LicensePage LicensePage 0 0 445 284 Form2 unnamed 11 6 Layout6 unnamed 0 6 licenseeLabel Licensee expiryLabel Support and upgrade expiry expiryDate 7 0 0 0 licenseID 7 0 0 0 customerIDLabel Customer ID key 7 0 0 0 productsLabel Products productsString licenseeName 7 0 0 0 licenseInfoHeader 7 1 0 0 Enter the supplied license information here, all fields except Licensee are mandatory. Alternatively, the installation wizard may read them from a license file. WordBreak|AlignVCenter qt-professional qt-enterprise productsString Spacer7 Vertical Expanding licenseIDLabel License ID Layout5 unnamed 0 6 Spacer5 Horizontal Expanding readLicenseButton Read from file... Spacer6 Horizontal Expanding customerID 7 0 0 0 keyLabel Product key customerID licenseID licenseeName productsString expiryDate key readLicenseButton