** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** Contact: Qt Software Information (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
** No Commercial Usage
** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
** Beta Release License Agreement.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
** package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** contact the sales department at qt-sales@nokia.com.

#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qmainwindow.h>
#include <qmenubar.h>
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
#include <q3popupmenu.h>
#include <qstyle.h>
#include <qdesktopwidget.h>
#include <qaction.h>

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
#include <windows.h>

#include <qobject.h>


#include <qmenubar.h>


class QtTestSlot : public QObject

    QtTestSlot( QObject* parent = 0 ): QObject( parent ) { clear(); };
    virtual ~QtTestSlot() {};

    void clear() { sel_count = 0; };
    uint selCount() { return sel_count; };

public slots:
    void selected() { sel_count++; };

    uint sel_count;

class tst_QMenuBar : public QObject
    virtual ~tst_QMenuBar();

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
    void initSimpleMenubar();
    void initSimpleMenubar_noQt3();

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
    void initComplexMenubar();
    void initComplexMenubar_noQt3();

public slots:
    void initTestCase();
    void cleanupTestCase();
    void init();
private slots:
    void getSetCheck();

    void clear_noQt3();
    void removeItemAt_noQt3();
    void removeItemAt_noQt3_data();
    void removeItem_noQt3_data();
    void removeItem_noQt3();
    void count_noQt3();
    void insertItem_QString_QObject_noQt3();
    void accel_noQt3();
    void activatedCount_noQt3();
    void allowActiveAndDisabled();
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
    void clear();
    void removeItemAt_data();
    void removeItemAt();
    void removeItem_data();
    void removeItem();
    void count();
    void insertItem_QString_QObject();
    void accel();
    void activatedCount();

    void check_accelKeys();
    void check_cursorKeys1();
    void check_cursorKeys2();
    void check_cursorKeys3();

    void check_homeKey();
    void check_endKey();
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
    void check_escKey();
    void check_escKey_noQt3();

//     void check_mouse1_data();
//     void check_mouse1();
//     void check_mouse2_data();
//     void check_mouse2();

    void check_altPress();
    void check_shortcutPress();
    void check_menuPosition();
    void task223138_triggered();
#if defined(QT3_SUPPORT)
    void indexBasedInsertion_data();
    void indexBasedInsertion();

protected slots:
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
    void onActivated( int );
    void onActivated_noQt3( QAction*);


    void initTestCase_noQt3();

    QtTestSlot *menu1;
    QtTestSlot *menu2;
    QtTestSlot *menu3;
    QtTestSlot *menu4;

    QtTestSlot *item1_A;
    QtTestSlot *item1_B;
    QtTestSlot *item2_C;
    QtTestSlot *item2_D;
    QtTestSlot *item2_E;
    QtTestSlot *item2_F;
    QtTestSlot *item2_G;
    QtTestSlot *item2_H;

    void resetSlots();
    void resetCount();

    void reset() { resetSlots(); resetCount(); };

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
    int last_accel_id;
    QAction* last_accel_id_Qt4;
    int activated_count;

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
    int idAccel;
    int idAccel1;
    QAction *action;
    QAction *action1;
    QMainWindow *mw;
    QMenuBar *mb;
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
    Q3PopupMenu *pm1;
    Q3PopupMenu *pm2;
    QMenu *pm1_Qt4;
    QMenu *pm2_Qt4;

// Testing get/set functions
void tst_QMenuBar::getSetCheck()
    QMenuBar obj1;
    // QAction * QMenuBar::activeAction()
    // void QMenuBar::setActiveAction(QAction *)
    QAction *var1 = new QAction(0);
    QCOMPARE(var1, obj1.activeAction());
    obj1.setActiveAction((QAction *)0);
    QCOMPARE((QAction *)0, obj1.activeAction());
    delete var1;


#include <qcursor.h>

const int RESET = 0;

    Test plan:
	insertItem (all flavours and combinations)
	removing menu items
	clearing the menu

	check the common behaviour + emitted signals for:
	    accelerator keys
	    navigating tru the menu and then pressing ENTER
	    mouse clicks
	    mouse drags
	    combinations of key + mouse (if possible)
	    checked / unckecked state of menu options
	    active / inactive state

    Can't test these without pixmap comparison...
	show and hide
	icons in a menu
	pixmaps in a menu



    QApplication::setEffectEnabled(Qt::UI_AnimateMenu, false);

    activated_count = 0;
    mb = 0;
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
    pm1 = 0;
    pm2 = 0;
    last_accel_id = RESET;
    pm1_Qt4 = 0;
    pm2_Qt4 = 0;
    last_accel_id_Qt4 = 0;

    //delete mw; //#### cannot do that AFTER qapplication was destroyed!
    mw = 0;

void tst_QMenuBar::initTestCase()
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
    // create a default mainwindow
    // If you run a widget test, this will be replaced in the testcase by the
    // widget under test
    mw = new QMainWindow(0, Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint);
    mb = new QMenuBar( mw, "menubar" );
    connect( mb, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(onActivated(int)) );


    qApp->setMainWidget( mw );

    menu1 = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    menu2 = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    menu3 = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    menu4 = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item1_A = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item1_B = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item2_C = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item2_D = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item2_E = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item2_F = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item2_G = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item2_H = new QtTestSlot( mw );

void tst_QMenuBar::initTestCase_noQt3()
    // create a default mainwindow
    // If you run a widget test, this will be replaced in the testcase by the
    // widget under test
    mw = new QMainWindow(0, Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint);
    mb = new QMenuBar( mw );
    connect( mb, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), this, SLOT(onActivated_noQt3(QAction *)) );


    menu1 = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    menu2 = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    menu3 = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    menu4 = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item1_A = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item1_B = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item2_C = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item2_D = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item2_E = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item2_F = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item2_G = new QtTestSlot( mw );
    item2_H = new QtTestSlot( mw );

void tst_QMenuBar::cleanupTestCase()
    delete mw;

#if defined(QT3_SUPPORT)
void tst_QMenuBar::initSimpleMenubar()

    delete pm1;
    pm1  = new Q3PopupMenu( mb );
    idAccel = pm1->insertItem( "menu1", 123 );
//    pm->setAccel( ALT + Key_A, idAccel );
    pm1->setAccel( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_A, idAccel );
    mb->insertItem( "&accel", pm1 );
    connect( pm1, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(onActivated(int)));

    delete pm2;
    pm2 = new Q3PopupMenu( mb );
//    idAccel1 = pm2->insertItem( "&Open...", this, SLOT(onActivated(int)), Qt::Key_O, 456 );
    idAccel1 = pm2->insertItem( "&Open...", 0, 0, Qt::Key_O, 456 );
    connect(pm2, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(onActivated(int)));
    mb->insertItem( "accel1", pm2 );


void tst_QMenuBar::initSimpleMenubar_noQt3()

    delete pm1_Qt4;
    pm1_Qt4  = mb->addMenu("&accel");
    action = pm1_Qt4->addAction( "menu1" );

    connect( pm1_Qt4, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(onActivated_noQt3(QAction*)));

    delete pm2_Qt4;
    pm2_Qt4  = mb->addMenu("accel1");

    action1 = pm2_Qt4->addAction( "&Open..." );
    connect(pm2_Qt4, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(onActivated_noQt3(QAction*)));


void tst_QMenuBar::init()

void tst_QMenuBar::resetSlots()

void tst_QMenuBar::resetCount()
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
    last_accel_id = RESET;
    last_accel_id_Qt4 = 0;
    activated_count = 0;

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
void tst_QMenuBar::onActivated( int i )
    last_accel_id = i;
//     printf( QString("acceleratorId: %1, count: %1\n").arg( i ).arg(activated_count) );

void tst_QMenuBar::onActivated_noQt3( QAction* action )
    last_accel_id_Qt4 = action;
//     printf( QString("acceleratorId: %1, count: %1\n").arg( i ).arg(activated_count) );

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
void tst_QMenuBar::accel()
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
    QSKIP("On Mac, native key events are needed to test menu action activation", SkipAll);
    // create a popup menu with menu items set the accelerators later...
//    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_A, AltKey );
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_A, Qt::ControlModifier );

    QCOMPARE( last_accel_id, idAccel );
#endif //QT3_SUPPORT

void tst_QMenuBar::accel_noQt3()
#if defined(Q_WS_MAC) || defined(Q_OS_WINCE_WM)
    QSKIP("On Mac/WinCE, native key events are needed to test menu action activation", SkipAll);
    // create a popup menu with menu items set the accelerators later...
//    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_A, AltKey );
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_A, Qt::ControlModifier );

    QCOMPARE( last_accel_id_Qt4, action );

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
void tst_QMenuBar::activatedCount()
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
    QSKIP("On Mac, native key events are needed to test menu action activation", SkipAll);
    // create a popup menu with menu items set the accelerators later...

    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_A, Qt::ControlModifier );
    QCOMPARE( activated_count, 2 ); //1 from the popupmenu and 1 from the menubar
#endif //QT3_SUPPORT

void tst_QMenuBar::activatedCount_noQt3()
#if defined(Q_WS_MAC) || defined(Q_OS_WINCE_WM)
    QSKIP("On Mac/WinCE, native key events are needed to test menu action activation", SkipAll);
    // create a popup menu with menu items set the accelerators later...

    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_A, Qt::ControlModifier );
    QCOMPARE( activated_count, 2 ); //1 from the popupmenu and 1 from the menubar

void tst_QMenuBar::clear_noQt3()
    QVERIFY( (uint) mb->actions().size() == 0 );

    for (uint i=0; i<10; i++) {
        QMenu *menu = mb->addMenu( QString("Menu %1"));
	for (uint k=0; k<i; k++)
	    menu->addAction( QString("Item %1"));
	QCOMPARE( (uint) mb->actions().size(), (uint)i+1 );
    QCOMPARE( (uint) mb->actions().size(), 10u );

    QVERIFY( (uint) mb->actions().size() == 0 );

void tst_QMenuBar::count_noQt3()
    QVERIFY( mb->actions().size() == 0 );

    for (uint i=0; i<10; i++) {
	mb->addAction( QString("Menu %1"));
	QCOMPARE( (uint) mb->actions().size(), (uint) i+1 );

void tst_QMenuBar::removeItem_noQt3_data()
    QTest::newRow( "first" ) << 0;
    QTest::newRow( "middle" ) << 1;
    QTest::newRow( "last" ) << 2;

// Basically the same test as removeItemAt, except that we remember and remove id's.
void tst_QMenuBar::removeItem_noQt3()

    QMenu *pm;
    pm = new QMenu( "stuff", mb );
    pm->setTitle("Menu 1");
    pm->addAction( QString("Item 10") );
    QAction* action1 = mb->addMenu( pm );

    pm = new QMenu( mb );
    pm->setTitle("Menu 2");
    pm->addAction( QString("Item 20") );
    pm->addAction( QString("Item 21") );
    QAction *action2 = mb->addMenu( pm );

    pm = new QMenu( "Menu 3", mb );
    pm->addAction( QString("Item 30") );
    pm->addAction( QString("Item 31") );
    pm->addAction( QString("Item 32") );
    QAction *action3 = mb->addMenu( pm );

    QList<QAction *> menuBarActions = mb->actions();

    QCOMPARE( action1->text(), QString("Menu 1") );
    QCOMPARE( action2->text(), QString("Menu 2") );
    QCOMPARE( action3->text(), QString("Menu 3") );

    QVERIFY( menuBarActions.at(0) == action1 );
    QVERIFY( menuBarActions.at(1) == action2 );
    QVERIFY( menuBarActions.at(2) == action3 );

    // Ok, now that we know we have created the menu we expect, lets remove an item...
    QFETCH( int, removeIndex );
    switch (removeIndex )
    case 0: {
            QList<QAction *> menuBarActions2 = mb->actions();
            QCOMPARE( menuBarActions2.at(0)->text(), QString("Menu 2") );
            QCOMPARE( menuBarActions2.at(1)->text(), QString("Menu 3") );
    case 1: {
            QList<QAction *> menuBarActions2 = mb->actions();
            QCOMPARE( menuBarActions2.at(0)->text(), QString("Menu 1") );
            QCOMPARE( menuBarActions2.at(1)->text(), QString("Menu 3") );
    case 2: {
            QList<QAction *> menuBarActions2 = mb->actions();
            QCOMPARE( menuBarActions2.at(0)->text(), QString("Menu 1") );
            QCOMPARE( menuBarActions2.at(1)->text(), QString("Menu 2") );
    QList<QAction *> menuBarActions2 = mb->actions();
    QVERIFY( menuBarActions2.size() == 2 );

void tst_QMenuBar::removeItemAt_noQt3_data()
    QTest::newRow( "first" ) << 0;
    QTest::newRow( "middle" ) << 1;
    QTest::newRow( "last" ) << 2;

void tst_QMenuBar::removeItemAt_noQt3()

    QMenu *pm;
    pm = new QMenu("Menu 1", mb);
    pm->addAction( QString("Item 10") );
    mb->addMenu( pm );

    pm = new QMenu( "Menu 2", mb );
    pm->addAction( QString("Item 20") );
    pm->addAction( QString("Item 21") );
    mb->addMenu( pm );

    pm = new QMenu( "Menu 3", mb );
    pm->addAction( QString("Item 30") );
    pm->addAction( QString("Item 31") );
    pm->addAction( QString("Item 32") );
    mb->addMenu( pm );

    QList<QAction *> menuBarActions = mb->actions();

    QCOMPARE( menuBarActions.at(0)->text(), QString("Menu 1") );
    QCOMPARE( menuBarActions.at(1)->text(), QString("Menu 2") );
    QCOMPARE( menuBarActions.at(2)->text(), QString("Menu 3") );

    // Ok, now that we know we have created the menu we expect, lets remove an item...
    QFETCH( int, removeIndex );
    QList<QAction *> menuBarActions2 = mb->actions();
    switch (removeIndex )
    case 0:
	QCOMPARE( menuBarActions2.at(0)->text(), QString("Menu 2") );
	QCOMPARE( menuBarActions2.at(1)->text(), QString("Menu 3") );
    case 1:
	QCOMPARE( menuBarActions2.at(0)->text(), QString("Menu 1") );
	QCOMPARE( menuBarActions2.at(1)->text(), QString("Menu 3") );
    case 2:
	QCOMPARE( menuBarActions2.at(0)->text(), QString("Menu 1") );
	QCOMPARE( menuBarActions2.at(1)->text(), QString("Menu 2") );

    QVERIFY( menuBarActions2.size() == 2 );

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
void tst_QMenuBar::clear()
    QVERIFY( mb->count() == 0 );

    for (uint i=0; i<10; i++) {
	Q3PopupMenu *pm  = new Q3PopupMenu( mb );
	for (uint k=0; k<i; k++)
	    pm->insertItem( QString("Item %1").arg(i*10 + k) );
	mb->insertItem( QString("Menu %1").arg(i), pm );
	QCOMPARE( mb->count(), (uint)i+1 );
    QCOMPARE( mb->count(), 10u );

    QVERIFY( mb->count() == 0 );

void tst_QMenuBar::count()
    QVERIFY( mb->count() == 0 );

    for (uint i=0; i<10; i++) {
	Q3PopupMenu *pm  = new Q3PopupMenu( mb );
	mb->insertItem( QString("Menu %1").arg(i), pm );
	QCOMPARE( mb->count(), i+1 );

void tst_QMenuBar::removeItemAt_data()
    QTest::newRow( "first" ) << 0;
    QTest::newRow( "middle" ) << 1;
    QTest::newRow( "last" ) << 2;

void tst_QMenuBar::removeItemAt()

    Q3PopupMenu *pm;
    pm = new Q3PopupMenu( mb );
    pm->insertItem( QString("Item 10") );
    mb->insertItem( QString("Menu 1"), pm );

    pm = new Q3PopupMenu( mb );
    pm->insertItem( QString("Item 20") );
    pm->insertItem( QString("Item 21") );
    mb->insertItem( QString("Menu 2"), pm );

    pm = new Q3PopupMenu( mb );
    pm->insertItem( QString("Item 30") );
    pm->insertItem( QString("Item 31") );
    pm->insertItem( QString("Item 32") );
    mb->insertItem( QString("Menu 3"), pm );

    QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(0) ), QString("Menu 1") );
    QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(1) ), QString("Menu 2") );
    QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(2) ), QString("Menu 3") );

    // Ok, now that we know we have created the menu we expect, lets remove an item...
    QFETCH( int, removeIndex );
    mb->removeItemAt( removeIndex );
    switch (removeIndex )
    case 0:
	QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(0) ), QString("Menu 2") );
	QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(1) ), QString("Menu 3") );
    case 1:
	QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(0) ), QString("Menu 1") );
	QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(1) ), QString("Menu 3") );
    case 2:
	QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(0) ), QString("Menu 1") );
	QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(1) ), QString("Menu 2") );

    QVERIFY( mb->count() == 2 );

void tst_QMenuBar::removeItem_data()
    QTest::newRow( "first" ) << 0;
    QTest::newRow( "middle" ) << 1;
    QTest::newRow( "last" ) << 2;

// Basically the same test as removeItemAt, except that we remember and remove id's.
void tst_QMenuBar::removeItem()

    Q3PopupMenu *pm;
    pm = new Q3PopupMenu( mb );
    pm->insertItem( QString("Item 10") );
    int id1 = mb->insertItem( QString("Menu 1"), pm );

    pm = new Q3PopupMenu( mb );
    pm->insertItem( QString("Item 20") );
    pm->insertItem( QString("Item 21") );
    int id2 = mb->insertItem( QString("Menu 2"), pm );

    pm = new Q3PopupMenu( mb );
    pm->insertItem( QString("Item 30") );
    pm->insertItem( QString("Item 31") );
    pm->insertItem( QString("Item 32") );
    int id3 = mb->insertItem( QString("Menu 3"), pm );

    QCOMPARE( mb->text( id1 ), QString("Menu 1") );
    QCOMPARE( mb->text( id2 ), QString("Menu 2") );
    QCOMPARE( mb->text( id3 ), QString("Menu 3") );

    QVERIFY( mb->idAt(0) == id1 );
    QVERIFY( mb->idAt(1) == id2 );
    QVERIFY( mb->idAt(2) == id3 );

    // Ok, now that we know we have created the menu we expect, lets remove an item...
    QFETCH( int, removeIndex );
    switch (removeIndex )
    case 0:
	mb->removeItem( id1 );
	QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(0) ), QString("Menu 2") );
	QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(1) ), QString("Menu 3") );
    case 1:
	mb->removeItem( id2 );
	QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(0) ), QString("Menu 1") );
	QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(1) ), QString("Menu 3") );
    case 2:
	mb->removeItem( id3 );
	QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(0) ), QString("Menu 1") );
	QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt(1) ), QString("Menu 2") );

    QVERIFY( mb->count() == 2 );

void tst_QMenuBar::initComplexMenubar() // well, complex....

    delete pm1;
    pm1 = new Q3PopupMenu( mb, "popup1" );
    pm1->insertItem( QString("Item A"), item1_A, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_A );
    pm1->insertItem( QString("Item B"), item1_B, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_B );
    // use the form insertItem( QString, Q3PopupMenu )
    mb->insertItem( "Menu &1", pm1 );

    delete pm2;
    pm2 = new Q3PopupMenu( mb, "popup2" );
    pm2->insertItem( QString("Item C"), item2_C, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_C );
    pm2->insertItem( QString("Item D"), item2_D, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_D );
    pm2->insertItem( QString("Item E"), item2_E, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_E );
    pm2->insertItem( QString("Item F"), item2_F, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_F );
    pm2->insertItem( QString("Item G"), item2_G, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_G );
    pm2->insertItem( QString("Item H"), item2_H, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_H );
    // use the form insertItem( QString, Q3PopupMenu )
    mb->insertItem( "Menu &2", pm2 );

    // use the form insertItem( QString, QObject, slot, keysequence )
    mb->insertItem( QString("M&enu 3"), menu3, SLOT(selected()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_J );

void tst_QMenuBar::initComplexMenubar_noQt3() // well, complex....

    delete pm1_Qt4;
    pm1_Qt4 = mb->addMenu("Menu &1");
    pm1_Qt4->addAction( QString("Item A"), item1_A, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_A );
    pm1_Qt4->addAction( QString("Item B"), item1_B, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_B );

    delete pm2_Qt4;
    pm2_Qt4 = mb->addMenu("Menu &2");
    pm2_Qt4->addAction( QString("Item C"), item2_C, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_C );
    pm2_Qt4->addAction( QString("Item D"), item2_D, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_D );
    pm2_Qt4->addAction( QString("Item E"), item2_E, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_E );
    pm2_Qt4->addAction( QString("Item F"), item2_F, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_F );
    pm2_Qt4->addAction( QString("Item G"), item2_G, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_G );
    pm2_Qt4->addAction( QString("Item H"), item2_H, SLOT(selected()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_H );

    QAction *ac = mb->addAction( QString("M&enu 3"), menu3, SLOT(selected()));

    Check the insert functions that create menu items.
    For the moment i only check the strings and pixmaps. The rest are special cases which are
    used less frequently.

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
void tst_QMenuBar::insertItem_QString_QObject()
    QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt( 0 ) ), QString("Menu &1") );
    QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt( 1 ) ), QString("Menu &2") );
    QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt( 2 ) ), QString("M&enu 3") );
    QCOMPARE( mb->text( mb->idAt( 3 ) ), QString() ); // there is no menu 4!

void tst_QMenuBar::insertItem_QString_QObject_noQt3()

    QList<QAction *> actions = mb->actions();

    QCOMPARE(actions.at(0)->text(), QString("Menu &1") );
    QCOMPARE(actions.at(1)->text(), QString("Menu &2") );
    QCOMPARE(actions.at(2)->text(), QString("M&enu 3") );
    QVERIFY(actions.size() < 4); // there is no menu 4!

void tst_QMenuBar::check_accelKeys()
#if defined(Q_WS_MAC) || defined(Q_OS_WINCE_WM)
    QSKIP("On Mac/WinCE, native key events are needed to test menu action activation", SkipAll);
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT

    // start with a bogus key that shouldn't trigger anything
    QTest::keyClick(0, Qt::Key_I, Qt::ControlModifier);
    QCOMPARE(menu1->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu2->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu4->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_A->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_B->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_C->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_D->selCount(), 0u);

    QTest::keyClick(0, Qt::Key_A, Qt::ControlModifier);
    QCOMPARE(menu1->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu2->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu4->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_A->selCount(), 1u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_B->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_C->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_D->selCount(), 0u);

    QTest::keyClick(0, Qt::Key_C, Qt::ControlModifier);
    QCOMPARE(menu1->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu2->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu4->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_A->selCount(), 1u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_B->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_C->selCount(), 1u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_D->selCount(), 0u);

    QTest::keyClick(0, Qt::Key_B, Qt::ControlModifier);
    QCOMPARE(menu1->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu2->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu4->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_A->selCount(), 1u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_B->selCount(), 1u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_C->selCount(), 1u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_D->selCount(), 0u);

    QTest::keyClick(0, Qt::Key_D, Qt::ControlModifier);
    QCOMPARE(menu1->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu2->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu4->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_A->selCount(), 1u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_B->selCount(), 1u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_C->selCount(), 1u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_D->selCount(), 1u);

    QTest::keyClick(0, Qt::Key_J, Qt::AltModifier);
    QCOMPARE(menu1->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu2->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 1u);
    QCOMPARE(menu4->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_A->selCount(), 1u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_B->selCount(), 1u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_C->selCount(), 1u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_D->selCount(), 1u);

void tst_QMenuBar::check_cursorKeys1()
#if defined(Q_WS_MAC) || defined(Q_OS_WINCE_WM)
    QSKIP("Qt/Mac,WinCE does not use the native popups/menubar", SkipAll);

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT

    // start with a ALT + 1 that activates the first popupmenu
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_1, Qt::AltModifier );
    // the Popupmenu should be visible now
    QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu4->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_A->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_B->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_C->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_D->selCount(), 0u);

    // Simulate a cursor key down click
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Down );
    // and an Enter key
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Enter );
    // Let's see if the correct slot is called...
    QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu4->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_A->selCount(), 0u); // this shouldn't have been called
    QCOMPARE(item1_B->selCount(), 1u); // and this should have been called by a signal now
    QCOMPARE(item2_C->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_D->selCount(), 0u);

void tst_QMenuBar::check_cursorKeys2()
#if defined(Q_WS_MAC) || defined(Q_OS_WINCE_WM)
    QSKIP("Qt/Mac,WinCE does not use the native popups/menubar", SkipAll);

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT

    // select popupmenu2
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_2, Qt::AltModifier );

    // Simulate some cursor keys
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Left );
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Down );
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Right );
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Down );
    // and an Enter key
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Enter );
    // Let's see if the correct slot is called...
    QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu4->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_A->selCount(), 0u); // this shouldn't have been caled
    QCOMPARE(item1_B->selCount(), 0u); // and this should have been called by a signal ow
    QCOMPARE(item2_C->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_D->selCount(), 1u);

    If a popupmenu is active you can use Left to move to the menu to the left of it.
void tst_QMenuBar::check_cursorKeys3()
#if defined(Q_WS_MAC) || defined(Q_OS_WINCE_WM)
    QSKIP("Qt/Mac,WinCE does not use the native popups/menubar", SkipAll);

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT

    // select Popupmenu 2
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_2, Qt::AltModifier );

    // Simulate some keys
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Left );
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Down );
    // and press ENTER
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Enter );
    // Let's see if the correct slot is called...
    QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu4->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_A->selCount(), 0u); // this shouldn't have been called
    QCOMPARE(item1_B->selCount(), 1u); // and this should have been called by a signal now
    QCOMPARE(item2_C->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_D->selCount(), 0u);

    If a popupmenu is active you can use home to go quickly to the first item in the menu.
void tst_QMenuBar::check_homeKey()
    // I'm temporarily shutting up this testcase.
    // Seems like the behaviour i'm expecting isn't ok.

    QEXPECT_FAIL( "0", "Popupmenu should respond to a Home key", Abort );

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT

    // select Popupmenu 2
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_2, Qt::AltModifier );

    // Simulate some keys
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Down );
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Down );
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Down );
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Home );
    // and press ENTER
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Enter );
    // Let's see if the correct slot is called...
//    QVERIFY2( item2_C->selCount() == 1, "Popupmenu should respond to a Home key" );
    QCOMPARE(item2_C->selCount(), 1u);
    QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu4->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_A->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_B->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_D->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_E->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_F->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_G->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_H->selCount(), 0u);

    If a popupmenu is active you can use end to go quickly to the last item in the menu.
void tst_QMenuBar::check_endKey()
    // I'm temporarily silenting this testcase.
    // Seems like the behaviour i'm expecting isn't ok.

    QEXPECT_FAIL( "0", "Popupmenu should respond to an End key", Abort );

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT

    // select Popupmenu 2
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_2, Qt::AltModifier );

    // Simulate some keys
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_End );
    // and press ENTER
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Enter );
    // Let's see if the correct slot is called...
//    QVERIFY2( item2_H->selCount() == 1, "Popupmenu should respond to an End key" );
    QCOMPARE(item2_H->selCount(), 1u);//, "Popupmenu should respond to an End key");
    QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(menu4->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_A->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item1_B->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_C->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_D->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_E->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_F->selCount(), 0u);
    QCOMPARE(item2_G->selCount(), 0u);

    If a popupmenu is active you can use esc to hide the menu and then the
    menubar should become active.
    If Down is pressed next the popup is activated again.

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
void tst_QMenuBar::check_escKey()
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
    QSKIP("Qt/Mac does not use the native popups/menubar", SkipAll);


    QVERIFY( !pm1->isActiveWindow() );
    QVERIFY( !pm2->isActiveWindow() );

    // select Popupmenu 2
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_2, Qt::AltModifier );
    QVERIFY( !pm1->isActiveWindow() );
    QVERIFY( pm2->isActiveWindow() );

    // If we press ESC, the popup should disappear
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Escape );
    QVERIFY( !pm1->isActiveWindow() );
    QVERIFY( !pm2->isActiveWindow() );

    if (!QApplication::style()->inherits("QWindowsStyle"))

    // but the menubar item should stay selected
    QVERIFY( mb->isItemActive(mb->idAt(1)) );

    // If we press Down the popupmenu should be active again
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Down );
    QVERIFY( !pm1->isActiveWindow() );
    QVERIFY( pm2->isActiveWindow() );

    // and press ENTER
    QTest::keyClick( pm2, Qt::Key_Enter );
    // Let's see if the correct slot is called...
    QVERIFY2( item2_C->selCount() == 1, "Expected item 2C to be selected" );

void tst_QMenuBar::check_escKey_noQt3()
#if defined(Q_WS_MAC) || defined(Q_OS_WINCE_WM)
    QSKIP("Qt/Mac,WinCE does not use the native popups/menubar", SkipAll);


    QVERIFY( !pm1_Qt4->isActiveWindow() );
    QVERIFY( !pm2_Qt4->isActiveWindow() );

    // select Popupmenu 2
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_2, Qt::AltModifier );
    QVERIFY( !pm1_Qt4->isActiveWindow() );
    QVERIFY( pm2_Qt4->isActiveWindow() );

    // If we press ESC, the popup should disappear
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Escape );
    QVERIFY( !pm1_Qt4->isActiveWindow() );
    QVERIFY( !pm2_Qt4->isActiveWindow() );

    if (!QApplication::style()->inherits("QWindowsStyle"))

    // If we press Down the popupmenu should be active again
    QTest::keyClick( 0, Qt::Key_Down );
    QVERIFY( !pm1_Qt4->isActiveWindow() );
    QVERIFY( pm2_Qt4->isActiveWindow() );

    // and press ENTER
    QTest::keyClick( pm2_Qt4, Qt::Key_Enter );
    // Let's see if the correct slot is called...
    QVERIFY2( item2_C->selCount() == 1, "Expected item 2C to be selected" );

// void tst_QMenuBar::check_mouse1_data()
// {
//     QTest::addColumn<QString>("popup_item");
//     QTest::addColumn<int>("itemA_count");
//     QTest::addColumn<int>("itemB_count");

//     QTest::newRow( "A" ) << QString( "Item A Ctrl+A" ) << 1 << 0;
//     QTest::newRow( "B" ) << QString( "Item B Ctrl+B" ) << 0 << 1;
// }

// /*!
//     Check if the correct signals are emitted if we select a popupmenu.
// */
// void tst_QMenuBar::check_mouse1()
// {
//     if (QSystem::curStyle() == "Motif")
// 	QSKIP("This fails in Motif due to a bug in the testing framework", SkipAll);
//     QFETCH( QString, popup_item );
//     QFETCH( int, itemA_count );
//     QFETCH( int, itemB_count );

//     initComplexMenubar();
//     QVERIFY( !pm1->isActiveWindow() );
//     QVERIFY( !pm2->isActiveWindow() );

//     QTest::qWait(1000);
//     QtTestMouse mouse;
//     mouse.mouseEvent( QtTestMouse::MouseClick, mb, "Menu &1", Qt::LeftButton );

//     QVERIFY( pm1->isActiveWindow() );
//     QVERIFY( !pm2->isActiveWindow() );

//     QTest::qWait(1000);
//     mouse.mouseEvent( QtTestMouse::MouseClick, pm1, popup_item, Qt::LeftButton );

//     QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 0u);
//     QCOMPARE(menu4->selCount(), 0u);
//     QCOMPARE(item1_A->selCount(), (uint)itemA_count); // this option should have fired
//     QCOMPARE(item1_B->selCount(), (uint)itemB_count);
//     QCOMPARE(item2_C->selCount(), 0u);
//     QCOMPARE(item2_D->selCount(), 0u);
//     QCOMPARE(item2_E->selCount(), 0u);
//     QCOMPARE(item2_F->selCount(), 0u);
//     QCOMPARE(item2_G->selCount(), 0u);
// }

// void tst_QMenuBar::check_mouse2_data()
// {
//     QTest::addColumn<QString>("label");
//     QTest::addColumn<int>("itemA_count");
//     QTest::addColumn<int>("itemB_count");
//     QTest::addColumn<int>("itemC_count");
//     QTest::addColumn<int>("itemD_count");
//     QTest::addColumn<int>("itemE_count");
//     QTest::addColumn<int>("itemF_count");
//     QTest::addColumn<int>("itemG_count");
//     QTest::addColumn<int>("itemH_count");
//     QTest::addColumn<int>("menu3_count");

//     QTest::newRow( "A" ) << QString( "Menu &1/Item A Ctrl+A" ) << 1 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
//     QTest::newRow( "B" ) << QString( "Menu &1/Item B Ctrl+B" ) << 0 << 1 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
//     QTest::newRow( "C" ) << QString( "Menu &2/Item C Ctrl+C" ) << 0 << 0 << 1 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
//     QTest::newRow( "D" ) << QString( "Menu &2/Item D Ctrl+D" ) << 0 << 0 << 0 << 1 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
//     QTest::newRow( "E" ) << QString( "Menu &2/Item E Ctrl+E" ) << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 1 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
//     QTest::newRow( "F" ) << QString( "Menu &2/Item F Ctrl+F" ) << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 1 << 0 << 0 << 0;
//     QTest::newRow( "G" ) << QString( "Menu &2/Item G Ctrl+G" ) << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 1 << 0 << 0;
//     QTest::newRow( "H" ) << QString( "Menu &2/Item H Ctrl+H" ) << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 1 << 0;
//     QTest::newRow( "menu 3" ) << QString( "M&enu 3" )          << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 1;
// }

// /*!
//     Check if the correct signals are emitted if we select a popupmenu.
//     This time, we use a little bit more magic from the testframework.
// */
// void tst_QMenuBar::check_mouse2()
// {
//     if (QSystem::curStyle() == "Motif")
// 	QSKIP("This fails in Motif due to a bug in the testing framework", SkipAll);
//     QFETCH( QString, label );
//     QFETCH( int, itemA_count );
//     QFETCH( int, itemB_count );
//     QFETCH( int, itemC_count );
//     QFETCH( int, itemD_count );
//     QFETCH( int, itemE_count );
//     QFETCH( int, itemF_count );
//     QFETCH( int, itemG_count );
//     QFETCH( int, itemH_count );
//     QFETCH( int, menu3_count );

//     initComplexMenubar();
//     QtTestMouse mouse;
//     mouse.click( QtTestMouse::Menu, label, Qt::LeftButton );

//     // check if the correct signals have fired
//     QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), (uint)menu3_count);
//     QCOMPARE(menu4->selCount(), 0u);
//     QCOMPARE(item1_A->selCount(), (uint)itemA_count);
//     QCOMPARE(item1_B->selCount(), (uint)itemB_count);
//     QCOMPARE(item2_C->selCount(), (uint)itemC_count);
//     QCOMPARE(item2_D->selCount(), (uint)itemD_count);
//     QCOMPARE(item2_E->selCount(), (uint)itemE_count);
//     QCOMPARE(item2_F->selCount(), (uint)itemF_count);
//     QCOMPARE(item2_G->selCount(), (uint)itemG_count);
//     QCOMPARE(item2_H->selCount(), (uint)itemH_count);
// }

#if !defined(Q_WS_MAC) && !defined(Q_OS_WINCE_WM)

     // Task 241043 : check that second menu is activated if only
    // disabled menu items are added

    QMenu fileMenu("&File");
    // Task 241043 : check that second menu is activated 
    // if all items are disabled
    QAction *act = fileMenu.addAction("Disabled");

    QMenu disabledMenu("Disabled");
    QMenu activeMenu("Active");

    // Here we verify that AllowActiveAndDisabled correctly skips
    // the disabled menu entry
    QTest::keyClick(mb, Qt::Key_F, Qt::AltModifier );
    QTest::keyClick(&fileMenu, (Qt::Key_Right));
    if (qApp->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_AllowActiveAndDisabled))
        QCOMPARE(mb->activeAction()->text(), disabledMenu.title());
        QCOMPARE(mb->activeAction()->text(), activeMenu.title());

    QTest::keyClick(mb, (Qt::Key_Left));
    if (qApp->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Menu_AllowActiveAndDisabled))
        QCOMPARE(mb->activeAction()->text(), fileMenu.title());
        QCOMPARE(mb->activeAction()->text(), fileMenu.title());
#endif //Q_WS_MAC

void tst_QMenuBar::check_altPress()
    if ( !qApp->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_MenuBar_AltKeyNavigation) ) {
	QSKIP( QString( "this is not supposed to work in the %1 style. Skipping." ).
	      arg( qApp->style()->objectName() ).toAscii(), SkipAll );

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT


    QTest::keyClick( mw, Qt::Key_Alt );

    QVERIFY( ::qobject_cast<QMenuBar *>(qApp->focusWidget()) );

void tst_QMenuBar::check_shortcutPress()
#if defined(Q_WS_MAC) || defined(Q_OS_WINCE_WM)
    QSKIP("Qt/Mac,WinCE does not use the native popups/menubar", SkipAll);

#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT

    QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 0u);
    QTest::keyClick(mw, Qt::Key_E, Qt::AltModifier);
    QCOMPARE(menu3->selCount(), 1u);

    QTest::keyClick(mw, Qt::Key_1, Qt::AltModifier );
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
    QTest::keyClick(mb, Qt::Key_2);
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
    QVERIFY(pm1->isActiveWindow()); // Should still be the active window

void tst_QMenuBar::check_menuPosition()
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
    QSKIP("Qt/Mac does not use the native popups/menubar", SkipAll);
#ifdef Q_OS_WINCE_WM
    QSKIP("Qt/CE uses native menubar", SkipAll);
    QMenu menu;
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
    QRect availRect = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(mw);
    QRect screenRect = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(mw);

    while(menu.sizeHint().height() < (screenRect.height()*2/3)) {

    QAction *menu_action = mw->menuBar()->addMenu(&menu);


    //the menu should be below the menubar item
        QRect mbItemRect = mw->menuBar()->actionGeometry(menu_action);
        QTest::keyClick(mw, Qt::Key_M, Qt::AltModifier );
        QCOMPARE(menu.pos(), QPoint(mbItemRect.x(), mbItemRect.bottom() + 1));

    //the menu should be above the menubar item
        mw->move(0,screenRect.bottom() - screenRect.height()/4); //just leave some place for the menubar
        QRect mbItemRect = mw->menuBar()->actionGeometry(menu_action);
        QTest::keyClick(mw, Qt::Key_M, Qt::AltModifier );
        QCOMPARE(menu.pos(), QPoint(mbItemRect.x(), mbItemRect.top() - menu.height()));

    //the menu should be on the side of the menubar item and should be "stuck" to the bottom of the screen
        mw->move(0,screenRect.y() + screenRect.height()/2); //put it in the middle
        QRect mbItemRect = mw->menuBar()->actionGeometry(menu_action);
        QTest::keyClick(mw, Qt::Key_M, Qt::AltModifier );
        QPoint firstPoint = QPoint(mbItemRect.right()+1, screenRect.bottom() - menu.height() + 1);
        QPoint secondPoint = QPoint(mbItemRect.right()+1, availRect.bottom() - menu.height() + 1);
        QVERIFY(menu.pos() == firstPoint || menu.pos() == secondPoint);


void tst_QMenuBar::task223138_triggered()
    qRegisterMetaType<QAction *>("QAction *");
    //we create a window with submenus and we check that both menubar and menus get the triggered signal
    QMainWindow win;
    QMenu *menu = win.menuBar()->addMenu("test");
    QAction *top = menu->addAction("toplevelaction");
    QMenu *submenu = menu->addMenu("nested menu");
    QAction *action = submenu->addAction("nested action");

    QSignalSpy menubarSpy(win.menuBar(), SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)));
    QSignalSpy menuSpy(menu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)));
    QSignalSpy submenuSpy(submenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)));

    //let's trigger the first action

    QCOMPARE(menubarSpy.count(), 1);
    QCOMPARE(menuSpy.count(), 1);
    QCOMPARE(submenuSpy.count(), 0);


    //let's trigger the sub action
    QCOMPARE(menubarSpy.count(), 1);
    QCOMPARE(menuSpy.count(), 1);
    QCOMPARE(submenuSpy.count(), 1);

#if defined(QT3_SUPPORT)
void tst_QMenuBar::indexBasedInsertion_data()

    QTest::newRow("negative-index-appends") << -1 << 1;
    QTest::newRow("prepend") << 0 << 0;
    QTest::newRow("append") << 1 << 1;

void tst_QMenuBar::indexBasedInsertion()
    // test the compat'ed index based insertion

    QFETCH(int, indexForInsertion);
    QFETCH(int, expectedIndex);

        QMenuBar menu;
        menu.addAction("Regular Item");

        menu.insertItem("New Item", -1 /*id*/, indexForInsertion);

        QAction *act = menu.actions().value(expectedIndex);
        QCOMPARE(act->text(), QString("New Item"));
        QMenuBar menu;
        menu.addAction("Regular Item");


        QAction *act = menu.actions().value(expectedIndex);

#include "tst_qmenubar.moc"