Distributor 0 0 522 422 Qt Distribution Wizard <b>Select Qt Library File</b> 20 40 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Vertical &Browse... <p>Enter the filename of the Qt library to modify, or use the <i>Browse</i> button to browse for the library.</p> <p>This wizard will allow you to modify the installation paths stored in the library.</p> false <b>Modify Installation Paths</b> 20 40 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Vertical Installation &Prefix prefixPath false false 255 255 false 255 &Browse... false 255 <p>Enter the new <i>Installation Prefix</i> for the selected Qt library, or use the <i>Browse</i> button to browse for the desired directory.</p> <p>Use the <i>Next</i> button to review your choices and perform the modification.</p> false QFrame::HLine QFrame::Sunken false 255 false 255 <p>The various paths below are set automatically according to the chosen <i>Installation Prefix</i>. Uncheck the <i>Set paths from Installation Prefix</i> box to enter custom values.</p> false false 255 Set paths from Installation Prefix true Documentation false Data false Headers false Libraries false Plugins false Binaries false <b>Verify Modifications</b> <p><b>Current Library File:</b> %1</p> <table border=0> <tr><td><b>New Installation Prefix:</b></td><td>%2</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Binaries Path:</b></td><td>%3</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Documentation Path:</b></td><td>%4</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Headers Path:</b></td><td>%5</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Libraries Path:</b></td><td>%6</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Plugins Path:</b></td><td>%7</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Data Path:</b></td><td>%8</td></tr> </table> <p>Please verify that these options are correct. Press the <i>Finish</i> button to apply these modifications to the Qt library. Use the <i>Back</i> button to make corrections. Use the <i>Cancel</i> button to abort.</p> Qt::AlignTop true qPixmapFromMimeSource libFilename libBrowseButton prefixPath prefixBrowseButton autoSet binPath docPath hdrPath libPath plgPath datPath autoSet toggled(bool) binPath setDisabled(bool) autoSet toggled(bool) docPath setDisabled(bool) autoSet toggled(bool) hdrPath setDisabled(bool) autoSet toggled(bool) libPath setDisabled(bool) autoSet toggled(bool) plgPath setDisabled(bool) autoSet toggled(bool) datPath setDisabled(bool) libFilename textChanged(QString) Distributor checkLibFilename(QString) libBrowseButton clicked() Distributor browseLibFilename() prefixPath textChanged(QString) Distributor checkInstallationPrefix(QString) prefixBrowseButton clicked() Distributor browseInstallationPrefix() autoSet toggled(bool) Distributor toggleAutoSet(bool)