16,16), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On);

        QList<QSize> availableSizes = icon.availableSizes();
        QCOMPARE(availableSizes.size(), 3);
        qSort(availableSizes.begin(), availableSizes.end(), sizeLess);
        QCOMPARE(availableSizes.at(0), QSize(32,32));
        QCOMPARE(availableSizes.at(1), QSize(64,64));
        QCOMPARE(availableSizes.at(2), QSize(128,128));

        availableSizes = icon.availableSizes(QIcon::Disabled);
        QCOMPARE(availableSizes.size(), 1);
        QCOMPARE(availableSizes.at(0), QSize(256,256));

        availableSizes = icon.availableSizes(QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On);
        QCOMPARE(availableSizes.size(), 1);
        QCOMPARE(availableSizes.at(0), QSize(16,16));

        // checks that there are no availableSizes for scalable images.
        QIcon icon("heart.svg");
        QList<QSize> availableSizes = icon.availableSizes();

        // even if an a scalable image contain added pixmaps,
        // availableSizes still should be empty.
        QIcon icon("heart.svg");
        icon.addFile("image.png", QSize(32,32));
        QList<QSize> availableSizes = icon.availableSizes();

        // we try to load an icon from resources
        QIcon icon(QLatin1String(":/trolltech/styles/commonstyle/images/standardbutton-open-16.png"));
        QList<QSize> availableSizes = icon.availableSizes();
        QCOMPARE(availableSizes.size(), 1);
        QCOMPARE(availableSizes.at(0), QSize(16, 16));

        // load an icon from binary data.
        QPixmap pix;
        QFile file(QLatin1String(":/trolltech/styles/commonstyle/images/standardbutton-open-16.png"));
        uchar *data = file.map(0, file.size());
        QVERIFY(data != 0);
        pix.loadFromData(data, file.size());
        QIcon icon(pix);

        QList<QSize> availableSizes = icon.availableSizes();
        QCOMPARE(availableSizes.size(), 1);
        QCOMPARE(availableSizes.at(0), QSize(16,16));

        // there shouldn't be available sizes for invalid images!

void tst_QIcon::streamAvailableSizes_data()

    QIcon icon;
    icon.addFile(":/image.png", QSize(32,32));
    QTest::newRow( "32x32" ) << icon;
    icon.addFile(":/image.png", QSize(64,64));
    QTest::newRow( "64x64" ) << icon;
    icon.addFile(":/image.png", QSize(128,128));
    QTest::newRow( "128x128" ) << icon;
    icon.addFile(":/image.png", QSize(256,256));
    QTest::newRow( "256x256" ) << icon;

void tst_QIcon::streamAvailableSizes()
    QFETCH(QIcon, icon);

    QByteArray ba;
    // write to QByteArray
        QBuffer buffer(&ba);
        QDataStream stream(&buffer);
        stream << icon;

    // read from QByteArray
        QBuffer buffer(&ba);
        QDataStream stream(&buffer);
        QIcon i;
        stream >> i;
        QCOMPARE(i.isNull(), icon.isNull());
        QCOMPARE(i.availableSizes(), icon.availableSizes());

static inline bool operator<(const QSize &lhs, const QSize &rhs)
    if (lhs.width() < rhs.width())
        return true;
    else if (lhs.width() == lhs.width())
        return lhs.height() < lhs.height();
    return false;

void tst_QIcon::task184901_badCache()
    QPixmap pm("image.png");
    QIcon icon(pm);

    //the disabled icon must have an effect (grayed)
    QVERIFY(icon.pixmap(32, QIcon::Normal).toImage() != icon.pixmap(32, QIcon::Disabled).toImage());

    icon.addPixmap(pm, QIcon::Disabled);
    //the disabled icon must now be the same as the normal one.
    QVERIFY( icon.pixmap(32, QIcon::Normal).toImage() == icon.pixmap(32, QIcon::Disabled).toImage() );

void tst_QIcon::fromTheme()
    QString searchPath = QLatin1String(":/icons");
    QIcon::setThemeSearchPaths(QStringList() << searchPath);
    QVERIFY(QIcon::themeSearchPaths().size() == 1);
    QCOMPARE(searchPath, QIcon::themeSearchPaths()[0]);

    QString themeName("testtheme");
    QCOMPARE(QIcon::themeName(), themeName);

    // Test normal icon
    QIcon appointmentIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("appointment-new");
    QVERIFY(!appointmentIcon.availableSizes(QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off).isEmpty());
    QVERIFY(appointmentIcon.availableSizes().contains(QSize(16, 16)));
    QVERIFY(appointmentIcon.availableSizes().contains(QSize(32, 32)));
    QVERIFY(appointmentIcon.availableSizes().contains(QSize(22, 22)));

    // Test icon from parent theme
    QIcon abIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("address-book-new");

    // Test non existing icon
    QIcon noIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("broken-icon");

    // Test non existing icon with fallback
    noIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("broken-icon", abIcon);
    QVERIFY(noIcon.cacheKey() == abIcon.cacheKey());

    // Test svg-only icon
    noIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("svg-icon", abIcon);

    QByteArray ba;
    // write to QByteArray
        QBuffer buffer(&ba);
        QDataStream stream(&buffer);
        stream << abIcon;

    // read from QByteArray
        QBuffer buffer(&ba);
        QDataStream stream(&buffer);
        QIcon i;
        stream >> i;
        QCOMPARE(i.isNull(), abIcon.isNull());
        QCOMPARE(i.availableSizes(), abIcon.availableSizes());

    // Make sure setting the theme name clears the state
    abIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("address-book-new");

void tst_QIcon::task223279_inconsistentAddFile()
    QIcon icon1;
    icon1.addFile(QLatin1String("IconThatDoesntExist"), QSize(32, 32));
    QPixmap pm1 = icon1.pixmap(32, 32);

    QIcon icon2;
    QPixmap pm2 = icon1.pixmap(32, 32);

    QCOMPARE(pm1.isNull(), false);
    QCOMPARE(pm1.size(), QSize(16,16));
    QCOMPARE(pm1.isNull(), pm2.isNull());
    QCOMPARE(pm1.size(), pm2.size());

// During detach, v2 engines are cloned, while v1 engines are only
// passed on, so v1 engines need to be referenced counted. This test
// verifies that the engine is destroyed once and only once.

class IconEngine : public QIconEngine
    ~IconEngine() { destructorCalled++; }
    virtual void paint(QPainter *, const QRect &, QIcon::Mode, QIcon::State) { }
    static int destructorCalled;
int IconEngine::destructorCalled = 0;

void tst_QIcon::task239461_custom_iconengine_crash()
    QIconEngine *engine = new IconEngine();
        QIcon icon(engine);
        QIcon icon2 = icon;

        QPixmap pixmap(32, 32);
    QCOMPARE(IconEngine::destructorCalled, 1);

#include "tst_qicon.moc"